L.A.W.S., Inc., Labor Advocates Workers Solution, is a not-for-profit organization founded and under the direction of Patricia Meyer working for American workers, retirees and their families. L.A.W.S., Inc. is the political arm of UAW Concern, Uniting All Workers, and has sought to find justice, protect jobs, pensions and save healthcare for our America citizens. For the past few years Pat and our members have been trying to work with our Michigan politicians, other politicians in both the Congress and Senate, our Federal Departments and Federal agencies to bring to light the corruption in corporations and union leadership where it exists. We have massive information that we have uncovered and we are willing and anxious to share this information with you. Please feel free to read the information offered and to share it with others. Comments and suggestions are especially welcome. Invite your friends and neighbors to join us.
Pat Meyer has devoted her life as a champion for justice. She has stood by those who
are forgotten and feel that they have no power and she gave them power.
~Don Cooney
Kalamazoo City Commission
Professor of Social Work - Western Michigan University
Pat Speaks
As many of you know L.A.W.S., Inc. has questioned for years whether Delphi was ever truly a standalone company. Recently I received the following information about some Romney supporters and their ties to Delphi and GM. Please read this information carefully and judge for yourselves. If nothing else I am sure that you will find it very interesting. Read Article HERE
As many of you know L.A.W.S., Inc. has questioned for years whether Delphi was ever truly a standalone company. Recently I received the following information about some Romney supporters and their ties to Delphi and GM. Please read this information carefully and judge for yourselves. If nothing else I am sure that you will find it very interesting. Read Article HERE
Please take a few minutes to watch this video.
Help us put an end to:
A Call to Action
We are facing corruption and the dismantling of people's rights! It is time for you to join in the fight to protect your rights as workers, retirees and citizens of this great country! Let your thoughts be heard! Contact your state and federal elected officials and your newspapers. Express your opinion. If you need names and addresses for state or federal politicians contact us. We will be happy to provide you with addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers.
We are facing corruption and the dismantling of people's rights! It is time for you to join in the fight to protect your rights as workers, retirees and citizens of this great country! Let your thoughts be heard! Contact your state and federal elected officials and your newspapers. Express your opinion. If you need names and addresses for state or federal politicians contact us. We will be happy to provide you with addresses, phone numbers and fax numbers.
WHATS GOING ON AT L.A.W.S. Letter to President Obama Sept 2011
Espionage - Treason and the Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder Connection Read the letter to the Senators HERE
![]() 'I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.' WHAT YOU CAN DO
Congresswomen Marcy Kaptur Stands for Honesty and Integrity in our Government (Part 1)Watch this interview where she talks about campaign reform and better funding for our collegge students.
WATCH MORE HERE UAW Reaching Out![]() Most would say the soundtrack of U.S. labor union movement is
closer to the edgy guitar of Woody Guthrie than the smooth sounds of Burt Bacharach. But it’s a new day at beleaguered unions like the United Auto Workers as they, like the Bacharach song says, “reach out” to not only stay relevant but rebuild a membership that has been collapsing. And that “reaching out” for the UAW is the job of union Vice President Cindy Estrada who joins John McElroy this week on Autoline. Ms. Estrada talks to John and panelists Alisa Priddle of the Detroit News & Joe Szczesny of the Oakland Press about her rise through the UAW and her plans to replenish those dwindling membership ranks. Gas Prices? Is there really a shortage? NO!!! We, the public, have been under the impression that the oil manufacturers, distributors and gas station owners are at fault for the rise of gas prices. It is my opinion that during the George W. Bush Administration a bill was passed and is in effect until June 1, 2011 that allows Wall Street to control a gas shortage we don't have! I believe that Wall Street is using limited speculation, which is basically short-term trading with the hope of obtaining a higher profit in the form of capital gain but with greater risk, to gouge the public. Contact your Congressmen and Senators and demand that they and President Obama immediately stop Mr. Dunn and Wall Street from continuing this practice after June 1, 2011. |
YOUR COMMENTS: No Wage Increase Means A Wage Cut UAW President Bob King said that the union leadership supports profit-sharing, but not wage increases, for Ford, GM and Chrysler workers in the new contract. If our wages stay the same for the next 4 years, while prices go up, that means our purchasing power is steadily going down. If we can’t buy as much 4 years from now as we can today, then our standard of living has gone down. Let’s say it like it is – a wage freeze is a wage cut. After years of concessions, autoworkers have already fallen far behind the cost-of-living. Ford workers have had one base wage increase in the last 9 years, while prices for gas and food and clothing and almost everything else has gone up and up. Can we afford to go another 4 years falling further and further behind? Profit-sharing instead of raises? We need our raises and our COLA back. We need something that is guaranteed. Depending on profit-sharing means letting the companies tell us what they are going to pay us. Do you trust the auto companies? Do you really think profit-sharing will pay as much money as getting a raise every year? The history of profit-sharing shows what a scam it is. For Ford workers, we have had profit-sharing in the contract for the last 28 years. In 8 of those years, our profit-sharing was a big fat ZERO. In 5 more years, our profit-sharing was between $160 and $600 (before taxes). That means, almost half the time our take home pay from profit-sharing was less than $400. The auto company executives themselves are calling for profit-sharing instead of raises. So if the companies are pushing for profit-sharing, who do you think profit-sharing will benefit, us or them? And when their promises of big profit-sharing checks don’t materialize, who is going to help us pay the electric bill, the mortgage and our car note? We can’t live on promises. Competitive with who? Bob King says that we can’t demand raises from the auto companies because we have to help them stay “competitive”. Competitive with who? Ford just had one of their most profitable years ever. Was Ford being competitive when Alan Mulally and Bill Ford were each paid $26.5 Million last year? And, oh yeah, Mulally and Bill Ford were also given a total of $98.9 Million in stock options last year. How competitive are they? For years, they have used this talk about being “competitive” to justify taking tens of thousands of dollars in concessions from autoworkers. Now that the auto companies are making big profits again, they want to sell us the same old crap about being “competitive”. Hey, Bob King, autoworkers need “competitive” wages so that we can pay our damn bills!!! Gary Walkowicz, Bargaining Committeeman, Local 600, Dearborn Truck Plant. (313) 737-3166 [email protected] 7-25-11 I’M AN ACH WORKER AT THE SALINE PLANT. MY STORY IS THE SAME AS MOST HERE. I WORK ALONGSIDE MY FORD BROTHERS AND SISTERS FOR A LOT LESS THAN THEY GET. I MYSELF HAVE BEEN HERE ALMOST FOUR AND AHALF YEARS, AND I’M STILL WORRIED WHEN I’M GONNA LOSE MY JOB, I HAVE NO JOB SECURITY. AT MY LOCAL I PAY DUES BUT FEEL I’M GETTING NOTHING IN RETURN. I CAN VOTE, BUT I CAN’T RUN FOR OFFICE, I’M JUST NOT GETTING IT. BUT THE SHORT STORY I’D LIKE TO SHARE IS THAT OF ONE OF MY FELLOW EMPLOYEES, AND FRIENDS, SHAY ROSE. IN JANUARY OF 2009, AT THE KANSAS CITY PLANT, HE DIED OF A HEARTATTACK AT THE RIPE OLD AGE OF THIRTY TWO. I SAID IT THEN, I SAY IT NOW, IF WE HAD HEALTH INSURANCE THEN, AFTER TWO YEARS IN, HE MIGHT STILL BE WITH US TODAY. R.I.P. BROTHER MIKE BUGLIONE I believe that Labor Unions fought for the rights and freedoms of all US laborers. This can be seen in many aspects of US history, from the meeting houses of slaves and indentured servants, to trade guilds, through todays Labor Unions. I was the VP of Western Michigan University's Teaching Assistants Union and served as head of the grievance committee. I don't feel that the American people understand what rights and freedoms they are at risk of losing if legislation passes that is against Unions. Krist Dunn Teaches History of Organized Labor in the US |
Gov. Snyders NAFTA Bridge Rachel Maddow on Michigan Politics from MSNBC
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The stories are real!
Author Pat Meyer speaks out about the economy and the cover-up truth throughout America. Pat Meyer is not afraid to take on the State or Federal Government, Politicians, General Motors, the Press, and especially the President of the United Auto Workers Union (who will not respond or answer any questions). She is a ferocious advocate for justice and human rights in the workplace; Solidarity for All-American workers is her goal. Read her book to find out the real truth about the cover-up by the UAW and GM.
This is truly a great book. I think if everyone in the USA would read this, maybe things would change. Instead, we have all these idiots that think because we are striking workers that believe in our rights, we're nothing but lazy bums and we should cross the picket line and go back to work. Pat, you really hit the nail on the head with this book. For that, we thank you and for all that you and your crew have done. Take care.
- Don Wagner Local 364 striker
This is a very informative book and very well written. Everyone in the US should have this in their library of books to read. I am glad I ordered it.
-Don and Barb Butcher, Battle Creek, MI
Author Patricia Meyer has put into writing what most turn their head the other way for. From retirement benefits, to insurance, it's all there. She has blown the whistle on government people who line their pocket books, union top officials on the take and more. I'd recommend this book to anyone who is willing to read it and take action. If you want to just sit back and turn your head the other way, then don't bother knowing what is really going on. When I read on a blog that she had a call from the FBI, I knew she was telling something that someone didn't want run up the flag pole. Great Job Pat.
- Robert Johnson Clarksville Mi (amazon.com review)
When I read the story and found out about the cover-ups of corporate greed in the name of globalization that threatens - jobs, wages, health care, pensions and stock investments, I wanted to help. As Americans WE the PEOPLE deserve the “Best” for our children and grandchildren to keep America beautiful and prosperous for all generations to come. This story will tell you how your voice can be heard to begin the healing of broken America.
Senator John McCain is quoted in this book. When Pat interviewed John McCain about the economy and the controlled media, she was pleasantly surprised at his response. Accountability of the media plays a very important part in our lives. Have you stopped to think about how the media “edits” the content to fit the time slot. Our economy situation is often referenced by politicians to gain ground in their pursuit of a vote. Where is the accountability in the politicians cover-up?
Dispute This should be on your next book to read list.
- Brenda Williams
Author Pat Meyer speaks out about the economy and the cover-up truth throughout America. Pat Meyer is not afraid to take on the State or Federal Government, Politicians, General Motors, the Press, and especially the President of the United Auto Workers Union (who will not respond or answer any questions). She is a ferocious advocate for justice and human rights in the workplace; Solidarity for All-American workers is her goal. Read her book to find out the real truth about the cover-up by the UAW and GM.
This is truly a great book. I think if everyone in the USA would read this, maybe things would change. Instead, we have all these idiots that think because we are striking workers that believe in our rights, we're nothing but lazy bums and we should cross the picket line and go back to work. Pat, you really hit the nail on the head with this book. For that, we thank you and for all that you and your crew have done. Take care.
- Don Wagner Local 364 striker
This is a very informative book and very well written. Everyone in the US should have this in their library of books to read. I am glad I ordered it.
-Don and Barb Butcher, Battle Creek, MI
Author Patricia Meyer has put into writing what most turn their head the other way for. From retirement benefits, to insurance, it's all there. She has blown the whistle on government people who line their pocket books, union top officials on the take and more. I'd recommend this book to anyone who is willing to read it and take action. If you want to just sit back and turn your head the other way, then don't bother knowing what is really going on. When I read on a blog that she had a call from the FBI, I knew she was telling something that someone didn't want run up the flag pole. Great Job Pat.
- Robert Johnson Clarksville Mi (amazon.com review)
When I read the story and found out about the cover-ups of corporate greed in the name of globalization that threatens - jobs, wages, health care, pensions and stock investments, I wanted to help. As Americans WE the PEOPLE deserve the “Best” for our children and grandchildren to keep America beautiful and prosperous for all generations to come. This story will tell you how your voice can be heard to begin the healing of broken America.
Senator John McCain is quoted in this book. When Pat interviewed John McCain about the economy and the controlled media, she was pleasantly surprised at his response. Accountability of the media plays a very important part in our lives. Have you stopped to think about how the media “edits” the content to fit the time slot. Our economy situation is often referenced by politicians to gain ground in their pursuit of a vote. Where is the accountability in the politicians cover-up?
Dispute This should be on your next book to read list.
- Brenda Williams
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Simply send a Donation of ANY SIZE along with $3.89
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P.O.Box 112 West Olive Mi 49460
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