What is the UAW International Leadership Doing to Protect Its Workers and Retirees?
(1) Rueters reports on May 2 2011 " that we have a group of auto workers in Ohio suing General Motors and the United Auto Workers saying that GM unfairly denied them full pay and benefits and that the union failed to represent and support them."
These 28 employees of GM's Lordstown, Ohio plant say that they were improperly classified as temporary employees since being hired in October 2006, terminated in April 2007, rehired in October 2007 and paid the same wage as a permanent employee. In June of 2008 they were once again reclassified as temporary workers and their wages cut by more than 40%.
They state that the union refused to investigate the agreements and to file grievances against GM for threatening to fire them if they did not sign a document reclassifying them as temporary employees.
(2) The employees at the Saline, MI ACH plant are concerned about their seniority status. What has the UAW done to help them with this problem? See more information about this under "Concerns of Local 892."
(3) Nexteer Automotive, which GM received as part of the deal to help Delphi emerge from bankruptcy and was sold to the Chinese company Pacific Century Motors in July of 2010 has had their contract renegotiated without a vote by the members of Local 699. The GM UAW representative Tim Cobb signed this contract instead of the serving rep Chad Wurtzel. This violates the International Contract.
Following are some thoughts from some employees.
Snapperhead states, " Tim Cobb from the International and Dereon Pruitt from Management signed 7 day operations for the site on 4-19-2011 6 different options for strait time on the weekend. We are told the Local Committees did not sign and did not sit to negotiate any terms to this. We will have 12 dollar per hour employees making 400.00 a week-taxes and union dues well may be 260.00 dollars take home. ... The International Reps make 120,000 a year on the average and took pay raises while we took pay cuts. Who is working for who? Also we had no word from our Region 1D office today and not 1 International Rep rolled this out. So how is it a Tim Cobb can sit down and negotiate this huge concession and not know any of the employees at Nexteer, hell we don't even know what he looks like. I do recall Bob King at the auto show saying no concessions in 2011, what the hell? Can anybody at International keep their word?
One last thing the International is fighting for middle class workers right? When did middle class become 10 or 14 dollars per hour become that? I am so upset that our union has come to this, we were not build on 10 different pay scales and concession after concession. UAW is now only looking out for the old school boys and girls and we the new hires will pay their 16.28 per hour with no overtime, we are one right?"
Sum Mad Bum states," I sincerely hope it won't, however what I've seen doesn't paint a pretty picture for anybody. I'll post copies of what Mgt. plans to do . Recently found myself in the possession of the Alternate Work Week plans ... and felt this is that needs to be shared with anybody from Saginaw if they haven't made aware f it. And it was signed off, just like Snapperhead mentioned. a Tim Cobb from the International! Who in the blue blazes is this guy? Better yet, who gave him the okay to do this?!? According to the UAW Constitution, Article 19, Section 3 states, and I quote,
"No local Union Officer, International Officer of International Representative shall have the authority to negotiate the terms of a contract or any supplemental thereof with any employer without first obtaining the approval of the Local Union. After negotiations have been concluded with the employer, the proposed contract or supplement shall be submitted to the vote of the Local Union membership, or unit membership in the case of an Amalgamated Local Union, at a meeting called especially for such purpose, or through such other procedure, approved by the Regional Director, to encourage greater participation of members in voting on the proposed contract or supplement."
NOW, that tells me that this was A - only possible thru the approval by the Local Union and B - should've been voted on by the Membership, correct? WHEN DID WE HAVE THIS MEETING AND VOTE?!?? And when did the Local Union give the Approval?? How much did our Union Leadership know about this? How about it, Bargaining Chairman? I seem to remember hearing about an individual bringing up the topic of were there any union officials dealing with management behind the Memberships' backs on this. Me. Vince De Zorzi stated that nobody did, but out 'illustrious' chairman stated that there were talks, but no paperwork on it. LIES, LIES, AND MOR LIES if I have this in my hands! This goes beyond irresponsible, folks. This is a slap in the face of every individual who calls themselves union. My faith in the Local is horribly shaken to the core, even despite trying to support our leadership throughout these trying times. I'd say we should have the International investigate this sort of thing. but if they signed off on it, how do we know they weren't a part of the plan all along? Maybe we need to have a third party authority look into this. Don't know if we could, but I feel it should be something to look at.
As an union official (if you can call Doc 46 that) I'm embarrassed by this sort of thing. My position is to help our union brothers and sisters on the shop floor as best as I'm capable of doing. This agreement goes against everything we are trying to do. Wasn't the Union created to improve the lives of our members? How is this improving? It's utter destruction of what we are trying to uphold. Now I'm half waiting for my position to be eliminated by our union leadership and/or whomever supports this matter going through. I certainly hope not, but with this turn of events, I see there is no low that management and our union, both Local leadership and International, will stoop to for their own corrupt ends and then try and wash the stain of treason against the Membership from their hands. Stuff won't come off, folks, so don't bother trying to clean yourselves of this filth you've created!
Right now our servicing re is Chad Wurtzel. After seeing his actions/decisions regarding matters involving the international at recent hall meetings, I've no faith in him or his abilities. He's just as corrupt as the person who gave the okay for all the garbage going on. So if Tim Cobb isn't the servicing rep, what is his authority to sign an agreement? Usually a signature will include the person's position underneath; this time it's just a line that says, "For the International" or "For the Nexteer Corporation". Tell me that doesn't stink on high."
(4) We have heard a "RUMOR" . Is it true that UAW President Bob King traded a millions or so UAW retirees for Local 6000 UAW state workers in Michigan? It is interesting to note that UAW retirees are among the largest wage earners , through pension plans, in the state. Did King make a deal with Snyder to leave the state workers alone by throwing the UAW retirees to the wolves to have their pensions taxed?