Pat Speaks
Happy Labor Day!
Once again we celebrate the importance of our workers in America. It does not matter what one's gender may be or the age of the worker. All workers help make our country greater and deserve to be treated with respect!
It saddens me to report that we are still receiving calls from workers across the country that they still feel unrepresented by the UAW local officials. Many tell us that these officials are still not present in the workplace. If they are these workers feel that they lack support from these officials. Several have stated that if they ask questions or make complaints these officials act in a way that the worker is concerned about his/her safety. They don't feel that their workplace conditions have improved at all since the election of the new International UAW Officals.
My advice to these workers is if they receive no help from their local UAW officials they have two alternatives;
contact Solidarity House with their concerns
and/or contact the monitor and tell him their story.
November is going to be an exciting month for our country. It is crucial that every registered voter cast his/her ballot for his/her choice for the new President of the United States of America! This election is vitale to the future of America. If you are not registered and qualify to vote make sure you register. Every vote will be important. Encourage others to vote! Make sure your voice is heard.
As always, if you have any information you would like to share with us please contact me at
17309 Stanton
West Olive, MI 49460
or call
Once again I wish you all a Happy Labor Day!
You all make an improtant contribution to our country!
Be Proud of What You Do!
Happy Labor Day!
Once again we celebrate the importance of our workers in America. It does not matter what one's gender may be or the age of the worker. All workers help make our country greater and deserve to be treated with respect!
It saddens me to report that we are still receiving calls from workers across the country that they still feel unrepresented by the UAW local officials. Many tell us that these officials are still not present in the workplace. If they are these workers feel that they lack support from these officials. Several have stated that if they ask questions or make complaints these officials act in a way that the worker is concerned about his/her safety. They don't feel that their workplace conditions have improved at all since the election of the new International UAW Officals.
My advice to these workers is if they receive no help from their local UAW officials they have two alternatives;
contact Solidarity House with their concerns
and/or contact the monitor and tell him their story.
November is going to be an exciting month for our country. It is crucial that every registered voter cast his/her ballot for his/her choice for the new President of the United States of America! This election is vitale to the future of America. If you are not registered and qualify to vote make sure you register. Every vote will be important. Encourage others to vote! Make sure your voice is heard.
As always, if you have any information you would like to share with us please contact me at
17309 Stanton
West Olive, MI 49460
or call
Once again I wish you all a Happy Labor Day!
You all make an improtant contribution to our country!
Be Proud of What You Do!
Pat Speaks
Welcome to Spring!
It is such a lovely sight!
The flowering trees in bloom!
The tulips starting to open!
They are proof of the old saying
April showers bring May flowers.
It is such a lovely sight!
The flowering trees in bloom!
The tulips starting to open!
They are proof of the old saying
April showers bring May flowers.
Robots and New Technology
I recently read about the increase of robots and new technology being installed in automotive plants, especially assembly plants. There is concern about the number of jobs that will be affected. Experts argue that the use of robots “is really our friend. It allows us to compete and bring jobs back, and you're seeing that around the US. You're seeing this reshoring , and it's actually creating manufacturing jobs, over the last year, not destroying them because we're able to pay higher wages and actually get the workforce. New jobs are being created such as robot technology to install, maintain and repair machines.” (1) However, there must be training for these new jobs. According to the GM contract with the UAW, GM must notify the local union about the introduction of new or advanced technology to allow meaningful discussion of its impact. If unresolved issues ensue, the contract does outline a grievance procedure. (2) I am not aware of what, if any, stipulations about advanced technology exist in the other automotive contracts. Now GM has announced three shut down weeks for its Fort Wayne, Indiana, assembly, which will also cause shut downs at its parts suppliers plants, to prepare the plant for production of the next generation of Chevrolet Silveraldo and GMC Sierra full-size pickups. This raises the question of what type of changes will be made and what new technology will be added. Will these upgrades affect jobs? Be aware of what is happening in your plant. Ask your local UAW officials about this situation.
Stellantis Actions
Stellantis NV has been cutting its supplemental manufacturing workforce. 539 were let go in January across several facilities. 341 were cut last month from the Toledo Assembly Complex. 239 workers were cut at the Freud Street parts sequencing facility. 200 workers lost their jobs at one warehousing facility as of March 31. 199 were cut last Monday from the Sterling Heights assembly plant. More cuts are predicted.
Recently it has been reported that Stellantis has been disputing price raises by several of its parts suppliers. Some have not been paid causing a parts shortage and a slow down of production. Now Toledo's Jeep plant has been placed under an 'emergency scheduling provision' that allows the company to require employees building Wrangler SUVs to work 10 hour days 7 days a week for an indefinite period to make up for lost production due to parts shortages. This emergency scheduling was part of the contract negotiated last fall.
One last interesting note: Stellantis NV CEO Carlos Tavares was recently awarded a 52% increase. He is now making around $39 million, more than Mary Barra at GM.
UAW Organizing
The UAW leadership seems to have been busy negotiating contracts, such as the Daimler truck contract, and trying to increase its membership rolls. So far, in the automotive industry, they have successfully organized the Volkswagon plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee, with a 73% approval vote. They will now go to the bargaining table with Volkswagon to get a contract as soon as possible
The workers at the Mercedes-Benz factory in Vance, Alabama and the Woodstock battery plant will vote May 13-17 on whether to join the UAW. Not everyone is in favor so it will be interesting to see what happens.
The Republican governors of Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Mississippi, South Carolina and Texas have warned the workers that if the union is successful it will threaten jobs and halt the region's automotive manufacturing growth. They also are warning of the possibility that plants might close, of the fact that the UAW has endorsed Biden for president and of the past corruption scandals involving the UAW leadership. It will be interesting to see if these scare tactics work.
As UAW members it is vital that you stay informed about what is happening in your plant.
Attend you local UAW meetings.
Help each other in the workplace. Stand together.
Speadk up for what is right!
If you don't receive support from your local that you deserve go right to Solidarity House. They need to know what is going on. If enough workers do this I will get Solidarity House's attention.
If you have any information need to or are willing to share with me please contact me at 269-998-4609.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc/UAW Concern
Pat Speaks
Concerns Regarding the Lions/Dallas Game
The following letter has been sent to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell regarding the officiating at the Lions/Dallas game on Saturday. If you wish to express your thoughts to him you can try leaving a message a 800-635-5300.
Patricia Meyer
Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Roger Goodell
Commissioner of the NFL
January 1, 2024
Mr Goodell,
Happy New Year! I am writing you with concerns about the officiating at the Dallas Detroit Lions game. As a Detroit Lions fan who for 30 years has remained a loyal fan and have watched everyone make fun of our team because we never made it to the Superbowl, I feel that the controversial call that reversed the outcome of the game needs to be overturned due to Rule 17 Section 2.
I understand that the officials have been disciplined which is understandable since these officials have a record of 6 times of questionable calls where we lost the game. The videos from the game show Decker being sent by Goff to the referees to state his eligibility to receive the catch. Somewhere there was confusion and no one knows what occurred but the outcome was devastating for the Lions and their fans. Only you can make this situation right by overturning the decision. By rewarding the game to the Lions everyone who watched the game will respect you as for correcting this injustice.
May God bless you as this will be a difficult decision to make. We trust that you will follow through and stand up for what is right.!
Patricia Meyer
Pat Speaks
Happy Holidays
and a
Blessed New Year
to us all!
May 2024 be a better year for all of us
and the whole world!
I learned today that if you are eligible for the signing bonus
and did not receive it by Dec. 15, 2023
Do Not Panic!
It will be sent out in January 2024
some where around the 17th!
So keep watch for it!
As always my best to you and your families.
If you have any questions or have information you wish to share
please feel free to contact me through my secretary at
[email protected].
Make sure you put UAW information on the subject line
or it may not be opened .
Always remember to go to your local union meetings!
Stand up for your fellow workers!
Only by working together will positive actions happen!
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Governor Gretchen Whitmer
111 S. Capitol Avenue
Lansing, MI 49003
October 11, 2023
Dear Governor Whitmer and Staff,
I am writing today to bring you up to date about our recent activities on behalf of the UAW membership. I can understand your concerns about the Marshall battery project and the length of the UAW strike. Hopefully it will all turn out the way we wish.
At this time we are attempting to work with the new UAW leadership. Two retirees and myself met with UAW President Shawn Fain's secretary and the Assistant Director of the UAW Retiree Department at Solidarity House in September. We had a very satisfying meeting with them and hope to be able to work with them to the benefit of the UAW membership. Unfortunately some of the “old UAW guard” are still in office. We have heard from workers that we are still battling the label of being “anti union,” accused of taking money, and trying to destroy the UAW. We will continue to do our upmost to cement a good, helpful relationship with the new leadership. As we all know there are many areas that still need changing. Improving and developing a trusting relationship with the membership is one of the most important.
The retirees feel that they have been cast aside by the UAW leadership. They have suffered greatly because of the lack of COLA. Unfortunately these negotiations will bring no relief for them as we have been told that the UAW is not able to negotiate on behalf of the retirees due to a decision by the Supreme Court. It is interesting to note it did not stop the companies from taking COLA away from them in the first place.
As far as this strike is concerned there must be fair negotiations on both side. Hopefully the UAW and the companies will be able to reach agreements that will allow fairness and dignity to reign.
Thank you for all that you and your staff do to help make Michigan a good place to live. If you would like any more information please feel free to contact me at 269-998-4609.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Pat Speaks
Meeting at Solidarity House
On September 11, 2023 three UAW retirees and I met with Shawn Fain's Secretary Stacy Seward and Lisa Rink, Assistant Director of UAW International Retirees Department at Solidarity House.
We explained to them that we are a free-agency that has been working for UAW workers and retirees for over 20+ years.
We told them that over the years we have worked with Congressmen and Senators in MI and Washington, D.C., many agencies, and our Michigan governors trying to find justice for UAW workers and retirees.
We expressed to them how important communication of information is to all UAW members across the country, state to state, local to local. Too many members still feel that they have been left in the dark.
We have offered to share information and contacts with them so that they will know what the rank and file of the UAW membership are concerned about and how they feel about the new leadership.
If you have any information you feel needs to be heard please contact us at
[email protected]. Please put UAW in the subject line so it will be opened.
Remember to stand up for each other and protect one another!
On September 11, 2023 three UAW retirees and I met with Shawn Fain's Secretary Stacy Seward and Lisa Rink, Assistant Director of UAW International Retirees Department at Solidarity House.
We explained to them that we are a free-agency that has been working for UAW workers and retirees for over 20+ years.
We told them that over the years we have worked with Congressmen and Senators in MI and Washington, D.C., many agencies, and our Michigan governors trying to find justice for UAW workers and retirees.
We expressed to them how important communication of information is to all UAW members across the country, state to state, local to local. Too many members still feel that they have been left in the dark.
We have offered to share information and contacts with them so that they will know what the rank and file of the UAW membership are concerned about and how they feel about the new leadership.
If you have any information you feel needs to be heard please contact us at
[email protected]. Please put UAW in the subject line so it will be opened.
Remember to stand up for each other and protect one another!
About the UAW Contract Negotiations
Is Fain thinking smart by adding these two plants Chicago Assembly and GM Delta Township to the strike? The populations in these plants has a very high number of tiered workers plus many full-time temps. These folks live on, at best, $650 after taxes if they get 40 plus hours. Many are on 2-3 days 12 hour shift. This will be a raise with Strike pay at $500 a week. This raise in strike pay will help but it is still not enough. Think about this factor. Many higher seniority workers have their budgets set at $1200 plus a week. I know many have $2000 house payments.
It is also a pay raise for these BCBS workers and Casino and Hotel workers. This raise affects all UAW represented members. Curry fought very hard to keep the strike pay lower. He claimed that the workers would never accept a contract as long as strike pay is a larger amount. We know that the higher strike pay will not meet their bills. The longer the strike lasts the more they will fall behind, never to recover completely financially.
Further Negotiation Concerns
What about the language protection over the 32 hour work week? With the possibility of an additional 32 hour crew, all earning straight time pay , no one will receive overtime.
Will COLA be reinstated? Workers and retirees both need this protection. If it is will there be any caps on COLA?
Will they agree to end the tiers?
Will there be pensions for all?
All of these are still unanswered and are concerns to the UAW workers. Their future depends on these negotiations.
Is Fain thinking smart by adding these two plants Chicago Assembly and GM Delta Township to the strike? The populations in these plants has a very high number of tiered workers plus many full-time temps. These folks live on, at best, $650 after taxes if they get 40 plus hours. Many are on 2-3 days 12 hour shift. This will be a raise with Strike pay at $500 a week. This raise in strike pay will help but it is still not enough. Think about this factor. Many higher seniority workers have their budgets set at $1200 plus a week. I know many have $2000 house payments.
It is also a pay raise for these BCBS workers and Casino and Hotel workers. This raise affects all UAW represented members. Curry fought very hard to keep the strike pay lower. He claimed that the workers would never accept a contract as long as strike pay is a larger amount. We know that the higher strike pay will not meet their bills. The longer the strike lasts the more they will fall behind, never to recover completely financially.
Further Negotiation Concerns
What about the language protection over the 32 hour work week? With the possibility of an additional 32 hour crew, all earning straight time pay , no one will receive overtime.
Will COLA be reinstated? Workers and retirees both need this protection. If it is will there be any caps on COLA?
Will they agree to end the tiers?
Will there be pensions for all?
All of these are still unanswered and are concerns to the UAW workers. Their future depends on these negotiations.
UAW Contract Views
Best wishes from LAWS to UAW workers and retirees for a fair and equitable negotiated contract.
UAW workers and retirees have shared with us their concerns and what they would like to be included in this upcoming contract.
Temporaries to receive a raise in pay and health coverage. $15.00 an hour and no health insurance. They pay union dues to work but have no representation. Is that fair?
Tier system to be removed and tier workers to be given permanent employee status. If not completely removed some steps need to be removed so worker status can be reached during a 4 year duration of the national contract.
COLA reinstated for the workers and retirees. Many retirees are living in a near poverty status.
After ratification of the new national contract no secret openings and re-negotiations will be allowed. This has happened in the past causing major changes that such as loss of seniority that were kept secret from the membership.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,INC
Pat Speaks
UAW Members' Rumors and Concerns That Need Answers!
Workers and retirees are still contacting us with their concerns in the workplace, fair treatment and representation by local UAW leadership, and rumors that they are hearing and need answers as to whether they are true.
Workers and retirees have been disturbed about a rumor that the UAW Headquarters was going to be moved to Ohio. Since Michigan has reversed the Right To Work mandate they ask why would The UAW move its headquarters away from a state that supports unions and where the headquarters for the major auto companies exist? They reached out to us to help them find out the truth about this situation. I contacted a Michigan Representative for the Monitor that we have been working with. He tells me that there is absolutely no intention to move the UAW Headquarters to Ohio as far as the Monitor knows. This rumor needs to be put to rest.
It has also been rumored that Past President Curry has been given a position with the UAW. He has assured me that Curry no longer has any ties to the UAW Board of Directors and has no position in the UAW. If this is true these concerns also need to be put to rest.
I have written to UAW President Fain about these rumors and have provided him with the answers from the Monitor. I expressed to him the need to keep the membership informed. I also included the concern members and retirees had about submitting questions to be asked during the May 31 Town Hall Meeting.
The UAW active and retired membership deserves to have union officials who care about them and are willing to stand up and fight for them.
If your hear rumors that you need answers to or have any information you would like to share please feel free to contact me at LAWS Box 265 West Olive, MI 49460 and I will do my best to get answers for you.
Remember to stand up for each other!
Work together to bring about change!
Pat Meyer
Director of LAWS, INC
Pat Speaks
Following you will find a letter from a retiree expressing his concerns about the UAW monitorship, the election process, the run-off election, and the recount in process at this time.
March 9, 2023
The UAW Election! When will it be settled?
Why has the Monitor, Neil Barofsky and the group overseeing the election continuously allowed Team Curry candidates to violate election rules?
Why is there a question about the certification of 1,608 ballots?
Wasn't eligibility of the voters checked before the ballots were sent out?
Were they not checked again a week before the counting?
Why would they need to be checked again?
Is this just a stalling technique so more appointments can be made before the vote is official?
If not, the UAW officials did not properly do their job!
The Federal Government stepped in to oversee the UAW after there was proved to be collusion between the UAW and the D Three which lead to approximately 18 guilty pleas and approximately 3 open indictments as of February 5, 2023. The Federal Government appointed Neil Barofsky as monitor. Questions have arisen as to how affective he has been.
When it came time for the election he went to the leadership team or caucus of the UAW for their ideas on rules, eligibility of candidates, who had voting rights, and how to control the vetting of the candidates for approval to run for office.
Now the legitimacy of the IUAW election of officers is in question. Many feel that the monitor, Neil Barofsky, has not been totally impartial and fair in his decision making. The problems began at the nominating convention in Detroit. The incumbent officials tried to take control of the convention and only allow questions they wanted to be answered. We have been told that Stuglin spent $95K to have his name printed on backpacks for political purposes. The backpacks were present all over the convention floor where delegates opened them. When Curry called their number he would ask them to read a certain colored envelope from the backpack thusly controlling the questions asked from the floor. Brother Curry stopped the convention three times until he finally got the vote he wanted on the strike pay issue. They made it just about impossible now to recall a seating officer.They also wanted the strike pay to stay the same but that vote didn't go the way they wanted so Ray Curry pointed out that Special Guests were voting. They voted again and this time he got what he wanted. He had let the Special Guests vote on the other 3 resolutions but he let them stand. As far as we know the monitor never addressed any of these issues.
Mr. Barofsky allowed the current officials to set the rules for the election. Now he seems to be refusing to enforce these rules. In his defense, Mr. Barofsky is now telling all candidates to break these rules. He seems to be encouraging candidates to break federal laws and election rules with his course of actions toward open violations.He has even released some of these violations to the Detroit News to publish yet he fails to do what should have been done. We feel that these candidates should have been removed from the ballot, period. Yes, Ray Curry and Frank Stuglin. Both have failed to do their job assignments as Treasurer. Both are derelict in their duties. The mailing lists of UAW members, both workers and retirees, have not been updated monthly as stated in our constitution.
Team Curry illegally used 600 retirees' email addresses to email campaign literature to UAW members which was against the rules. The monitor ruled that all the candidates could then use them but the email addresses were not given to the independent candidates in time to be of use to them. By the time the monitor made this decision 90% of the Region 2B ballots had been returned.
Team Curry also sent out campaign postcards using the union bulk mailing stamp which was against the election rules.
Other candidates, including Brian Keller, feel they have not been treated fairly. It took the monitor two months to vet Brian L. Keller so he could run for office. This stopped Brian from soliciting for donations for his campaign. Members do not have the same advantages as incumbents. Incumbents can walk into any local or plant and be greeted with an open handshake from both management and UAW local officials. Other candidates do not have this advantage.
Now we are awaiting the results of the run-off election. 1,608 ballots are being rechecked for eligibility. There was an eligibility testing of ballots done on November 16, 2022. Another was conducted a week ago. Why would there need to be a third eligibility check? I have been told that the ballots are being returned to Detroit. Who is bringing them back? Who will oversee this so no ballots are lost or tampered with? I have been told that Merriman MMG, who is in charge of the counting, is not moving the ballots. Can this be true? There needs to be a neutral party in charge of this move, eligibility check and the final counting.
Jim Mattis
We would like to hear you thoughts on this. If you have any concerns or information to share please contact me at 269-998-4609 or by mail at
Patricia Meyer, Director
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Following you will find a letter from a retiree expressing his concerns about the UAW monitorship, the election process, the run-off election, and the recount in process at this time.
March 9, 2023
The UAW Election! When will it be settled?
Why has the Monitor, Neil Barofsky and the group overseeing the election continuously allowed Team Curry candidates to violate election rules?
Why is there a question about the certification of 1,608 ballots?
Wasn't eligibility of the voters checked before the ballots were sent out?
Were they not checked again a week before the counting?
Why would they need to be checked again?
Is this just a stalling technique so more appointments can be made before the vote is official?
If not, the UAW officials did not properly do their job!
The Federal Government stepped in to oversee the UAW after there was proved to be collusion between the UAW and the D Three which lead to approximately 18 guilty pleas and approximately 3 open indictments as of February 5, 2023. The Federal Government appointed Neil Barofsky as monitor. Questions have arisen as to how affective he has been.
When it came time for the election he went to the leadership team or caucus of the UAW for their ideas on rules, eligibility of candidates, who had voting rights, and how to control the vetting of the candidates for approval to run for office.
Now the legitimacy of the IUAW election of officers is in question. Many feel that the monitor, Neil Barofsky, has not been totally impartial and fair in his decision making. The problems began at the nominating convention in Detroit. The incumbent officials tried to take control of the convention and only allow questions they wanted to be answered. We have been told that Stuglin spent $95K to have his name printed on backpacks for political purposes. The backpacks were present all over the convention floor where delegates opened them. When Curry called their number he would ask them to read a certain colored envelope from the backpack thusly controlling the questions asked from the floor. Brother Curry stopped the convention three times until he finally got the vote he wanted on the strike pay issue. They made it just about impossible now to recall a seating officer.They also wanted the strike pay to stay the same but that vote didn't go the way they wanted so Ray Curry pointed out that Special Guests were voting. They voted again and this time he got what he wanted. He had let the Special Guests vote on the other 3 resolutions but he let them stand. As far as we know the monitor never addressed any of these issues.
Mr. Barofsky allowed the current officials to set the rules for the election. Now he seems to be refusing to enforce these rules. In his defense, Mr. Barofsky is now telling all candidates to break these rules. He seems to be encouraging candidates to break federal laws and election rules with his course of actions toward open violations.He has even released some of these violations to the Detroit News to publish yet he fails to do what should have been done. We feel that these candidates should have been removed from the ballot, period. Yes, Ray Curry and Frank Stuglin. Both have failed to do their job assignments as Treasurer. Both are derelict in their duties. The mailing lists of UAW members, both workers and retirees, have not been updated monthly as stated in our constitution.
Team Curry illegally used 600 retirees' email addresses to email campaign literature to UAW members which was against the rules. The monitor ruled that all the candidates could then use them but the email addresses were not given to the independent candidates in time to be of use to them. By the time the monitor made this decision 90% of the Region 2B ballots had been returned.
Team Curry also sent out campaign postcards using the union bulk mailing stamp which was against the election rules.
Other candidates, including Brian Keller, feel they have not been treated fairly. It took the monitor two months to vet Brian L. Keller so he could run for office. This stopped Brian from soliciting for donations for his campaign. Members do not have the same advantages as incumbents. Incumbents can walk into any local or plant and be greeted with an open handshake from both management and UAW local officials. Other candidates do not have this advantage.
Now we are awaiting the results of the run-off election. 1,608 ballots are being rechecked for eligibility. There was an eligibility testing of ballots done on November 16, 2022. Another was conducted a week ago. Why would there need to be a third eligibility check? I have been told that the ballots are being returned to Detroit. Who is bringing them back? Who will oversee this so no ballots are lost or tampered with? I have been told that Merriman MMG, who is in charge of the counting, is not moving the ballots. Can this be true? There needs to be a neutral party in charge of this move, eligibility check and the final counting.
Jim Mattis
We would like to hear you thoughts on this. If you have any concerns or information to share please contact me at 269-998-4609 or by mail at
Patricia Meyer, Director
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Has the IUAW officials' election been fair?
Have all of the candidates been given the same opportunities or has the Curry Solidarity Team had an advantage?
Curry pushed for the defeat of the one-member one-vote amendment. Can he be trusted to really work for reforms in the Union?
These are some of the questions being asked by UAW members, both workers and retirees as the election nears its end.
Many members are concerned about the monitoring system that is in place. They feel that there is not enough constant, timely, hands-on monitoring especially during this election. Too much information provided to the Monitor comes from reports filed long after the action has taken place. They are concerned that while the Monitor, Neil Barofsky, has cited the Curry Solidarity Team with several election violations the citing has occurred too late to repair the damage done. Members feel that Curry has received a mere slap on the wrist.They feel that the monitor, Neil Barofsky, has not been totally impartial and fair in his decision making. One member reports, “The problems began at the nominating convention in Detroit. The incumbent officials tried to take control of the convention and only allow questions they wanted to be answered. We have been told that Stuglin spent $95K to have his name printed on backpacks for political purposes. The backpacks were present all over the convention floor where delegates opened them. When Curry called their number he would ask them to read a certain colored envelope from the backpack thusly controlling the questions asked from the floor. Brother Curry stopped the convention three times until he finally got the vote he wanted on the strike pay issue. They made it just about impossible now to recall a seating officer.They also wanted the strike pay to stay the same but that vote didn't go the way they wanted so Ray Curry pointed out that Special Guests were voting. They voted again and this time he got what he wanted. He had let the Special Guests vote on the other 3 resolutions but he let them stand. As far as I know the monitor never addressed any of these issues.” Others ask why wasn't someone from the Monitor's staff present at the convention.
In October, candidates on the Curry Solidarity Team sent campaign emails to about 600 UAW members. The addresses were in part obtained from a Union resource which was a violation of the election rules. By the time the Monitor informed the Curry Solidarity Team of the violation and allowed the other candidates to also use this list voting had already started and many ballots had been returned. A definite case of too little too late!
Just this past week concerns have been raised about non-union campaign contributions. Curry has criticized Shawn Fain for taking contributions from non-union donors. Nathan Pensler, campaign manager for Shawm Fain stated, “All of our donations come from individuals, including UAW members, as well as non-UAW members who are friends, family and supporters of the labor movement. We cannot provide a full list of contributors, as we would need to individually contact all donors for their consent, out of respect for their privacy and concerns about retaliation...” The concern about retaliation is real as many have experienced harassment in the workplace and are concerned about their safety of their jobs if it in known that they contributed to a candidate other than a member of the Curry Solidarity Team.
The Curry campaign provided information stating that its contributions come from members in 162 UAW locals and all nine UAW regions nationally. The only donors listed individually were Past President Ron Gettlefinger and Rick Isaacson who donated $3,000 each. Members realize that campaign costs are high. More campaign literature has been sent out by the Curry Solidarity Team members than the other candidates. Many are asking where did all of this money come from?
If you have not already voted, remember your ballot must be in by Feb. 28, 2023. Make sure you vote. This is your chance to help decide who will the your UAW into the future! Let your voice be heard!
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,INC/UAW Concern
Pat Speaks
Happy New Year!
May 2023 bring happiness and joy for you and your family!
Dear UAW workers and retirees,
2023 will be a very important year for all auto workers and retirees.
It is crucial that you stay informed.
Your future in the auto industry may be decided.
Ballots for the run-off elections will be mailed starting January 9, 2023
and must be returned by February 28, 2023.
Make sure that you receive your ballot.
Vote and return your ballot immediately.
If you did not receive a ballot during the general election
contact the monitor immediately.
Make sure that they have your correct mailing address.
You do not want to be left out again.
New national contracts will be negotiated this year.
Make sure that you attend your local union meetings so you are informed.
Be an involved UAW member!
Help change the UAW for the better!
Share information with others and encourage them to do the same.
Hiding your head in the sand will not help anyone!
Happy New Year!
May 2023 bring happiness and joy for you and your family!
Dear UAW workers and retirees,
2023 will be a very important year for all auto workers and retirees.
It is crucial that you stay informed.
Your future in the auto industry may be decided.
Ballots for the run-off elections will be mailed starting January 9, 2023
and must be returned by February 28, 2023.
Make sure that you receive your ballot.
Vote and return your ballot immediately.
If you did not receive a ballot during the general election
contact the monitor immediately.
Make sure that they have your correct mailing address.
You do not want to be left out again.
New national contracts will be negotiated this year.
Make sure that you attend your local union meetings so you are informed.
Be an involved UAW member!
Help change the UAW for the better!
Share information with others and encourage them to do the same.
Hiding your head in the sand will not help anyone!
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected] (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
I hope that all of you were able to cast your ballot in the recent election. Make sure when the ballot arrives for the run off vote that you vote and return your ballot immediately. If you do not receive a ballot contact the monitor right away.
It is vital that you continue to have an active part in your UAW local. Attend your local meetings whenever possible. If you are unable to attend ask someone what happened. You need to stay informed.
Following you will find some recent letters that were delivered to Governor Whitmer expressing our concerns about the future of the auto industry in Michigan and a letter from a UAW reitiree expressing his thoughts about what has happened in the UAW. If you have any questions please feel free to reach me at 269-998-4609.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,INC
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected] (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected] (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
I hope that all of you were able to cast your ballot in the recent election. Make sure when the ballot arrives for the run off vote that you vote and return your ballot immediately. If you do not receive a ballot contact the monitor right away.
It is vital that you continue to have an active part in your UAW local. Attend your local meetings whenever possible. If you are unable to attend ask someone what happened. You need to stay informed.
Following you will find some recent letters that were delivered to Governor Whitmer expressing our concerns about the future of the auto industry in Michigan and a letter from a UAW reitiree expressing his thoughts about what has happened in the UAW. If you have any questions please feel free to reach me at 269-998-4609.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,INC
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected] (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Governor Gretchen Whitmer
111 S. Capitol Ave
Lansing, MI 49033
November 29, 2022
Governor Whitmer and Staff,
I want to congratulate you on your victory in our recent election. Now you will have a chance to continue the work you have started to keep Michigan safe and a competitive and viable working state.
I am writing you today because I have grave concerns about the future of the auto industry in Michigan. As we listen to and observe the “Big 3” corporations currently, they all seem to be building their new operations outside of Michigan. I understand how hard it is for Michigan to compete against the lower wages, tax benefits and non-union representation being offered by the South Eastern states, however, we must do something to keep our people employed. With the advent of the EV industry being hurled at us it is imperative that our current workforce be retrained for these new, more technical jobs. We welcome the battery industry and the new jobs that will be created but we must not allow our automotive base to be negated. Even when gas powered jobs decline and EV jobs increase there will always be the need for stamping and assembly plants. This new technology will have to be placed into some sort of automotive body. We cannot afford to let our existing stamping and assembly plants be closed.
As you know we have been working on behalf of workers for many years. We are still hearing from UAW members, both working and retired, who find the UAW Officials and the monitor situation very disappointing. There are deep concerns about the fairness of the current UAW officials election. We have received complaints about the lack of impartial information about the candidates. Many workers and retirees were not even aware of the election. Membership lists were not up to date. Pressure was applied by some local officials on temporary workers to vote a certain way. The monitor has seemed to side with the UAW officials and let them do as they pleased. He even sided with them at a recent court hearing requesting that the election be extended by a few days. I am intending to express our concerns to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Thank you again for all you do for our state and its people. If you have any questions or suggestions for us please feel free to contact me at 269-998-4609 or through my secretary at
[email protected].
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc/UAW Concern
Letter From a UAW Retiree
December 1, 2022
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter to express my and other retirees concerns over the actions of monitor overseeing the UAW. Many also question why the IUAW was allowed to select who would oversee the operations of the UAW in the first place. It would seem more appropriate for an outside source be responsible for naming the monitor. There have been several instances where it appears to the membership that issues were not addressed properly or fairly by the monitor. Ray Curry openly violated the rules when he took the 4 football tickets. The monitor allowed him to get away with paying for the tickets after the game. There were issues with the one member, one vote election that were never addressed .
Now the legitimacy of the IUAW election of officers is in question. Many feel that the monitor, Neil Barofsky, has not been totally impartial and fair in his decision making. The problems began at the nominating convention in Detroit. The incumbent officials tried to take control of the convention and only allow questions they wanted to be answered. We have been told that Stuglin spent $95K to have his name printed on backpacks for political purposes. The backpacks were present all over the convention floor where delegates opened them. When Curry called their number he would ask them to read a certain colored envelope from the backpack thusly controlling the questions asked from the floor. Brother Curry stopped the convention three times until he finally got the vote he wanted on the strike pay issue. They made it just about impossible now to recall a seating officer.They also wanted the strike pay to stay the same but that vote didn't go the way they wanted so Ray Curry pointed out that Special Guests were voting. They voted again and this time he got what he wanted. He had let the Special Guests vote on the other 3 resolutions but he let them stand. As far as we know the monitor never addressed any of these issues.
Mr. Barofsky allowed the current officials to set the rules for the election. Now he seems to be refusing to enforce these rules. In his defense, Mr. Barofsky is now telling all candidates to break these rules. He seems to be encouraging candidates to break federal laws and election rules with his course of actions toward open violations.He has even released some of these violations to the Detroit News to publish yet he fails to do what should have been done. We feel that these candidates should have been removed from the ballot, period. Yes, Ray Curry and Frank Stuglin. Both have failed to do their job assignments as Treasurer. Both are derelict in their duties. The mailing lists of UAW members, both workers and retirees, have not been updated monthly as stated in our constitution.
Ray Curry used 600 email addresses to email campaign literature to UAW members which was against the rules. The monitor ruled that all the candidates could then use them but the email addresses were not given to the independent candidates in time to be of use to them. Too many ballots had already been cast.
Other candidates, including Brian Keller, feel they have not been treated fairly. It took the monitor two months to vet Brian L. Keller so he could run for office. This stopped Brian from soliciting for donations for his campaign. Members do not have the same advantages as incumbents. Incumbents can walk into any local or plant and be greeted with an open handshake from both management and UAW local officials. Other candidates do not have this advantage.
There was an eligibility testing of ballots done on November 16, 2022. Who did it and how was eligibility determined when the only identifying number was on the outside envelope? When the ballot was removed from the envelope it became a blind ballot.
It appears that Team Curry decided to start negotiations early so that if there is a runoff it will interfere with the timing of negotiations. We feel that this was done by design. Early on in the process the current incumbents gave themselves a 31% raise while the membership, over the last 12 years, has only received a 3% raise. The incumbents also secured their 401's at the convention.
Many retirees are not aware that they can run for local union offices and can vote in this election. Ballots have become a real problem. Many members have expressed that they didn't get a ballot. They called the monitor election number, left messages and never received a ballot. I personally contacted this monitor 4 times by email. All went unanswered. I called the phone number three times. I did finally get a call back and received my ballot after Veterans Day. Some have even gone to their locals to report this and have not received a ballot. I also have heard from supervisors, who were UAW members before they took supervision jobs, who received ballots. Also ex UAW employees not even working in the automotive field and many deceased members whose families received ballots.
Something needs to be done now!
Brother James Paul Mattis
Retiree L/U 235/659
111 S. Capitol Ave
Lansing, MI 49033
November 29, 2022
Governor Whitmer and Staff,
I want to congratulate you on your victory in our recent election. Now you will have a chance to continue the work you have started to keep Michigan safe and a competitive and viable working state.
I am writing you today because I have grave concerns about the future of the auto industry in Michigan. As we listen to and observe the “Big 3” corporations currently, they all seem to be building their new operations outside of Michigan. I understand how hard it is for Michigan to compete against the lower wages, tax benefits and non-union representation being offered by the South Eastern states, however, we must do something to keep our people employed. With the advent of the EV industry being hurled at us it is imperative that our current workforce be retrained for these new, more technical jobs. We welcome the battery industry and the new jobs that will be created but we must not allow our automotive base to be negated. Even when gas powered jobs decline and EV jobs increase there will always be the need for stamping and assembly plants. This new technology will have to be placed into some sort of automotive body. We cannot afford to let our existing stamping and assembly plants be closed.
As you know we have been working on behalf of workers for many years. We are still hearing from UAW members, both working and retired, who find the UAW Officials and the monitor situation very disappointing. There are deep concerns about the fairness of the current UAW officials election. We have received complaints about the lack of impartial information about the candidates. Many workers and retirees were not even aware of the election. Membership lists were not up to date. Pressure was applied by some local officials on temporary workers to vote a certain way. The monitor has seemed to side with the UAW officials and let them do as they pleased. He even sided with them at a recent court hearing requesting that the election be extended by a few days. I am intending to express our concerns to the U.S. Department of Justice.
Thank you again for all you do for our state and its people. If you have any questions or suggestions for us please feel free to contact me at 269-998-4609 or through my secretary at
[email protected].
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc/UAW Concern
Letter From a UAW Retiree
December 1, 2022
To Whom It May Concern:
I am writing this letter to express my and other retirees concerns over the actions of monitor overseeing the UAW. Many also question why the IUAW was allowed to select who would oversee the operations of the UAW in the first place. It would seem more appropriate for an outside source be responsible for naming the monitor. There have been several instances where it appears to the membership that issues were not addressed properly or fairly by the monitor. Ray Curry openly violated the rules when he took the 4 football tickets. The monitor allowed him to get away with paying for the tickets after the game. There were issues with the one member, one vote election that were never addressed .
Now the legitimacy of the IUAW election of officers is in question. Many feel that the monitor, Neil Barofsky, has not been totally impartial and fair in his decision making. The problems began at the nominating convention in Detroit. The incumbent officials tried to take control of the convention and only allow questions they wanted to be answered. We have been told that Stuglin spent $95K to have his name printed on backpacks for political purposes. The backpacks were present all over the convention floor where delegates opened them. When Curry called their number he would ask them to read a certain colored envelope from the backpack thusly controlling the questions asked from the floor. Brother Curry stopped the convention three times until he finally got the vote he wanted on the strike pay issue. They made it just about impossible now to recall a seating officer.They also wanted the strike pay to stay the same but that vote didn't go the way they wanted so Ray Curry pointed out that Special Guests were voting. They voted again and this time he got what he wanted. He had let the Special Guests vote on the other 3 resolutions but he let them stand. As far as we know the monitor never addressed any of these issues.
Mr. Barofsky allowed the current officials to set the rules for the election. Now he seems to be refusing to enforce these rules. In his defense, Mr. Barofsky is now telling all candidates to break these rules. He seems to be encouraging candidates to break federal laws and election rules with his course of actions toward open violations.He has even released some of these violations to the Detroit News to publish yet he fails to do what should have been done. We feel that these candidates should have been removed from the ballot, period. Yes, Ray Curry and Frank Stuglin. Both have failed to do their job assignments as Treasurer. Both are derelict in their duties. The mailing lists of UAW members, both workers and retirees, have not been updated monthly as stated in our constitution.
Ray Curry used 600 email addresses to email campaign literature to UAW members which was against the rules. The monitor ruled that all the candidates could then use them but the email addresses were not given to the independent candidates in time to be of use to them. Too many ballots had already been cast.
Other candidates, including Brian Keller, feel they have not been treated fairly. It took the monitor two months to vet Brian L. Keller so he could run for office. This stopped Brian from soliciting for donations for his campaign. Members do not have the same advantages as incumbents. Incumbents can walk into any local or plant and be greeted with an open handshake from both management and UAW local officials. Other candidates do not have this advantage.
There was an eligibility testing of ballots done on November 16, 2022. Who did it and how was eligibility determined when the only identifying number was on the outside envelope? When the ballot was removed from the envelope it became a blind ballot.
It appears that Team Curry decided to start negotiations early so that if there is a runoff it will interfere with the timing of negotiations. We feel that this was done by design. Early on in the process the current incumbents gave themselves a 31% raise while the membership, over the last 12 years, has only received a 3% raise. The incumbents also secured their 401's at the convention.
Many retirees are not aware that they can run for local union offices and can vote in this election. Ballots have become a real problem. Many members have expressed that they didn't get a ballot. They called the monitor election number, left messages and never received a ballot. I personally contacted this monitor 4 times by email. All went unanswered. I called the phone number three times. I did finally get a call back and received my ballot after Veterans Day. Some have even gone to their locals to report this and have not received a ballot. I also have heard from supervisors, who were UAW members before they took supervision jobs, who received ballots. Also ex UAW employees not even working in the automotive field and many deceased members whose families received ballots.
Something needs to be done now!
Brother James Paul Mattis
Retiree L/U 235/659
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
for the UAW International Election
are being mailed now!
Have you received yours?
If you do not receive one by November 1, 2022
we encourage you to
check with your local to see that they turned in your correct address,
or contact the monitor at
or send an email to
[email protected]
or call
If you do not receive one by November 1, 2022
we encourage you to contact the monitor at
or send an email to
[email protected]
or call
Your vote is important.
Don't take a chance on being left out!
Your vote is vital for the future of the UAW!
When you receive your ballot
make sure you follow the directions.
as soon as you can
and return your ballot
All ballots must be received by November 28, 2022
or they will not be counted.
If you have any questions about this
have information you would like to share with us
by email at
[email protected]
Put UAW on the subject line.
or by mail at
Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
We look forward to hearing from you!
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
for the UAW International Election
are being mailed now!
Have you received yours?
If you do not receive one by November 1, 2022
we encourage you to
check with your local to see that they turned in your correct address,
or contact the monitor at
or send an email to
[email protected]
or call
If you do not receive one by November 1, 2022
we encourage you to contact the monitor at
or send an email to
[email protected]
or call
Your vote is important.
Don't take a chance on being left out!
Your vote is vital for the future of the UAW!
When you receive your ballot
make sure you follow the directions.
as soon as you can
and return your ballot
All ballots must be received by November 28, 2022
or they will not be counted.
If you have any questions about this
have information you would like to share with us
by email at
[email protected]
Put UAW on the subject line.
or by mail at
Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
We look forward to hearing from you!
Pat Speaks
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected] (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Will We Still Have Jobs?
That is the question many UAW auto workers are asking us daily!
Workers are concerned about the future of the automobile industry in Michigan.
All of the new plants are being built out of state, mostly in the south.
With the advent of the Electric Vehicle
permanent and temporary UAW workers are concerned about their job security.
Will they be retrained in the new technology needed to build these cars?
Will the UAW fight for this retraining?
Many permanent employees are finding themselves laid off
while temps and contract workers take over their jobs.
With long lay-offs they will not qualify for bonuses.
How is the UAW helping them?
Temporary employees who are on the journey toward becoming a permanent employee
see themselves losing seniority with every lay-off .
They wonder whether they will ever make it to permanent employee status.
Workers are asking,
“What is the UAW doing for me?”
No one is communicating with them.
Locals are being kept in the dark about what is happening
or being told to follow the party line blindly.
No one can communicate with the UAW International staff.
No one answers the phone.
They are confused
as to where the UAW International Headquarters
is located.
Is Solidarity House going to be reopened?
When will the UAW leadership fight for its membership once more?
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
UAW Workers!
Communication is still a big problem.!
UAW International to UAW Locals,
Local to Local, Local to worker,
and worker to worker.
Only you can make a difference!
My not-for-profit agency, LAWS/UAW Concern,
was born out of finding justice for workers at a GM plant 20+ years ago.
We have been working for workers ever since.
We share information with you!
Now it is time that you stand up and share
what you know with us and others.
With the up-coming election near everyone must be properly informed
so that a wise choice can be made
for UAW International officials.
Make sure that everyone has their address
on file with the UAW Local
so they will receive ballots to vote.
Attend meetings and read all bulletins!
Retirees have also been kept in the dark
by the UAW International Officials.
Following is an article written by two UAW retirees
expressing some of their concerns.
The Disconnection of UAW Retirees
UAW retirees deserve more than coffee and donuts at the Union Hall. Instead, they are misinformed and ignored. For decades we have been told the Union cannot bargain on our behalf. However, they have the power to hurt us. They bargained for a VEBA and bargained away medical benefits. Then they eliminated the retirees' Christmas bonus. Next they allowed management to use our retirement fund to finance the early buyouts and incentives. How is this even legal? It paid for corporate downsizing but retirees have not seen a raise in over a decade.
The UAW is hostile to retirees. They started disconnecting us on our first month of retirement by stopping the mailing out of the Solidarity Now Magazine to our homes even though we are all still paying union dues. The magazine gave us good information about what was happening and was also used to keep our current addresses on file. By putting the magazine on the internet many of the older retirees, who do not use the internet, have no contact with the UAW, receive no information and their current addresses are not known. When it came time for the one-member one-vote election retirees were missed. Many retirees do not even know that they can vote or can run for certain offices. The few that did return ballots proved that we, the membership, want change.
The monitor has not helped in any regard. In fact this monitor has asked Ray Curry, an appointed president that was appointed by another appointee, to explain who will be able to run for office in the up-coming election. Ironically this is the same administration, or Ray Curry Caucus, where all 16 UAW officials pled guilty to corruption. Yet this same caucus is getting to make some of the rules on this election. The vetting process was very time costly as this held back fund raising efforts. This was unnecessary because the only felons were in Curry's administration caucus.
Since the 1980's the UAW has used the word 'concession.' Defined it claims that you get what you gave up back in time. It has been 40 plus years but what have we gotten back? Yet our International staff has grown 5 fold on our loss. In 1979 we had 1.5 million active working members now in 2022 we have less than 335,000 members and around 478,000 retirees. The retirees should have a bigger voice.
One of the reasons that we have so many retirees it that the corporations have downsized or closed many plants. During the GM bankruptcy, GM, with the help and backing of the UAW, used that as an excuse to escalate company downsizing with great incentives. Many of the workers had less than 30 years in and were not ready to retire. They were scared. They had children still in school and college. They feared they would lose everything. They were not financially ready to retire but were too old to face long commutes or to move to a new plant with little or no floor seniority. Next came management's claim that there were too many retirees, so the union and companies agreed to more benefit cuts to maintain jobs to where it is today. The sad thing is, as it stands at the present time, the retirees will never receive a pension increase. We need help to clean up this union. Remember, there are 16 top leaders that pled guilty from this Ray Curry administration team caucus and only 1 is in jail.
Fraternally Brothers
Paul Baxter
James Mattis
Retirees L/U 659
Home of the sit downers
We invite you to share your information with us and others my sending it to
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS/UAW Concern
Pat Speaks
I am sharing with you a letter that was sent to Governor Whitmer this week.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
August 10, 2022
Governor Gretchen Whitmer and Staff,
I wish to once again thank you and your staff for all you have done during you time in office to help Michigan grow and to keep its citizens safe and healthy. It has been a tremendous and exhausting task for all of you. I send my best wishes for a winning campaign and I look forward to your being the Governor of Michigan for four more years.
I am writing today to once more bring you up to date on what LAWS,INC has been doing to help our UAW workers and retirees in Michigan and across the country. The task has not become any easier even with the presence of the Monitor and his staff watching over the UAW International and its staff. The workers still feel that little or nothing has changed for them. Communication is still disrupted and locals are still kept in the dark about what is happening across the UAW network. There is still a lack of support in the work place for most of the workers. Many are wondering what their dues are being used for because they are not receiving any help from the UAW when they need it.
As I told you in my letter of February 21, 2022 we have been working directly with a member of the Monitor's staff and have provided him with information and contacts that are willing to provide information. We have concerns about working with the monitor. Last year we were contacted by a UAW worker in a Chicago plant about corruption and harassment going on in his plant. We provided his name to the Monitor He was contacted and his information was taken. There has never been any follow up about this situation. Both he and I were told by the Monitor to keep quiet. After waiting for several months I brought the information to Lansing in hopes that the Attorney General's office could help. As I suspected, I was told that they could not help me because the situation did not occur in the State of Michigan. After waiting for several more months I asked the Monitor about the situation and was told once more to be quiet about it. I have made the decision to contact the media in Chicago and ask for an appointment to bring this corruption to the surface. I will keep you informed as to what happens.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
Pat Speaks
Happy July 4th!
What a Blessed Day for our Country!
We need to remember how lucky we really are to live in America!
It is time to thank all those
who make our country a land of caring people
and a refuge for all!
We want to thank all of our caregivers
whether they be
medical, teachers, daycare workers
and all who put others first before themselves.
We want to celebrate
our small business owners
and all those who choose to work
and sacrifice
to make our country a better place.
We especially want to thank
Governor Gretchen Whitmer and her staff
for all they have done for us over these years
to help us stay well
and to keep us safe during these hard times.
She is continuing to promote industry growth in Michigan!
May her efforts be rewarded by new industries
and continued job opportunities!
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS/UAWConcern
Board of Directors
Patricia Meyer Earl Wilk, Sr.
Judith Deem Willie Buggs
Susan Alexander Will Myers
Labor Advocates Workers Solution
a Free, Not for Profit Agency
Working for American Workers, Retirees and Families
[email protected]
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Workers and Retirees!
Do you know what is happening
in your plant,
in other plants in your state,
across the country?
Communication is Critical!
It is time for YOU to communicate with others!
Don't leave communication up to your local
or the UAW International!
If you know workers or retirees in other
plants, cities or states
contact them
and share your information with them.
Then share their information
with those around you!
Nothing will change
workers and retirees are kept informed
and work together.
Make sure you share any information you hear
about the convention.
Find our about the candidates
who have been nominated for offices.
You will need to make informed choices when you votes
for the next UAW president!
Share this information with others
so they too will be an informed voter!
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS/UAW Concern
Board of Directors
Patricia Meyer Earl Wilk,Sr. Judith Deem Willie Buggs Will Myers Susan Alexander
Labor Advocates Workers Solution
a Free, Not for Profit Agency
Working for American Workers, Retirees and Families
[email protected]
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Workers and Retirees!
Do you know what is happening
in your plant,
in other plants in your state,
across the country?
Communication is Critical!
It is time for YOU to communicate with others!
Don't leave communication up to your local
or the UAW International!
If you know workers or retirees in other
plants, cities or states
contact them
and share your information with them.
Then share their information
with those around you!
Nothing will change
workers and retirees are kept informed
and work together.
Make sure you share any information you hear
about the convention.
Find our about the candidates
who have been nominated for offices.
You will need to make informed choices when you votes
for the next UAW president!
Share this information with others
so they too will be an informed voter!
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS/UAW Concern
Board of Directors
Patricia Meyer Earl Wilk,Sr. Judith Deem Willie Buggs Will Myers Susan Alexander
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
UAW Workers and Retirees
Workers have been telling us that
companies are laying off permanent workers
then hiring temporary workers
training them and using them for these jobs.
If so, the UAW leadership
has to be aware of what is happening!
If you know the answer to our question
or have any other concerns that need to be investigated
please contact Patricia Meyer
at 269-998-4609
or email [email protected].
Please put UAW in the subject line.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS/UAW Concern
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
UAW Workers and Retirees
Workers have been telling us that
companies are laying off permanent workers
then hiring temporary workers
training them and using them for these jobs.
If so, the UAW leadership
has to be aware of what is happening!
If you know the answer to our question
or have any other concerns that need to be investigated
please contact Patricia Meyer
at 269-998-4609
or email [email protected].
Please put UAW in the subject line.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS/UAW Concern
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected] (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
The following questions were asked of the monitor
by this agency at the urging of UAW members.
I received this document in return from the monitors.
Please read and feel free to share this information with others.
Our questions are written in bold.
Their answers in regular print.
You will find our comments and further questions for the monitor
written in italics.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
[email protected] (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
The following questions were asked of the monitor
by this agency at the urging of UAW members.
I received this document in return from the monitors.
Please read and feel free to share this information with others.
Our questions are written in bold.
Their answers in regular print.
You will find our comments and further questions for the monitor
written in italics.
Dear Ms. Meyer,
Thank you for reaching out to the Monitor. Please see below for responses to your questions and comments.
On May 11, 2022, the Monitor issued the Official Rules for the 2022 International Officer Election of the UAW. The Monitor also filed its Second Status Report with the Court, which discusses the development of the Rules, highlights key features, and discusses expected activities as the Union moves toward the 2022 International Officer Election later this year. The Election Rules, answers to FAQs, and the Monitor’s Second Status Report are available on the Monitor’s website:
As described in the Rules, the nominations process for the International Officer positions will occur at the July 2022 UAW Constitutional Convention. The vote will take place via membership-wide mail-in election. Ballots will begin to be mailed to UAW members in October 2021, and all ballots must be returned and received by November 28, 2022. The Rules provide further detail on this and on other related topics.
With respect to voting, any member in good standing, including retired members, may vote in this 2022 Election. A Local Union does not need to have an established retiree chapter in order for a retired member to be eligible to vote. However, retired members should confirm that their Local Union has a record of their membership status. If the Local Union does not have a record of their membership status, and they are not able to have the Local Union put them on record as having membership status, they should reach out to the Monitor’s Elections Team at
[email protected] or 212-303-2529.
Attention retirees and UAW members! If you did not receive a ballot for the one-man one-vote referendum you need to contact the monitor at
[email protected]
or call 212-303-2529.
Information about the upcoming Election—including the Rules, answers to FAQs, and other updates—can be found on the Monitor’s website at Additionally, the UAW’s website links to the Monitor’s website and provides both the Notice of Election for the 2022 International Officer Election and the Election Rules at The Monitor will also be in touch, as necessary, with Local Unions through LUIS and International Representatives.
Our question was not about the election but about the everyday actions of the UAW leadership. Further questions: Do you have any input into the everyday runnings of the union?
If not how do you know their actions are above board?
What good does it do for workers to alert you about infractions in the plants and locals
if you have no say over their actions?
We are aware of infractions that have been reported to the monitor.
The only thing that has happened is the reportees were told not to tell anything to anyone.
Many workers ask if you are truly helping them and
bettering their situations.
The Consent Decree provides that Local Union officers who are members of the UAW are subject to the disciplinary mechanisms set forth therein. Please refer to paragraphs 29-30 of the Consent Decree for further information regarding the authority of the Monitor to bring charges and seek discipline, and how such matters will be handled.
Except with respect to formal election protests, the identity of the provider of any question, concern, tip, or complaint will be kept confidential to the extent possible and consistent with any Court order, and will not be disclosed to the UAW absent consent. As set forth in the Election Rules, a formal election protest will not remain confidential.
Local contracts are not specifically covered under the Consent Decree, but could be relevant if there is an allegation that involves alleged misconduct or potential violations that fall within the Monitor’s scope (as set forth in the Consent Decree).
The Monitor does not control UAW funds.
The UAW Monitor is independent of, and does not work for or represent, either of the parties to the Consent Decree. The Monitor’s authority and duties are established by, and set forth in, the Consent Decree.
As noted above, any members with concerns may reach out to the Monitor via the Monitor’s General Hotline or Elections Hotline.
If the monitor does not control the funds what guarantee does the UAW membership
have that their money is not being misused once again?
The average member never really knows where the money goes
and that can lead to corruption once again.
The Monitor’s responses to any raised concerns will depend on the nature of the specific concerns or questions raised. Please note that the Consent Decree specifically provides that the “United States and the UAW agree that honest and duly-elected officials of the UAW are the best equipped to collectively bargain on behalf of its members and to enforce said agreements vigorously and aggressively. To that end, the United States and the UAW agree that the UAW shall continue to negotiate and administer its collective bargaining agreements absent oversight or approval from the United States government, except as may be necessary to ensure the elimination of fraud, corruption, or illegal conduct.” Consent Decree at 2. Similarly, the Monitor’s responsibilities generally do not extend to matters involving collective bargaining. See Consent Decree paragraph 55.
Will their be a monitor present at the negotiations?
We agree with the UAW negotiating the contracts
but many members feel that the monitor should be overseeing
the negotiations to reassure the membership that no collusion
takes place between the company and the UAW leadership/negotiators.
UAW Monitor Team
Thank you for reaching out to the Monitor. Please see below for responses to your questions and comments.
- The next election for the IUAW president and secretary-treasurer is slated for June of 2022. The Consent Decree states that the changes regarding the one member-one vote will be made to the UAW Constitution in 2022 before the 2022 vote for the IUAW president and secretary-treasurer election takes place. As time is running short when will these changes be made? The nominations process is a concern for many members. How will this be handled? How will campaigning be conducted? As there have been many occurrences of ballot tampering over the years will voting by mail-in ballot or monitored voting at the workplaces be considered? Will retirees be allowed to vote in this election? They have not been in the past. Is there a possibility that the election will be postponed?
On May 11, 2022, the Monitor issued the Official Rules for the 2022 International Officer Election of the UAW. The Monitor also filed its Second Status Report with the Court, which discusses the development of the Rules, highlights key features, and discusses expected activities as the Union moves toward the 2022 International Officer Election later this year. The Election Rules, answers to FAQs, and the Monitor’s Second Status Report are available on the Monitor’s website:
As described in the Rules, the nominations process for the International Officer positions will occur at the July 2022 UAW Constitutional Convention. The vote will take place via membership-wide mail-in election. Ballots will begin to be mailed to UAW members in October 2021, and all ballots must be returned and received by November 28, 2022. The Rules provide further detail on this and on other related topics.
With respect to voting, any member in good standing, including retired members, may vote in this 2022 Election. A Local Union does not need to have an established retiree chapter in order for a retired member to be eligible to vote. However, retired members should confirm that their Local Union has a record of their membership status. If the Local Union does not have a record of their membership status, and they are not able to have the Local Union put them on record as having membership status, they should reach out to the Monitor’s Elections Team at
[email protected] or 212-303-2529.
Attention retirees and UAW members! If you did not receive a ballot for the one-man one-vote referendum you need to contact the monitor at
[email protected]
or call 212-303-2529.
- The UAW membership tells us that they still have no idea what is going on. They are crying for information. How are you planning to keep them informed since the locals have been told not to talk to one another? Locals have complained to us that they are being kept in the dark and don't know what to tell their membership.
Information about the upcoming Election—including the Rules, answers to FAQs, and other updates—can be found on the Monitor’s website at Additionally, the UAW’s website links to the Monitor’s website and provides both the Notice of Election for the 2022 International Officer Election and the Election Rules at The Monitor will also be in touch, as necessary, with Local Unions through LUIS and International Representatives.
Our question was not about the election but about the everyday actions of the UAW leadership. Further questions: Do you have any input into the everyday runnings of the union?
If not how do you know their actions are above board?
What good does it do for workers to alert you about infractions in the plants and locals
if you have no say over their actions?
We are aware of infractions that have been reported to the monitor.
The only thing that has happened is the reportees were told not to tell anything to anyone.
Many workers ask if you are truly helping them and
bettering their situations.
- The Consent Decree covers misdeeds by international officials. Do these rules also apply to local union officials? Often UAW local officials or other UAW members are guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of the UAW and/or criminal activity. Many feel that there is still corruption and collusion between the UAW local and company. How will these complaints or charges be handled? Would they be investigated by your office or by the state officials where the UAW Local is located? How will the complainant be protected from harassment?
The Consent Decree provides that Local Union officers who are members of the UAW are subject to the disciplinary mechanisms set forth therein. Please refer to paragraphs 29-30 of the Consent Decree for further information regarding the authority of the Monitor to bring charges and seek discipline, and how such matters will be handled.
Except with respect to formal election protests, the identity of the provider of any question, concern, tip, or complaint will be kept confidential to the extent possible and consistent with any Court order, and will not be disclosed to the UAW absent consent. As set forth in the Election Rules, a formal election protest will not remain confidential.
- Do local contracts come under the monitor-ship? Would these contracts and any modifications and alterations have to be published? In the past often contract were reopened and secret modifications were made and the workers were kept in the dark.
Local contracts are not specifically covered under the Consent Decree, but could be relevant if there is an allegation that involves alleged misconduct or potential violations that fall within the Monitor’s scope (as set forth in the Consent Decree).
- Many UAW members are questioning what is happening to their money? Are they aware that you are in control of the funds while the UAW in under your monitor-ship? Some are concerned about your pay coming out of the UAW funds. They are concerned that you may be influenced by the current UAW International leadership.
The Monitor does not control UAW funds.
The UAW Monitor is independent of, and does not work for or represent, either of the parties to the Consent Decree. The Monitor’s authority and duties are established by, and set forth in, the Consent Decree.
As noted above, any members with concerns may reach out to the Monitor via the Monitor’s General Hotline or Elections Hotline.
If the monitor does not control the funds what guarantee does the UAW membership
have that their money is not being misused once again?
The average member never really knows where the money goes
and that can lead to corruption once again.
- Many UAW members are concerned about the ability of the UAW International to be taken seriously during up-coming negotiations since they are under your monitor-ship. How will you respond to their concern?
The Monitor’s responses to any raised concerns will depend on the nature of the specific concerns or questions raised. Please note that the Consent Decree specifically provides that the “United States and the UAW agree that honest and duly-elected officials of the UAW are the best equipped to collectively bargain on behalf of its members and to enforce said agreements vigorously and aggressively. To that end, the United States and the UAW agree that the UAW shall continue to negotiate and administer its collective bargaining agreements absent oversight or approval from the United States government, except as may be necessary to ensure the elimination of fraud, corruption, or illegal conduct.” Consent Decree at 2. Similarly, the Monitor’s responsibilities generally do not extend to matters involving collective bargaining. See Consent Decree paragraph 55.
Will their be a monitor present at the negotiations?
We agree with the UAW negotiating the contracts
but many members feel that the monitor should be overseeing
the negotiations to reassure the membership that no collusion
takes place between the company and the UAW leadership/negotiators.
UAW Monitor Team
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
for the
July UAW Constitution Convention
UAW International Election
Monitor Neil Barofsky recently posted rules governing the July UAW Constitution Convention and the October International Election. Following are some of the rules.
July UAW Constitution Convention
The UAW Constitution Convention will be held July 25-28 in Detroit. We have been told that retirees will not be allowed to come and view the convention as they have in past years. Why? What are they afraid of?
The election of delegates to the Constitution Convention from your local is extremely important this year. These delegates are the ones who will nominate a candidate to run for one of the international offices . The positions open are nine regional directors, three vice presidents, one secretary-treasurer, and one international president. We have been told that after a candidate is nominated a raised hand, yes or no vote will be taken. The candidate must get a 'yes' vote in order to be able to run for that office. Is this the way it should work? Workers are told that anyone but retirees can run for office but if that person has no backing what kind of chance does he/she have? The good old boys can still control who is nominated for office.
The delegates must also vote on a system of voting. There is concern about what will happen if there is no majority vote winner for an office. They will decide between two plans; a ranked choice voting or a run off vote.
Ranked Choice Voting
This is a system where voters number their choice of candidates for each office such as 1,2,3,4,etc. If no candidate gets the majority vote, votes from the candidates with the least amount of votes are given to their 2nd-choice candidates until one candidate obtains a majority. Would this system lead to possible vote tampering?
Run off
A run off would take the top two candidates for each office into a second round of voting to determine the winner. They are concerned about the cost and time this system would take.
Members will have three days after their nominations are made at the Constitution Convention to submit a candidate declaration form with the monitor to run for office.
Rules for the Election Process
A forum will be held in September for the candidates running for international president. Watch for dates. Be informed so you can make a wise choice for president.
Ballots will be sent by mail to members starting on Oct. 17. Members will be able to request ballots or a replacement through Nov.28. You are encouraged to return your ballot no later than Nov. 18 so your ballot will be received before 4 p.m. on Nov 28. The ballots will be counted by an outside source, not the international UAW officials. Unofficial results will be shared sometime after Nov. 29. Make sure your name and correct address are on your local rosters so you will receive a ballot. Check now especially if you did not receive one for the one-man one-vote election.
Retirees are able to vote in the election but not run for office. This rule is being challenged at this time. Retirees make sure you are listed so you receive a ballot.
Candidates have to meet the eligibility standards in the UAW Constitution. Any found guilty of fraudulent or corrupt activity in court or in a UAW disciplinary proceeding are prohibited from running for election.
Every candidate must have an independent bank account for election related funds. It must be the sole source for campaign payments. No UAW money or employer resources may be used by any candidate. At this time there is no restriction on the amount a non-UAW member can contribute. All contributors will be required to disclose their identity. The monitor will be checking how the money is used.
Retaliation or threats by the international UAW, locals or members against other members or any employee for advocating for or donating to candidates is forbidden. Sounds good! Hope is works! If you experience any report is immediately to the monitor!
Candidates who receive a majority of votes will be sworn in within seven days of the unofficial results.
If a run off vote is needed ballots will be distributed no later than January and returned and counted in February. Winners will be sworn in within seven days of the unofficial results.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
for the
July UAW Constitution Convention
UAW International Election
Monitor Neil Barofsky recently posted rules governing the July UAW Constitution Convention and the October International Election. Following are some of the rules.
July UAW Constitution Convention
The UAW Constitution Convention will be held July 25-28 in Detroit. We have been told that retirees will not be allowed to come and view the convention as they have in past years. Why? What are they afraid of?
The election of delegates to the Constitution Convention from your local is extremely important this year. These delegates are the ones who will nominate a candidate to run for one of the international offices . The positions open are nine regional directors, three vice presidents, one secretary-treasurer, and one international president. We have been told that after a candidate is nominated a raised hand, yes or no vote will be taken. The candidate must get a 'yes' vote in order to be able to run for that office. Is this the way it should work? Workers are told that anyone but retirees can run for office but if that person has no backing what kind of chance does he/she have? The good old boys can still control who is nominated for office.
The delegates must also vote on a system of voting. There is concern about what will happen if there is no majority vote winner for an office. They will decide between two plans; a ranked choice voting or a run off vote.
Ranked Choice Voting
This is a system where voters number their choice of candidates for each office such as 1,2,3,4,etc. If no candidate gets the majority vote, votes from the candidates with the least amount of votes are given to their 2nd-choice candidates until one candidate obtains a majority. Would this system lead to possible vote tampering?
Run off
A run off would take the top two candidates for each office into a second round of voting to determine the winner. They are concerned about the cost and time this system would take.
Members will have three days after their nominations are made at the Constitution Convention to submit a candidate declaration form with the monitor to run for office.
Rules for the Election Process
A forum will be held in September for the candidates running for international president. Watch for dates. Be informed so you can make a wise choice for president.
Ballots will be sent by mail to members starting on Oct. 17. Members will be able to request ballots or a replacement through Nov.28. You are encouraged to return your ballot no later than Nov. 18 so your ballot will be received before 4 p.m. on Nov 28. The ballots will be counted by an outside source, not the international UAW officials. Unofficial results will be shared sometime after Nov. 29. Make sure your name and correct address are on your local rosters so you will receive a ballot. Check now especially if you did not receive one for the one-man one-vote election.
Retirees are able to vote in the election but not run for office. This rule is being challenged at this time. Retirees make sure you are listed so you receive a ballot.
Candidates have to meet the eligibility standards in the UAW Constitution. Any found guilty of fraudulent or corrupt activity in court or in a UAW disciplinary proceeding are prohibited from running for election.
Every candidate must have an independent bank account for election related funds. It must be the sole source for campaign payments. No UAW money or employer resources may be used by any candidate. At this time there is no restriction on the amount a non-UAW member can contribute. All contributors will be required to disclose their identity. The monitor will be checking how the money is used.
Retaliation or threats by the international UAW, locals or members against other members or any employee for advocating for or donating to candidates is forbidden. Sounds good! Hope is works! If you experience any report is immediately to the monitor!
Candidates who receive a majority of votes will be sworn in within seven days of the unofficial results.
If a run off vote is needed ballots will be distributed no later than January and returned and counted in February. Winners will be sworn in within seven days of the unofficial results.
Pat Speaks
May 16, 2022
UAW Members,
Workers and Retirees
Must Read Information!
Do you know what's happening in your local?
At your workplace?
In your retiree organizations if you have one?
It's already May!
Before you know it the July Constitutional Convention will be here!
Have you elected your local representatives yet?
Do you know who is running?
Will that person vote your wishes?
You need to be informed!
Attend your local union meetings!
Recent Information
We have been told by the State of Michigan that they can only deal with UAW issues that occur within the State of Michigan. Even though the International offices are located here they cannot deal with any issues in other states.
So who can and will deal with them?
Members and retirees have been told to report their issues to the monitor. We have had mixed reports about how well that works. Some members who have done so have been contacted for further information and others have never heard back from anyone. Those who have been contacted have been told not to give the media or other agencies any information. They question what, if anything, is being done. They ask;
“ Why are we being quieted once again?”
“Is Barofsky really working to clear up the union or is he a puppet of the 'old boys club'.”
“Don't forget, Mr. Barofsky, that I, as a paying member of the UAW, along with all the other members and retirees, am paying for your services.”
UAW members don't ever forget that your retirees have been the backbone of the UAW for many years.
Without them you would have nothing now.
For the first time UAW retirees will be included in the voting for the UAW international officials, however they will not be able to hold international office. We also have been told that the retirees will not be allowed to view the July Constitutional Convention this year as they have in the past.
Makes you wonder what the UAW international officials are afraid they will find out about!
Stand up for your retirees!
Protect their rights!
One day you too will be a retiree at the mercy of your fellow UAW members for support!
We have received calls with concerns about the intent of Scott Houldieson, a worker from the Ford Chicago Assembly plant and Chairperson of UAW Democracy. He has been soliciting membership across the country from UAW members and outside supporters. There is a $25 membership fee. He stated that 'he' was responsible for the winning of the one-man one-vote. We are aware of many, including LAWS, who worked to get information out to members before the vote.
His organization has been offering an Organizer School for those who wish to become delegates to the Constitutional Convention and other activists. The sessions were taught by Ellen David Friedman, chair of the board of Labor Notes and a member of New Directions. Are these activists being taught how to brainwash the members as happened to those who attended training session at Baker College in the past?
Many members feel that Scott is pushing to become a candidate for international president. They question who is behind Scott helping him to achieve his goal.
Will they be controlling him if he should win?
The rules for the coming fall election have been posted by the monitor Neil Barofsky.
Information about some of them will be posted on this site within the next few days so look for them.
Please feel free to contact us with any information you would like to share or any questions you might have. I can be reached at 269-998-4609 or through my secretary at [email protected]. Please put UAW on the subject line or if may not be opened.
Be strong!
Stand together!
Help on another!
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS/UAWConcern
Patricia Meyer – News Release Information
March 1, 2022
I am Director of UAW Concern/LAWS, a not for profit agency working to help workers and retirees find justice. I have been doing this work for 28 years. My agency's purpose is to act as a facilitator and connect workers and retirees with the proper persons or agencies who can help them. This has been a difficult task as many UAW members are afraid to come forward because of possible job loss. Also many of the agencies we have tried to work with, including some courts, seem to have been influenced by the UAW leadership to either ignore or drag out proceedings until the time has run out on the complaint or issue.
I also provide information to government agencies, legislator and law enforcement agencies, when possible, about what is happening to workers in the work place. Just this last week I went to Lansing, MI to deliver information to Governor Whitmer and Attorney General Nessel's staffs. It was an evenful journey.
When I spoke with your editor the other day he asked me what would people say about me? That is a hard question to answer. For the past several years UAW workers and retirees have been contacting me with their concerns. I am now working with a member of the UAW monitor Neil Barofsky's staff . After investigating me and speaking with an FBI agent I had worked with in the past he told me that he finds me 'credible.'
Workers who I have tried to help in the past have told others to contact LAWS for help. I have had calls from UAW workers across the country.
I have been told that the UAW international leadership considers me a thorn in their side. They have told workers that I am a liar and that I will take their money. Actually my agency is a free, nonprofit. It ends up costing us money instead.
With the advent of the monitor system UAW members are hoping that the monitorship will help turn the UAW around. They have been demoralized by all of the corruption that has been made public. Many feel that only a part of it has been revealed. They feel that there is a lot of corruption at the local level that has never been investigated. Daily we encourage them to contact the monitor with any information that they could provide. Some have been contacted by the monitor's staff. Some have never heard from them at all. Several who have been contacted have given information and then have been told not to talk about it. They are still waiting for a second contact.
We are receiving calls almost daily from UAW members who are still concerned about what is happening within the UAW at both the International and the local level. Following are some of the issues they are concerned about:
Even though the UAW has been placed under the monitorship of Neil Barofsky and his staff UAW members are still concerned about the UAW leadership, both International and Local. Members have heard that the UAW is paying for the monitor's salary and fear that the UAW leadership will be able to influence the decisions of the monitor, Neil Barofsky.
There is still a lack of communication between the International and the Locals, and the Locals to the membership at large. The workers feel they are isolated and being kept in the dark. No one seems to care about them. They are questioning whether anything is really being done and wonder if the workers, who toil everyday to make a living for their families, will be protected and fought for in negotiations for future jobs.
Many consider the UAW a company union under the thumb of whichever corporation the member works for. They feel unprotected in the work place. Often local UAW reps are not present in the plant during shifts. Complaints are not being filed or if filed are not being looked into.
Temporary workers have to pay union dues to work but have no representation in the workplace or medical insurance. They have absolutely no job security.
The bonuses announced by GM, Ford and Stellantis, formerly Chrysler, sound good, however, the reality of the situtation is that the many layoffs this past year are causing many full time workers to lose seniority and their bonus pays will be lower. Many may not even qualify because of the down time. Are you aware that the temporary worker receives no bonus pay saving these corporations millions in bonuses? The full time workers also question why the UAW International takes part of their bonuses for a negotiation fee. They ask, “Shouldn't this be covered by their dues?” “Will monitor Barofsky stop this double dipping by the UAW leadership?”
Many are concerned about job security now and in the future. They are seeing many corporations fill vacancies with contract workers who receive a lower pay.
With the advent of the electric car will retraining be available to the current workers? Will the UAW be negotiating with GM, Ford and Stellantis for UAW workers to be hired at the new battery and other electric related facilities?
The one bright spot for the UAW membership was the passage of the one member-one vote, however, members are concerned about how long it will take to make the proper changes to the UAW Constitution and how it will work as there is an election for UAW International President coming up this year. Since UAW President Ray Curry strongly lobbied for no changes can the UAW leadership be trusted to work for change for the betterment of the workers instead of the betterment of themselves as has been the pattern for many years? Many are concerned that the monitor Neil Barofsky and his staff will not follow through and see that the corruption and old boy ways of doing things are over.
March 1, 2022
I am Director of UAW Concern/LAWS, a not for profit agency working to help workers and retirees find justice. I have been doing this work for 28 years. My agency's purpose is to act as a facilitator and connect workers and retirees with the proper persons or agencies who can help them. This has been a difficult task as many UAW members are afraid to come forward because of possible job loss. Also many of the agencies we have tried to work with, including some courts, seem to have been influenced by the UAW leadership to either ignore or drag out proceedings until the time has run out on the complaint or issue.
I also provide information to government agencies, legislator and law enforcement agencies, when possible, about what is happening to workers in the work place. Just this last week I went to Lansing, MI to deliver information to Governor Whitmer and Attorney General Nessel's staffs. It was an evenful journey.
When I spoke with your editor the other day he asked me what would people say about me? That is a hard question to answer. For the past several years UAW workers and retirees have been contacting me with their concerns. I am now working with a member of the UAW monitor Neil Barofsky's staff . After investigating me and speaking with an FBI agent I had worked with in the past he told me that he finds me 'credible.'
Workers who I have tried to help in the past have told others to contact LAWS for help. I have had calls from UAW workers across the country.
I have been told that the UAW international leadership considers me a thorn in their side. They have told workers that I am a liar and that I will take their money. Actually my agency is a free, nonprofit. It ends up costing us money instead.
With the advent of the monitor system UAW members are hoping that the monitorship will help turn the UAW around. They have been demoralized by all of the corruption that has been made public. Many feel that only a part of it has been revealed. They feel that there is a lot of corruption at the local level that has never been investigated. Daily we encourage them to contact the monitor with any information that they could provide. Some have been contacted by the monitor's staff. Some have never heard from them at all. Several who have been contacted have given information and then have been told not to talk about it. They are still waiting for a second contact.
We are receiving calls almost daily from UAW members who are still concerned about what is happening within the UAW at both the International and the local level. Following are some of the issues they are concerned about:
Even though the UAW has been placed under the monitorship of Neil Barofsky and his staff UAW members are still concerned about the UAW leadership, both International and Local. Members have heard that the UAW is paying for the monitor's salary and fear that the UAW leadership will be able to influence the decisions of the monitor, Neil Barofsky.
There is still a lack of communication between the International and the Locals, and the Locals to the membership at large. The workers feel they are isolated and being kept in the dark. No one seems to care about them. They are questioning whether anything is really being done and wonder if the workers, who toil everyday to make a living for their families, will be protected and fought for in negotiations for future jobs.
Many consider the UAW a company union under the thumb of whichever corporation the member works for. They feel unprotected in the work place. Often local UAW reps are not present in the plant during shifts. Complaints are not being filed or if filed are not being looked into.
Temporary workers have to pay union dues to work but have no representation in the workplace or medical insurance. They have absolutely no job security.
The bonuses announced by GM, Ford and Stellantis, formerly Chrysler, sound good, however, the reality of the situtation is that the many layoffs this past year are causing many full time workers to lose seniority and their bonus pays will be lower. Many may not even qualify because of the down time. Are you aware that the temporary worker receives no bonus pay saving these corporations millions in bonuses? The full time workers also question why the UAW International takes part of their bonuses for a negotiation fee. They ask, “Shouldn't this be covered by their dues?” “Will monitor Barofsky stop this double dipping by the UAW leadership?”
Many are concerned about job security now and in the future. They are seeing many corporations fill vacancies with contract workers who receive a lower pay.
With the advent of the electric car will retraining be available to the current workers? Will the UAW be negotiating with GM, Ford and Stellantis for UAW workers to be hired at the new battery and other electric related facilities?
The one bright spot for the UAW membership was the passage of the one member-one vote, however, members are concerned about how long it will take to make the proper changes to the UAW Constitution and how it will work as there is an election for UAW International President coming up this year. Since UAW President Ray Curry strongly lobbied for no changes can the UAW leadership be trusted to work for change for the betterment of the workers instead of the betterment of themselves as has been the pattern for many years? Many are concerned that the monitor Neil Barofsky and his staff will not follow through and see that the corruption and old boy ways of doing things are over.
Pat Speaks
December, 2021
Happy Holidays to All!
May 2022 bring Peace and Joy!
2021 has sped by. It has been a busy and eventful year.
The highlight for many UAW members and retirees has been the recent referendum vote that will change the voting system to one man-one vote. For the first time each UAW member in good standing has been able to have a voice in what will happen in the selection for future International officials. Hopefully you were all able to cast your vote.
New changes will be made to the UAW Constitution under the watchful eye of the UAW Monitor before the 2022 UAW presidential election regarding how the nominations will be made and guaranteeing a one man-one vote election.
Remember that you are encouraged to contact the UAW Monitor with any questions and information you feel is important. He may be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 212-303-2428.
December, 2021
Happy Holidays to All!
May 2022 bring Peace and Joy!
2021 has sped by. It has been a busy and eventful year.
The highlight for many UAW members and retirees has been the recent referendum vote that will change the voting system to one man-one vote. For the first time each UAW member in good standing has been able to have a voice in what will happen in the selection for future International officials. Hopefully you were all able to cast your vote.
New changes will be made to the UAW Constitution under the watchful eye of the UAW Monitor before the 2022 UAW presidential election regarding how the nominations will be made and guaranteeing a one man-one vote election.
Remember that you are encouraged to contact the UAW Monitor with any questions and information you feel is important. He may be reached at [email protected] or by phone at 212-303-2428.
Pat Speaks
Labor Advocates Workers Solution
a Free, Not for Profit Agency
Working for American Workers, Retirees and Families
[email protected]
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Questions and Points to Consider for the Monitor
We have read the Consent Decree and have a few questions and comments. UAW members have also submitted some questions that they would like to have answered.
The next election for the IUAW president and secretary-treasurer is slated for 2022. The Consent Decree states that the changes regarding the one member-one vote will be made to the UAW Constitution in 2022 before the 2022 vote for the IUAW president and secretary-treasurer election takes place. The nominations process is a concern for many members. How will this be handled?
As there have been many occurrences of ballot tampering over the years will voting by mail-in ballot or monitored voting at the workplaces be considered?
Will retirees be allowed to vote in this election? They have not been in the past.
UAW members will be glad to receive written information about a National Contract agreement before voting. This information has not always been available to them before voting as they were promised.
Why do they have both a National Agreement and a separate local contract?
Do local contracts come under the monitor-ship? Would these contracts and any modifications and alterations have to be published? In the past often secret modifications were made and the workers were kept in the dark.
The Decree covers misdeeds by international officials. Do these rules also apply to local union officials? Often UAW local officials or other UAW members are guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of the UAW and/or criminal activity. How will these complaints or charges be handled? How will the complainant be protected from harassment?
Right now every UAW member has fees deducted from their bonuses by the UAW International for negotiating these bonuses. Will the IUAW officials still be able to be paid for negotiating bonuses and insurance coverage? Are they claiming these fees as administrative fees? The members are paying dues for these purposes already and question why these fees are being deducted from their bonuses.
Submitted by LAWS
Labor Advocates Workers Solution
a Free, Not for Profit Agency
Working for American Workers, Retirees and Families
[email protected]
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Questions and Points to Consider for the Monitor
We have read the Consent Decree and have a few questions and comments. UAW members have also submitted some questions that they would like to have answered.
The next election for the IUAW president and secretary-treasurer is slated for 2022. The Consent Decree states that the changes regarding the one member-one vote will be made to the UAW Constitution in 2022 before the 2022 vote for the IUAW president and secretary-treasurer election takes place. The nominations process is a concern for many members. How will this be handled?
As there have been many occurrences of ballot tampering over the years will voting by mail-in ballot or monitored voting at the workplaces be considered?
Will retirees be allowed to vote in this election? They have not been in the past.
UAW members will be glad to receive written information about a National Contract agreement before voting. This information has not always been available to them before voting as they were promised.
Why do they have both a National Agreement and a separate local contract?
Do local contracts come under the monitor-ship? Would these contracts and any modifications and alterations have to be published? In the past often secret modifications were made and the workers were kept in the dark.
The Decree covers misdeeds by international officials. Do these rules also apply to local union officials? Often UAW local officials or other UAW members are guilty of conduct unbecoming a member of the UAW and/or criminal activity. How will these complaints or charges be handled? How will the complainant be protected from harassment?
Right now every UAW member has fees deducted from their bonuses by the UAW International for negotiating these bonuses. Will the IUAW officials still be able to be paid for negotiating bonuses and insurance coverage? Are they claiming these fees as administrative fees? The members are paying dues for these purposes already and question why these fees are being deducted from their bonuses.
Submitted by LAWS
Pat Speaks
Labor Advocates Workers Solution a Free,
Not for Profit Agency Working for American Workers,
Retirees and Families
[email protected]
P.O. Box 265 West Olive, MI 49460
LAWS has been in contact with a member of the monitor's staff.
He has verified the passage of the One Member-One Vote Referendum
He recommends that UAW workers and retirees go to and read the message from the monitor about the referendum vote.
You are also encouraged to refer any questions you might have
about what will happen after this vote to
or send them to LAWS Box 265 West Olive, MI 49460
Happy Thanksgiving to All!
It has been an interesting last few weeks.
We now have a contact from the monitor's staff I talk with.
Recently we received a call from a worker who told us that
his UAW Local posted on their website how they felt the workers
should vote on the Referendum Vote.
This was against the rules of the Referendum Vote.
After notifying our monitor contact the statement has been removed.
If you have vital information about misconduct by the
UAW officials
it is important that you inform the monitor immediately
at [email protected]
or call
If you are not comfortable contacting the monitor
you may contact Patricia Meyer 269-998-4609
or through [email protected],
put UAW in the subject line,
so I can pass it along to my contact.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S./UAW Concern
It has been an interesting last few weeks.
We now have a contact from the monitor's staff I talk with.
Recently we received a call from a worker who told us that
his UAW Local posted on their website how they felt the workers
should vote on the Referendum Vote.
This was against the rules of the Referendum Vote.
After notifying our monitor contact the statement has been removed.
If you have vital information about misconduct by the
UAW officials
it is important that you inform the monitor immediately
at [email protected]
or call
If you are not comfortable contacting the monitor
you may contact Patricia Meyer 269-998-4609
or through [email protected],
put UAW in the subject line,
so I can pass it along to my contact.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S./UAW Concern
Pat Speaks
If you are a UAW member or a UAW retiree in good standing
and have NOT received your ballot for the Referendum vote
it is NOT TO LATE!
A member of the Monitor's staff said to
You will receive a call back from someone on the monitor's staff
who will give you the information as to
what you need to do.
if you are a UAW member or retiree in good standing
you may contact the vendor who is sending out the ballots directly
We have been told that the date for the ballot counting is being extended.
Your vote is important!
Your voice needs to be heard!
Patricia Meyer
Director of UAW Concern/LAWS Inc
If you are a UAW member or a UAW retiree in good standing
and have NOT received your ballot for the Referendum vote
it is NOT TO LATE!
A member of the Monitor's staff said to
You will receive a call back from someone on the monitor's staff
who will give you the information as to
what you need to do.
if you are a UAW member or retiree in good standing
you may contact the vendor who is sending out the ballots directly
We have been told that the date for the ballot counting is being extended.
Your vote is important!
Your voice needs to be heard!
Patricia Meyer
Director of UAW Concern/LAWS Inc
Pat Speaks
Labor Advocates Workers Solution
Free, Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees and Families
[email protected]
P.O. Box 256
West Olive, MI 49460
Is the UAW still CORRUPT?
That is a question that many UAW workers and retirees are asking.
We hear stories of
missing money from locals,
UAW dues being changed from paycheck to paycheck,
lack of representation in the workplace,
no writings of grievances,
no information being given to the workers.
Many say the UAW is a
“company union”
following and protecting the company's interests
above the interests of the membership.
“The union is corrupt from top to bottom.”
That is what a UAW member from the
Ford Chicago Assembly plant says.
“There's no one to go to,
for someone like me, that I can trust.
They do not seem to have my interests in mind.”
We have also been told by UAW members that
sexual and racial harassment
is still prevalent in the plant.
When this was brought to light the first time
LAWS worked with Barb Wheeler,
then a member of the Illinois State House of Representatives.
She wrote House Resolution 788 asking for
an investigation into the UAW.
Nothing has been done.
Now the UAW Executive Board has scheduled a hearing to determine
if it be necessary to place an Administrator
over the affairs of UAW Local 551
which represents the UAW workers at the Ford Chicago Assembly plant.
Will this be a fair, impartial hearing?
Will both sides of any question be heard?
Does someone from the Monitor's Staff need to be present?
Or will it be a whitewash with nothing being done for the membership?
If you have concerns or proof of corruption
feel free to contact the Monitor.
[email protected]
or call
They need to know what you know!
Pat Speaks
UAW Workers and Retirees
Further Update
on the
UAW Referendum Vote
If you have not already voted
A vote for the
Delegate Voting System
keeps everything the same as now.
Good old boys still in charge of nominations.
A vote for the
Direct Voting System
puts the choice of future
UAW Presidents and Executive Board members
in the hands of the UAW membership.
We hear from many UAW members who are
dissatisfied with the system as it stands.
Scott Houldieson, a UAW member from the Ford Chicago Assembly plant, states “UAW members must have the ability to get rid of corrupt officials. That is why full transparency along with the right to vote on our International officers is so important.”
Frank Hammer writes: Retiree Dave Curson was one of the four who spoke in defense of the Convention delegate system on the recent UAW Monitor Forum Webcast. He was a former Administrative Assistant to Dennis Williams, one of the two former presidents who pled guilty to corruption charges and sentences to prison time.
Curson shed some crocodile tear where he says,”It turns my stomach every time I think about that handful, and just a handful, of sorry greedy UAW reps that put themselves before the membership and cast this stain on the UAW. Please don't allow this handful of losers, or sensationalized unfair media coverage or unscrupulous or inaccurate social media posts or any other reason convince you to change the UAW's constitution.”
He goes on to say that Curson represents the most convincing argument, not for retaining the delegate method for choosing the UAW leadership, but for ABOLISHING it.
He was one of the Admin Caucus enablers. When Williuams was spending months in Palm Springs playing golf on the UAW's dime, Curson was right there with him. Not for months like Williams but for several weeks, at least. Other staff tell me he was part of the nepotism game as well. So when exactly did his stomach start turning? When his former boss got caught?
these ballots are being counted by an outside agency.
No UAW officials will be involved in the counted.
Let your voice be heard!
From the desk of Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,Inc.
We appreciate Casey Anderson, Gus Georvassilis and others
who are brave enough to speak up and be heard!
UAW Workers and Retirees
Further Update
on the
UAW Referendum Vote
If you have not already voted
A vote for the
Delegate Voting System
keeps everything the same as now.
Good old boys still in charge of nominations.
A vote for the
Direct Voting System
puts the choice of future
UAW Presidents and Executive Board members
in the hands of the UAW membership.
We hear from many UAW members who are
dissatisfied with the system as it stands.
Scott Houldieson, a UAW member from the Ford Chicago Assembly plant, states “UAW members must have the ability to get rid of corrupt officials. That is why full transparency along with the right to vote on our International officers is so important.”
Frank Hammer writes: Retiree Dave Curson was one of the four who spoke in defense of the Convention delegate system on the recent UAW Monitor Forum Webcast. He was a former Administrative Assistant to Dennis Williams, one of the two former presidents who pled guilty to corruption charges and sentences to prison time.
Curson shed some crocodile tear where he says,”It turns my stomach every time I think about that handful, and just a handful, of sorry greedy UAW reps that put themselves before the membership and cast this stain on the UAW. Please don't allow this handful of losers, or sensationalized unfair media coverage or unscrupulous or inaccurate social media posts or any other reason convince you to change the UAW's constitution.”
He goes on to say that Curson represents the most convincing argument, not for retaining the delegate method for choosing the UAW leadership, but for ABOLISHING it.
He was one of the Admin Caucus enablers. When Williuams was spending months in Palm Springs playing golf on the UAW's dime, Curson was right there with him. Not for months like Williams but for several weeks, at least. Other staff tell me he was part of the nepotism game as well. So when exactly did his stomach start turning? When his former boss got caught?
these ballots are being counted by an outside agency.
No UAW officials will be involved in the counted.
Let your voice be heard!
From the desk of Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,Inc.
We appreciate Casey Anderson, Gus Georvassilis and others
who are brave enough to speak up and be heard!
Pat Speaks
UAW Referendum Ballots
The UAW Referendum ballots have been sent out.
When you get yours you will have two choices.
Fill in the circle in front of your choice.
O keep the same O choose the direct
good old boy system vote for the candidate
Make your choice and return immediately.
Your vote must be in before November 12, 2021
in order to be counted.
No postage is needed.
Pat Speaks
Update to
Contact Information for
UAW Monitor Neil Barofsky
Monitor's General Hotline
I have recently talked with a member of UAW Monitor Neil Barofsky's staff and was told that you may contact them with any questions, concerns, tips or complaints including those that relate to the upcoming Referendum vote or election processes. Make sure that you include the reason you are contacting them.
Please email the Monitor at
[email protected]
or call the Monitor at
If you have questions about the Referendum vote and election issues you may contact the Monitor at
[email protected]
or call the Monitor at
Please include you name and contact information so that the Monitor can follow up with any questions. Please do not provide your social security number or birth date. Someone may, or may not contact you, depending on the circumstances. The Monitor will keep your identity confidential to the extent possible and consistent with any Court order, and will not disclose your identity to the UAW without your consent.
Go to to find out more information about the UAW Referendum vote and the Monitor's contact information.
If you have any questions you may contact the Monitor directly at 212-303-2529.
Contact Information for
UAW Monitor Neil Barofsky
Monitor's General Hotline
I have recently talked with a member of UAW Monitor Neil Barofsky's staff and was told that you may contact them with any questions, concerns, tips or complaints including those that relate to the upcoming Referendum vote or election processes. Make sure that you include the reason you are contacting them.
Please email the Monitor at
[email protected]
or call the Monitor at
If you have questions about the Referendum vote and election issues you may contact the Monitor at
[email protected]
or call the Monitor at
Please include you name and contact information so that the Monitor can follow up with any questions. Please do not provide your social security number or birth date. Someone may, or may not contact you, depending on the circumstances. The Monitor will keep your identity confidential to the extent possible and consistent with any Court order, and will not disclose your identity to the UAW without your consent.
Go to to find out more information about the UAW Referendum vote and the Monitor's contact information.
If you have any questions you may contact the Monitor directly at 212-303-2529.
Pat Speaks
Contact Information for
UAW Monitor Neil Barofsky
Monitor's General Hotline
I have recently talked with a member of UAW Monitor Neil Barofsky's staff and was told that you may contact them with any questions, concerns, tips or complaints that do not relate to the upcoming Referendum vote or election processes. Make sure that you include the reason you are contacting them.
please email the Monitor at
[email protected]
or call the Monitor at
Please include you name and contact information so that the Monitor can follow up with any questions.
Please do not provide your social security number or birth date. Someone may, or may not contact you, depending on the circumstances. The Monitor will keep your identity confidential to the extent possible and consistent with any Court order, and will not disclose your identity to the UAW without your consent.
Go to to find out more information about the UAW Referendum vote
and the Monitor's contact information.
If you have any concerns or questions about this you may contact
Patricia Meyer at
UAW Monitor Neil Barofsky
Monitor's General Hotline
I have recently talked with a member of UAW Monitor Neil Barofsky's staff and was told that you may contact them with any questions, concerns, tips or complaints that do not relate to the upcoming Referendum vote or election processes. Make sure that you include the reason you are contacting them.
please email the Monitor at
[email protected]
or call the Monitor at
Please include you name and contact information so that the Monitor can follow up with any questions.
Please do not provide your social security number or birth date. Someone may, or may not contact you, depending on the circumstances. The Monitor will keep your identity confidential to the extent possible and consistent with any Court order, and will not disclose your identity to the UAW without your consent.
Go to to find out more information about the UAW Referendum vote
and the Monitor's contact information.
If you have any concerns or questions about this you may contact
Patricia Meyer at
Pat Speaks
Do you have questions about the one member one vote referendum?
Do you know who or what Stellantis is ?
The following are questions we have been asked recently by UAW workers and retirees
along with our answers.
Is it really true that the votes on the one member one vote referendum
will be counted by an outside source not the UAW officials?
Yes, that is true.
Your votes will be counted by an outside agency
under the supervision of the monitor's office.
No UAW officials or members will be involved in this process.
Your vote will remain confidential.
If the one member one vote referendum passes how will candidates be nominated?
If it passes monitor Neil Barofsky stated that
an amendment to the UAW Constitution will be written,
under the monitor's supervision,that will govern this process.
They will consider feedback from members
and research methods of election structure from other unions
while writing the amendment.
The 'old guard' of the UAW will no longer be in control
of nominating and electing
new UAW International presidents or Executive Board members.
Who is Stellantis and what does it have to do with Chrysler and Jeep?
Stellantis is an Italian corporation based in the Netherlands
that has been purchased Chrysler and Jeep.
Chrysler and Jeep are no longer American owned
but are part of Stellantis North America.
They are still being produced and sold in America.
Please share this information with those around you.
Pat Speaks
What the Referendum Vote Means!
"New UAW president support current election model ahead of one-member, one-vote referendum" screamed a newspaper headline.
This is what UAW President Ray Curry said this about the referendum Vote is a recent interview. “We believe the current delegate system represents every local union around the country having the ability to elect their respective delegates to attend constitutional convention events and bargaining conventions and, as the need may arise under the constitution, any emergency meeting that would need to be facilitated. We would advocate for that to continue to be in process.”
UAW President Ray Curry wants everything to stay the same with the 'old guard' still in charge. He still wants each local to elect a representative to cast the vote at the conventions for his/her whole local membership to elect the members of the UAW Executive Board and the new UAW President in 2022.
We have been told by members that around 216 locals do not send representatives to the conventions so this means that many of the UAW members and all of the retirees'voices are not being heard.
If the members and retirees in good standing vote to change this system each member and retiree will be able to cast his/her vote directly for the Executive Board members and the new UAW President. Every member who votes will have their voice heard.
This vote will be by secret ballot and mailed to a third party which will count the vote under the supervision of the government overseer. No UAW official or members will take part in the counting of the ballots.
If this referendum passes workers need to push for secret balloting by mail for future elections. These votes should be counted by a third party.
If you have questions, concerns of information to share please feel free to contact Patricia Meyer,
Director of UAW Concern/LAWS at 269-998-4609.
"New UAW president support current election model ahead of one-member, one-vote referendum" screamed a newspaper headline.
This is what UAW President Ray Curry said this about the referendum Vote is a recent interview. “We believe the current delegate system represents every local union around the country having the ability to elect their respective delegates to attend constitutional convention events and bargaining conventions and, as the need may arise under the constitution, any emergency meeting that would need to be facilitated. We would advocate for that to continue to be in process.”
UAW President Ray Curry wants everything to stay the same with the 'old guard' still in charge. He still wants each local to elect a representative to cast the vote at the conventions for his/her whole local membership to elect the members of the UAW Executive Board and the new UAW President in 2022.
We have been told by members that around 216 locals do not send representatives to the conventions so this means that many of the UAW members and all of the retirees'voices are not being heard.
If the members and retirees in good standing vote to change this system each member and retiree will be able to cast his/her vote directly for the Executive Board members and the new UAW President. Every member who votes will have their voice heard.
This vote will be by secret ballot and mailed to a third party which will count the vote under the supervision of the government overseer. No UAW official or members will take part in the counting of the ballots.
If this referendum passes workers need to push for secret balloting by mail for future elections. These votes should be counted by a third party.
If you have questions, concerns of information to share please feel free to contact Patricia Meyer,
Director of UAW Concern/LAWS at 269-998-4609.
Pat Speaks
UAW Workers, Retirees and Families
Happy 4th of July!
May God bless our nation and its people!
On June 30, 2021 UAW President Rory Gamble retires!
This leaves the position of UAW President unfilled!
We are hearing that the next UAW President will probably be
Ray Curry,
current Treasurer.
He will hold this position until elections in 2022.
Some UAW members are telling us that they are concerned
that the “old guard” will still be continuing.
They worry that the same old practices will never change!
Will the UAW offices and officers be accessible to the membership?
No one can reach them now!
Within the next 6 months the working membership will have the
opportunity to vote to change the UAW Constitution
allowing the membership to
vote directly
for its new president and other national officers.
However, dues paying retirees are not allowed to vote
even though they are still paying dues.
Make sure that you encourage those around you to vote
on this proposal when the time comes.
This is your chance to let your voice be heard!
As always I wish you all the best.
If you have any information or concerns you wish to
share with us
please call me at 269-998-4609
or email [email protected].
Make sure you put UAW on the subject line.
Pat Speaks
Memorial Day!
A day set aside for us all to remember those who have gone before us.
Especially those who have given their lives for others.
This weekend let us all take time to pray for and thank them all!
UAW Workers and Retirees!
That is the key to knowledge!
Gus Georvassillis, Casey Anderson, Jake Lackey and others are trying
to spread the word to workers and retirees through face book.
It is always encouraging to see others responding, giving their opinions
and interacting with one another.
But is this enough?
Not everyone reads the papers or follow face book.
Now you must step-up and do your part by spreading the word from
worker to worker, retiree to retiree, plant to plant and local to local.
Not everyone will agree with what you may have to say!
That is a fact of life!
But everyone needs to know what is going on!
Help each other!
You can always communicate with us through
[email protected].
Make sure you put UAW on the subject line.
Patricia Meyer
Director of UAW Concern/LAWS
Memorial Day!
A day set aside for us all to remember those who have gone before us.
Especially those who have given their lives for others.
This weekend let us all take time to pray for and thank them all!
UAW Workers and Retirees!
That is the key to knowledge!
Gus Georvassillis, Casey Anderson, Jake Lackey and others are trying
to spread the word to workers and retirees through face book.
It is always encouraging to see others responding, giving their opinions
and interacting with one another.
But is this enough?
Not everyone reads the papers or follow face book.
Now you must step-up and do your part by spreading the word from
worker to worker, retiree to retiree, plant to plant and local to local.
Not everyone will agree with what you may have to say!
That is a fact of life!
But everyone needs to know what is going on!
Help each other!
You can always communicate with us through
[email protected].
Make sure you put UAW on the subject line.
Patricia Meyer
Director of UAW Concern/LAWS
Pat Speaks
Happy Spring!
I'm sure you are looking forward to the warmer weather as much as I am!
Here is my most recent message for workers and retirees.
I hope you find it informative.
The UAW is dying!
It is not working for its paying membership.
That's what many UAW members from across America are telling us!
I'm sure you are looking forward to the warmer weather as much as I am!
Here is my most recent message for workers and retirees.
I hope you find it informative.
The UAW is dying!
It is not working for its paying membership.
That's what many UAW members from across America are telling us!
Many feel that the UAW does not exist for the workers and retirees who pay their dues and depend upon its support in the workplace. It seems to exist for only the top executives in the UAW, the corporations for whom the UAW concedes to and the news media.
Workers are concerned.
“Why has the UAW leadership silenced and divided its members.”
“Why aren't my UAW reps available to me, to help me in my workplace?”
“Where are our UAW reps hiding? We don't even see them in the plant. With no meetings we never hear anything?
“Why isn't the UAW helping with my seniority problem?”
“It seems to me that the UAW is letting the company do whatever it wants.”
Workers at the Ford Assembly Plant in Chicago are still putting up with racial and sexual harassment conditions years after the sexual harassment scandal was exposed and Ford promised to take care of it. The apologies by Ford officials and the harassment training has made no difference. Sadly some UAW local officials seem to be implicated in this harassment. Those implicated are still holding their positions in the plant. One worker sums it up this way, “I wonder if Ford will trade some of those Sexual Harassment Classes for some CPR classes. Those would be way more useful!”
One worker feels that politics is now interfering with maintaining production in the United States. He states,” The Democratic Party doesn't help either when they're putting so many regulations on the companies, they're moving to other countries.” At this point it not fair to blame just one political party. This has been going on for many years while both parties were in power.
The recent move by Ford not to honor its commitment to invest a full $900 million in its Ohio Assembly plant in Avon Lake and its decision to move production of a new electric vehicle to Mexico is an example of what has been happening for many years. Gerald Kariem, UAW Vice President and head of the UAW Ford Department, protested in a letter released publicly. He stated that he expected the company to honor its commitment or the UAW will take action if they don't. Really! What kind of action do they intend to take when there is no communication to and between the leadership, the locals and the workers? Needless to say many of the workers feel that this is an empty threat. Many of the Ohio Assembly plant workers are concerned that the plant may close. Look what happened to Lordstown, Ohio. Will you be next?
The UAW clearly does not understand its members concerns. Recently a UAW official of UAW Local 862 expressed to his membership that “they should be grateful for all that the UAW Leadership is doing for them.”
One UAW worker who is employed at a supplier plant expresses his feelings this way. Reasons to thank the union, are we blind and stupid? This is not the old UAW from the 1930's to the late 70's because we had 1.5 million autoworkers back in 1979 and we been losing jobs and taking concessions since then. We sit around.” It is a known fact that employers, over the years, have asked the UAW Leadership to open their contracts and make further concessions which they have done without telling the membership.
He continues to say, “150,000 autoworkers today and the Solidarity House pushed a tier and temp system which undermined and divided the membership, then they pull COLA and the Christmas bonus from the retirees and they pay more for their prescriptions, we all lost time and a half after 8, COLA, job bank, the right to strike and our wages were stagnant for 10 years. Tier 2 do not get healthcare or a pension when they retire, we get longer mandatory work hours. Temps have no rights but pay union dues and may be a temp for up to 3 years.”
“Union jobs were outsourced so that the company received cheaper labor costs and the Solidarity House unionized these contract houses so that they still received union dues. The Solidarity House leadership set on the company boards and held stock in GM and Chrysler which is a conflict of interest
when it comes to negotiation on behalf of the membership. Language that was in the High Lights was not signed off on and never made it into the contract, you know the High Lights book we based our ratification vote on. Not to mention the theft, corruption, collusion and nepotism that plagues our leadership. Joint ventures and team concept that help kill off union jobs. The list is long and as long as the UAW leadership in intertwined with management we will continue down this path of concessions, job losses and divisiveness.. A union divided will not sustain itself and all of labor will be on the losing end of these global tactics.”
Another UAW member asks, “What exactly do workers have to be 'thankful for' when it comes to the UAW? If one were to sum up their role over the course of the corona virus pandemic, it is that they have assisted the auto companies in allowing workers to become infected and die of COVID-19. The UAW working hand in hand with Ford and the other US based auto corporations, has kept workers on the job in unsafe plants while COVID-19 has run rampant since last May. Hundreds of US auto workers have been infected and countless died due to these policies, placing profits above workers' lives, which have been carried out dutifully by the Union.”
Speaking of profits, the UAW eligible employees at Ford, GM and Stellantis (FCA) have recently received their profit sharing checks. The numbers announced by each company sound like a fortune to those not involved and they make is sound like everyone will get this amount of money.
Ford $3,625
GM $9,000
Stellantis $8,010
The reality is a totally different story. Temporary workers receive no money at all no matter how many hours they have worked. The rest of the workers have to work a set amount of hours to earn the full amount. If they have less hours worked they receive a certain percentage determined by the amount of hours worked. But that's not all! The UAW then steps up with its hand out and charges, yes charges, the workers a percentage for negotiating the profit sharing deal for them. Isn't that what the UAW members pay their dues for, negotiation and representation? This extra charge seems totally unfair and out of line. Where does this money go?
Uniting All Workers Concern (UAWConcern)/Labors Advocates Workers Solution(LAWS), a not for profit, free agency has been working for 20+ years to help workers and retirees find justice. We have been contacted by workers from many parts of America asking for our help and sharing information with us. After listening and working with them if is evident to us that the workers and retirees are dissatisfied with the UAW Leadership. The UAW is keeping its locals separated and trying to silence its membership. No communication is encourage among the locals of the corporation or from one corporation to another. By keeping everyone in the dark the corporations and the UAW leadership is able to do as they please. You, as UAW members, can start by talking with your fellow workers. Whether you work for Ford, GM, Stellantis or one of the many suppliers it is crucial that you take responsibility to communicate with and help each other if the UAW is going to survive.
Please feel free to visit our website or contact us at LAWS Box 265 West Olive, MI 49460 with any information or concerns you wish to share.
Workers are concerned.
“Why has the UAW leadership silenced and divided its members.”
“Why aren't my UAW reps available to me, to help me in my workplace?”
“Where are our UAW reps hiding? We don't even see them in the plant. With no meetings we never hear anything?
“Why isn't the UAW helping with my seniority problem?”
“It seems to me that the UAW is letting the company do whatever it wants.”
Workers at the Ford Assembly Plant in Chicago are still putting up with racial and sexual harassment conditions years after the sexual harassment scandal was exposed and Ford promised to take care of it. The apologies by Ford officials and the harassment training has made no difference. Sadly some UAW local officials seem to be implicated in this harassment. Those implicated are still holding their positions in the plant. One worker sums it up this way, “I wonder if Ford will trade some of those Sexual Harassment Classes for some CPR classes. Those would be way more useful!”
One worker feels that politics is now interfering with maintaining production in the United States. He states,” The Democratic Party doesn't help either when they're putting so many regulations on the companies, they're moving to other countries.” At this point it not fair to blame just one political party. This has been going on for many years while both parties were in power.
The recent move by Ford not to honor its commitment to invest a full $900 million in its Ohio Assembly plant in Avon Lake and its decision to move production of a new electric vehicle to Mexico is an example of what has been happening for many years. Gerald Kariem, UAW Vice President and head of the UAW Ford Department, protested in a letter released publicly. He stated that he expected the company to honor its commitment or the UAW will take action if they don't. Really! What kind of action do they intend to take when there is no communication to and between the leadership, the locals and the workers? Needless to say many of the workers feel that this is an empty threat. Many of the Ohio Assembly plant workers are concerned that the plant may close. Look what happened to Lordstown, Ohio. Will you be next?
The UAW clearly does not understand its members concerns. Recently a UAW official of UAW Local 862 expressed to his membership that “they should be grateful for all that the UAW Leadership is doing for them.”
One UAW worker who is employed at a supplier plant expresses his feelings this way. Reasons to thank the union, are we blind and stupid? This is not the old UAW from the 1930's to the late 70's because we had 1.5 million autoworkers back in 1979 and we been losing jobs and taking concessions since then. We sit around.” It is a known fact that employers, over the years, have asked the UAW Leadership to open their contracts and make further concessions which they have done without telling the membership.
He continues to say, “150,000 autoworkers today and the Solidarity House pushed a tier and temp system which undermined and divided the membership, then they pull COLA and the Christmas bonus from the retirees and they pay more for their prescriptions, we all lost time and a half after 8, COLA, job bank, the right to strike and our wages were stagnant for 10 years. Tier 2 do not get healthcare or a pension when they retire, we get longer mandatory work hours. Temps have no rights but pay union dues and may be a temp for up to 3 years.”
“Union jobs were outsourced so that the company received cheaper labor costs and the Solidarity House unionized these contract houses so that they still received union dues. The Solidarity House leadership set on the company boards and held stock in GM and Chrysler which is a conflict of interest
when it comes to negotiation on behalf of the membership. Language that was in the High Lights was not signed off on and never made it into the contract, you know the High Lights book we based our ratification vote on. Not to mention the theft, corruption, collusion and nepotism that plagues our leadership. Joint ventures and team concept that help kill off union jobs. The list is long and as long as the UAW leadership in intertwined with management we will continue down this path of concessions, job losses and divisiveness.. A union divided will not sustain itself and all of labor will be on the losing end of these global tactics.”
Another UAW member asks, “What exactly do workers have to be 'thankful for' when it comes to the UAW? If one were to sum up their role over the course of the corona virus pandemic, it is that they have assisted the auto companies in allowing workers to become infected and die of COVID-19. The UAW working hand in hand with Ford and the other US based auto corporations, has kept workers on the job in unsafe plants while COVID-19 has run rampant since last May. Hundreds of US auto workers have been infected and countless died due to these policies, placing profits above workers' lives, which have been carried out dutifully by the Union.”
Speaking of profits, the UAW eligible employees at Ford, GM and Stellantis (FCA) have recently received their profit sharing checks. The numbers announced by each company sound like a fortune to those not involved and they make is sound like everyone will get this amount of money.
Ford $3,625
GM $9,000
Stellantis $8,010
The reality is a totally different story. Temporary workers receive no money at all no matter how many hours they have worked. The rest of the workers have to work a set amount of hours to earn the full amount. If they have less hours worked they receive a certain percentage determined by the amount of hours worked. But that's not all! The UAW then steps up with its hand out and charges, yes charges, the workers a percentage for negotiating the profit sharing deal for them. Isn't that what the UAW members pay their dues for, negotiation and representation? This extra charge seems totally unfair and out of line. Where does this money go?
Uniting All Workers Concern (UAWConcern)/Labors Advocates Workers Solution(LAWS), a not for profit, free agency has been working for 20+ years to help workers and retirees find justice. We have been contacted by workers from many parts of America asking for our help and sharing information with us. After listening and working with them if is evident to us that the workers and retirees are dissatisfied with the UAW Leadership. The UAW is keeping its locals separated and trying to silence its membership. No communication is encourage among the locals of the corporation or from one corporation to another. By keeping everyone in the dark the corporations and the UAW leadership is able to do as they please. You, as UAW members, can start by talking with your fellow workers. Whether you work for Ford, GM, Stellantis or one of the many suppliers it is crucial that you take responsibility to communicate with and help each other if the UAW is going to survive.
Please feel free to visit our website or contact us at LAWS Box 265 West Olive, MI 49460 with any information or concerns you wish to share.
Pat Speaks
December 16, 2020
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May 2021 be a better year for us all!
UAW workers and retirees
We were all greeted Dec.14, 2020 with the news that there has been a deal struck between the UAW leadership and the U.S. Attorney Matthew J. Schneider to reform the UAW. It appears that this deal was included in a 41 page civil lawsuit filed against the UAW on Monday.
According to the reports I have read U.S. District Judge David Lawson has been asked to appoint and independent monitor to oversee the UAW for 6 years. The monitor's job will be to combat fraud within the UAW. It is interesting to note that Schneider state that this deal acknowledges that the UAW has committed fraud, embezzlement and corruption but is not connected with organized crime. This job will include investigating, reviewing of evidence and disciplinary powers including the power to issue subpoenas, compile testimony, documents and to certify the fitness of individuals to run for leadership positions.
As part of the deal there will be a secret ballot election to emend the union constitution to allow the direct election of UAW officers by the rank and file. This election will be overseen by the monitor. Since there are many locals voting this will be a difficult task. Workers are already questioning how this will be accomplished since there have been many questionable elections due to alleged ballot stuffing in the past.
The UAW will be required to pay all of the costs of the monitor and the Federal oversight. At this point the UAW has already paid $15 million to joint training centers and has agreed to pay $1.5 million to the IRS to end a tax investigation. No additional fines or penalties will be charged. Now we know where the rank and file dues are going? Are the retiree dues also being used for this?
As many of you know we work with UAW workers and retirees daily. Since the articles appeared I have been flooded with calls from workers with their opinions, concerns and multiple questions.
Workers are stating that there is still no communication from the UAW International leadership or the UAW Local leadership. This has been the case for a long time. It was so bad that a UAW worker paid to have messages placed on two road advertising signs in the Flint and Detroit area encouraging workers to contact UAW President Rory Gamble's office with their concerns and questions. Shortly after that his office cut off all incoming calls. Communications have not improved.
There is little evidence of UAW Local support for the workers in the workplace. Workers tell us that wages and working hours seem to be changed arbitrarily by the companies and vacations are being canceled. Workers believe that the UAW is to blame. They have no faith in their leadership and are calling for changes to be made in the system. They are asking us to connect them with sources who will hear them, help them and let them be heard.
Following are some of the questions we are receiving that need answers.
Is the deal part of a lawsuit or is it separate?
As the UAW is the organization to be monitored why would the leadership be allowed to nominate three proposed monitors?
As the UAW will be paying his/her salary will the monitor stay unbiased? They express fear that this could lead to more of the same. Nothing would change.
How will the UAW membership be informed about what changes are being made when there is a complete lack of communication?
Since the monitor's job is to combat fraud and to decide whether to discipline or remove high-ranking leaders how will this deal help the UAW worker in the plants?
Is it part of the deal that Rory Gamble will no longer be investigated? Many workers have expressed a complete lack of faith in him and have questioned his and other UAW Executive Board member's actions.
How soon will the rank and file membership be allowed to vote on the choice of a direct election vote?
Since there is only one monitor how will the overseeing of this election be accomplished?
We are also hearing from retirees who have questions about their UAW retiree dues and can find no answers. Retirees have no benefits or vote but are asked to continue paying dues that run between $2 - $5 a month. They were told that this money would comeback to the local retiree organization. Now, across the country, retirees organizations not connected to an active plant are being closed by the UAW International leadership. Retirees want to know why and what is happening to their dues.
These questions and concerns of the workers have been sent on to the following reporters in hope that they will be interested enough to contact us for more information.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
If you have information you would like to share with us please contact us as soon as possible using the contact information listed below.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,INC/UAW Concern
Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
[email protected] Put UAW in the subject line or it may not be opened do to hacking issue
A copy of this is also being sent to
U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider
211 W. Fort St.
Suite 2001
Detroit, MI 48226
December 16, 2020
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
May 2021 be a better year for us all!
UAW workers and retirees
We were all greeted Dec.14, 2020 with the news that there has been a deal struck between the UAW leadership and the U.S. Attorney Matthew J. Schneider to reform the UAW. It appears that this deal was included in a 41 page civil lawsuit filed against the UAW on Monday.
According to the reports I have read U.S. District Judge David Lawson has been asked to appoint and independent monitor to oversee the UAW for 6 years. The monitor's job will be to combat fraud within the UAW. It is interesting to note that Schneider state that this deal acknowledges that the UAW has committed fraud, embezzlement and corruption but is not connected with organized crime. This job will include investigating, reviewing of evidence and disciplinary powers including the power to issue subpoenas, compile testimony, documents and to certify the fitness of individuals to run for leadership positions.
As part of the deal there will be a secret ballot election to emend the union constitution to allow the direct election of UAW officers by the rank and file. This election will be overseen by the monitor. Since there are many locals voting this will be a difficult task. Workers are already questioning how this will be accomplished since there have been many questionable elections due to alleged ballot stuffing in the past.
The UAW will be required to pay all of the costs of the monitor and the Federal oversight. At this point the UAW has already paid $15 million to joint training centers and has agreed to pay $1.5 million to the IRS to end a tax investigation. No additional fines or penalties will be charged. Now we know where the rank and file dues are going? Are the retiree dues also being used for this?
As many of you know we work with UAW workers and retirees daily. Since the articles appeared I have been flooded with calls from workers with their opinions, concerns and multiple questions.
Workers are stating that there is still no communication from the UAW International leadership or the UAW Local leadership. This has been the case for a long time. It was so bad that a UAW worker paid to have messages placed on two road advertising signs in the Flint and Detroit area encouraging workers to contact UAW President Rory Gamble's office with their concerns and questions. Shortly after that his office cut off all incoming calls. Communications have not improved.
There is little evidence of UAW Local support for the workers in the workplace. Workers tell us that wages and working hours seem to be changed arbitrarily by the companies and vacations are being canceled. Workers believe that the UAW is to blame. They have no faith in their leadership and are calling for changes to be made in the system. They are asking us to connect them with sources who will hear them, help them and let them be heard.
Following are some of the questions we are receiving that need answers.
Is the deal part of a lawsuit or is it separate?
As the UAW is the organization to be monitored why would the leadership be allowed to nominate three proposed monitors?
As the UAW will be paying his/her salary will the monitor stay unbiased? They express fear that this could lead to more of the same. Nothing would change.
How will the UAW membership be informed about what changes are being made when there is a complete lack of communication?
Since the monitor's job is to combat fraud and to decide whether to discipline or remove high-ranking leaders how will this deal help the UAW worker in the plants?
Is it part of the deal that Rory Gamble will no longer be investigated? Many workers have expressed a complete lack of faith in him and have questioned his and other UAW Executive Board member's actions.
How soon will the rank and file membership be allowed to vote on the choice of a direct election vote?
Since there is only one monitor how will the overseeing of this election be accomplished?
We are also hearing from retirees who have questions about their UAW retiree dues and can find no answers. Retirees have no benefits or vote but are asked to continue paying dues that run between $2 - $5 a month. They were told that this money would comeback to the local retiree organization. Now, across the country, retirees organizations not connected to an active plant are being closed by the UAW International leadership. Retirees want to know why and what is happening to their dues.
These questions and concerns of the workers have been sent on to the following reporters in hope that they will be interested enough to contact us for more information.
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
If you have information you would like to share with us please contact us as soon as possible using the contact information listed below.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,INC/UAW Concern
Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
[email protected] Put UAW in the subject line or it may not be opened do to hacking issue
A copy of this is also being sent to
U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider
211 W. Fort St.
Suite 2001
Detroit, MI 48226
Pat Speaks
October 29, 2020
This is an important election
and your vote is critical!
Don't miss the chance to be part of history!
If you have not voted already make sure you have a plan
so that your vote will be counted.
It is too late to mail it in!
Your either have to take your absentee ballot to a drop off box
or stand in line on Election Day
Tuesday, November 3, 2020
to cast your ballot.
Don't be one of those
who choose not to exercise your right to vote!
The USPS is still under attack by its leadership.
Postmaster General Louis DeJoy,
after purposely making drastic changes which caused a Postal Service slowdown,
has been ordered
by U.S. District Judge Emmet Sullivan in Washington
to immediately begin expanding mail delivery
with extra trips and later deliveries
because the U.S. Postal Service failed to improve its performance
less than a week before the election.
Please don't blame the postal workers.
They are not at fault.
They are doing the best they can under these extreme circumstances
to provide the needed service.
As a Past Postal Union Vice President I have been
trying to get information to them as
they have been ordered not to talk about what has happened to the service
to anyone on threat of losing their jobs.
Sounds familiar!
Speaking of being under the threat of losing their jobs
UAW workers are telling us that conditions in the plants are bad.
Working with masks, especially in hot, physical jobs
is inhibiting their breathing.
Those with breathing conditions are threatened with job loss
if they lower their masks to help them breathe.
Often workers are not informed when someone on their line
has tested positive for Covid-19.
They are expected to continue working so production will not lag.
They are upset that there is a lack
UAW presence on the work floor supporting them.
They hear no information from the UAW about what is happening
and what they can expect to happen in their workplace.
Many say that all they hear about are the electric cars.
They are becoming concerned about their jobs in the future.
Will jobs be available for them as the new technology evolves?
Will the UAW protect its members
and negotiate for retraining of its present workforce?
Workers and retirees,
look out for one another!
Attend your union meetings and stay informed!
Feel free to share what you know with others including other UAW Locals.
Keep us informed about what is happening in your plants
so we may help share this with others.
Pat Speaks
Once again we celebrate Labor Day,
the day set aside
to celebrate all workers in our country.
Remember, you workers and retirees
are the backbone of our nation!
Your work is important to our nation!
Without you we would accomplish nothing!
in the auto industry,
the UAW leadership has not supported
the auto and auto suppliers' workers!
It is time to demand that the union
stand up for your jobs
and your rights!
Stay safe and healthy!
Talk to each other and support each other!
Attend you local union meetings and take action.
Vote for those who do the job properly.
Communication between locals
needs to be re-established immediately.
It is your future at stake!
We, L.A.W.S.,
are here to help in anyway we can.
Keeping standing up for what you believe!
Stick together!
Keep communicating with us!
You may reach us through [email protected].
Put UAW on the subject line!
Once again we celebrate Labor Day,
the day set aside
to celebrate all workers in our country.
Remember, you workers and retirees
are the backbone of our nation!
Your work is important to our nation!
Without you we would accomplish nothing!
in the auto industry,
the UAW leadership has not supported
the auto and auto suppliers' workers!
It is time to demand that the union
stand up for your jobs
and your rights!
Stay safe and healthy!
Talk to each other and support each other!
Attend you local union meetings and take action.
Vote for those who do the job properly.
Communication between locals
needs to be re-established immediately.
It is your future at stake!
We, L.A.W.S.,
are here to help in anyway we can.
Keeping standing up for what you believe!
Stick together!
Keep communicating with us!
You may reach us through [email protected].
Put UAW on the subject line!
Pat Speaks
UAW members, retirees
all caring persons
As we head into the celebration of the birth of our country
I feel it is important that we remember that our country
was founded by people who dared to stand up for what they believed in.
These people were not perfect, none of us are, but they dared to bring about change.
Now we too need to dare to be heard and help to bring about change.
On behalf of all UAW members and retirees I would like to thank those
UAW members who have dared to stand up and act in the true spirit
of UAW brother and sister hood.
You who have walked the picket lines,
stood up for fellow workers,
donated money and goods to those in need,
attended your local UAW meetings,
dared to ask questions of your UAW officials,
expressed your concerns about the actions of your UAW leadership.
You are to be applauded and held in high esteem!
All of the workers who have dared to go back to work during this epidemic
need to be encouraged and supported by all UAW members and retirees.
Working conditions are uncomfortable and scary
and will only get worse as the temperature rises.
The fear of taking an infection home to their families is very real.
Sadly it is being reported to us by UAW workers that UAW leadership is still not visible in most plants.
They feel the lack of leadership, support and caring from their UAW officials.
Many of the local officials who are found say that they are kept in the dark
or are told not to share what they know with the membership.
Communication between the UAW locals is still not happening.
Some workers are saying that they have concerns about
President Rory Gamble and the UAW Executive Board's ability
to lead the UAW in the right direction.
Members are asking
What is the UAW International leadership trying to hide from its membership?
Do they care about their membership or are they only concerned about themselves
and their upcoming meetings with the government?
Since no communication is taking place between UAW locals
we would suggest to you that some members from each UAW local
contact other locals to share what is happening within each local and plant
and what they are being told by the UAW and plant officials.
This information needs to be share across the system.
This seems to be the only way the UAW membership will know what is happening.
We encourage you to send your information, comments and concerns to
Box 265
West Olive, MI 40460
or email
[email protected]
put UAW on the subject line
Now is the time to help us spread the word!
As we go forward always to remember to
Hold your heads up high
Help make our workplaces,
our neighborhoods and our country
places we are proud to be in once more!
Stay safe and well.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
all caring persons
As we head into the celebration of the birth of our country
I feel it is important that we remember that our country
was founded by people who dared to stand up for what they believed in.
These people were not perfect, none of us are, but they dared to bring about change.
Now we too need to dare to be heard and help to bring about change.
On behalf of all UAW members and retirees I would like to thank those
UAW members who have dared to stand up and act in the true spirit
of UAW brother and sister hood.
You who have walked the picket lines,
stood up for fellow workers,
donated money and goods to those in need,
attended your local UAW meetings,
dared to ask questions of your UAW officials,
expressed your concerns about the actions of your UAW leadership.
You are to be applauded and held in high esteem!
All of the workers who have dared to go back to work during this epidemic
need to be encouraged and supported by all UAW members and retirees.
Working conditions are uncomfortable and scary
and will only get worse as the temperature rises.
The fear of taking an infection home to their families is very real.
Sadly it is being reported to us by UAW workers that UAW leadership is still not visible in most plants.
They feel the lack of leadership, support and caring from their UAW officials.
Many of the local officials who are found say that they are kept in the dark
or are told not to share what they know with the membership.
Communication between the UAW locals is still not happening.
Some workers are saying that they have concerns about
President Rory Gamble and the UAW Executive Board's ability
to lead the UAW in the right direction.
Members are asking
What is the UAW International leadership trying to hide from its membership?
Do they care about their membership or are they only concerned about themselves
and their upcoming meetings with the government?
Since no communication is taking place between UAW locals
we would suggest to you that some members from each UAW local
contact other locals to share what is happening within each local and plant
and what they are being told by the UAW and plant officials.
This information needs to be share across the system.
This seems to be the only way the UAW membership will know what is happening.
We encourage you to send your information, comments and concerns to
Box 265
West Olive, MI 40460
or email
[email protected]
put UAW on the subject line
Now is the time to help us spread the word!
As we go forward always to remember to
Hold your heads up high
Help make our workplaces,
our neighborhoods and our country
places we are proud to be in once more!
Stay safe and well.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
Pat Speaks
Workers and Retirees
Workers are telling us about the conditions in the plants.
We are glad to hear that some of the local UAW officials
such as Glenn Kage, UAW Local 2250 President,
and Kenny Hines, UAW Local 276 Shop Chairman,
are trying to keep their workers safe.
However we have been told that they are ordered
not to talk to anyone.
No wonder there is no communications between locals.
Are they getting any backing from the UAW International?
Are local UAW officials receiving information that they are not allow to share with their members?
Reports of union presence on the plant floors vary from plant to plant.
In some plants workers are asking,
“Where is the union?”
Representatives are not found on the floor or, often, even in the plant.
They feel that they have been abandoned and the corporations
can do whatever they want with their employees.
The corporations are pushing to produce cars and trucks as fast as possible.
Ford workers are telling us that they have to take breaks and lunch at the end of their shifts.
Work schedules keep changing.
More mandatory work hours and days are being added.
Once again no sign of UAW representatives to stand up for the workers.
Some workers refer to the plants like working in a slave camp.
Due to the rising heat index in the plants many workers are having
to remove their masks in order to breathe more easily
thus raising the possibility of a coronavirus spread.
They do not feel safe in the plants.
On June 30, 2020
a meeting is to be held between
U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider and UAW President Rory Gamble.
They will be discussing reforms for the UAW
even while Rory Gamble himself is being investigated.
We can only hope that the best interests of the membership are a priority.
Pat Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S.
Workers are telling us about the conditions in the plants.
We are glad to hear that some of the local UAW officials
such as Glenn Kage, UAW Local 2250 President,
and Kenny Hines, UAW Local 276 Shop Chairman,
are trying to keep their workers safe.
However we have been told that they are ordered
not to talk to anyone.
No wonder there is no communications between locals.
Are they getting any backing from the UAW International?
Are local UAW officials receiving information that they are not allow to share with their members?
Reports of union presence on the plant floors vary from plant to plant.
In some plants workers are asking,
“Where is the union?”
Representatives are not found on the floor or, often, even in the plant.
They feel that they have been abandoned and the corporations
can do whatever they want with their employees.
The corporations are pushing to produce cars and trucks as fast as possible.
Ford workers are telling us that they have to take breaks and lunch at the end of their shifts.
Work schedules keep changing.
More mandatory work hours and days are being added.
Once again no sign of UAW representatives to stand up for the workers.
Some workers refer to the plants like working in a slave camp.
Due to the rising heat index in the plants many workers are having
to remove their masks in order to breathe more easily
thus raising the possibility of a coronavirus spread.
They do not feel safe in the plants.
On June 30, 2020
a meeting is to be held between
U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider and UAW President Rory Gamble.
They will be discussing reforms for the UAW
even while Rory Gamble himself is being investigated.
We can only hope that the best interests of the membership are a priority.
Pat Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S.
The United States Postal Service is in danger!
The President wants to privatize the postal service.
We need to support these loyal public servants
who have been working daily to provide us with our mail, medicine and packages.
Right now the volume of package mail has tripled.
The postal service was one of the first services established in our country.
It was never designed to be a profit making organization
but to provide a very necessary service to our country.
During this time of health crisis in our country it has certainly proved its worth.
It would be a shame for America to see it become a private company.
What will happen to all of the loyal, hard working postal employees?
Will there be massive unemployment for these workers
who have risked their lives daily for us?
What will happen to their pensions and health insurance
since they were part of the government system?
Are you aware that they do not pay into Social Security
because of being part of the government system?
They would not have Social Security coverage for all of the years they
have already worked for the USPS.
What about the current retirees government pensions?
Will they still be honored?
There are numerous questions
that need to be considered and answered
before any decisions are made.
We are asking you for to step up and support the postal service
by writing the
USPS Postmaster General Megan Brennan/ Louis DeJoy
415 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, D.C. 20260
Tell them what you think and ask any questions you might have.
We, as caring American citizens, need to support our postal system its workers.
Patricia Meyer Judith Deem
Director of LAWS Secretary
The United States Postal Service is in danger!
The President wants to privatize the postal service.
We need to support these loyal public servants
who have been working daily to provide us with our mail, medicine and packages.
Right now the volume of package mail has tripled.
The postal service was one of the first services established in our country.
It was never designed to be a profit making organization
but to provide a very necessary service to our country.
During this time of health crisis in our country it has certainly proved its worth.
It would be a shame for America to see it become a private company.
What will happen to all of the loyal, hard working postal employees?
Will there be massive unemployment for these workers
who have risked their lives daily for us?
What will happen to their pensions and health insurance
since they were part of the government system?
Are you aware that they do not pay into Social Security
because of being part of the government system?
They would not have Social Security coverage for all of the years they
have already worked for the USPS.
What about the current retirees government pensions?
Will they still be honored?
There are numerous questions
that need to be considered and answered
before any decisions are made.
We are asking you for to step up and support the postal service
by writing the
USPS Postmaster General Megan Brennan/ Louis DeJoy
415 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, D.C. 20260
Tell them what you think and ask any questions you might have.
We, as caring American citizens, need to support our postal system its workers.
Patricia Meyer Judith Deem
Director of LAWS Secretary
The following was sent to [email protected]. after hearing his broadcast.
My name is Patricia Meyer. I am a retired postal worker and past Vice President of the U.S. Postal Service Union in the state of Michigan. I am very concerned over the threats to privatize the U.S. Postal Service. The postal service is the oldest service in our country and should not be tossed aside.
The postal workers I have been in contact with lately have been told that they are not allowed to talk about this situation.
As a postal retiree, if privatization takes place, about what may happen to my pension since it is a government pension. I am especially concerned for the current postal workers' pensions as they have never paid into Social Security.
Once privatization takes place will the postal unions, of which there are several, be able to represent their membership and protect them in the workplace?
These are only a few concerns I have. Please feel free to contact me directly at 269-998-4609 or through my secretary at imshee97@att,net. You may find out more about me at under Patricia Meyer.
Patricia Meyer
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Pat Speaks
Workers and Retirees
following is the letter that was sent to
Attorney Franklin Schneider of the DOL.
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
( ([email protected])
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
April 17, 2020
Franklin Schneider,
Thank you for speaking with me. After our conversation I have put together just a small amount of background information to help you better understand our concerns for the workers and retirees we have been working with for over 20+ years.
Included you will find information regarding the Ford Chicago Assembly plant where a scandal was exposed regarding racial and sexual harassment which, unfortunately, is still occurring. One of the main culprits is a local UAW official using intimidation and gang tactics. This was written about by the NY Times and an Illinois State Representative tried to get a bill passed censuring the UAW.
Recently we have been contacted by workers telling us that a local election was overturned due to improper actions and a new election held. This has been postponed due to the pandemic. This election will be overseen by a DOL representative. We were put in touch with Scott Allen of the DOL and told he would answer the questions workers have asked about the election. I have included the email sent to him on Feb. 20, 2020. We have never received the promised answers.
There are great concerns being expressed by many UAW workers and retirees about the UAW corruption and its future as a bargaining unit. Unions are still needed in our workplaces. It is interesting to not that white and blue collar workers from all walks of life across the country are still joining the UAW, even with its corruption allegations, because they feel that they have no voice or protection in the workplace. (Included you will find a recent article on this subject.) For them and for the rest of the UAW workers and retirees it is imperative that the investigation into the current UAW leadership be continued in depth. Workers are calling with incidents that point to possible corruption on the part of Rory Gamble and other UAW Executive Board members. The UAW must be cleaned up and allowed to function, as it was intended to, for the protection of its membership. Not as a 'company union' for the betterment of themselves.
Hopefully you find this helpful. I look forward to working with you in the near future. Please feel free to contact me for more information or workers who are willing to speak with you.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,INC
I hope you are all safe and well.
Remember to check on your friends and family.
Feel free to share your information, thoughts and concerns.
Stay safe!
Franklin Schneider,
Thank you for speaking with me. After our conversation I have put together just a small amount of background information to help you better understand our concerns for the workers and retirees we have been working with for over 20+ years.
Included you will find information regarding the Ford Chicago Assembly plant where a scandal was exposed regarding racial and sexual harassment which, unfortunately, is still occurring. One of the main culprits is a local UAW official using intimidation and gang tactics. This was written about by the NY Times and an Illinois State Representative tried to get a bill passed censuring the UAW.
Recently we have been contacted by workers telling us that a local election was overturned due to improper actions and a new election held. This has been postponed due to the pandemic. This election will be overseen by a DOL representative. We were put in touch with Scott Allen of the DOL and told he would answer the questions workers have asked about the election. I have included the email sent to him on Feb. 20, 2020. We have never received the promised answers.
There are great concerns being expressed by many UAW workers and retirees about the UAW corruption and its future as a bargaining unit. Unions are still needed in our workplaces. It is interesting to not that white and blue collar workers from all walks of life across the country are still joining the UAW, even with its corruption allegations, because they feel that they have no voice or protection in the workplace. (Included you will find a recent article on this subject.) For them and for the rest of the UAW workers and retirees it is imperative that the investigation into the current UAW leadership be continued in depth. Workers are calling with incidents that point to possible corruption on the part of Rory Gamble and other UAW Executive Board members. The UAW must be cleaned up and allowed to function, as it was intended to, for the protection of its membership. Not as a 'company union' for the betterment of themselves.
Hopefully you find this helpful. I look forward to working with you in the near future. Please feel free to contact me for more information or workers who are willing to speak with you.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS,INC
I hope you are all safe and well.
Remember to check on your friends and family.
Feel free to share your information, thoughts and concerns.
Stay safe!
Pat Speaks
Workers and Retirees
Yesterday LAWS sent the following letter via email to U. S. Attorney Matthew Schneider's office.
The office is officially closed until April 30, 2020
but we know that our message was forwarded to the Public Corruption unit
and will hopefully be given to Matthew Schneider himself.
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Yesterday LAWS sent the following letter via email to U. S. Attorney Matthew Schneider's office.
The office is officially closed until April 30, 2020
but we know that our message was forwarded to the Public Corruption unit
and will hopefully be given to Matthew Schneider himself.
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
April 14, 2020
U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider,
My name is Patricia Meyer and I am Director of LAWS, INC, a not for profit agency trying to help workers and retirees find justice. We have been working mainly in the automotive field for 20+ years. Many UAW members have contacted us with their questions and concerns about the trustworthiness of UAW President Rory Gamble and the UAW International Executive Board. Find out more about LAWS, INC at
I am contacting you today to alert you that a UAW worker from the Flint area has posted two highway signs, one at 1-75 and Holly Rd. and the other at 1-94 and Chene. He has questions for the UAW leadership and is encouraging other UAW members to contact Rory Gamble with their concerns and questions. He has done this because there is still a lack of communication between the UAW leadership and its membership. No questons or concerns are being addressed. Many workers and retirees are skeptical that the clean-up efforts put in place will really make any difference since they have concerns about the honesty of the current leadership. Unions are necessary for the safety and well-being of the working force. The leadership must be honest and working for the benefit of its membership not as a “company union.” The corruption, intimidation of workers and sexual/racial discrimination must be stopped.
Contact me at 269-998-4609 or through my secretary at [email protected] with any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS, INC
U.S. Attorney Matthew Schneider,
My name is Patricia Meyer and I am Director of LAWS, INC, a not for profit agency trying to help workers and retirees find justice. We have been working mainly in the automotive field for 20+ years. Many UAW members have contacted us with their questions and concerns about the trustworthiness of UAW President Rory Gamble and the UAW International Executive Board. Find out more about LAWS, INC at
I am contacting you today to alert you that a UAW worker from the Flint area has posted two highway signs, one at 1-75 and Holly Rd. and the other at 1-94 and Chene. He has questions for the UAW leadership and is encouraging other UAW members to contact Rory Gamble with their concerns and questions. He has done this because there is still a lack of communication between the UAW leadership and its membership. No questons or concerns are being addressed. Many workers and retirees are skeptical that the clean-up efforts put in place will really make any difference since they have concerns about the honesty of the current leadership. Unions are necessary for the safety and well-being of the working force. The leadership must be honest and working for the benefit of its membership not as a “company union.” The corruption, intimidation of workers and sexual/racial discrimination must be stopped.
Contact me at 269-998-4609 or through my secretary at [email protected] with any questions, comments, suggestions or concerns. I look forward to hearing from you in the near future.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS, INC
As always we wish the best.
Be careful!
Stay safe!
Share with others!
Be careful!
Stay safe!
Share with others!
Pat Speaks
UAW Workers and Retirees
Now is the time to do something!
Many are doubtful that UAW President Rory Gamble
and the UAW Executive Council are trustworthy.
After all Rory Gamble was hand picked by Gary Jones,
the disgraced former UAW president,
to take his place.
Now Gamble has asked for a meeting with Prosecuting Attorney Schneider
hoping he can “work things out.”
What does that mean?
Many workers and retirees feel that action
needs to be taken now to clean up their beloved UAW!
That is why UAW member Willie Buggs,
during this time of crisis in our country,
has dared to go forward with the highway signs!
In March a retiree wrote Rory Gamble the following letter.
March 10, 2020
Dear President Rory Gamble,
I'm a retired GM-UAW retiree and I have some concerns as to where the $2.00 a month union dues are going to, that are taken from my union brothers and sisters retirement checks.
This question has been brought up with local union leaders, but they can't seem to give me answers. They tell us that they can't get any answers to this and other concerns because the communications have been cut off with local union leaders and the top leadership in the international.
What are you people hiding? Or better yet, who are you trying to fool? It seems the people in the upper management are keeping all communications totally cut off from my union brothers and sisters, who pay your wages.
This is the answer he received.
March 18, 2020
Dear Brother
This will acknowledge receipt of you recent letter sent to this office. Due to the nature of your communication, I am referring your letter to Vice President Terry Dittes for investigation and follow-through on you concerns.
I am certain you will be hearing from a representative of the office within the near future.
With best wishes, I remain
In solidarity
Rory L. Gamble, President
International Union, UAW
cc: Terry Dittes, Vice President, UAW General Motors Department
Jimmie Williams, Chief of Staff to the President
As of this date he has not been contacted.
It seems to be the same old pattern.
You ask a question and receive no answer.
The question always needs to be studied or deferred to a different person.
if no one asks questions no answers will ever be given!
Instead of giving up,
workers and retirees,
you need to increase your efforts!
Encourage your fellow workers and retirees to participate.
Flood Gamble's office with letters and calls!
This will get the attention of the UAW leadership
and show them that they will no longer be able to ignore its membership!
Call UAW Gamble's office
and send letters.
UAW President Rory Gamble
313-962- 5201
26300 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48079
Now is the time for you to step forward.
Write down your thoughts and share them with us!
Send them to
Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
UAW Workers and Retirees
Now is the time to do something!
Many are doubtful that UAW President Rory Gamble
and the UAW Executive Council are trustworthy.
After all Rory Gamble was hand picked by Gary Jones,
the disgraced former UAW president,
to take his place.
Now Gamble has asked for a meeting with Prosecuting Attorney Schneider
hoping he can “work things out.”
What does that mean?
Many workers and retirees feel that action
needs to be taken now to clean up their beloved UAW!
That is why UAW member Willie Buggs,
during this time of crisis in our country,
has dared to go forward with the highway signs!
In March a retiree wrote Rory Gamble the following letter.
March 10, 2020
Dear President Rory Gamble,
I'm a retired GM-UAW retiree and I have some concerns as to where the $2.00 a month union dues are going to, that are taken from my union brothers and sisters retirement checks.
This question has been brought up with local union leaders, but they can't seem to give me answers. They tell us that they can't get any answers to this and other concerns because the communications have been cut off with local union leaders and the top leadership in the international.
What are you people hiding? Or better yet, who are you trying to fool? It seems the people in the upper management are keeping all communications totally cut off from my union brothers and sisters, who pay your wages.
This is the answer he received.
March 18, 2020
Dear Brother
This will acknowledge receipt of you recent letter sent to this office. Due to the nature of your communication, I am referring your letter to Vice President Terry Dittes for investigation and follow-through on you concerns.
I am certain you will be hearing from a representative of the office within the near future.
With best wishes, I remain
In solidarity
Rory L. Gamble, President
International Union, UAW
cc: Terry Dittes, Vice President, UAW General Motors Department
Jimmie Williams, Chief of Staff to the President
As of this date he has not been contacted.
It seems to be the same old pattern.
You ask a question and receive no answer.
The question always needs to be studied or deferred to a different person.
if no one asks questions no answers will ever be given!
Instead of giving up,
workers and retirees,
you need to increase your efforts!
Encourage your fellow workers and retirees to participate.
Flood Gamble's office with letters and calls!
This will get the attention of the UAW leadership
and show them that they will no longer be able to ignore its membership!
Call UAW Gamble's office
and send letters.
UAW President Rory Gamble
313-962- 5201
26300 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48079
Now is the time for you to step forward.
Write down your thoughts and share them with us!
Send them to
Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
Pat Speaks
Happy Easter
God bless all workers and retirees and their families!
God Bless all mankind as we fight this terrible illness!
Stay in when possible!
Keep safe!
We are still out their working for you.
Hope you get to see the signs. We hear they are magnificent!
Thanks again to Willie Buggs for stepping forward and daring to be heard!
We look forward to hearing from you.
God bless all workers and retirees and their families!
God Bless all mankind as we fight this terrible illness!
Stay in when possible!
Keep safe!
We are still out their working for you.
Hope you get to see the signs. We hear they are magnificent!
Thanks again to Willie Buggs for stepping forward and daring to be heard!
We look forward to hearing from you.
Pat Speaks
Workers and Retirees
We want to thank all of you for all of the back breaking work
you have done for all of these years to provide transportation for our country!
We want to thank those workers who are now working
to provide needed medical supplies during this healthcare crisis.
Please be careful and keep safe!
To all of you workers who have gone back into the plants to provide car parts
be careful!
Follow all safety precautions!
We want to commend Willie Buggs of UAW Local 598.
He was a victim of UAW corruption who had to fight for his job!
Due to the lack of communication and representation on the part of the UAW
Willie has had the courage to step forward to help his fellow workers and retirees to be heard.
Signs are going up on 1-75 and I-94 encouraging you workers and retirees
to contact the UAW leadership with your questions and concerns.
Now is the time for you to take action!
Ask your questions and express your concerns to your UAW leadership!
UAW Rory Gamble
write to him at
26300 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48076
You deserve answers!
Stay well!
Follow the safety guidelines!
Help each other!
Contact us with any information you think we should know
We want to thank all of you for all of the back breaking work
you have done for all of these years to provide transportation for our country!
We want to thank those workers who are now working
to provide needed medical supplies during this healthcare crisis.
Please be careful and keep safe!
To all of you workers who have gone back into the plants to provide car parts
be careful!
Follow all safety precautions!
We want to commend Willie Buggs of UAW Local 598.
He was a victim of UAW corruption who had to fight for his job!
Due to the lack of communication and representation on the part of the UAW
Willie has had the courage to step forward to help his fellow workers and retirees to be heard.
Signs are going up on 1-75 and I-94 encouraging you workers and retirees
to contact the UAW leadership with your questions and concerns.
Now is the time for you to take action!
Ask your questions and express your concerns to your UAW leadership!
UAW Rory Gamble
write to him at
26300 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48076
You deserve answers!
Stay well!
Follow the safety guidelines!
Help each other!
Contact us with any information you think we should know

UAW Members and Retirees
Signs are being put up by a UAW member near Flint and Detroit
asking questions the UAW leadership needs to answer.
These signs are being put up because the UAW membership
is not being told what is happening.
Their questions and concerns are not being heard!
The sign which will be located on 1-94 west of Chene Exit 217A asks
LAWS and this UAW member believe in unions!
They are not union busters!
Patricia Meyer, Director of LAWS, was a postal union vice president
who fought for her membership.
For 20+ years LAWS/UAW Concern has been fighting to find justice for workers!
Unfortunately, the recent UAW leadership has forgotten
to fight for the membership
in favor of working for the betterment of themselves and the corporations.
Here are some of the questions being asked by workers and retirees.
They need answers!
The sign located at 1-75 and Holly Road asks some of these questions.
Why are lump sums taken out of the worker's bonuses by the UAW
as a bargaining fee?
We pay dues for representation. Bargaining should be covered by our dues!
Why are union dues raised and then used for raises for local and international officials?
Why is the UAW membership kept in the dark with no communication from local officials?
Communication between locals is discouraged!
How can we help each other when no one knows what is happening?
Why is there no representation for retirees who are still paying dues?
Into what fund is the retiree union dues being placed?
Not all of their dues are being returned to the retirement groups.
In some places there are no retirement groups available.
What is their money being used for?
We urge you to ask these and any questions you may have during this time at home.
UAW President Rory Gamble
write to him
26300 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48076
You deserve answers to your questions!
Our prayers are with our medical teams
and all of you
during this crisis!
Stay well!
Help each other!
We must work together to survive as a nation!
Pat Speaks
AttentionFord, Chrysler and General Motors
UAW workers and retirees!
We are hearing from many of you that you are under stress
and are frustrated with your UAW representatives.
No one is sharing information with you.
You are still being kept in the dark.
Your UAW officials seem to be in hiding
and have cut off all communications with
the UAW Locals and the UAW membership.
Many are feeling like slaves in a sweatshop!
Workers and retirees have called us asking
where the UAW Headquarters is located
and how to reach someone in charge.
After much frustration I finally reached
the mail switchboard and was connected with
UAW Rory Gamble's office
where I spoke to a member of his staff.
This is what I was told.
You may try to reach his office
through the main switchboard number
and ask for President Rory Gamble's office.
Your chances of talking to someone are very small.
They no longer accept emails.
I was advised that the only way to communicate with an official
is by letters sent to
UAW President Rory Gamble
26301 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48076
I strongly encourage you to write to President Rory Gamble immediately!
Ask your questions.
Express your concerns and frustrations.
If you can afford it,
I recommend that you certify your letter.
It will need to be signed for and you will receive a return card proving it was delivered.
Imagine the impact you would all have
if you flooded his office with hundreds of letters!
What better way to be heard and to make the UAW officials accountable.
I also asked about Solidarity House.
I was told repairs are being made.
No date has been set for reopening.
Please feel free to contact us with questions
or information that you would be willing to share.
Let's get started being active UAW members today!
Attend your UAW local meetings!
Help your neighbors!
Be willing to stand up for what you believe!
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S.,Inc
[email protected]
UAW workers and retirees!
We are hearing from many of you that you are under stress
and are frustrated with your UAW representatives.
No one is sharing information with you.
You are still being kept in the dark.
Your UAW officials seem to be in hiding
and have cut off all communications with
the UAW Locals and the UAW membership.
Many are feeling like slaves in a sweatshop!
Workers and retirees have called us asking
where the UAW Headquarters is located
and how to reach someone in charge.
After much frustration I finally reached
the mail switchboard and was connected with
UAW Rory Gamble's office
where I spoke to a member of his staff.
This is what I was told.
You may try to reach his office
through the main switchboard number
and ask for President Rory Gamble's office.
Your chances of talking to someone are very small.
They no longer accept emails.
I was advised that the only way to communicate with an official
is by letters sent to
UAW President Rory Gamble
26301 Northwestern Highway
Southfield, MI 48076
I strongly encourage you to write to President Rory Gamble immediately!
Ask your questions.
Express your concerns and frustrations.
If you can afford it,
I recommend that you certify your letter.
It will need to be signed for and you will receive a return card proving it was delivered.
Imagine the impact you would all have
if you flooded his office with hundreds of letters!
What better way to be heard and to make the UAW officials accountable.
I also asked about Solidarity House.
I was told repairs are being made.
No date has been set for reopening.
Please feel free to contact us with questions
or information that you would be willing to share.
Let's get started being active UAW members today!
Attend your UAW local meetings!
Help your neighbors!
Be willing to stand up for what you believe!
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S.,Inc
[email protected]
Pat Speaks
Correcting An Injustice!
Re-election at UAW Local 551!
We have been told that the election of UAW officials in Local 551 has been overturned.
New nominations will be held on Sunday, February 23, 2020 at the union hall.
A representative from the US Department of Labor will be present.
The USDOL will also be present during the elections in March.
Members and retirees of UAW Local 551,
make sure you attend and are part of this process.
This is your chance to make a difference!
Unite All Workers for Democracy!
We have also heard about a group of UAW workers
Unite All Workers for Democracy
which has been formed to bring about change in the UAW.
They are asking for support from the UAW locals in bringing about
a special convention to put into effect the direct election,
one member-one vote,
of union officials
rather than the current system which has member elected delegates
from each local elect the international leaders.
This would put the elections back into the hands of the UAW membership.
We wish them well in this venture!
Workers and Retirees,
stay informed!
If you have contacts in other plants or retirees groups find out what is happening!
Attend your local meetings!
Ask questions!
Talk among yourselves!
Share information!
Support one another!
We encourage you to share your information or concerns with LAWS. Patricia Meyer may be reached at 269-998-4609. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.
Re-election at UAW Local 551!
We have been told that the election of UAW officials in Local 551 has been overturned.
New nominations will be held on Sunday, February 23, 2020 at the union hall.
A representative from the US Department of Labor will be present.
The USDOL will also be present during the elections in March.
Members and retirees of UAW Local 551,
make sure you attend and are part of this process.
This is your chance to make a difference!
Unite All Workers for Democracy!
We have also heard about a group of UAW workers
Unite All Workers for Democracy
which has been formed to bring about change in the UAW.
They are asking for support from the UAW locals in bringing about
a special convention to put into effect the direct election,
one member-one vote,
of union officials
rather than the current system which has member elected delegates
from each local elect the international leaders.
This would put the elections back into the hands of the UAW membership.
We wish them well in this venture!
Workers and Retirees,
stay informed!
If you have contacts in other plants or retirees groups find out what is happening!
Attend your local meetings!
Ask questions!
Talk among yourselves!
Share information!
Support one another!
We encourage you to share your information or concerns with LAWS. Patricia Meyer may be reached at 269-998-4609. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.
Pat Speaks
UAW Workers and Retirees
Are you happy with your UAW leadership?
We are receiving calls daily from workers and retirees with concerns about their UAW. That's right!
The UAW belongs to all of its members, the legacy workers, the tier workers, the temporaries (yes, they pay dues) and the retirees, not just the leadership!
Workers complain that there is still no communication in the plants. They are not told what is happening in their workplace and in other locations in their system. The locals do not communicate with one another. They ask;
Where is the UAW Headquarters?
Where are my UAW reps when I need them?
How do I call in the UAW for help?
Will someone in charge help me?
It seems to them that the UAW leadership has successfully kept everyone separated and ignorant as to what is going on. THIS MUST CHANGE.
The fire in July of 2019 at Solidarity House happened at a very opportune time. Financial records, books and correspondence were being subpoenaed by the IRS and the FBI. Floors housing accounting, legal and IT(information technology) documents were severely damaged. Burned books and records can't be searched for evidence. It is possible that not all of the pertinent records may have been sent off sight to the cloud to be saved.
Rory Gamble, the new UAW president, has stated that the UAW is installing reforms to clean up the UAW to regain the trust of its members. That sounds fine but the investigators say that the current leadership is still showing unwillingness to cooperate with the ongoing investigation. Workers are asking;
If the current UAW leadership is really interested in cleaning up the union why haven't the International and Local UAW officials pressed charges against the indicted UAW leadership?
It would appear that the leadership is more interested in looking after themselves than taking care of the membership especially now that the actions of Rory Gamble are being investigated.
Workers are also asking;
How can I trust the UAW leadership?
What will happen if the government takes over the UAW instead of cleaning it up?
Will employers see the UAW as an effective bargaining unit for its membership?
Many GM UAW workers question the reason for the 2019 strike against GM. Our agency LAWS visited strike lines in Michigan, Indiana and Ohio. Workers told us that they did not know why they were striking. They knew nothing about the negotiations, heard nothing from their local UAW officials and did not trust the negotiators. It certainly did not benefit the workers. A GM legacy worker told us that a group of them figured out that with 45 days out of strike, even with the strike pay and the $10,000 bonus combined, they lost $21,000.
Another question asked was why did they have to wait 20 days to receive strike pay? There was plenty in the strike fund! This caused hardship for many of the workers. It was even worse for the temporaries. They lost everything!
With the UAW facing public scandal workers have suggested that the strike may have been used to distract the public and the UAW membership from the expanding revelations of corruption withing the UAW leadership. Most of the workers had no idea of what was going on with the UAW leadership or in the other plants. Now some workers are asking does the excess money left from the GM strike fund paid in by the autoworkers stay in an automotive strike fund or go into a general strike fun for all UAW members in all types of employment?
Retirees, the UAW wants you to continue to pay reduced dues monthly. What do you get for this? You have absolutely no representation or voting rights. Your health plan is under the VEBA plan which is not governed by the UAW but by a separate board. What happens to your dues? If you belong to a retirement group some of your dues are used to support this group. What happens to the rest? Why is the UAW leadership closing down retirement units across the country? Should you be questioning this?You are one of the largest retiree groups in the country. It is time to let your voices be heard!
Workers and Retirees stay informed!
If you have contacts in other plants or retirees groups find out what is happening!
Attend your local meetings!
Ask questions!
Talk among yourselves!
Share information!
Support one another!
We encourage you to share your information or concerns with LAWS. Patricia Meyer may be reached at 269-998-4609. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you.
Submitted by
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S. Inc.
a not for profit agency working for workers, retirees and their families
Box 265
West Olive, MI 49460
[email protected]
Pat Speaks
Happy Holidays
and a
Blessed New Year!
The UAW contracts with the Big 3 corporations have been negotiated and ratified. Now the workers hope that they and their families can look forward to a more stable and productive 2020. However, I am hearing from many of them that they have concerns about what is happening in the UAW organization itself.
The UAW Executive Board has seen fit to appoint Rory Gamble as the UAW President to fill out ex UAW President Gary Jones term without any input from the UAW membership. Many of the UAW members I have talked with do not trust him or the rest of the UAW Executive Board members. They have all been in 'power' at the same time as all of the 'indicted' UAW officials. How are they to know if they are honest or not? Now I hear that past President Dennis Williams Jr. has hired a lawyer. No one know how deep the corruption will go or how many of the current leadership will be indicted.
The new clean-up efforts put into place by Rory Gamble and the UAW Executive Board will, at best, take a long time to bring about the desired results, if at all. Some of the workers are saying that all of the leadership should be replaced. They are worried, rightly so, about their representation and protection in the workplace.
Workers are still being kept in the dark about what is happening. They are receiving no information. They don't even know where the UAW headquarters is or how to contact anyone. If they call the UAW number no one is ever available. Many feel that they are being treated like slaves. Ask no questions! Do what you are told! Don't ever be late or call in sick! Your job is on the line!
There are still questions about the fire at Solidarity House. The FBI is looking into it.
What about the Training Center? When it is sold who gets the money?
With the new emphasis being placed on electric cars/trucks and batteries, especially at GM, workers are asking if they will be trained for the new types of jobs involved in electric car/truck production and battery developments or will they lose their jobs due to a lack of skills?
The UAW leadership does not fight for its retirees, the very people who have supported and made them strong in the past, but they are very happy to take their dues. If they belong to a retiree UAW group the group gets part of the dues back as operating expenses. What happens to the rest of it?
Paul Wohlforth, a Chrysler retiree, has posted on face book his concerns about the VEBA and the raiding of the Chrysler pension plan.
Another retiree sell out Contract!
VEBA fun facts:
As of Sept 2019 800,000 defined benefit retirees & family (400,000 actual autoworker retirees).
In 2009 VEBA trust started with 58.9 billion. 10 years later the fund stands at 61.3 billion.
The UAW VEBA loses on average 2000 members a month from death.
The average age is 72 which means most are now on Medicare reducing payouts from the VEBA.
There are over 160,000 retirees that are 80 or older, average retiree age of death 82.
Only UAW retirees who worked before 2007 are eligible for the VEBA.
So my question is the VEBA is growing assets while the eligible retiree numbers lessen. So with that in mind when the last retiree dies who gets the remaining assets? Why not give current retirees better cheaper healthcare now? Rising co-pays are literally killing retirees!
Raid on our retirement fund:
Nothing substantial for retirees in 2019 but a raid on our pension funds to pay for $60,000 buyouts!
Brief history of buyouts: Buyouts from 2008 and pension fund (st0ck market) performance caused our pensions to be underfunded. Years later the PBGC sent profitable Chrysler a warning of under funding which required a $1.7 billion infusion to return our pension fund to solvency. Would of better to spend the surplus on current retirees in the form of Christmas bonuses or COLA payments instead of helping the company's bottom line. Company should use their own monies to pay for buyouts.
Workers and retirees be vigilant!
You need to communicate with each other!
Attend your local meetings!
Stand up and ask questions!
Feel free to contact us with any questions, information or suggestions about how we can help.
and a
Blessed New Year!
The UAW contracts with the Big 3 corporations have been negotiated and ratified. Now the workers hope that they and their families can look forward to a more stable and productive 2020. However, I am hearing from many of them that they have concerns about what is happening in the UAW organization itself.
The UAW Executive Board has seen fit to appoint Rory Gamble as the UAW President to fill out ex UAW President Gary Jones term without any input from the UAW membership. Many of the UAW members I have talked with do not trust him or the rest of the UAW Executive Board members. They have all been in 'power' at the same time as all of the 'indicted' UAW officials. How are they to know if they are honest or not? Now I hear that past President Dennis Williams Jr. has hired a lawyer. No one know how deep the corruption will go or how many of the current leadership will be indicted.
The new clean-up efforts put into place by Rory Gamble and the UAW Executive Board will, at best, take a long time to bring about the desired results, if at all. Some of the workers are saying that all of the leadership should be replaced. They are worried, rightly so, about their representation and protection in the workplace.
Workers are still being kept in the dark about what is happening. They are receiving no information. They don't even know where the UAW headquarters is or how to contact anyone. If they call the UAW number no one is ever available. Many feel that they are being treated like slaves. Ask no questions! Do what you are told! Don't ever be late or call in sick! Your job is on the line!
There are still questions about the fire at Solidarity House. The FBI is looking into it.
What about the Training Center? When it is sold who gets the money?
With the new emphasis being placed on electric cars/trucks and batteries, especially at GM, workers are asking if they will be trained for the new types of jobs involved in electric car/truck production and battery developments or will they lose their jobs due to a lack of skills?
The UAW leadership does not fight for its retirees, the very people who have supported and made them strong in the past, but they are very happy to take their dues. If they belong to a retiree UAW group the group gets part of the dues back as operating expenses. What happens to the rest of it?
Paul Wohlforth, a Chrysler retiree, has posted on face book his concerns about the VEBA and the raiding of the Chrysler pension plan.
Another retiree sell out Contract!
VEBA fun facts:
As of Sept 2019 800,000 defined benefit retirees & family (400,000 actual autoworker retirees).
In 2009 VEBA trust started with 58.9 billion. 10 years later the fund stands at 61.3 billion.
The UAW VEBA loses on average 2000 members a month from death.
The average age is 72 which means most are now on Medicare reducing payouts from the VEBA.
There are over 160,000 retirees that are 80 or older, average retiree age of death 82.
Only UAW retirees who worked before 2007 are eligible for the VEBA.
So my question is the VEBA is growing assets while the eligible retiree numbers lessen. So with that in mind when the last retiree dies who gets the remaining assets? Why not give current retirees better cheaper healthcare now? Rising co-pays are literally killing retirees!
Raid on our retirement fund:
Nothing substantial for retirees in 2019 but a raid on our pension funds to pay for $60,000 buyouts!
Brief history of buyouts: Buyouts from 2008 and pension fund (st0ck market) performance caused our pensions to be underfunded. Years later the PBGC sent profitable Chrysler a warning of under funding which required a $1.7 billion infusion to return our pension fund to solvency. Would of better to spend the surplus on current retirees in the form of Christmas bonuses or COLA payments instead of helping the company's bottom line. Company should use their own monies to pay for buyouts.
Workers and retirees be vigilant!
You need to communicate with each other!
Attend your local meetings!
Stand up and ask questions!
Feel free to contact us with any questions, information or suggestions about how we can help.
Patricia Meyer
Director of LAWS
Labor Advocate Workers Solutions
Director of LAWS
Labor Advocate Workers Solutions
Pat Speaks
Happy Thanksgiving to all!
Have a wonderful 'gobble' day!
Pat Speaks
Something to Keep in Mind
Areas of Concern
Ford National Contract
The Ford National Contract has been ratified. It came down to a close vote at the Louisville, KY facility. Roughly 67% at Louisville voted against it. It would have taken around a 75% no vote to turn the contract down.
Retirement Issues
In both the General Motors and Ford National Contracts there was no increase to pension obligations or payments to the retirees. However, retirees are encouraged to pay dues. The only benefits they receive from them are if they belong to a retiree local unit or a retiree chapter not attached to any local facility where part of their monies are returned to support the unit. What happens to the rest of it?
UAW Clean-up
UAW acting President Rory Gamble has proposed ethics changes to clean up the operations of the UAW. One of these reforms is the selling of the cottage at the UAW Black Lake conference center near Onaway, MI built for ex UAW president Dennis Williams, Jr. Since the cottage is located on UAW property WHO is going to buy it? Are you aware that the interest from the strike fund is used to finance the UAW Black Lake complex? Was this money used to build this cottage? Incidentally I was told that the cottage was built with non-union workers. If this is so – SHAME on the UAW!
Recently former UAW public relations directors called for the resignation of the entire UAW Executive Board. This board acts as both union management and overseers of union actions. So far we have seen no signs of this happening.
Daniel Howes of The Detroit News in his November 15, 2019 article “UAW's third reform push in three years requires real change” pointed out some weak spots in the most recent reform plan. He points out that “some of the same people implicated in the … probe are positioned to lead the clean up.” He also states that the UAW should hire an independent outside investigator to access the actions taken by the union, the organizational structure, how the finances are used, look for corrupt practices and what process is being used to prepare the coming top leaders of the UAW. One problem I see about hiring an independent outside overseer is that he/she would still be paid by the UAW. Where would loyalty to the employer stop and loyalty to the membership for honest management and actions begin?
As a UAW member you need to stay informed!
Attend your local meetings!
Ask questions!
Share with others!
Areas of Concern
Ford National Contract
The Ford National Contract has been ratified. It came down to a close vote at the Louisville, KY facility. Roughly 67% at Louisville voted against it. It would have taken around a 75% no vote to turn the contract down.
Retirement Issues
In both the General Motors and Ford National Contracts there was no increase to pension obligations or payments to the retirees. However, retirees are encouraged to pay dues. The only benefits they receive from them are if they belong to a retiree local unit or a retiree chapter not attached to any local facility where part of their monies are returned to support the unit. What happens to the rest of it?
UAW Clean-up
UAW acting President Rory Gamble has proposed ethics changes to clean up the operations of the UAW. One of these reforms is the selling of the cottage at the UAW Black Lake conference center near Onaway, MI built for ex UAW president Dennis Williams, Jr. Since the cottage is located on UAW property WHO is going to buy it? Are you aware that the interest from the strike fund is used to finance the UAW Black Lake complex? Was this money used to build this cottage? Incidentally I was told that the cottage was built with non-union workers. If this is so – SHAME on the UAW!
Recently former UAW public relations directors called for the resignation of the entire UAW Executive Board. This board acts as both union management and overseers of union actions. So far we have seen no signs of this happening.
Daniel Howes of The Detroit News in his November 15, 2019 article “UAW's third reform push in three years requires real change” pointed out some weak spots in the most recent reform plan. He points out that “some of the same people implicated in the … probe are positioned to lead the clean up.” He also states that the UAW should hire an independent outside investigator to access the actions taken by the union, the organizational structure, how the finances are used, look for corrupt practices and what process is being used to prepare the coming top leaders of the UAW. One problem I see about hiring an independent outside overseer is that he/she would still be paid by the UAW. Where would loyalty to the employer stop and loyalty to the membership for honest management and actions begin?
As a UAW member you need to stay informed!
Attend your local meetings!
Ask questions!
Share with others!
Pat Speaks
Did you know that the UAW workers at Mack Truck Inc.
and Aramark are also on strike?
Mack Truck Inc. is owned by Volvo.
It is still producing the Mack Truck completely in America.
Can GM, Ford and FCA say this?
Mack Truck has plants
in Allentown, Pennsylvania; Middletown, Pennsylvania;
Hagerstown, Maryland; Baltimore, Maryland, and Jacksonville, Florida.
Aramark has workers at 5 GM cities in Michigan and Ohio.
UAW is striking GM at 55 locations in 10 states.
It is being said that the UAW is flexing its muscles,
showing its power, and showing its long reach!
Your new contract will be used as a pattern for the negotiations at Ford and FCA
for the key issues such as
wages, health care and temporary workers!
Before you vote for the ratification of any contract
make sure you know the details about
wages, health care cost, workers employment,
profit sharing,
the ratification bonus and retirement plans.
Here is what is being said about these issues.
This issue appears to be tentatively settled
make sure you know what has been agreed on
Will co-pays be removed or at least lowered?
Make sure you know what you will be paying!
Has a pathway to permanent employment
been made for the temporary employees?
Has the in-progression workers' timeline been shortened?
Will these pathways really work?
Make sure you know the new formula.
If more than $12 billion profit is made in North America
will the whole profit amount be part
or the profit sharing formula?
How much of this bonus will you really get?
On what is it being based?
Is the UAW taking a cut for negotiating it?
Will these plans be adjusted with cost of living increases?
Why isGM pushing to close the UAW-GM Center for Human Resources?
Are there secrets that they are trying to hide?
Was training money used improperly?
Big questions remain about what type of production will stay in America.
If more gasoline powered vehicle jobs are moved what will happen to your jobs?
If electric vehicle and battery cell manufacturing facilities are built
will the current work force be retrained for these jobs?
Pat Speaks
Words From the Strike Lines!
Last week we had the privilege of visiting
the UAW strike lines at the Flint locations
and at the Fort Wayne Truck Plant.
Here are what the workers are saying;
They hear nothing about the negotiations!
Why can't they communicate with the other locals?
Is the UAW headquarters' officials stopping
the local UAW officials from communicating plant to plant?
Are the UAW indictments causing the UAW negotiation team to be less affective?
Is GM using this possible lack of credibility on the part of the UAW officials
as leverage at the bargaining table?
The retirees can't help us because they have no vote or voice!
Job security is a big issue.
When more jobs are taken away what happens to us?
The promised new jobs are all temporary jobs
with lower paying wages and poorer health insurance!
Legacy workers are under pressure to take buyouts
to reduce the legacy workforce!
Tier workers fear they will never reach full time employment
due to lay-offs and re-negotiations!
Is it possible for negotiations with GM to include
Ford and FCA so they would all have
similar health insurance, job security and pensions?
Concerns were mentioned about GM building parts for most of the gas powered cars
out ot the country losing American jobs and closing American plants.
The only employees GM seems to want to add to the workforce
are temporaries, not full time employees.
Any skilled trades men's job vacancies
are being filled with contract workers.
Legacy workers are being urged to train temporary workers on
skilled jobs but these temps will still be paid the lower wages.
The new push by GM toward electric and autonomous cars
will limit the workforce even more.
It would seem to us that GM, our country's largest car manufacturer,
boasting about it's most profitable year,
is no longer wanting to provide jobs
in America, the very country
that has always supported them
and even bailed them out when they were failing!
Pat Speaks
Solidarity Forever!
Not Just Words But a Way of Life!
All UAW members must stand together!
UAW Negotiators,
Protect Your Membership!
Teat Legacy, Tier ll and Temporary Workers the same!
Create Equality in the Workplace!
Paid for by Labors Advocates Workers Solution (LAWS)
Not Just Words But a Way of Life!
All UAW members must stand together!
UAW Negotiators,
Protect Your Membership!
Teat Legacy, Tier ll and Temporary Workers the same!
Create Equality in the Workplace!
Paid for by Labors Advocates Workers Solution (LAWS)
Pat Speaks
UAW Members
Negotiations are going on with GM now!
Ford and Chrysler UAW members you need to pay attention!
Your negotiations will be coming up soon!
You should have concerns about what is happening!
You have a union under indictment negotiating your future!
You need to demand that an impartial arbitrator
be present during the negotiations for the welfare of the workers.
Are you being kept informed about what is happening?
We have heard that GM makes the least amount of cars in the U.S.
How sad is that!
It is reported that GM is offering the possibility of
-the investment of 7 billion in the U.S. in8 facilities in 4 states
-2 billion will be from joint ventures and suppliers for new plants
-5,400 jobs, 2,700 of them will be new temporary jobs
at a lower wage at the new facilities
With the new hires will there be more temporary workers
than full time workers in the plants?
Will the temps receive representation from the UAW
they are paying dues to in order to work?
Will they ever be able to attain the full time employee status?
How about the Tier ll workers?
You have worked many years trying to
become full time employees with health insurance.
Will this ever happen?
It is my understanding that tradesmen are being pressured to train
temporary workers on tradesman jobs without any formal training?
Is this happening in your plant?
Before you vote for ratification of any contract
make sure you attend any meetings
and read all handouts from the UAW.
Vote your conscience not as you are told!
Negotiations are going on with GM now!
Ford and Chrysler UAW members you need to pay attention!
Your negotiations will be coming up soon!
You should have concerns about what is happening!
You have a union under indictment negotiating your future!
You need to demand that an impartial arbitrator
be present during the negotiations for the welfare of the workers.
Are you being kept informed about what is happening?
We have heard that GM makes the least amount of cars in the U.S.
How sad is that!
It is reported that GM is offering the possibility of
-the investment of 7 billion in the U.S. in8 facilities in 4 states
-2 billion will be from joint ventures and suppliers for new plants
-5,400 jobs, 2,700 of them will be new temporary jobs
at a lower wage at the new facilities
- a possible battery assembly plant in Lordstown, Ohio
- a possible use of Hamtramck plant for an electric pick up truck
- a possible $8,000 bonus for each worker once the contract is ratified.
- Will you really get $8,000 or will the bonus be based on hours worked
- as in the past?
- Will the UAW take a cut, as they have done in the past,
- because they negotiated it for you?
With the new hires will there be more temporary workers
than full time workers in the plants?
Will the temps receive representation from the UAW
they are paying dues to in order to work?
Will they ever be able to attain the full time employee status?
How about the Tier ll workers?
You have worked many years trying to
become full time employees with health insurance.
Will this ever happen?
It is my understanding that tradesmen are being pressured to train
temporary workers on tradesman jobs without any formal training?
Is this happening in your plant?
Before you vote for ratification of any contract
make sure you attend any meetings
and read all handouts from the UAW.
Vote your conscience not as you are told!
Pat Speaks
Happy Labor Day Weekend
It is right that workers be celebrated!
You are the backbone of America!
With all that is going on it is hard to have good feelings about the UAW Leadership!
How what is happening will affect the negotiations is yet to be seen!
We have some thoughts about the negotiations and concerns from the workers to share with you!
UAW Workers and Retirees
With contract negotiations under way and strike votes being taken
here are some of the concerns and demands we have learned
workers are voicing:
Many feel the union has become a company union.
“It is all hush-hush with the UAW.
They don't tell us anything”
“The UAW isn't fighting for us, they are working for the company.”
“Health care benefits for workers in GM, Ford and FCA are not the same.”
Many legacy workers feel that the companies, in many areas,
are trying to drive them out by moving them from job to job,
changing shifts and eliminating overtime.
“We have to get rid of the tiers.”
“We want an end to tiers and equal pay for equal work.”
“I am mostly worried about the new younger workers.
A job … used to mean decent pay, enough to live.
Now you can hardly get by.
The system divides workers, plain and simple.”
“Now GM wants to follow Chrysler's lead and get more temps and contract workers.
These young workers are building high-end vehicles and they can't afford a used car.
The TPT's pay union dues and theUAW does nothing to defend them.
It's taxation without representation.”
“Safety is the most important issue. We have injuries and excessive workingconditions. It's loud and we breathe bad air. OSHA is not forcing the company to adhere to safety standards and the union is always modifying the contract to let the company get away with anything.
Instead of protecting us, the UAW is on the company's side.”
Concerning corruption within the UAW leadership,
workers are shocked and horrified
that the leadership they trusted has betrayed them and gotten away with it.
“Union officials hear that federal investigators are looking into them and they suddenly retire and collect a pension. How can we be paying for that?
That's my demand: no pensions for the people who stole from us.”
How do your feel?
What do you think?
Let others know before it is too late?
Retirees make sure that you know where your dues are going!
Are they being used to help you?
Are they being used properly by the UAW leadership?
What about health insurance?
We are getting older!
Will the coverage be there when you need it?
It is time to ask questions!
If you have a retiree group near you make sure that you attend.
Call the benefits department if you have questions.
Stay active and involved!
It is right that workers be celebrated!
You are the backbone of America!
With all that is going on it is hard to have good feelings about the UAW Leadership!
How what is happening will affect the negotiations is yet to be seen!
We have some thoughts about the negotiations and concerns from the workers to share with you!
UAW Workers and Retirees
With contract negotiations under way and strike votes being taken
here are some of the concerns and demands we have learned
workers are voicing:
Many feel the union has become a company union.
“It is all hush-hush with the UAW.
They don't tell us anything”
“The UAW isn't fighting for us, they are working for the company.”
“Health care benefits for workers in GM, Ford and FCA are not the same.”
Many legacy workers feel that the companies, in many areas,
are trying to drive them out by moving them from job to job,
changing shifts and eliminating overtime.
“We have to get rid of the tiers.”
“We want an end to tiers and equal pay for equal work.”
“I am mostly worried about the new younger workers.
A job … used to mean decent pay, enough to live.
Now you can hardly get by.
The system divides workers, plain and simple.”
“Now GM wants to follow Chrysler's lead and get more temps and contract workers.
These young workers are building high-end vehicles and they can't afford a used car.
The TPT's pay union dues and theUAW does nothing to defend them.
It's taxation without representation.”
“Safety is the most important issue. We have injuries and excessive workingconditions. It's loud and we breathe bad air. OSHA is not forcing the company to adhere to safety standards and the union is always modifying the contract to let the company get away with anything.
Instead of protecting us, the UAW is on the company's side.”
Concerning corruption within the UAW leadership,
workers are shocked and horrified
that the leadership they trusted has betrayed them and gotten away with it.
“Union officials hear that federal investigators are looking into them and they suddenly retire and collect a pension. How can we be paying for that?
That's my demand: no pensions for the people who stole from us.”
How do your feel?
What do you think?
Let others know before it is too late?
Retirees make sure that you know where your dues are going!
Are they being used to help you?
Are they being used properly by the UAW leadership?
What about health insurance?
We are getting older!
Will the coverage be there when you need it?
It is time to ask questions!
If you have a retiree group near you make sure that you attend.
Call the benefits department if you have questions.
Stay active and involved!
Pat Speaks
UAW Workers and Retirees
2019 National and Local Contract Negotiations have begun!
We have not forgotten you
or your concerns!
We are sharing your plight
and your concerns about the coming contracts!
Recently we have been in contact
with Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
and several members of the media
making them aware of your concerns and fears about the contracts!
The UAW has separated you from your fellow workers
across the nations by not allowing communication between the locals.
You can help spread the news!
Attend your local meetings.
Find out what is happening in your plant.
Stand up for one another!
Demand that the UAW negotiates for You!
Demand that all employees will become permanent employees
and all laid off workers be called back before others are hired!
Communicate between locals so all will be informed what is happening!
Keep us informed about what is happening!
I may be reached at 269-998-4609
or through [email protected]t
Pat Speaks
2019 is a National Contract Year!
Will your UAW negotiate for YOU?
Is the UAW a “bribed tool of management” as stated by the WSWS organization?
Many UAW members think so!
They call the UAW a “company union” that works for the corporations
rather than its membership!
We see UAW union officials such as GM and Chrysler representative
Norwood Jewell and others guilty of taking bribes from Chrysler corporations.
As the WSWS says, “they are the bribed tools of management.”
They are the ones who got caught.
Now former President Williams honesty is being questioned.
They certainly were not working in the interests of its membership.
How many others are corrupt?
Temps are being used to create unrest in the workplace.
They are being exploited by the very union they pay dues to in order to work.
They are unable to file grievances.
They are doing the same jobs along side legacy and Tier11 workers
causing bad feelings between workers.
They have to pay for their own health insurance
out of their meager wages!
Employment is dangled as a carrot so they will vote the way they are told
during the local and national contract ratification votes!
There is a campaign by the corporations to rid the plants of
legacy and Tier 11 workers
so the workforce will become only
low-payed temporaries with no chance of becoming permanent employees.
The UAW has separated you from your fellow workers
across the nations by not allowing communication between the locals.
What Can You Do?
Attend your local meetings. Demand that the UAW negotiates for You!
Demand that all employees will become permanent employees
and all laid off workers be called back before others are hired!
Communicate between locals so all will be informed what is happening!
Workers need to know the truth and you can help!
Are you willing to post this information on your local's website or share it others?
We give you permission to copy and share any information from this site.
As always we wish you well!
Please keep us informed as to what is happening at your workplace.
2019 is a National Contract Year!
Will your UAW negotiate for YOU?
Is the UAW a “bribed tool of management” as stated by the WSWS organization?
Many UAW members think so!
They call the UAW a “company union” that works for the corporations
rather than its membership!
We see UAW union officials such as GM and Chrysler representative
Norwood Jewell and others guilty of taking bribes from Chrysler corporations.
As the WSWS says, “they are the bribed tools of management.”
They are the ones who got caught.
Now former President Williams honesty is being questioned.
They certainly were not working in the interests of its membership.
How many others are corrupt?
Temps are being used to create unrest in the workplace.
They are being exploited by the very union they pay dues to in order to work.
They are unable to file grievances.
They are doing the same jobs along side legacy and Tier11 workers
causing bad feelings between workers.
They have to pay for their own health insurance
out of their meager wages!
Employment is dangled as a carrot so they will vote the way they are told
during the local and national contract ratification votes!
There is a campaign by the corporations to rid the plants of
legacy and Tier 11 workers
so the workforce will become only
low-payed temporaries with no chance of becoming permanent employees.
The UAW has separated you from your fellow workers
across the nations by not allowing communication between the locals.
What Can You Do?
Attend your local meetings. Demand that the UAW negotiates for You!
Demand that all employees will become permanent employees
and all laid off workers be called back before others are hired!
Communicate between locals so all will be informed what is happening!
Workers need to know the truth and you can help!
Are you willing to post this information on your local's website or share it others?
We give you permission to copy and share any information from this site.
As always we wish you well!
Please keep us informed as to what is happening at your workplace.
Pat Speaks
Workers and Retirees
We hope the demonstration on
Saturday, February 9, 2019
outside of the General Motors headquarters in Detroit
is well supported and attended.
This demonstration has be called by the
Steering Committee of the Coalition of Rank-and-File Committees
to protest the company's plans to shut five factories in the
United States and Canada
and to eliminate nearly 15,00 production and salary workers' jobs.
Workers, if you are offered a transfer
make sure that you are fully aware
of every detail before you agree to anything.
Support one another in your workplace
and in your retiree meetings.
Make sure that you know what is happening
in your plant and in others across the systems.
As always we wish you our best.
Please keep us informed.
We hope the demonstration on
Saturday, February 9, 2019
outside of the General Motors headquarters in Detroit
is well supported and attended.
This demonstration has be called by the
Steering Committee of the Coalition of Rank-and-File Committees
to protest the company's plans to shut five factories in the
United States and Canada
and to eliminate nearly 15,00 production and salary workers' jobs.
Workers, if you are offered a transfer
make sure that you are fully aware
of every detail before you agree to anything.
Support one another in your workplace
and in your retiree meetings.
Make sure that you know what is happening
in your plant and in others across the systems.
As always we wish you our best.
Please keep us informed.
Pat Speaks
Workers and Retirees
The following article about workers was brought to our attention.
It speaks to the struggles you workers endure everyday to earn a living for your families.
Column: Working people deserve more
Ron Bieber published Jan, 9, 2018
Later this month, Gov. Rick Snyder will deliver his final State of the State speech at the Capitol. For every governor, this speech is a rare chance to speak directly to the people of Michigan about the challenges and opportunities facing our state in the year ahead – and, more importantly, it's an opportunity to propose a bold agenda for building a better Michigan for everyone.
Unfortunately, during his seven years in office, Snyder has turned each of his State of the State speeches into a long lecture filled with happy talk, where he cherry picks a few rosy statistics from his trusty dashboards, while ignoring the real problems working people face in our state every day.
Michigan deserves better.
We deserve a governor who will be straight with us about the very real economic challenges our state is still facing, because the truth is, no matter how high the stock market climbs. There are still far too many children in Michigan growing up in poverty, and far too many people living paycheck to paycheck, working unreliable hours, with few or no benefits, and without a secure retirement.
It's easy to understand how we got here, because Rick Snyder, Bill Schuette and Brian Calley have spent the past seven years rigging the rules of our economy to favor their wealthy corporate donors at the expense of regular working families.
But the real state of the state for working people under Snyder has been pretty lousy:
According to the most recent United Way ALICE Report, 40 percent of households in Michigan cannot afford basic needs such as housing, child care, food, health care, and transportation. More than 20 percent of ;Michigan children are living in poverty, and 44 percent are living in low-income families, according to the 2017 Kids Count in Michigan report.
Working families simply can't afford a third term of Snyder's failed economic policies – which is exactly what Schuette and Calley represent.
We need a new direction in Michigan. It's time to start building an economy that works for everyone.
Our newly elected governor Gretchen Whitmer faces many challenges
as she takes over the leadership of our state.
Our state and our whole country is in crisis!
Now, many of you are threatened with plant closings and job losses.
GM, Ford and other corporations have risen up and
'bitten the hand'
of the UAW International leadership
that has worked hand in hand with these corporations
over the years
instead of supporting its paying membership and retirees.
It is more important than ever
that you stick together
help one another.
Attend your local meetings.
Make sure that you know what is happening in your work place and others.
Please keep us informed.
The following article about workers was brought to our attention.
It speaks to the struggles you workers endure everyday to earn a living for your families.
Column: Working people deserve more
Ron Bieber published Jan, 9, 2018
Later this month, Gov. Rick Snyder will deliver his final State of the State speech at the Capitol. For every governor, this speech is a rare chance to speak directly to the people of Michigan about the challenges and opportunities facing our state in the year ahead – and, more importantly, it's an opportunity to propose a bold agenda for building a better Michigan for everyone.
Unfortunately, during his seven years in office, Snyder has turned each of his State of the State speeches into a long lecture filled with happy talk, where he cherry picks a few rosy statistics from his trusty dashboards, while ignoring the real problems working people face in our state every day.
Michigan deserves better.
We deserve a governor who will be straight with us about the very real economic challenges our state is still facing, because the truth is, no matter how high the stock market climbs. There are still far too many children in Michigan growing up in poverty, and far too many people living paycheck to paycheck, working unreliable hours, with few or no benefits, and without a secure retirement.
It's easy to understand how we got here, because Rick Snyder, Bill Schuette and Brian Calley have spent the past seven years rigging the rules of our economy to favor their wealthy corporate donors at the expense of regular working families.
But the real state of the state for working people under Snyder has been pretty lousy:
- Republicans in Lansing raised taxes on working families by eliminating the child tax credit and creating the Snyder Retirement Tax on seniors' pension, all so they could give a $2 billion tax break to wealthy corporations that send jobs overseas.
- Snyder signed countless laws like the Emergency Manager Act, which it could be argued caused the Flint Water Crisis as well as “right-to-work,” which takes away the freedom from working people to negotiate together for a fair return on our word.
- Lansing Republicans sided with the DeVos family and corporations to redirect $1 billion each year away from out neighborhood schools to unaccountable for-profit charter and cyber schools.
According to the most recent United Way ALICE Report, 40 percent of households in Michigan cannot afford basic needs such as housing, child care, food, health care, and transportation. More than 20 percent of ;Michigan children are living in poverty, and 44 percent are living in low-income families, according to the 2017 Kids Count in Michigan report.
Working families simply can't afford a third term of Snyder's failed economic policies – which is exactly what Schuette and Calley represent.
We need a new direction in Michigan. It's time to start building an economy that works for everyone.
Our newly elected governor Gretchen Whitmer faces many challenges
as she takes over the leadership of our state.
Our state and our whole country is in crisis!
Now, many of you are threatened with plant closings and job losses.
GM, Ford and other corporations have risen up and
'bitten the hand'
of the UAW International leadership
that has worked hand in hand with these corporations
over the years
instead of supporting its paying membership and retirees.
It is more important than ever
that you stick together
help one another.
Attend your local meetings.
Make sure that you know what is happening in your work place and others.
Please keep us informed.
Pat Speaks
Merry Christmas
Happy New Year!
Now is the time when all workers, legacy, tier and temporaries, and retirees
need to stand together and become a united front.
is a contract year.
Your UAW officials, International and Local,
need to hear from you
that they need to support their membership!
Stand together!
Talk to one another!
Help each other!
Make sure that you keep informed!
Make sure that you fully understand any offers you receive!
Remember to keep us informed!
Happy New Year!
Now is the time when all workers, legacy, tier and temporaries, and retirees
need to stand together and become a united front.
is a contract year.
Your UAW officials, International and Local,
need to hear from you
that they need to support their membership!
Stand together!
Talk to one another!
Help each other!
Make sure that you keep informed!
Make sure that you fully understand any offers you receive!
Remember to keep us informed!
Pat Speaks
Your work is important to our nation!
in the auto industry,
the UAW leadership has not supported
the auto and auto suppliers' workers!
Legacy workers are being moved from jobs that they know
to jobs they should not have to be on.
Temporary workers are being allowed to do their former jobs!
Legacy workers, are they trying to get you to quit or retire?
Tier workers,
the UAW would have you believe that after eight years
you can become legacy workers.
Your contracts only run for 4 years. Everything can change!
Lay offs and shut downs keep messing with your seniority.
We see the companies, with UAW approval,
are trying to remove all legacy workers.
What will be left for you to gain?
Workers are still being harassed at the Chicago plants.
At the Lordstown GM plant the company layed off the 2nd shift
and the UAW allowed the hiring of sub contractors
into the massive assembly that builds the Chevy Cruze.
The workers feel that they are trying to force out the legacy workers
and replace them with temps.
It was reported to us that the UAW signed
a memorandum of understanding with GM
earlier this year allowing the company to hire lower paid
contract workers with GM Subsystems LLC
to take jobs formerly held by plant workers.
A similar agreement was signed at the Lake Orion plant outside of Detroit.
Now we are hearing from Flatrock, MI workers that the same thing is happening there.
Many of the workers feel that they are being treated like slaves
with no say and no UAW support.
We hear from many workers across the industry that they feel
that soon only temps will be employed with no benefits and low pay
while still paying union dues but receiving no UAW support.
Remember! It is not the temporary workers' fault.
They are only trying to earn a living to support their families!
It is time to demand that the union stand up for your jobs and your rights!
You must begin talking to and supporting each other!
If you are threatened you must make a police report.
Attend you local union meetings and take action.
Vote for those who do the job properly.
Communication between locals needs to be re-established immediately.
It is your future at stake!
Your work is important to our nation!
in the auto industry,
the UAW leadership has not supported
the auto and auto suppliers' workers!
Legacy workers are being moved from jobs that they know
to jobs they should not have to be on.
Temporary workers are being allowed to do their former jobs!
Legacy workers, are they trying to get you to quit or retire?
Tier workers,
the UAW would have you believe that after eight years
you can become legacy workers.
Your contracts only run for 4 years. Everything can change!
Lay offs and shut downs keep messing with your seniority.
We see the companies, with UAW approval,
are trying to remove all legacy workers.
What will be left for you to gain?
Workers are still being harassed at the Chicago plants.
At the Lordstown GM plant the company layed off the 2nd shift
and the UAW allowed the hiring of sub contractors
into the massive assembly that builds the Chevy Cruze.
The workers feel that they are trying to force out the legacy workers
and replace them with temps.
It was reported to us that the UAW signed
a memorandum of understanding with GM
earlier this year allowing the company to hire lower paid
contract workers with GM Subsystems LLC
to take jobs formerly held by plant workers.
A similar agreement was signed at the Lake Orion plant outside of Detroit.
Now we are hearing from Flatrock, MI workers that the same thing is happening there.
Many of the workers feel that they are being treated like slaves
with no say and no UAW support.
We hear from many workers across the industry that they feel
that soon only temps will be employed with no benefits and low pay
while still paying union dues but receiving no UAW support.
Remember! It is not the temporary workers' fault.
They are only trying to earn a living to support their families!
It is time to demand that the union stand up for your jobs and your rights!
You must begin talking to and supporting each other!
If you are threatened you must make a police report.
Attend you local union meetings and take action.
Vote for those who do the job properly.
Communication between locals needs to be re-established immediately.
It is your future at stake!
Pat Speaks
After working with workers and retirees from all across our country it has become apparent to me that the UAW has become corrupt and a “company union.” Its international leadership and often the local leadership are not working on behalf of its dues paying membership. The actions of the leadership need to be investigated and they need to be held accountable for their actions.
Some of the problems that have been brought to our attention include:
Misuse of funds – most recently the misuse of the strike fund interest to build a retirement home for former UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr at Black Lake for over a million dollars.
Voting violations including the 2016 National Ford Contract voting and a number of local elections over the years
Lack of proper representation and the refusal to write grievances
The secret opening of contracts and revisions being made without the membership being informed
Lack of equal representation for all workers who pay union dues
Temporary workers unable to file grievances and receive no representation even though they pay union dues to work
Sexual and racial harassment allowed in plants – in some cases by UAW Local Officials
No communications between different locals – Workers are being kept ignorant of what is happening elsewhere.
Retirees paying union dues with no representation or right to vote
Retirees fear loss of VEBA health insurance and pensions. This year their monthly payments for health insurance stopped. Why? Where did this money come from finance the VEBA? Does this mean that the VEBA is in danger of being dropped?
Remember 2019 is a National Contract year.
Pay attention to what is happening around you.
Both workers and retirees attend your local meetings.
Ask questions .
Support one another at the workplace.
Pat Speaks
Thank you veterans for your service!
What is your $2.00 a month dues being used for?
Are you receiving any representation from the UAW?
Do you have any say in what happens to you as a retiree?
Is your money being used for health insurance?
The answer to all of these questions in NO!
In June of 2018 a wife of a GM retirees talked with a UAW assistant to the then president Dennis Williams, Jr. about retiree concerns including the VEBA health insurance. He told her that the UAW president doesn't have anything to do with the health insurance for retirees and that the union doesn't negotiate for retirees. Any changes to the VEBA can only be through the courts and a board of directors. He also stated that the VEBA was created to protect workers from losing health insurance if the company filed bankruptcy like when Chrysler filed for bankruptcy.
We know the VEBA was created when the UAW negotiated with the auto companies to take over the health insurance because they had fallen on hard times. The VEBA is now a trust which is suppose to support itself. It will only last as long as the money holds out.
You need to attend your regional retiree meetings and ask these questions.
Stay up to date on what is happening to your health insurance.
What about your health insurance coverage?
Will you have VEBA coverage when you retire?
You need to ask these questions.
Pat Speaks
There is a new Facebook page available where you can post, share your opinions and discuss with others.
You are all welcome at union workers & retirees united.
unionworkers&[email protected] is also available if you do not use Facebook
Workers and Retirees
2019 is a contract year!
Now is the time to bring issues that need to be addressed to the attention of the UAW
who is suppose to stand up for you!
Let your voice be heard!
UAW members need to communicate with each other in the plants, at local UAW meetings.
Information needs to be exchanged with other plants and UAW locals so everyone knows what is going on across the country.
Some issues to Address
All dues paying UAW workers, whether they be legacy, tier 11 or temporary, deceive proper representation from their union.
All workers doing the same job deserve equal pay and representation.
Tier levels and temporaries levels should be eliminated and all workers equal.
Retirees deserve to have a say in what is happening to their health insurance and in their union.
You are all welcome at union workers & retirees united.
unionworkers&[email protected] is also available if you do not use Facebook
Workers and Retirees
2019 is a contract year!
Now is the time to bring issues that need to be addressed to the attention of the UAW
who is suppose to stand up for you!
Let your voice be heard!
UAW members need to communicate with each other in the plants, at local UAW meetings.
Information needs to be exchanged with other plants and UAW locals so everyone knows what is going on across the country.
Some issues to Address
All dues paying UAW workers, whether they be legacy, tier 11 or temporary, deceive proper representation from their union.
All workers doing the same job deserve equal pay and representation.
Tier levels and temporaries levels should be eliminated and all workers equal.
Retirees deserve to have a say in what is happening to their health insurance and in their union.
Pat Speaks
Attention Workers and Retirees!
We recommend a
new blog talk radio show
Hosted by Richard Danjin
7-9 P.M.
Get updates on what is happening to UAW and other workers
Call in at 929-477-2976 and share information
Email questions or comments can be sent to
[email protected]
Pat speaks
Your work is important to our nation!
Unfortunately, in the auto industry,
the UAW leadership has not supported
the auto and auto suppliers' workers!
Legacy workers are being moved from jobs that they know
to jobs they should not have to be on.
Temporary workers are being allowed to do their former jobs!
Legacy workers, are they trying to get you to quit or retire?
Tier workers,
the UAW would have you believe that after eight years
you can become legacy workers.
Your contracts only run for 4 years. Everything can change!
Lay offs and shut downs keep messing with your seniority.
We see the companies, with UAW approval,
are trying to remove all legacy workers.
What will be left for you to gain?
Workers are still being harassed at the Chicago plants.
At the Lordstown GM plant the company layed off the 2nd shift
and the UAW allowed the hiring of sub contractors
into the massive assembly that builds the Chevy Cruze.
The workers feel that they are trying to force out the legacy workers
and replace them with temps.
It was reported to us that the UAW signed
a memorandum of understanding with GM
earlier this year allowing the company to hire lower
paid contract workers with GM Subsystems LLC to take jobs
formerly held by plant workers.
A similar agreement was signed at the Lake Orion plant outside of Detroit.
Now we are hearing from Flatrock, MI workers that the same thing is happening there.
Many of the workers feel that they are being treated like slaves
with no say and no UAW support.
We hear from many workers across the industry that they feel
that soon only temps will be employed with no benefits and low pay
while still paying union dues but receiving no UAW support.
Remember! It is not the temporary workers' fault.
They are only trying to earn a living to support their families!
It is time to demand that the union stand up for your jobs and your rights!
You must begin talking to and supporting each other!
If you are threatened you must make a police report.
Attend you local union meetings and take action.
Vote for those who do the job properly.
Communication between locals needs to be re-established immediately.
It is your future at stake!
Your work is important to our nation!
Unfortunately, in the auto industry,
the UAW leadership has not supported
the auto and auto suppliers' workers!
Legacy workers are being moved from jobs that they know
to jobs they should not have to be on.
Temporary workers are being allowed to do their former jobs!
Legacy workers, are they trying to get you to quit or retire?
Tier workers,
the UAW would have you believe that after eight years
you can become legacy workers.
Your contracts only run for 4 years. Everything can change!
Lay offs and shut downs keep messing with your seniority.
We see the companies, with UAW approval,
are trying to remove all legacy workers.
What will be left for you to gain?
Workers are still being harassed at the Chicago plants.
At the Lordstown GM plant the company layed off the 2nd shift
and the UAW allowed the hiring of sub contractors
into the massive assembly that builds the Chevy Cruze.
The workers feel that they are trying to force out the legacy workers
and replace them with temps.
It was reported to us that the UAW signed
a memorandum of understanding with GM
earlier this year allowing the company to hire lower
paid contract workers with GM Subsystems LLC to take jobs
formerly held by plant workers.
A similar agreement was signed at the Lake Orion plant outside of Detroit.
Now we are hearing from Flatrock, MI workers that the same thing is happening there.
Many of the workers feel that they are being treated like slaves
with no say and no UAW support.
We hear from many workers across the industry that they feel
that soon only temps will be employed with no benefits and low pay
while still paying union dues but receiving no UAW support.
Remember! It is not the temporary workers' fault.
They are only trying to earn a living to support their families!
It is time to demand that the union stand up for your jobs and your rights!
You must begin talking to and supporting each other!
If you are threatened you must make a police report.
Attend you local union meetings and take action.
Vote for those who do the job properly.
Communication between locals needs to be re-established immediately.
It is your future at stake!
Pat Speaks
Attention All Workers and Retirees!
Further corruption within the UAW International has gotten into the public eye
through the efforts of Illinois State Representative Barbara Wheeler.
She has exposed UAW Shop Chairman for allowing
sexual harassment to occur in the Chicago assembly plant.
For many years we have fought the corruption in the leadership of the UAW.
Norwood Jewell has accused of misusing union funds while
serving as UAW representative at Chrysler.
A week ago a retired UAW worker who knows Norwood Jewell saw him.
Jewell told him he was officially retired from the UAW.
He stated that he was given a job by the UAW International to work on another project.
How sad it is that a leader in your UAW,
who has allegedly committed a crime against the UAW and its members,
is still allowed to work for them.
Just today the Detroit News has broken a story stating that
ex-UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr.
knew and okay-ed the misuse of funds.
We intend to continue to fight corruption at all costs.
Pleas keep us informed about what is happening at your workplace.
Remember to attend your union meetings
and to stand up for one another!
Pat Speaks
UAW Members
Gary Jones is your new UAW president!
Vice Presidents
Cindy Estrada – head of the UAW- FCA Department
Terry Dittes – head of the UAW- GM Department
Rory Gamble – head of the UAW-Ford Department
Ray Curry – Secretary Treasurer
Following are some quotes from Gary Jones' speeches
“We're in for a battle. A battle for the UAW and the existence of the middle class.
But I'm here to fight for you. We will win.” (1)
“Knowing our core values, knowing who we are and knowing what the UAW is
about could not be more important than it is today.
It is a time of very deep political divides and social unrest.”
In response to the FCA and UAW being labeled as co-conspirator apart from the individuals charged Jones stated that,
“The UAW is absolutely devoted to bettering the lives and job conditions of America's men and women. We will not be distracted from that mission.”
He also addressed right-to-work efforts that threaten the collective bargaining process and took a hard line on social justice issues stating that 'union values are color-blind, gender-neutral and dedicated to equality.' (2)
Tell that to the sexually and racially harassed workers at the Chicago Ford plants who work under horrific conditions
and to those working under similar condition across the country.
UAW Executives' Wage Increase
The UAW convention voted to raise
the UAW president salary from $153,000 to $199,000, a $46,000 raise
the Secretary -Treasurer salary from $153,000 to $185,000, a $32,000 raise
the UAW Vice Presidents from $137,000 to $165,000, a $28,000 raise
the international servicing reps from $105,000 to $111,000, a $6,000 raise
The chairman ruled out of order an amendment that would have exempted low-paid second tier and temporary part-time workers from the 25% dues increase imposed at the last convention. Instead, the delegates approved the continuation of the deduction of 2 ½ hours pay a month for union dues, saying that this was necessary because labor is under attack.
Labor is under attack because the UAW is colluding with
the corporations and their suppliers.
A motion was passed for dues to return to 2 hours per month if the strike fund rose to $850 million or above. However, the union executives will be able to keep the fund below $850 through deductions from the fund to pay for administrative needs. (3)
No changes appear to have been made to improve the plight of the worker
Retirees are concerned about their health insurance.
Retirees and workers must work harder to heard and to insist on changes.
(1) New UAW president takes oath, vows to fight right-to-work law, Jamie L. LaRue, Detroit Free Press, June 14, 2018
(2) New UAW President Gary Jones takes over at uncertain time, Nora Naughton, The Detroit News, June 14, 2018(3) UAW named “co-conspirator” in illegal funds-siphoning scheme, Jerry White,, June 14, 2018
Gary Jones is your new UAW president!
Vice Presidents
Cindy Estrada – head of the UAW- FCA Department
Terry Dittes – head of the UAW- GM Department
Rory Gamble – head of the UAW-Ford Department
Ray Curry – Secretary Treasurer
Following are some quotes from Gary Jones' speeches
“We're in for a battle. A battle for the UAW and the existence of the middle class.
But I'm here to fight for you. We will win.” (1)
“Knowing our core values, knowing who we are and knowing what the UAW is
about could not be more important than it is today.
It is a time of very deep political divides and social unrest.”
In response to the FCA and UAW being labeled as co-conspirator apart from the individuals charged Jones stated that,
“The UAW is absolutely devoted to bettering the lives and job conditions of America's men and women. We will not be distracted from that mission.”
He also addressed right-to-work efforts that threaten the collective bargaining process and took a hard line on social justice issues stating that 'union values are color-blind, gender-neutral and dedicated to equality.' (2)
Tell that to the sexually and racially harassed workers at the Chicago Ford plants who work under horrific conditions
and to those working under similar condition across the country.
UAW Executives' Wage Increase
The UAW convention voted to raise
the UAW president salary from $153,000 to $199,000, a $46,000 raise
the Secretary -Treasurer salary from $153,000 to $185,000, a $32,000 raise
the UAW Vice Presidents from $137,000 to $165,000, a $28,000 raise
the international servicing reps from $105,000 to $111,000, a $6,000 raise
The chairman ruled out of order an amendment that would have exempted low-paid second tier and temporary part-time workers from the 25% dues increase imposed at the last convention. Instead, the delegates approved the continuation of the deduction of 2 ½ hours pay a month for union dues, saying that this was necessary because labor is under attack.
Labor is under attack because the UAW is colluding with
the corporations and their suppliers.
A motion was passed for dues to return to 2 hours per month if the strike fund rose to $850 million or above. However, the union executives will be able to keep the fund below $850 through deductions from the fund to pay for administrative needs. (3)
No changes appear to have been made to improve the plight of the worker
Retirees are concerned about their health insurance.
Retirees and workers must work harder to heard and to insist on changes.
(1) New UAW president takes oath, vows to fight right-to-work law, Jamie L. LaRue, Detroit Free Press, June 14, 2018
(2) New UAW President Gary Jones takes over at uncertain time, Nora Naughton, The Detroit News, June 14, 2018(3) UAW named “co-conspirator” in illegal funds-siphoning scheme, Jerry White,, June 14, 2018
Pat Speaks
We are very excited to announce the following
Come One, Come All!
Labor Advocates Workers Solution is sponsoring a symposium entitled
Looking for Justice in America
May 5 2018
1-4 P.M.
at the Bernhard Center
Western Michigan University
The topics to be discussed are of concern for all citizens.
Student and Visitor Safety on Campuses
Racial and Sexual Harassment in Our Society and Workplaces
Company/Unions: Working Together As One?
Presenters include
Sara Helmer, WMU Police Force
Students presenting their concerns
Sherry Brockway, YWCA
Illinois State Representative Barbara Wheeler
Illinois State Representative Mary Flowers
David McCuddin, John Deere retiree, UAW member
Everyone is invited!
Come, Listen and Discuss These Issues
It takes all of us to bring about change!
It is time that your thoughts and concerns are addressed publicly
Contact Patricia Meyer at 269-998-4609 for more information
Driving directions can be found at the
Western Michigan University website.
Free Parking available.
Please come if possible.
It is time your thoughts and concerns were talked about publicly.
Come One, Come All!
Labor Advocates Workers Solution is sponsoring a symposium entitled
Looking for Justice in America
May 5 2018
1-4 P.M.
at the Bernhard Center
Western Michigan University
The topics to be discussed are of concern for all citizens.
Student and Visitor Safety on Campuses
Racial and Sexual Harassment in Our Society and Workplaces
Company/Unions: Working Together As One?
Presenters include
Sara Helmer, WMU Police Force
Students presenting their concerns
Sherry Brockway, YWCA
Illinois State Representative Barbara Wheeler
Illinois State Representative Mary Flowers
David McCuddin, John Deere retiree, UAW member
Everyone is invited!
Come, Listen and Discuss These Issues
It takes all of us to bring about change!
It is time that your thoughts and concerns are addressed publicly
Contact Patricia Meyer at 269-998-4609 for more information
Driving directions can be found at the
Western Michigan University website.
Free Parking available.
Please come if possible.
It is time your thoughts and concerns were talked about publicly.
Pat Speaks
Students, workers, retirees. Your opinions and concerns about current issues are needed!
You are invited to come Join Us Looking For Justice in America!
May 5, 2018
1-4 P.M.
Bernhard Center
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Topics For Discussion
Student and Visitor Safety on Campuses
Healthcare and Insurance for All Ages
Racial and Sexual Harassment in Our Society and
Company/Unions: Working Together As One?
Sara Helmer, WMU Police Force
Jack R. Roosien Jr. MD
Illinois State Representative Barbara Wheeler
David McCuddin UAW Member and Retiree
and others
Come Listen and Discuss These Issues
It Takes All Of Us To Make Changes!
Sponsored by Labor Advocate Workers Solutions
Contact Pat at 269-998-4609
Students, workers, retirees. Your opinions and concerns about current issues are needed!
You are invited to come Join Us Looking For Justice in America!
May 5, 2018
1-4 P.M.
Bernhard Center
Western Michigan University
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Topics For Discussion
Student and Visitor Safety on Campuses
Healthcare and Insurance for All Ages
Racial and Sexual Harassment in Our Society and
Company/Unions: Working Together As One?
Sara Helmer, WMU Police Force
Jack R. Roosien Jr. MD
Illinois State Representative Barbara Wheeler
David McCuddin UAW Member and Retiree
and others
Come Listen and Discuss These Issues
It Takes All Of Us To Make Changes!
Sponsored by Labor Advocate Workers Solutions
Contact Pat at 269-998-4609
Pat Speaks
Happy Spring to All!
Time for us to think of nice weather,
pretty flowers
and yummy chocolate!
We have recently experienced an inconvenient incident.
Our email account was hacked!
If you have received funny messages saying that
Thomas Deem
needed money please know that is not true!
Someone somewhere hacked
our email account and sent out
bogus messages to all the contacts!
I wonder if any of them got through the filters
into the offices is Washington D.C.
to the agencies and officials we have dealt with over the years?
This has been an imposition for us all.
The email site will be up again
next week for all who wish to contact us.
Please feel free to send us information once more!
Time for us to think of nice weather,
pretty flowers
and yummy chocolate!
We have recently experienced an inconvenient incident.
Our email account was hacked!
If you have received funny messages saying that
Thomas Deem
needed money please know that is not true!
Someone somewhere hacked
our email account and sent out
bogus messages to all the contacts!
I wonder if any of them got through the filters
into the offices is Washington D.C.
to the agencies and officials we have dealt with over the years?
This has been an imposition for us all.
The email site will be up again
next week for all who wish to contact us.
Please feel free to send us information once more!
Pat Speaks
Following you will find a news release that has been sent out
regarding sexual and racial harassment in the workplace.
Please share this with your fellow workers and friends.
State Representative Files Resolution Against Harassment In The Workplace,
Asks Other States to Follow Suit
February 14, 2018
Illinois State Representative Barbara Wheeler has filed a resolution to fight sexual harassment in the workplace. This resolution came about after a hearing held by the Illinois State Assembly Sexual Harassment Task Force where testimony was heard from several women who work for the Ford Motor Company Chicago plants.
Since this hearing Ford has publicly recognized the situation and are working to correct it, however, the involvement of the local UAW officials and other UAW members has been carefully hidden.
In her remarks to the Illinois General Assembly she stated, “How do we help these women whose union leadership, to who they pay dues and expect protections, are the abusers and the harassers?”
House Resolution 783 will be presented to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Illinois Department of Human Resources and the United States Labor Department. This Resolution urges the federal government to launch a thorough investigation into the UAW and the Ford Motor Company and to look into all aspects of this harassment.
Representative Barbara Wheeler is asking that all of the states take such action to stop harassment in the workplace.
Patricia Meyer, Director of Labor Advocates Workers Solution, a not-for-profit agency trying to help workers, retirees and their families for 20+ years is working with Barbara Wheeler on this issue.
Meyer states that “the atmosphere in the auto, and other workplaces, has changed over the last 20 years. There was a time when workers looked forward to going to work. Now, almost everyday I am receiving calls from workers telling how the corporations and the UAW have become a partnership leaving the dues paying membership and retirees without the representation they are entitled too. Many workers are even afraid to go to work because of personal safety issues. How sad it is that an outside agency is needed to try to help and support workers. “
She further states, “Racial and/or sexual harassment is never acceptable in any situation. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect by their UAW leaders, UAW and company supervisors and especially by their fellow workers,”
Information is being sent to our state representatives suggesting similar action be taken to request an investigation into sexual and racial harassment in the workplace and the depth of UAW officials and UAW members involvement.
It is time for everyone to step up and do their part in stopping this type of behavior in the workplace. Contact your congressional representatives and demand action.
If you are suffering sexual or racial discrimination
in the workplace contact someone for help.
Do not suffer in silence!
Now is the time to take a stand while
behavior in the workplace is in the news
and under investigation.
I may be reached at 269-998-4609
or through [email protected].
regarding sexual and racial harassment in the workplace.
Please share this with your fellow workers and friends.
State Representative Files Resolution Against Harassment In The Workplace,
Asks Other States to Follow Suit
February 14, 2018
Illinois State Representative Barbara Wheeler has filed a resolution to fight sexual harassment in the workplace. This resolution came about after a hearing held by the Illinois State Assembly Sexual Harassment Task Force where testimony was heard from several women who work for the Ford Motor Company Chicago plants.
Since this hearing Ford has publicly recognized the situation and are working to correct it, however, the involvement of the local UAW officials and other UAW members has been carefully hidden.
In her remarks to the Illinois General Assembly she stated, “How do we help these women whose union leadership, to who they pay dues and expect protections, are the abusers and the harassers?”
House Resolution 783 will be presented to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, the Illinois Department of Human Resources and the United States Labor Department. This Resolution urges the federal government to launch a thorough investigation into the UAW and the Ford Motor Company and to look into all aspects of this harassment.
Representative Barbara Wheeler is asking that all of the states take such action to stop harassment in the workplace.
Patricia Meyer, Director of Labor Advocates Workers Solution, a not-for-profit agency trying to help workers, retirees and their families for 20+ years is working with Barbara Wheeler on this issue.
Meyer states that “the atmosphere in the auto, and other workplaces, has changed over the last 20 years. There was a time when workers looked forward to going to work. Now, almost everyday I am receiving calls from workers telling how the corporations and the UAW have become a partnership leaving the dues paying membership and retirees without the representation they are entitled too. Many workers are even afraid to go to work because of personal safety issues. How sad it is that an outside agency is needed to try to help and support workers. “
She further states, “Racial and/or sexual harassment is never acceptable in any situation. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect by their UAW leaders, UAW and company supervisors and especially by their fellow workers,”
Information is being sent to our state representatives suggesting similar action be taken to request an investigation into sexual and racial harassment in the workplace and the depth of UAW officials and UAW members involvement.
It is time for everyone to step up and do their part in stopping this type of behavior in the workplace. Contact your congressional representatives and demand action.
If you are suffering sexual or racial discrimination
in the workplace contact someone for help.
Do not suffer in silence!
Now is the time to take a stand while
behavior in the workplace is in the news
and under investigation.
I may be reached at 269-998-4609
or through [email protected].
Pat Speaks
Sexual Harassment Resolution
Today Illinois State Representative Barbara Wheeler
is presenting a
Sexual Harassment Resolution
This resolution includes both the Ford Motor Company
and the UAW Local and International Officials.
She is calling for an investigation to be made into the
culture of harassment within the UAW
and to provide added support to those willing
to come forward.
Please take the time to read this resolution
and tell your friends about it.
Please encourage other states to pass something similar.
This is an encouraging step in the right direction
to clean up the workplace environment.
If you are suffering sexual or racial discrimination
in the workplace contact someone for help.
Now is the time to take a stand while
behavior in the workplace is in the news
and under investigation.
I may be reached at 269-998-4609
or through [email protected].
Please let us know how you feel about this.
Today Illinois State Representative Barbara Wheeler
is presenting a
Sexual Harassment Resolution
This resolution includes both the Ford Motor Company
and the UAW Local and International Officials.
She is calling for an investigation to be made into the
culture of harassment within the UAW
and to provide added support to those willing
to come forward.
Please take the time to read this resolution
and tell your friends about it.
Please encourage other states to pass something similar.
This is an encouraging step in the right direction
to clean up the workplace environment.
If you are suffering sexual or racial discrimination
in the workplace contact someone for help.
Now is the time to take a stand while
behavior in the workplace is in the news
and under investigation.
I may be reached at 269-998-4609
or through [email protected].
Please let us know how you feel about this.
Pat Speaks
The atmosphere in the workplace has changed over the last 20 years.
There was a time when you, as workers, would have looked forward to going to work.
Workers now tell us everyday how the corporations and the UAW have become a partnership leaving the paying members without representation.
Many workers are even afraid to go to work because of personal safety issues.
I am still receiving complaints about inappropriate actions on the part of company officials,
UAW officials and workers toward each other in some workplaces.
Sexual and/or racial harassment is not acceptable behavior.
Articles about these issues have recently appeared in several newspapers including
the New York Times.
I understand that 100 workers were interviewed for the Times article.
These actions are a huge problem at the Ford Chicago Assembly Plant.
Ford was forced to publicly admit the problem exists.
They even brought in Hackett to meet with a few selected women.
They carefully avoided meeting with any who were in the newspaper or involved in a lawsuit against them.
Ford Chicago Assembly Plant UAW Shop Chairman Coby Millender was fired by Ford for
sexual harassment.
He is not the only UAW member involved in this type of harassment.
Shame on those who participate in such degrading actions.
Coby has since been reinstated by a mediator.
We understand that Jeff Bacon is now doing his job in the plant.
Coby has been seen sneaking in and out.
Information about this situation has been sent to Illinois Representative Barbara Wheeler.
A meeting will be held at the capital in Springfield dealing with several issues including harassment later this month.
We hope that this will bring about acknowledgment of the problem and that
pressure will be placed on both the corporations and unions
to make a change the atmosphere in the workplace.
Since these articles appeared and the FCA, UAW scandal has been brought to light
I have received many calls from UAW members feeling that now is the time
to come forward with what they know is happening.
I will always be available to try to help you and feel free to contact me
at 269-998-4609 at any time of through [email protected].
Other places to contact would be
your local FBI office
your local newspapers
your local television stations
Let them know what is happening!
The more calls they receive
the more they will pay attention to what you have to say.
There was a time when you, as workers, would have looked forward to going to work.
Workers now tell us everyday how the corporations and the UAW have become a partnership leaving the paying members without representation.
Many workers are even afraid to go to work because of personal safety issues.
I am still receiving complaints about inappropriate actions on the part of company officials,
UAW officials and workers toward each other in some workplaces.
Sexual and/or racial harassment is not acceptable behavior.
Articles about these issues have recently appeared in several newspapers including
the New York Times.
I understand that 100 workers were interviewed for the Times article.
These actions are a huge problem at the Ford Chicago Assembly Plant.
Ford was forced to publicly admit the problem exists.
They even brought in Hackett to meet with a few selected women.
They carefully avoided meeting with any who were in the newspaper or involved in a lawsuit against them.
Ford Chicago Assembly Plant UAW Shop Chairman Coby Millender was fired by Ford for
sexual harassment.
He is not the only UAW member involved in this type of harassment.
Shame on those who participate in such degrading actions.
Coby has since been reinstated by a mediator.
We understand that Jeff Bacon is now doing his job in the plant.
Coby has been seen sneaking in and out.
Information about this situation has been sent to Illinois Representative Barbara Wheeler.
A meeting will be held at the capital in Springfield dealing with several issues including harassment later this month.
We hope that this will bring about acknowledgment of the problem and that
pressure will be placed on both the corporations and unions
to make a change the atmosphere in the workplace.
Since these articles appeared and the FCA, UAW scandal has been brought to light
I have received many calls from UAW members feeling that now is the time
to come forward with what they know is happening.
I will always be available to try to help you and feel free to contact me
at 269-998-4609 at any time of through [email protected].
Other places to contact would be
your local FBI office
your local newspapers
your local television stations
Let them know what is happening!
The more calls they receive
the more they will pay attention to what you have to say.
Pat Speaks
Happy New Year to you and your family!
May 2018 be good to us all!
Know that we are working hard on your behalf.
Unfortunately we can only do so much!
You need to become part of the cure.
Take the time to check the news everyday on the internet or your cell phones.
The media is telling more about what is happening to American workers.
There have been reports about some of the UAW infractions.
Harassment issues involving UAW and Ford have been brought to light.
GM has made a public statement against harassment in the workplace.
It is up to each one of you to help bring these issues to light.
Keep yourself and those around you informed.
Attend you local union meetings.
Stand up for yourself and others.
Pat Speaks
Unfortunately some of your joy may be laced with concern about your future.
Accusations about wrong-doings by UAW officials are being reported again.
Just the other day Joe Ashton was added to the growing list.
Norwood Jewel is leaving his post in January, several months early.
Cindy Estrada and Dennis Williams, Jr. have shut down their charities.
How sad it is for those who counted on their donations to help other people in need.
The whole IUAW leadership should be ashamed of themselves
and beg their membership for forgiveness and promise to clean up the union.
They need to held accountable for their actions.
A new IUAW president will be named in 2018.
It is up to you, as UAW members, to demand that changes be made to remove the
misrepresentation and under the table actions and agreements made by your leadership.
These changes affect your jobs and your family's lives.
Almost everyday I receive phone calls from workers seeking our help.
How sad it is that an outside agency is needed to try to correct and support workers.
The UAW leadership, both local and at the international level, should be helping you,
not siding with the corporations.
Remember to help each other!
It is up to every worker to stand tall and help each other be safe and protected.
Do not let bad leadership influence you into being part of the problem.
Help each other on the floor!
Attend your local meetings and be heard!
Stand together and be part of the change!
GM has publicly announced a non-harassment policy for its facilities.
GM workers make this a reality!
All corporations should have this policy in place and enforce it!
Supervisors and UAW officials can not be allowed to be part of the problem.
Some Ford employees are being offered an early buyout.
Make sure that you fully understand all of the offer before you sign any papers.
L.A.W.S., Inc. is working for you daily trying to get your information
to agencies that will be able to help you.
Feel free to contact me, Patricia Meyer, at 269-998-4609
or my secretary at [email protected].
My best to you and your families.
Unfortunately some of your joy may be laced with concern about your future.
Accusations about wrong-doings by UAW officials are being reported again.
Just the other day Joe Ashton was added to the growing list.
Norwood Jewel is leaving his post in January, several months early.
Cindy Estrada and Dennis Williams, Jr. have shut down their charities.
How sad it is for those who counted on their donations to help other people in need.
The whole IUAW leadership should be ashamed of themselves
and beg their membership for forgiveness and promise to clean up the union.
They need to held accountable for their actions.
A new IUAW president will be named in 2018.
It is up to you, as UAW members, to demand that changes be made to remove the
misrepresentation and under the table actions and agreements made by your leadership.
These changes affect your jobs and your family's lives.
Almost everyday I receive phone calls from workers seeking our help.
How sad it is that an outside agency is needed to try to correct and support workers.
The UAW leadership, both local and at the international level, should be helping you,
not siding with the corporations.
Remember to help each other!
It is up to every worker to stand tall and help each other be safe and protected.
Do not let bad leadership influence you into being part of the problem.
Help each other on the floor!
Attend your local meetings and be heard!
Stand together and be part of the change!
GM has publicly announced a non-harassment policy for its facilities.
GM workers make this a reality!
All corporations should have this policy in place and enforce it!
Supervisors and UAW officials can not be allowed to be part of the problem.
Some Ford employees are being offered an early buyout.
Make sure that you fully understand all of the offer before you sign any papers.
L.A.W.S., Inc. is working for you daily trying to get your information
to agencies that will be able to help you.
Feel free to contact me, Patricia Meyer, at 269-998-4609
or my secretary at [email protected].
My best to you and your families.
Pat Speaks
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
We went to Washington, D.C. on November 2, 2017 and presented information and your concerns to several offices. These included
Senator Elizabeth Warren
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell
Congressman Bill Huizenga
Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur
Congressman Todd Rokita
Congressman Fred Upton
Congressman David Young
the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee
Department of Justice Racketeering and Fraud Division
It was a very busy and interesting day. We are now waiting to hear back from them.
I am sorry to report that I have been receiving complaints from different areas of the country about the actions of UAW leadership, company officials and, unfortunately, bad behavior on the part of workers toward each other in some workplaces.
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect by your UAW leaders, UAW and company supervisors and especially by your fellow workers.
Racial discrimination and/or sexual harassment is never acceptable!
If you are experiencing problems in your workplace and are not getting any help from your UAW leadership or your employer you need to contact an outside source. Consider contacting your state and/or your national representatives.
Keep us up to date. Remember, I can be reached at 269-998-4609 or at [email protected].
I want to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
We went to Washington, D.C. on November 2, 2017 and presented information and your concerns to several offices. These included
Senator Elizabeth Warren
Congresswoman Debbie Dingell
Congressman Bill Huizenga
Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur
Congressman Todd Rokita
Congressman Fred Upton
Congressman David Young
the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee
Department of Justice Racketeering and Fraud Division
It was a very busy and interesting day. We are now waiting to hear back from them.
I am sorry to report that I have been receiving complaints from different areas of the country about the actions of UAW leadership, company officials and, unfortunately, bad behavior on the part of workers toward each other in some workplaces.
Everyone deserves to be treated with respect by your UAW leaders, UAW and company supervisors and especially by your fellow workers.
Racial discrimination and/or sexual harassment is never acceptable!
If you are experiencing problems in your workplace and are not getting any help from your UAW leadership or your employer you need to contact an outside source. Consider contacting your state and/or your national representatives.
Keep us up to date. Remember, I can be reached at 269-998-4609 or at [email protected].
Pat Speaks
On October 3 I had the privilege of speaking to a class of apprentices at the South Bend and Vicinity Electrical Joint Apprenticeship in South Bend, Indiana. Labor instructor Don Winter invited me to present what is happening in labor and it's affect on our country. I found these students eager to listen and not afraid to ask the hard questions. Hopefully this attitude will be found in all of the new generation of workers in our labor movements.
I have been asked to return to speak t the rest of his classes and look forward to doing so. Don Winter honored me by saying, “You are indeed the Mother Jones of our time.”
If you have any information that you think we should know please feel free to contact us through this website. We are still fighting for you.
Remember to talk to each other and to stand up for your fellow workers.
Only by working together will things improve.
I have been asked to return to speak t the rest of his classes and look forward to doing so. Don Winter honored me by saying, “You are indeed the Mother Jones of our time.”
If you have any information that you think we should know please feel free to contact us through this website. We are still fighting for you.
Remember to talk to each other and to stand up for your fellow workers.
Only by working together will things improve.
Pat Speaks
It fills me with sadness to think of what has happened in the last weeks.
The storms have affected so many people.
Too many lives have been lost.
Too many people have lost everything that they have worked for all of their lives.
It is up to us, those that have been spared these disasters, to stand up for others
and to work together to help in any way that we can.
Our country will only survive if we stand strong and help one another!
I encourage each one of you to do what you can do.
Every dollar, bottle of water or donation of food will help someone in dire need.
Step proudly forward!
The storms have affected so many people.
Too many lives have been lost.
Too many people have lost everything that they have worked for all of their lives.
It is up to us, those that have been spared these disasters, to stand up for others
and to work together to help in any way that we can.
Our country will only survive if we stand strong and help one another!
I encourage each one of you to do what you can do.
Every dollar, bottle of water or donation of food will help someone in dire need.
Step proudly forward!
Pat Speaks
Happy Labor Day!
Once again we celebrate Labor Day, the day set aside
to celebrate all workers in our country.
Remember, you workers and retirees
are the backbone of our nation!
Without you we would accomplish nothing!
We, L.A.W.S., are here to help in anyway we can.
Keeping standing up for what you believe!
Stick together!
Keep communicating with us!
Once again we celebrate Labor Day, the day set aside
to celebrate all workers in our country.
Remember, you workers and retirees
are the backbone of our nation!
Without you we would accomplish nothing!
We, L.A.W.S., are here to help in anyway we can.
Keeping standing up for what you believe!
Stick together!
Keep communicating with us!
Pat Speaks
Dispute This 2017 is here!
It is a must read for all workers and retirees!
I wrote this book to bring to light what is really happening in society today to both the white and blue collar workers. Young people are confused and don't know what type of training or schooling they should pursue for employment in the future. I try to answer their questions along with providing important information about our society today, how it affects our daily lives and the steps we can take to improve things for the future.
I bring to light what it is really like to work in the auto industry today. The American automakers and the UAW are working hand in hand. What is happening to workers is being very carefully hidden. They do not feel that they are being represented properly by the very organization that they pay their dues to and by whom they should be supported. Retirees have no vote and fear the loss of healthcare and pensions at the most vulnerable time of their lives.
Included you will find real stories
told by real workers about what is happening to them in the workplace.
We applaud them for having the courage to come forward!
Their stories need to be told!
Order books
by sending a check or money order for $9.95 (postage is included) to
Patricia Meyer
Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
Include your return address.
Your book or books will be sent to you by return mail.
Now is the time to step forward while the news media is interested in what is happening in the UAW.
Send your opinions to the Letters to the Editors section in your local paper.
Contact us with information you think we should know.
Attend your local UAW meetings and speak up.
Stand together!
It is a must read for all workers and retirees!
I wrote this book to bring to light what is really happening in society today to both the white and blue collar workers. Young people are confused and don't know what type of training or schooling they should pursue for employment in the future. I try to answer their questions along with providing important information about our society today, how it affects our daily lives and the steps we can take to improve things for the future.
I bring to light what it is really like to work in the auto industry today. The American automakers and the UAW are working hand in hand. What is happening to workers is being very carefully hidden. They do not feel that they are being represented properly by the very organization that they pay their dues to and by whom they should be supported. Retirees have no vote and fear the loss of healthcare and pensions at the most vulnerable time of their lives.
Included you will find real stories
told by real workers about what is happening to them in the workplace.
We applaud them for having the courage to come forward!
Their stories need to be told!
Order books
by sending a check or money order for $9.95 (postage is included) to
Patricia Meyer
Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
Include your return address.
Your book or books will be sent to you by return mail.
Now is the time to step forward while the news media is interested in what is happening in the UAW.
Send your opinions to the Letters to the Editors section in your local paper.
Contact us with information you think we should know.
Attend your local UAW meetings and speak up.
Stand together!
Pat Speaks
Attention UAW Members
Beginning on July 26, 17 articles began to appear in the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News about such as,
“Feds: UAW, FCA execs were in cahoots in multi million-dollar scam that funded trips, cars.”
In the article UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr. states that the UAW had no knowledge of any wrongdoing.
He stated, “the UAW has zero tolerance for corruption or wrongdoing of this kind at any level.”
He must be hiding his head in the sand!
Over the years UAW members and LAWS has tried to point out wrongdoing by
officials at all levels and have been completely ignored.
Now is the time to step forward while the news media is interested in what is happening in the UAW.
Send your opinions to the Letters to the Editors section in your local paper.
Contact us with information you think we should know.
Attend your local UAW meetings and speak up.
Stand together!
Beginning on July 26, 17 articles began to appear in the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News about such as,
“Feds: UAW, FCA execs were in cahoots in multi million-dollar scam that funded trips, cars.”
In the article UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr. states that the UAW had no knowledge of any wrongdoing.
He stated, “the UAW has zero tolerance for corruption or wrongdoing of this kind at any level.”
He must be hiding his head in the sand!
Over the years UAW members and LAWS has tried to point out wrongdoing by
officials at all levels and have been completely ignored.
Now is the time to step forward while the news media is interested in what is happening in the UAW.
Send your opinions to the Letters to the Editors section in your local paper.
Contact us with information you think we should know.
Attend your local UAW meetings and speak up.
Stand together!
Coming Soon
A new book about what is happening in today's society and
the automotive industry with stories by fellow workers.
Dispute This
Working and Existing in Today's Society
Our Steps to Help Workers
A new book about what is happening in today's society and
the automotive industry with stories by fellow workers.
Dispute This
Working and Existing in Today's Society
Our Steps to Help Workers
Pat Speaks
Happy 4th of July
A Wish for America on Our Independence Day
For us to once again become an America
where people stand up and work together
for the good of our country and ALL of
its people!
This will only happen if we, as American
citizens are willing to stand up for what
is right!
Be part of the cure not part of the problem!
A Wish for America on Our Independence Day
For us to once again become an America
where people stand up and work together
for the good of our country and ALL of
its people!
This will only happen if we, as American
citizens are willing to stand up for what
is right!
Be part of the cure not part of the problem!
Pat Speaks
Happy Memorial Day
We need to take time to remember all those men and women
who have given their lives to keep our country safe.
It is our job to stand up for what we know is right
and to make America a country to be proud of!
Here are some new articles for you to read.
“GM to stop sales in India, exit South Africa”
5-18-17, Melissa Burden, The Detroit News
“Ford to cut 1,400 salaried jobs in North America, Asia”
5-17-17, Brent Snavely, Detroit Free Press
“Facing a falling stock price, Ford signal it's willing to make big adjustments”
5-16-17, Brent Snavely, Detroit Free Press
“GM accused in lawsuit of using VW-like defeat devices”
5-25-17, Jim Lynch, The Detroit News
Keep on sending us information.
Only by sticking together will changes be made!
We need to take time to remember all those men and women
who have given their lives to keep our country safe.
It is our job to stand up for what we know is right
and to make America a country to be proud of!
Here are some new articles for you to read.
“GM to stop sales in India, exit South Africa”
5-18-17, Melissa Burden, The Detroit News
“Ford to cut 1,400 salaried jobs in North America, Asia”
5-17-17, Brent Snavely, Detroit Free Press
“Facing a falling stock price, Ford signal it's willing to make big adjustments”
5-16-17, Brent Snavely, Detroit Free Press
“GM accused in lawsuit of using VW-like defeat devices”
5-25-17, Jim Lynch, The Detroit News
Keep on sending us information.
Only by sticking together will changes be made!
Keeping Informed!
Pat Speaks
As workers you need to be aware of what is going on.
I understand that you are kept so busy just living that many of you
don't have time to watch the news or read the newspapers.
As we all know an informed person will be able to make better decisions.
To help you keep informed we will be listing articles on this site
that I think would be of interest to you as workers.
These articles may be found by putting the name of the article
in the Google or any other search site you wish to use.
“U.S. Auto Boom Seems to Be History, Just as Trump Counted on Jobs,”
5-2-17, Neal E. Boudette, The New York Times
“Ford lays off 140 workers at Ohio plant,”
5-5-17, Keith Naughton, Bloomberg News
or The Detroit News
“GM to lay off more than 600 at Delta Twp. Plant Friday,”
5-8-17, Alexander Alusheff, Lansing State Journal
“An Invitation to Wage Theft,”
5-11-17, The Editorial Board, The New York Times
Please let me know if you find this helpful.
Pat Speaks
As workers you need to be aware of what is going on.
I understand that you are kept so busy just living that many of you
don't have time to watch the news or read the newspapers.
As we all know an informed person will be able to make better decisions.
To help you keep informed we will be listing articles on this site
that I think would be of interest to you as workers.
These articles may be found by putting the name of the article
in the Google or any other search site you wish to use.
“U.S. Auto Boom Seems to Be History, Just as Trump Counted on Jobs,”
5-2-17, Neal E. Boudette, The New York Times
“Ford lays off 140 workers at Ohio plant,”
5-5-17, Keith Naughton, Bloomberg News
or The Detroit News
“GM to lay off more than 600 at Delta Twp. Plant Friday,”
5-8-17, Alexander Alusheff, Lansing State Journal
“An Invitation to Wage Theft,”
5-11-17, The Editorial Board, The New York Times
Please let me know if you find this helpful.
Pat Speaks
Attention Workers at the Saline, MI
Faurecia Plant
We have heard about your petition asking your local UAW leadership to address your concerns.
Were you able to attend the meeting dealing with the petition?
Due to work schedules it would seem to me impossible for all 400 of you who
signed the petition to attend one meeting!
Since your UAW local leadership refuses to send the petition to
UAW International Headquarters unless all 400 attend the same meeting
we are willing to act as a go between.
Please send us your intent to sign the petition and why to
L.A.W., Inc.
Box 112
West Olive, MI
Make sure you include your signature.
We will compile this information and deliver it to
UAW International Headquarters
for you.
We will need your information by June 1, 2017.
If you have any questions please contact me at 269-998-4609.
Don't give up! Continue to stand up for your rights!
Faurecia Plant
We have heard about your petition asking your local UAW leadership to address your concerns.
Were you able to attend the meeting dealing with the petition?
Due to work schedules it would seem to me impossible for all 400 of you who
signed the petition to attend one meeting!
Since your UAW local leadership refuses to send the petition to
UAW International Headquarters unless all 400 attend the same meeting
we are willing to act as a go between.
Please send us your intent to sign the petition and why to
L.A.W., Inc.
Box 112
West Olive, MI
Make sure you include your signature.
We will compile this information and deliver it to
UAW International Headquarters
for you.
We will need your information by June 1, 2017.
If you have any questions please contact me at 269-998-4609.
Don't give up! Continue to stand up for your rights!
Attention All Workers and Retirees
of UAW Local 1930 Dexter, MO
UAW Local 1949 Frankfort, IN
Please report to us and/or UAW President Dennis Williams,Jr.
your concerns about your UAW leadership.
UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr. may be reached
through [email protected]
Patricia Meyer may be reached at
or through [email protected]
of UAW Local 1930 Dexter, MO
UAW Local 1949 Frankfort, IN
Please report to us and/or UAW President Dennis Williams,Jr.
your concerns about your UAW leadership.
UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr. may be reached
through [email protected]
Patricia Meyer may be reached at
or through [email protected]
Pat Speaks
Washington Trip
On Monday, May 1 we went to Washington, D.C. because of the concerns we have received from union members and retirees across the country. We had a meeting with a member of Congressman Todd Rokita's (IN) staff about the Robbie Pippenger situation in Frankfort, IN and left information with him. Information was left with staff members in the offices of Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI), Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH), Joseph Wheeler of the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee and Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA). Among information left were the issues of
(1)how PBGC payments to retired GM employees who's pensions were sent to the PBGC after the Delphi bankruptcy even though they never worked for Delphi are in danger of being cut,
(2)questions about the legality of the Ford National Contract Ratification
(3)the lack of proper representation on the part of the UAW International and Local leadership
Attention All Union Members
Do you have any questions about what is going on in your local?
Are you concerned about what is happening in your workplace?
Make sure that you attend your local union meetings.
Go prepared with questions that you need answered.
Have the courage to stand up at the meeting and ask your questions.
You have a right to have your questions answered.
Remember to stand together as a group.
If you have any information that you think we need to know please contact me
through this website, or through [email protected].
Please put disputethis on the subject line.
Washington Trip
On Monday, May 1 we went to Washington, D.C. because of the concerns we have received from union members and retirees across the country. We had a meeting with a member of Congressman Todd Rokita's (IN) staff about the Robbie Pippenger situation in Frankfort, IN and left information with him. Information was left with staff members in the offices of Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI), Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (OH), Joseph Wheeler of the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee and Senator Elizabeth Warren (MA). Among information left were the issues of
(1)how PBGC payments to retired GM employees who's pensions were sent to the PBGC after the Delphi bankruptcy even though they never worked for Delphi are in danger of being cut,
(2)questions about the legality of the Ford National Contract Ratification
(3)the lack of proper representation on the part of the UAW International and Local leadership
Attention All Union Members
Do you have any questions about what is going on in your local?
Are you concerned about what is happening in your workplace?
Make sure that you attend your local union meetings.
Go prepared with questions that you need answered.
Have the courage to stand up at the meeting and ask your questions.
You have a right to have your questions answered.
Remember to stand together as a group.
If you have any information that you think we need to know please contact me
through this website, or through [email protected].
Please put disputethis on the subject line.
Pat Speaks
I know that we are all looking forward to Spring!
We are all ready for flowers and warmer weather!
We wish to thank you for the information that you have been sharing
with us. Every little bit helps us in our fight to find justice for all of
our workers, retirees and their families. Keep up the good work.
Remember to stick together and to help your fellow workers.
By working together we may bring about change!
I know that we are all looking forward to Spring!
We are all ready for flowers and warmer weather!
We wish to thank you for the information that you have been sharing
with us. Every little bit helps us in our fight to find justice for all of
our workers, retirees and their families. Keep up the good work.
Remember to stick together and to help your fellow workers.
By working together we may bring about change!
Pat Speaks
Our fight for justice is still ongoing!
On Monday, January 23, 2017
A Congressman in Washington will be assigning LAWS, Inc. a staff member who will work as a liaison between
LAWS, Inc and Congressional Education and Workforce Committee.
Please continue to share your concerns with us.
Remember you need to stand together !
Our fight for justice is still ongoing!
On Monday, January 23, 2017
A Congressman in Washington will be assigning LAWS, Inc. a staff member who will work as a liaison between
LAWS, Inc and Congressional Education and Workforce Committee.
Please continue to share your concerns with us.
Remember you need to stand together !
Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!
Enjoy your time off with your families!
Keep watching this sight for breaking information next week.
and a
Happy New Year!
Enjoy your time off with your families!
Keep watching this sight for breaking information next week.
Pat Speaks
New Update on the Robbie Pippenger Case
On December 19 a decision will be made by the Frankfort, IN prosecutor as to whether Robbie Pippenger's case will be brought to trial.
On Thursday December 15, 2016 there was a posting in the Federal Mogul plant that there will be a workforce adjustment of two people from days and two people from second shift. The four would bemoved to 3rd shift. A fellow worker started chanting in the isle in front of him “party, partyparty.” He asked another coworker why she was chanting and he was told the he was one
of the employees to be switched. He immediately went to Dan Frey in the HR department and told him. Since he has seniority to displace an employee on 2nd he filled out a slip that Federal Mogul provides to use his seniority to remain on his. Dan Frey said that he would talk to the chanting employee about her actions.
Mary Payne and Robbie are stewards but they have not been given keys to the UAW office in the plant that has the grievance forms. Robbie and Mary are unable to perform their duties.
Patty Frigo, Joanne Katzman and Al Smith are on the election committee. Al and Joanne Katzman were given keys to the Union Hall office but Patty was not. Makes you wonder if someone has something to hide!
New Update on the Robbie Pippenger Case
On December 19 a decision will be made by the Frankfort, IN prosecutor as to whether Robbie Pippenger's case will be brought to trial.
On Thursday December 15, 2016 there was a posting in the Federal Mogul plant that there will be a workforce adjustment of two people from days and two people from second shift. The four would bemoved to 3rd shift. A fellow worker started chanting in the isle in front of him “party, partyparty.” He asked another coworker why she was chanting and he was told the he was one
of the employees to be switched. He immediately went to Dan Frey in the HR department and told him. Since he has seniority to displace an employee on 2nd he filled out a slip that Federal Mogul provides to use his seniority to remain on his. Dan Frey said that he would talk to the chanting employee about her actions.
Mary Payne and Robbie are stewards but they have not been given keys to the UAW office in the plant that has the grievance forms. Robbie and Mary are unable to perform their duties.
Patty Frigo, Joanne Katzman and Al Smith are on the election committee. Al and Joanne Katzman were given keys to the Union Hall office but Patty was not. Makes you wonder if someone has something to hide!
Pat Speaks
UAW Members
Following is the response Robbie Pippenger from UAW Local 1949 received from UAW International regarding his letter to UAW President Dennis Williams,Jr.
From: "Browning, Chuck" <[email protected]>
Date: 12/5/16 8:25 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Correspondence to President Williams
Dear Brother Pippenger,
Your e-mail to President Williams has been forwarded to me for investigation and response. After communication with our Region 2B office, I have been informed that they are aware of the issues stated in your letter and are in the process of investigating these concerns. They have assured me that you will be provided an opportunity to have further input in the investigation process. Please let me know if you are not contacted in the near future as stated.
In Solidarity,
Chuck Browning
Executive Administrative Assistant
to the President
International Union, UAW
He responded to Chuck Browning with the following.
December 5, 2016
Chuck Browning,
Thank you for your email. Region 2B is aware of the issues in my letter as I spoke with Ken Lortz by phone. Ken Lortz admitted that Mark Caldwell should not have made the threat. Mark Caldwell never talked to me about what happened. He believed a committee person when she lied and said I interrupted her during a grievance investigation. When I was threatened by Mark Caldwell was in the role as UAW Local 1949 President. As stated in my November 30, 2016 letter to UAW President Dennis Williams,Jr. on October 9, 2016 at a union meeting my previous positions were given back to me by Acting President Mike Salinas.
Ron Dubree was sent by Region 2B to Federal Mogul this last month before the local election. At that time I was told that I had to give up my position as steward in order to be able to run for Vice President of Local 1949. The fact that I would have to give up my job as steward was a stipulation to run, however, Tim Newman did not have to give up his job as steward to run. Also, Acting President Mikey Salinas lied and said he didn't appoint me as chairman on the Education Committee. I even had witnesses to this. Where is the fairness in this? As I mentioned in my letter Ron Dubree never talked to me directly about any of the issues and I was chastised for contacting LAWS to help me. After being treated so badly by my UAW local 1949 officials where was I suppose to go for help? I have done exactly like I was told by Ken Lortz& Richard Isaacson about filing charges against the officials of the local union for all the many violations. But they are not doing anything with the charges. They are ignoring them even though I've sent them all by certified mail. As of right now we only have one standing committee that is functioning. That is the veterans committee. I tried to start the Education Committee but they have done everthing possible for me not to start the Education Committee. If you want I can talk to you on the phone or I can email you the complete story. I gave Richard Isaacson the whole story.
Have you seen the letter that LAWS, Inc sent to President Dennis Williams,Jr. on November 21, 2016? This letter may be found at . In this letter you will find the listing of newspaper articles which will give you more information. You may find these articles in The Times, Frankfort, IN, October 27, 28, and November 1 issues. I recommend that you read them.
The yelling, name calling, intimidation tactics and UAW Constitution violations need to stop. Ron Dubree has done nothing to correct the issues I have. He talks only to the committee and it seems like he is only trying to cover his and their behinds instead of fixing the issues that I've addressed. These issues need to be dealt with immediately. All of the local UAW members deserve a local which will represent them honestly with tolerance for all. You need to understand that this is not just a local problem. Dues paying UAW members throughout the country have expressed lack of representation on the part of their local officials and feel that the International is not addressing their problems. I, with many other UAW members across the nation, are working with LAWS to try to clear up the problems in the UAW. As I have been assured that I will be provided an opportunity to express my input I will expect to hear from Region 2B by December 12, 2016 how these problems in Local 1949 will be solved. Be advised that I have shared this information with LAWS and workers within the Federal Mogul plant.
Robbie Pippenger
UAW Members
Following is the response Robbie Pippenger from UAW Local 1949 received from UAW International regarding his letter to UAW President Dennis Williams,Jr.
From: "Browning, Chuck" <[email protected]>
Date: 12/5/16 8:25 AM (GMT-05:00)
To: [email protected]
Subject: Correspondence to President Williams
Dear Brother Pippenger,
Your e-mail to President Williams has been forwarded to me for investigation and response. After communication with our Region 2B office, I have been informed that they are aware of the issues stated in your letter and are in the process of investigating these concerns. They have assured me that you will be provided an opportunity to have further input in the investigation process. Please let me know if you are not contacted in the near future as stated.
In Solidarity,
Chuck Browning
Executive Administrative Assistant
to the President
International Union, UAW
He responded to Chuck Browning with the following.
December 5, 2016
Chuck Browning,
Thank you for your email. Region 2B is aware of the issues in my letter as I spoke with Ken Lortz by phone. Ken Lortz admitted that Mark Caldwell should not have made the threat. Mark Caldwell never talked to me about what happened. He believed a committee person when she lied and said I interrupted her during a grievance investigation. When I was threatened by Mark Caldwell was in the role as UAW Local 1949 President. As stated in my November 30, 2016 letter to UAW President Dennis Williams,Jr. on October 9, 2016 at a union meeting my previous positions were given back to me by Acting President Mike Salinas.
Ron Dubree was sent by Region 2B to Federal Mogul this last month before the local election. At that time I was told that I had to give up my position as steward in order to be able to run for Vice President of Local 1949. The fact that I would have to give up my job as steward was a stipulation to run, however, Tim Newman did not have to give up his job as steward to run. Also, Acting President Mikey Salinas lied and said he didn't appoint me as chairman on the Education Committee. I even had witnesses to this. Where is the fairness in this? As I mentioned in my letter Ron Dubree never talked to me directly about any of the issues and I was chastised for contacting LAWS to help me. After being treated so badly by my UAW local 1949 officials where was I suppose to go for help? I have done exactly like I was told by Ken Lortz& Richard Isaacson about filing charges against the officials of the local union for all the many violations. But they are not doing anything with the charges. They are ignoring them even though I've sent them all by certified mail. As of right now we only have one standing committee that is functioning. That is the veterans committee. I tried to start the Education Committee but they have done everthing possible for me not to start the Education Committee. If you want I can talk to you on the phone or I can email you the complete story. I gave Richard Isaacson the whole story.
Have you seen the letter that LAWS, Inc sent to President Dennis Williams,Jr. on November 21, 2016? This letter may be found at . In this letter you will find the listing of newspaper articles which will give you more information. You may find these articles in The Times, Frankfort, IN, October 27, 28, and November 1 issues. I recommend that you read them.
The yelling, name calling, intimidation tactics and UAW Constitution violations need to stop. Ron Dubree has done nothing to correct the issues I have. He talks only to the committee and it seems like he is only trying to cover his and their behinds instead of fixing the issues that I've addressed. These issues need to be dealt with immediately. All of the local UAW members deserve a local which will represent them honestly with tolerance for all. You need to understand that this is not just a local problem. Dues paying UAW members throughout the country have expressed lack of representation on the part of their local officials and feel that the International is not addressing their problems. I, with many other UAW members across the nation, are working with LAWS to try to clear up the problems in the UAW. As I have been assured that I will be provided an opportunity to express my input I will expect to hear from Region 2B by December 12, 2016 how these problems in Local 1949 will be solved. Be advised that I have shared this information with LAWS and workers within the Federal Mogul plant.
Robbie Pippenger
Pat Speaks
The following is the latest attempt by UAW members of UAW 1949 Frankfort, IN to correct the misrepresentation of its local officials.
Dennis Williams, Jr.
President of UAW International
8000 E. Jefferson Avenue
Detroit, MI 48214
Dear Brother Dennis,
I am sending you this urgent letter because of the flagrant abuses that have taken place at UAW Local 1949. The following tells of rampant disregard for the UAW Constitution, Local Bylaws, state Law and Federal Law. The wrongs include verbal and physical abuse of members! Richard Isaacson is aware of this since we drove to Detroit and meet with him at the solidarity house.
On 10/09/2016, Acting President Mike Salinas, in the presence of approximately 11 members, said that I was Steward by acclamation and Chairman of the Education committee again. On 11/13/2016, Patty Frigo and I were the targets of a witch hunt that took place in a membership meeting that was overseen by Ron Dubree (UAW International Rep) and is the nephew of Mark Caldwell. Criminal charges was issued from the Clinton County Prosecutors office due to death threats being sent to me from Mark Caldwell. Since then he has resigned but Ron Dubree is a relative to Mark Caldwell. We were yelled at so fiercely by many that we could not even answer the questions that were pushed at us. In that disorder where Roberts Rules of Order were ignored, Tim Newman was allowed to retain his job of Steward and run for vice president after I was told that I had to give up my job as Steward to run for Vice President.
At this time my name is listed as a candidate for V.P., which is a position I want but I feel that the wrong doing of Mark Caldwell needs corrected. I sent a letter to the UAW local 1949 asking for all nominations to be null and void because of the illegal nature of the meeting and the wrong doing of Mark Caldwell removing me as steward and from being Chairman of the Education Committee. I should have the positions of Steward and Education Chairman. I should have had the same right as Newman to run for the office of Vice President without giving up my job as Steward. Why has Alice Bell displaced me on the Education Committee?
On 11/29/2016, I received the following information from the Clinton County Indiana Clerk’s Office. Tim Newman, UAW Local 1949 Steward, is listed as an inactive voter. The last time he voted was in the 2004 General Election. This is a gross violation of Art. 9 of the UAW Constitution. I also received information from the Clinton County Clerk about David Timmons who has not voted in the elections of 2014, the primary of 2012, the elections of 2010 and the primary of 2006. Today 11/30/2016 I received the voting records for the new UAW Local 1949 President. He was vice president before Mark Caldwell resigned. The voting records show that he never voted the entire time he was Vice President. I have not yet filed a charge against Mike Salinas for violation of Art. 40 Sec 2 of the UAW Constitution because he did not “attend all sessions of the local union.” We just received a current copy of the UAW Constitution on 10/31/2016 from Richard Isaacson. We had to drive all the way to Solidarity house to get one because Mary Ann Shaw had not given us a copy or the Constitution. We have filed charges on her for that violation.
After receiving the Constitution we continue to find more violations. On 11/09/2016 we charged all the current members of the executive board, including ex president Mark Caldwell with violation of Art. 37, Sec 4,5 for not holding a “general membership meeting at least once a month.” Please note that we do not have a work place council or anything in our local bylaws about having a work place council. On 11/09/2016 we charged election committee members Cheryl Large, Cathy Caldwell, 2nd Shift Bargaining Committee person Gerald Brantner, Skilled Trades Steward Tim Newman, 2nd shift Chief Steward Rhonda Dale, Skilled trades committee person Amy Peter, 1st Shift Chief Steward Adrienne Gephart and 1st Shift Bargaining Committee Person Michelle Fivecoate with violation of Art 37, Sec. 4,5 because they had not attended “2 out of 3 membership meetings.” On 11/09/2016 we charged 1st shift Committee Person Michelle Fivecoate, 3rd shift Bargaining Committee Person Lance Royer, Trustee Doug Shaw and former President Mark Caldwell with violation of Art 9 of the UAW Constitution because they had not voted in all “elections for civil officers in the area in which their homes are located.” On 11/15/2016 we charged Mary Ann Shaw for violating Art 40 Sec 4,7 of the UAW Constitution because she had not given a current copy of the UAW Local 1949 Bylaws and the UAW Constitution to each member. We also know that she has not given an “official receipt for the initiation fee” of a member. On 11/16/2016 we charged Jayne Kinslow with violation of Art 40 Sec 3 of the UAW Constitution because she stopped taking minutes in the union meeting held on 10/09/2016 to argue and yell at me, ignored my motion which I was forced to send by certified mail and ignored the charges of 11/09/2016.
There is no evidence that the above charges have been reviewed according to Art 31, Sec 3,4! Tim Newman and David Timmons are not politically qualified to hold a office in the UAW according to Art 9 of the UAW Constitution. Why has Ron Dubree failed to bring UAW Local 1949 into compliance with the UAW Constitution ,US Constitution and Federal Labor Law? Why have you and Ken Lortz not put UAW Local 1949 into order? Why has the Federal Mogul Plant in Van Wert, OH been able to strike while we were not able to do so?
Please help get this situation resolved. I would like to know that our Local Union is doing what is expected. It has been clear to me that our local union officers and Ron Dubree have been intentionally derelict in following the UAW Constitution and UAW Local 1949 Bylaws. We need answers to these questions as soon as possible. We are looking forward to your speedy response.
Fraternally Yours,
Robbie Pippenger
5138 E. County Road 550 N.
Frankfort, IN 46041
The following is the latest attempt by UAW members of UAW 1949 Frankfort, IN to correct the misrepresentation of its local officials.
Dennis Williams, Jr.
President of UAW International
8000 E. Jefferson Avenue
Detroit, MI 48214
Dear Brother Dennis,
I am sending you this urgent letter because of the flagrant abuses that have taken place at UAW Local 1949. The following tells of rampant disregard for the UAW Constitution, Local Bylaws, state Law and Federal Law. The wrongs include verbal and physical abuse of members! Richard Isaacson is aware of this since we drove to Detroit and meet with him at the solidarity house.
On 10/09/2016, Acting President Mike Salinas, in the presence of approximately 11 members, said that I was Steward by acclamation and Chairman of the Education committee again. On 11/13/2016, Patty Frigo and I were the targets of a witch hunt that took place in a membership meeting that was overseen by Ron Dubree (UAW International Rep) and is the nephew of Mark Caldwell. Criminal charges was issued from the Clinton County Prosecutors office due to death threats being sent to me from Mark Caldwell. Since then he has resigned but Ron Dubree is a relative to Mark Caldwell. We were yelled at so fiercely by many that we could not even answer the questions that were pushed at us. In that disorder where Roberts Rules of Order were ignored, Tim Newman was allowed to retain his job of Steward and run for vice president after I was told that I had to give up my job as Steward to run for Vice President.
At this time my name is listed as a candidate for V.P., which is a position I want but I feel that the wrong doing of Mark Caldwell needs corrected. I sent a letter to the UAW local 1949 asking for all nominations to be null and void because of the illegal nature of the meeting and the wrong doing of Mark Caldwell removing me as steward and from being Chairman of the Education Committee. I should have the positions of Steward and Education Chairman. I should have had the same right as Newman to run for the office of Vice President without giving up my job as Steward. Why has Alice Bell displaced me on the Education Committee?
On 11/29/2016, I received the following information from the Clinton County Indiana Clerk’s Office. Tim Newman, UAW Local 1949 Steward, is listed as an inactive voter. The last time he voted was in the 2004 General Election. This is a gross violation of Art. 9 of the UAW Constitution. I also received information from the Clinton County Clerk about David Timmons who has not voted in the elections of 2014, the primary of 2012, the elections of 2010 and the primary of 2006. Today 11/30/2016 I received the voting records for the new UAW Local 1949 President. He was vice president before Mark Caldwell resigned. The voting records show that he never voted the entire time he was Vice President. I have not yet filed a charge against Mike Salinas for violation of Art. 40 Sec 2 of the UAW Constitution because he did not “attend all sessions of the local union.” We just received a current copy of the UAW Constitution on 10/31/2016 from Richard Isaacson. We had to drive all the way to Solidarity house to get one because Mary Ann Shaw had not given us a copy or the Constitution. We have filed charges on her for that violation.
After receiving the Constitution we continue to find more violations. On 11/09/2016 we charged all the current members of the executive board, including ex president Mark Caldwell with violation of Art. 37, Sec 4,5 for not holding a “general membership meeting at least once a month.” Please note that we do not have a work place council or anything in our local bylaws about having a work place council. On 11/09/2016 we charged election committee members Cheryl Large, Cathy Caldwell, 2nd Shift Bargaining Committee person Gerald Brantner, Skilled Trades Steward Tim Newman, 2nd shift Chief Steward Rhonda Dale, Skilled trades committee person Amy Peter, 1st Shift Chief Steward Adrienne Gephart and 1st Shift Bargaining Committee Person Michelle Fivecoate with violation of Art 37, Sec. 4,5 because they had not attended “2 out of 3 membership meetings.” On 11/09/2016 we charged 1st shift Committee Person Michelle Fivecoate, 3rd shift Bargaining Committee Person Lance Royer, Trustee Doug Shaw and former President Mark Caldwell with violation of Art 9 of the UAW Constitution because they had not voted in all “elections for civil officers in the area in which their homes are located.” On 11/15/2016 we charged Mary Ann Shaw for violating Art 40 Sec 4,7 of the UAW Constitution because she had not given a current copy of the UAW Local 1949 Bylaws and the UAW Constitution to each member. We also know that she has not given an “official receipt for the initiation fee” of a member. On 11/16/2016 we charged Jayne Kinslow with violation of Art 40 Sec 3 of the UAW Constitution because she stopped taking minutes in the union meeting held on 10/09/2016 to argue and yell at me, ignored my motion which I was forced to send by certified mail and ignored the charges of 11/09/2016.
There is no evidence that the above charges have been reviewed according to Art 31, Sec 3,4! Tim Newman and David Timmons are not politically qualified to hold a office in the UAW according to Art 9 of the UAW Constitution. Why has Ron Dubree failed to bring UAW Local 1949 into compliance with the UAW Constitution ,US Constitution and Federal Labor Law? Why have you and Ken Lortz not put UAW Local 1949 into order? Why has the Federal Mogul Plant in Van Wert, OH been able to strike while we were not able to do so?
Please help get this situation resolved. I would like to know that our Local Union is doing what is expected. It has been clear to me that our local union officers and Ron Dubree have been intentionally derelict in following the UAW Constitution and UAW Local 1949 Bylaws. We need answers to these questions as soon as possible. We are looking forward to your speedy response.
Fraternally Yours,
Robbie Pippenger
5138 E. County Road 550 N.
Frankfort, IN 46041
Pat Speaks
Letter to UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr.
L.A.W.S., INC.
LABOR ADVOCATES WORKERS SOLUTIONNot for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 112West Olive, MI 49460
November 21, 2016
President Dennis Williams, Jr.,
I have contacted you several times about the concerns of your UAW members throughout the country. This is our last attempt.
Following is a list of some who have turned to us for help. Ford ACH employees
Milan, MI
Mary Tipton, Robert Stroud – UAW Representative Jody Dunn failed to negotiate with Ford
to save job status as Ford employees and the right to be moved to another Ford Facility.
Saline, MI
Lisa Fuller – Union representatives not filing grievances and telling UAW members they had been filed leading to job loss.
Ed Holmes – Union dues fraud
Bettina Hilliard – Local election fraud. She followed the correct procedures by contacting the local recording secretary with her complaint.
Rawsonville, MI
Larry Barker – ACH lawsuit
Flatrock, MI
Candice Escott – Company and union working as a unit causing pay shortage. Failure on the part of UAW representatives to write and/or file grievances.
Toledo Jeep
Calvin Buckmaster – FICA was wrongly taken out of signing bonus. Ford and GM employees received their FICA money back. Chrysler employees did not. He tried to grievance but was ignored. He worked for two years to get this corrected. He finally gave up.
Workers being bused in from the Detroit area rather than using local workers.
General Motors
Flint, MI Truck and Bus
Laurie Bedard-Nettleton – Lack of representation of the part of the UAW representatives of the Tier 11 employees at the Flint Truck and Bus facility.
Michigan Assembly
Mark Caruso – Can prove misconduct on the part of Jody Dunn
Louisville, KY
Laurie Casillas – A special deal was brokered by UAW Representative Jody Dunn to reinstate job seniority of two employees. They were told it had to be kept secret so other Tier 11 employees would not ask for it.
Chicago Assembly
Helen Allen – Sexual harassment on part of UAW Local officials and management
Local 600
Art Pedersen – National contract ratification voting fraud. He followed all of the proper UAW procedures for filing a complaint.
April Thompson – Proof of several months of intimidation by Bobby Thompson, Local UAW president
John Deere
David McCuddin – Questioning increase of union dues being put in strike fund.
Federal Mogul
Frankfort, IN
Robbie Pippenger, Pat Frigo – Threats and intimidation by local union officials.
Our most recent concern is the situation at UAW Local 1949 in Frankfort, IN. We were contacted by Robbie Pippenger regarding a death threat that he received from UAW Local1949 president Mark Caldwell. On October 31, 2016 this problem was presented by Robbie Pippenger, Pat Frigo, Fred Frigo and myself to your assistant Richard Isaacson at Solidarity House. He promised that he would take care of the situation. Ron Dubree, a family member to Mark Caldwell, instead of Ken Lortz, Region 2b director, was sent to the Federal Mogul plant. I understand that he met with some employees, the Local UAW officials and Dan Frey, Human Resources Director. It is interesting to note that he did not meet with Robbie or Pat
At the November 13, 2016 UAW Local 1949 union meeting under the direction of Ron Dubree the election of officers was handled incorrectly. Further information about Robbie's story can be found in The Times, Frankfort, IN, October 27, 28 and November1 issues.
Since we have been contacted by UAW members from across the country it is clear to me that problems exist both at the Local and International levels. Our goal as an agency, along with your UAW members who have contacted us, is to identify and solve the problems that exist, to remove those who are breaking the rules, and to make the UAW once again a union its membership can be proud of. Your UAW membership needs to be assured that you and your fellow International and Local officials are working on their behalf and not acting as a “company union.” If you are unaware of these problems I will gladly share my vast information with you. Over the years I have been accused of being a union breaker and even a union hater. This could not be further from the truth. I am willing to work with you to help bring about these needed changes.
Anxiously awaiting your response,
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
Cc's. Congressman Bill Huizenga, my congressman
Congressman Todd Rokita
Senator Debbie Stabenow
Senator Gary Peters
Senator Bernard Sanders
Senator Elizabeth Warren
Joseph Wheeler, Congressional Education and Workforce Committee
James Trusty, Chief of DOJ Organized Crime and Gang Division
Jerry Toner, DOJ Organized Crime and Gang Division
Ian Burg, Office of Labor-Management Standards
Rod Meloni, WDIV-TV
Letter to UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr.
L.A.W.S., INC.
LABOR ADVOCATES WORKERS SOLUTIONNot for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 112West Olive, MI 49460
November 21, 2016
President Dennis Williams, Jr.,
I have contacted you several times about the concerns of your UAW members throughout the country. This is our last attempt.
Following is a list of some who have turned to us for help. Ford ACH employees
Milan, MI
Mary Tipton, Robert Stroud – UAW Representative Jody Dunn failed to negotiate with Ford
to save job status as Ford employees and the right to be moved to another Ford Facility.
Saline, MI
Lisa Fuller – Union representatives not filing grievances and telling UAW members they had been filed leading to job loss.
Ed Holmes – Union dues fraud
Bettina Hilliard – Local election fraud. She followed the correct procedures by contacting the local recording secretary with her complaint.
Rawsonville, MI
Larry Barker – ACH lawsuit
Flatrock, MI
Candice Escott – Company and union working as a unit causing pay shortage. Failure on the part of UAW representatives to write and/or file grievances.
Toledo Jeep
Calvin Buckmaster – FICA was wrongly taken out of signing bonus. Ford and GM employees received their FICA money back. Chrysler employees did not. He tried to grievance but was ignored. He worked for two years to get this corrected. He finally gave up.
Workers being bused in from the Detroit area rather than using local workers.
General Motors
Flint, MI Truck and Bus
Laurie Bedard-Nettleton – Lack of representation of the part of the UAW representatives of the Tier 11 employees at the Flint Truck and Bus facility.
Michigan Assembly
Mark Caruso – Can prove misconduct on the part of Jody Dunn
Louisville, KY
Laurie Casillas – A special deal was brokered by UAW Representative Jody Dunn to reinstate job seniority of two employees. They were told it had to be kept secret so other Tier 11 employees would not ask for it.
Chicago Assembly
Helen Allen – Sexual harassment on part of UAW Local officials and management
Local 600
Art Pedersen – National contract ratification voting fraud. He followed all of the proper UAW procedures for filing a complaint.
April Thompson – Proof of several months of intimidation by Bobby Thompson, Local UAW president
John Deere
David McCuddin – Questioning increase of union dues being put in strike fund.
Federal Mogul
Frankfort, IN
Robbie Pippenger, Pat Frigo – Threats and intimidation by local union officials.
Our most recent concern is the situation at UAW Local 1949 in Frankfort, IN. We were contacted by Robbie Pippenger regarding a death threat that he received from UAW Local1949 president Mark Caldwell. On October 31, 2016 this problem was presented by Robbie Pippenger, Pat Frigo, Fred Frigo and myself to your assistant Richard Isaacson at Solidarity House. He promised that he would take care of the situation. Ron Dubree, a family member to Mark Caldwell, instead of Ken Lortz, Region 2b director, was sent to the Federal Mogul plant. I understand that he met with some employees, the Local UAW officials and Dan Frey, Human Resources Director. It is interesting to note that he did not meet with Robbie or Pat
At the November 13, 2016 UAW Local 1949 union meeting under the direction of Ron Dubree the election of officers was handled incorrectly. Further information about Robbie's story can be found in The Times, Frankfort, IN, October 27, 28 and November1 issues.
Since we have been contacted by UAW members from across the country it is clear to me that problems exist both at the Local and International levels. Our goal as an agency, along with your UAW members who have contacted us, is to identify and solve the problems that exist, to remove those who are breaking the rules, and to make the UAW once again a union its membership can be proud of. Your UAW membership needs to be assured that you and your fellow International and Local officials are working on their behalf and not acting as a “company union.” If you are unaware of these problems I will gladly share my vast information with you. Over the years I have been accused of being a union breaker and even a union hater. This could not be further from the truth. I am willing to work with you to help bring about these needed changes.
Anxiously awaiting your response,
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
Cc's. Congressman Bill Huizenga, my congressman
Congressman Todd Rokita
Senator Debbie Stabenow
Senator Gary Peters
Senator Bernard Sanders
Senator Elizabeth Warren
Joseph Wheeler, Congressional Education and Workforce Committee
James Trusty, Chief of DOJ Organized Crime and Gang Division
Jerry Toner, DOJ Organized Crime and Gang Division
Ian Burg, Office of Labor-Management Standards
Rod Meloni, WDIV-TV
Pat Speaks
The Crisis at UAW Local 1949 Frankfort, Indiana
As reported in the 11-10 -16 Pat Speaks Robbie Pippenger and Pat Frigo took information to Solidarity House on October 31, 2016. Richard Isaacson said that they would take measures to correct the inadequate handling of the situation by the local union officials. As a result Ron Dubree, the Regional Rep for Federal Mogul, came to the plant. He held meetings with some employees and Dan Frey of Human Resources, however, he never met with Robbie or Patty Frigo.
Apparently the UAW International sent Ron Dubree to put out fires with out correcting the problems in the plant.
On 11-13-16 a union meeting was held at UAW Local 1949 Frankfort, IN. I was asked to come to Indiana to advise those workers who were concerned about how they would be treated due to the actions of the UAW Local 1949 officials at the October 9, 2016 union meeting. Some of the employees met with me at the Frankfort, Indiana VFW Hall at 12:00 P.M. One of the things they were concerned about was the assigning of union positions that did not follow union procedures.
At the October 9, 2016 meeting President Mike Salinas told Robbie that he had his steward job and his education positions reinstated. At the November 13, 2016 meeting Robbie was offered the opportunity to run for Vice President, a position he had been interested in before. If he decided to do this he was told that he had to give up both his steward and education positions. He was never given the chance to accept or deny this opportunity due to the rowdiness of the membership. Instead his education position was immediately given to another member.
Patty Frigo, who carried the petition in support of Robbie Pippenger throughout the plant, was encouraged to accept a position on the Election Committee. She accepted this position because she because she could make sure the election vote was counted honestly.
After the meeting Patty was approached by Ron Dubree. He stated to her that she should watch out for Pat Meyer. She goes to small unions to cause trouble for the UAW International Union. He also stated that she would take and/or charge you money for her services. Patty responded that we called LAWS to help us. We have only given her a donation for gas money.
I, Pat Meyer, Director of LAWS, will notify the UAW International that we are taking further action concerning the rights of workers at the Federal Mogul plant.
Further information on Robbie's story can be found in The Times, Frankfort, IN October 27, 28 and November 1 issues.
For all of you union members who have suffered at the hands of your leaders, local and international, we want you to know that we are sincere in our efforts to find justice for you.
The Crisis at UAW Local 1949 Frankfort, Indiana
As reported in the 11-10 -16 Pat Speaks Robbie Pippenger and Pat Frigo took information to Solidarity House on October 31, 2016. Richard Isaacson said that they would take measures to correct the inadequate handling of the situation by the local union officials. As a result Ron Dubree, the Regional Rep for Federal Mogul, came to the plant. He held meetings with some employees and Dan Frey of Human Resources, however, he never met with Robbie or Patty Frigo.
Apparently the UAW International sent Ron Dubree to put out fires with out correcting the problems in the plant.
On 11-13-16 a union meeting was held at UAW Local 1949 Frankfort, IN. I was asked to come to Indiana to advise those workers who were concerned about how they would be treated due to the actions of the UAW Local 1949 officials at the October 9, 2016 union meeting. Some of the employees met with me at the Frankfort, Indiana VFW Hall at 12:00 P.M. One of the things they were concerned about was the assigning of union positions that did not follow union procedures.
At the October 9, 2016 meeting President Mike Salinas told Robbie that he had his steward job and his education positions reinstated. At the November 13, 2016 meeting Robbie was offered the opportunity to run for Vice President, a position he had been interested in before. If he decided to do this he was told that he had to give up both his steward and education positions. He was never given the chance to accept or deny this opportunity due to the rowdiness of the membership. Instead his education position was immediately given to another member.
Patty Frigo, who carried the petition in support of Robbie Pippenger throughout the plant, was encouraged to accept a position on the Election Committee. She accepted this position because she because she could make sure the election vote was counted honestly.
After the meeting Patty was approached by Ron Dubree. He stated to her that she should watch out for Pat Meyer. She goes to small unions to cause trouble for the UAW International Union. He also stated that she would take and/or charge you money for her services. Patty responded that we called LAWS to help us. We have only given her a donation for gas money.
I, Pat Meyer, Director of LAWS, will notify the UAW International that we are taking further action concerning the rights of workers at the Federal Mogul plant.
Further information on Robbie's story can be found in The Times, Frankfort, IN October 27, 28 and November 1 issues.
For all of you union members who have suffered at the hands of your leaders, local and international, we want you to know that we are sincere in our efforts to find justice for you.
Pat Speaks
It is your privilege as an American citizen to help elect our new president!
The lines may be long but the wait is worth it!
Chose wisely
but make sure that you vote!
It is your privilege as an American citizen to help elect our new president!
The lines may be long but the wait is worth it!
Chose wisely
but make sure that you vote!
Pat Speaks
On Monday, October 31, 2016 Robbie Pippenger and Pat Frigo employees of Federal Mogul in Frankfort, Indiana took their concerns to UAW Solidarity House in Detroit. They met with Administrative Assistant to President Dennis Williams, Jr, Richard Isaacson concerning union representation and death threats to Robbie Pippenger. Isaacson stated that he would take measures to correct the inadequate handling of the situation by the local union officials.
Pippenger and Frigo also brought to light the fact that Federal Mogul HR manager, Dan Frey publicly stated that he could not comment on the situation between Pippenger and the union officials. Robbie and Pat Frigo feel that Dan Frey knows about conditions but does nothing about them. This feeling has been also expressed by other Federal Mogul employees.
When the employees of Federal Mogul found out that Robbie and Pat Frigo were going to UAW Solidarity House they asked them to request that someone from their come to Federal Mogul and correct the situation. They feel that their situation is so critical that several are thinking about withholding their union dues until someone comes.
To all Federal Mogul employees, if you are being threatened or have information to share
please contact me at 269-998-4609 or [email protected] please put dispute this in the subject line.
On Monday, October 31, 2016 Robbie Pippenger and Pat Frigo employees of Federal Mogul in Frankfort, Indiana took their concerns to UAW Solidarity House in Detroit. They met with Administrative Assistant to President Dennis Williams, Jr, Richard Isaacson concerning union representation and death threats to Robbie Pippenger. Isaacson stated that he would take measures to correct the inadequate handling of the situation by the local union officials.
Pippenger and Frigo also brought to light the fact that Federal Mogul HR manager, Dan Frey publicly stated that he could not comment on the situation between Pippenger and the union officials. Robbie and Pat Frigo feel that Dan Frey knows about conditions but does nothing about them. This feeling has been also expressed by other Federal Mogul employees.
When the employees of Federal Mogul found out that Robbie and Pat Frigo were going to UAW Solidarity House they asked them to request that someone from their come to Federal Mogul and correct the situation. They feel that their situation is so critical that several are thinking about withholding their union dues until someone comes.
To all Federal Mogul employees, if you are being threatened or have information to share
please contact me at 269-998-4609 or [email protected] please put dispute this in the subject line.
Pat Speaks
Today in the Frankfort Times in Frankfort, Indiana there was an article addressing Robbie Pippenger's story and other Federal Mogul concerns. In the article LAWS was erroneously labeled as an anti-UAW organization. Nothing could be further than the truth. We are working to help UAW members clean up the union so that it is once more a proud and vital organization. If you take the time to read my biography you will find that I was a union official myself and I believe in the need for unions in our country.
Federal Mogul employees I will be in Frankfort, Indiana tomorrow at the
UFW Hall
309 N Main
from 12:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
for a drop-in meeting. All are invited to attend. Please spread the word to all.
Today in the Frankfort Times in Frankfort, Indiana there was an article addressing Robbie Pippenger's story and other Federal Mogul concerns. In the article LAWS was erroneously labeled as an anti-UAW organization. Nothing could be further than the truth. We are working to help UAW members clean up the union so that it is once more a proud and vital organization. If you take the time to read my biography you will find that I was a union official myself and I believe in the need for unions in our country.
Federal Mogul employees I will be in Frankfort, Indiana tomorrow at the
UFW Hall
309 N Main
from 12:30 P.M. to 4:00 P.M.
for a drop-in meeting. All are invited to attend. Please spread the word to all.
Pat Speaks
Pharmaceutical Price Control
Alert to a situation I have just found out about.
On Morning Joe on MSNBC today Dr. Jeffrey S. said that since 2003 the U.S. Congress has had no control of the monitoring of pharmaceutical prices. An example is a drug for hepatitis C. This pill costs $1.00 a pill to produce and costs the patients $1,000 a pill. Without this pill the patient will die. The pharmaceutical company is from Ireland.
Please call immediately 202-224-3121 to object to this lack of control. When you call they will ask for your zip code and your call will be transferred to your Congressman's office. This lack of control needs to changed for all of our sakes.
Pat Speaks
Robbie Pippenger of Local 1949 in Franfort, IN is seeking help. He has informed the UAW leadership and UAW members what has happened with no results.
To Mikey Salinas
Acting President of UAW Local 1949
1000 McKinley Avenue
Frankfort, IN 46041
Dear Brother Mikey Salinas,
I attempted to place a motion on the floor to address the matters of the death text to me
from Mark Caldwell, his removal of me from the UAW Local 1949 Education Committee,
and the lack of information from the UAW International Union regarding the proposed sale
of the Federal Mogul Plant in Frankfort, IN.
I was interrupted more than once by you, Recording Secretary Jane Kinslow and Bargaining
Committee Representative Lance Royer. I therefore was not able to read my entire motion
which included a call for UAW Local 1949 members to request that their dues be withheld
from the UAW International, which has not to my knowledge dealt properly with Mark Caldwell
for his death text to me, Mark Caldwell’s removal of me from the Education Committee and
the UAW International’s lack of information for members regarding the proposed sale of our Frankfort, IN plant.
If these matters are not resolved to our satisfaction by the UAW International in one week from the date of this letter, I will request that my dues to the UAW International be withheld
while I remain a member, This is because we have paid dues and have not been protected. I will also invite other members who have paid dues and not been protected, to do the same as
they remain loyal union members.
Fraternally Yours,
Brother Robbie Pippenger
5138 East County Road 550 North,
Frankfort, IN 46041
cc L.A.W.S. INC.
P.O. BOX 112
West Olive, MI 49460
269 998 4609
[email protected]
If you have any questions or suggestions or information that you think that we should know about this situation or any other situation please contact LAWS through the address or phone number above. If you use the email address please put dispute this on the subject line.
Robbie Pippenger of Local 1949 in Franfort, IN is seeking help. He has informed the UAW leadership and UAW members what has happened with no results.
To Mikey Salinas
Acting President of UAW Local 1949
1000 McKinley Avenue
Frankfort, IN 46041
Dear Brother Mikey Salinas,
I attempted to place a motion on the floor to address the matters of the death text to me
from Mark Caldwell, his removal of me from the UAW Local 1949 Education Committee,
and the lack of information from the UAW International Union regarding the proposed sale
of the Federal Mogul Plant in Frankfort, IN.
I was interrupted more than once by you, Recording Secretary Jane Kinslow and Bargaining
Committee Representative Lance Royer. I therefore was not able to read my entire motion
which included a call for UAW Local 1949 members to request that their dues be withheld
from the UAW International, which has not to my knowledge dealt properly with Mark Caldwell
for his death text to me, Mark Caldwell’s removal of me from the Education Committee and
the UAW International’s lack of information for members regarding the proposed sale of our Frankfort, IN plant.
If these matters are not resolved to our satisfaction by the UAW International in one week from the date of this letter, I will request that my dues to the UAW International be withheld
while I remain a member, This is because we have paid dues and have not been protected. I will also invite other members who have paid dues and not been protected, to do the same as
they remain loyal union members.
Fraternally Yours,
Brother Robbie Pippenger
5138 East County Road 550 North,
Frankfort, IN 46041
cc L.A.W.S. INC.
P.O. BOX 112
West Olive, MI 49460
269 998 4609
[email protected]
If you have any questions or suggestions or information that you think that we should know about this situation or any other situation please contact LAWS through the address or phone number above. If you use the email address please put dispute this on the subject line.
Pat Speaks
On September 16, 2016 Susan Alexander, a LAWS Board Member and I were invited by Federal-Mogul employees to Frankfort, IN to attend a forum concerning Robbie Pippenger's death threat and other concerns regarding the UAW leadership. At the meeting an officer from the Frankfort, IN police department felt the incident should be investigated. Robbie has been advised as to how to handle this incident. As the meeting concluded I spoke to UAW Local President Mark Caldwell.
Thank you to all of those who attended the forum and the VFW for allowing us to use their facilities.
As you know if you have been reading this website UAW Local 600 played a critical role in the Ford National Contract Ratification vote. There has been questions as to the validity of its results. Ford employee Art Pedersen objected and had a hearing at Local 600 heard by UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr's assistant Al Wilson. Information about ballot box stuffing and other irregularities were presented to him. Shop Chairman Gary Walkowicz testified to the ballot box stuffing. The decision was returned that there was no wrong doing. Art is now appealing this decision to the UAW Public Board of Review. More information about Art Pedersen's concerns and Robbie Pippenger's death threat may be found in earlier Pat Speaks on this site.
Of Concern to all Ford workers: Ford has announced that all small cars will be built in Mexico. What does this mean for our American Ford workers? Has the UAW protested this move?
How is the union working to protect its members jobs?
Federal-Mogul workers have you been told about the sale of your company? How will this sale affect your jobs? Is the UAW looking into this situation and keeping you informed?
UAW members across the country keep contacting us. Your information is valuable and helps show a pattern across the nation of lack of action and protection on the part of your UAW International and Local leaders. We are compiling information to pass along to the Department of Justice Racketeering and Fraud division, the Department of Labor Raketeering and Fraud Division of the Inspector General, the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee and other appropriate government agencies. You may contact me through this website or by emailing [email protected]. Please put dispute this in the subject line.
Remember, each and everyone of you is important! Stand up for what you believe!
UAW members we understand your concerns. We are hearing the same concerns from UAW members across the country.
On September 16, 2016 Susan Alexander, a LAWS Board Member and I were invited by Federal-Mogul employees to Frankfort, IN to attend a forum concerning Robbie Pippenger's death threat and other concerns regarding the UAW leadership. At the meeting an officer from the Frankfort, IN police department felt the incident should be investigated. Robbie has been advised as to how to handle this incident. As the meeting concluded I spoke to UAW Local President Mark Caldwell.
Thank you to all of those who attended the forum and the VFW for allowing us to use their facilities.
As you know if you have been reading this website UAW Local 600 played a critical role in the Ford National Contract Ratification vote. There has been questions as to the validity of its results. Ford employee Art Pedersen objected and had a hearing at Local 600 heard by UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr's assistant Al Wilson. Information about ballot box stuffing and other irregularities were presented to him. Shop Chairman Gary Walkowicz testified to the ballot box stuffing. The decision was returned that there was no wrong doing. Art is now appealing this decision to the UAW Public Board of Review. More information about Art Pedersen's concerns and Robbie Pippenger's death threat may be found in earlier Pat Speaks on this site.
Of Concern to all Ford workers: Ford has announced that all small cars will be built in Mexico. What does this mean for our American Ford workers? Has the UAW protested this move?
How is the union working to protect its members jobs?
Federal-Mogul workers have you been told about the sale of your company? How will this sale affect your jobs? Is the UAW looking into this situation and keeping you informed?
UAW members across the country keep contacting us. Your information is valuable and helps show a pattern across the nation of lack of action and protection on the part of your UAW International and Local leaders. We are compiling information to pass along to the Department of Justice Racketeering and Fraud division, the Department of Labor Raketeering and Fraud Division of the Inspector General, the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee and other appropriate government agencies. You may contact me through this website or by emailing [email protected]. Please put dispute this in the subject line.
Remember, each and everyone of you is important! Stand up for what you believe!
UAW members we understand your concerns. We are hearing the same concerns from UAW members across the country.
Pat Speaks 9-5-16
This day is for you to celebrate your contribution to this country and its economy.
Workers are the backbone of our country.
Never underestimate your importance!
Art Pedersen's appeal concerning the Ford National Ratification vote has now advanced to the UAW Public Review Board. Following is the letter we sent in his support.
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected])
P.O. Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
This day is for you to celebrate your contribution to this country and its economy.
Workers are the backbone of our country.
Never underestimate your importance!
Art Pedersen's appeal concerning the Ford National Ratification vote has now advanced to the UAW Public Review Board. Following is the letter we sent in his support.
L.A.W.S., INC.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected])
P.O. Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
The Public Review Board
904 Starkweather
Plymouth, MI 48170-1339
August 29, 2016
Dear Public Review Board Officers,
This is to affirm that I fully support Art Pedersen's appeal to you regarding the 2015 Ford National Agreement Ratification vote at UAW Local 600.
My organization, L.A.W.S., INC., is a free agency working to find justice for workers, retirees and their families. I have been working with Art Pedersen and many other UAW members who are protesting the UAW International and Local leadership's misuse of funds, misrepresentation, fraud, refusal to write grievances or when they are written they are 'lost' or 'shelved' and never acted upon and voting violations.
On May 24, 2016 I acted as council for Mr. Pedersen at a hearing held at UAW Local 600 conducted by Al Wilson, assistant to UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr. Mr. Pedersen was told by Wilson that all information concerning the complaint must be presented at this time and that his decision would be final. After a lengthy three hour meeting is was apparent to Mr. Pedersen and myself that the evidence presented was being ignored. Wilson tried to convince Mr. Pedersen that he could not possibly want a new election.
In the paperwork Mr. Pedersen sent you it is very clear that the UAW leadership does not follow the rules protecting the workers. They seem to bend the rules to accommodate the resolution they desire such as the ballot concerns on P.14 of his appeal.
We expect that you, the Public Review Board Officers, not influenced by the UAW leadership, will give Mr. Pedersen's appeal an unbiased reading and question how something as important to our country's economy as a national ratification vote has fewer election rules and safe guards than a local union election. Mr. Pedersen's request for a new supervised ratification vote should be granted.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., INC.
For all of you UAW members who are concerned about the UAW leadership's actions and are deciding whether to continue paying dues please keep contacting me. I am hearing your unrest from members all across the country.
904 Starkweather
Plymouth, MI 48170-1339
August 29, 2016
Dear Public Review Board Officers,
This is to affirm that I fully support Art Pedersen's appeal to you regarding the 2015 Ford National Agreement Ratification vote at UAW Local 600.
My organization, L.A.W.S., INC., is a free agency working to find justice for workers, retirees and their families. I have been working with Art Pedersen and many other UAW members who are protesting the UAW International and Local leadership's misuse of funds, misrepresentation, fraud, refusal to write grievances or when they are written they are 'lost' or 'shelved' and never acted upon and voting violations.
On May 24, 2016 I acted as council for Mr. Pedersen at a hearing held at UAW Local 600 conducted by Al Wilson, assistant to UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr. Mr. Pedersen was told by Wilson that all information concerning the complaint must be presented at this time and that his decision would be final. After a lengthy three hour meeting is was apparent to Mr. Pedersen and myself that the evidence presented was being ignored. Wilson tried to convince Mr. Pedersen that he could not possibly want a new election.
In the paperwork Mr. Pedersen sent you it is very clear that the UAW leadership does not follow the rules protecting the workers. They seem to bend the rules to accommodate the resolution they desire such as the ballot concerns on P.14 of his appeal.
We expect that you, the Public Review Board Officers, not influenced by the UAW leadership, will give Mr. Pedersen's appeal an unbiased reading and question how something as important to our country's economy as a national ratification vote has fewer election rules and safe guards than a local union election. Mr. Pedersen's request for a new supervised ratification vote should be granted.
Respectfully submitted,
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., INC.
For all of you UAW members who are concerned about the UAW leadership's actions and are deciding whether to continue paying dues please keep contacting me. I am hearing your unrest from members all across the country.
Pat Speaks
L.A.W.S., Inc, Labor Advocacy Workers Solution, is a free agency which works for workers, retirees and their families. It has been in existence for over 20 years and has advocated for hundreds of workers and retirees. The agency advocates have made many trips to Washington, D.C. meeting with Senators, Congressmen, attended hearings including the Congressional Auto Hearings in 2008 most recently meeting with staff members of the congressional Education and Workforce Committee. It has contacted and worked with many government agencies including the NLRB, OLMS, USJD Racketeering and Fraud Division and MIOSHA.
We have been contacted by UAW members from all over the country including Ford, GM, Chrysler(FCA), John Deere and other professional workers. They are all crying for justice. Their complaints include
UAW Ford Vice President Jimmy Settles stated recently, ”There is no higher authority than the membership. Through a fair and democratic process UAW-Ford members have delivered job security and strong economic gains for their families.” If the UAW membership is the 'higher authority' why are we receiving complaints daily about the UAW leadership's actions?
We are being contacted almost daily by UAW workers and retirees asking for our help. Due to the seriousness of his case LAWS has agreed to work with Robbie Peppinger who received a death threat from his local UAW president who apparently has not suffered any consequences due to this action. Read his story.
My name is Robbie Pippenger. I was born and raised in Clinton County, Indiana. I have worked hard at Federal Mogul to produce high quality products for our customers for 9 years. Quality comes before production but safety comes before quality!
On 07/27/16, while communicating my concerns as a UAW Steward I was suddenly
sent a death text by UAW Local 1949 Chairman/President Mark Caldwell. He then
bypassed the will of the membership and the UAW Constitution by removing me from being
Steward and from being Chairman of the Education Committee. I reported the death text to
a Clinton County Sheriff’s Deputy that day. I was shocked and did not go to work the next day as I tried to work through UAW to stop this safety hazard among us.
On 07/28/16, I called UAW Solidarity House but they referred me to Region 2B. I called and told the Region 2B secretary about the text and she said she would leave a message about it with the Region 2B Director, Kenneth Lortz. He never responded! We have paid dues to be protected by the International and now they appeared to coddle Caldwell instead of stopping his dictatorial, thug like behavior that posed a safety hazard to the members.
By 07/29/16, I was forced to bring this to the attention of Dan Frey at Federal Mogul HR.
On 08/01/16 I showed him the entire text and he amazingly dismissed this as a union matter without giving any indication of any sort of punishment of Mark Caldwell that would
make our plant a safe non hostile work environment. It seemed that The Federal
Mogul HR head also coddled the out of control UAW Chairman/President Caldwell.
Out of concern for my safety and the safety of my UAW brothers and sisters I turned to
L.A.W.S. INC., a free agency working with workers who were not being heard about problems they had with their union leaders. I also turned to the UAW Constitution and
initiated a lawful petition to recall the out of control chairman/president Caldwell from office though the will of the membership. Our membership is less safe because if Caldwell did this to a UAW Steward without any apparent consequences there is no telling what he would do to a UAW member.
On 08/03/16 Dan Frey did respond by saying that I was doing union business on the floor.
This was not true since I was in the presence of 2 supervisors during the time in question.
On 08/04/16 Dan Frey was more concerned about the agencies that were contacting him
than the safety hazard posed by Caldwell. I told Frey that I did not feel safe. The only solution he had to offer me was the use of the salaried bathroom rather than the removal of
offender from the plant where the victim worked!
This is my statement to the press and I must refer any questions regarding these matters
to my advisers at L.A.W.S. INC., 269 998 4609.
We have been hearing horror stories about what went on at many of the plants. Mary Tipton, a Milan Inergy worker and former ACH Ford worker tells us that “We ACH workers at the Milan, MI plant were Ford workers with Ford World Employment numbers. We were promised by Ford that if they sold a portion of the Milan plant we would remain Ford employees and would be moved to another Ford facility as full time Ford employees if and when a vacancy prevailed.” When Ford sold the business to Inergy Ron Esch HR for the Milan plant and Jodey Dunn of the UAW International told the workers that they could not move to a Ford Facility as there were no vacancies. If they were offered a job by Inergy they had to take it or be unemployed with no unemployment benefits. Some of the workers went to the Michigan Unemployment Agency to verify this fact. They were told that if they were offered a job by Inergy and did not take it they would be ineligible to receive unemployment benefits. When they took the Inergy job they lost their Ford status.
It is interesting to note that some 'selected ACHers' were allowed to transfer to Ford facilities and maintain their Ford employment. Ford has since reopened part of the Milan plant as a Ford facility.
Helen Allen of the Chicago Assembly Plant has concerns about the grievance process. After waiting for years she stated in a letter to Bob King, Jimmy Settles and Darryl Nolen, “I know that it doesn't take 7 years to get a grievance resolved. Please let me know what is the status.”
She also states that at a different time “I was not given breaks of lunches, we were not compensated for working through. I filed a grievance for my lunches and breaks and the grievance is still on the table somewhere. Only a few skilled tradesmen are paid for their lunches and fewer more actually receive their lunches and breaks. We have not heard anything about the grievance I filed on behalf of me and the other tradesmen. It is always a battle that one can read and see the contract.”
The Dearborn Ford facilities reports concerning the National Ford Contract Ratification Voting are especially troubling. They reported intimidation, ballot fixing, improper ballots, workers being forced to vote at their job sites and UAW officials standing over them as they voted.
"Electrical tradesman Art Pedersen of Detroit Ford reported to us that he voted on "a printed White ballot with no number" by checking 'yes' or 'no' and placed it in a bucket as names were checked and crossed off membership lists without any signature or initials given by the voters.
Art's comment was not the only one we received. Reports keep coming in constantly. Art was interviewed by Rod Meloni at WDIV-TV. It may be viewed at His grievance was denied by the union. He has appealed this decision to the Public Review Board.
David McCuddin of Local 450 in Iowa who works at John Deere contacted us to say that many of his fellow workers are considering withdrawing from the UAW.
He also stated that there is concern about the raising of the union dues and where the extra half hour of dues is going. An official from Local 450 contacted Solidarity House to and was told by UAW auditor William E. Stephen that these funds would go to the strike and defense fund.
This is in addition to the 30% already being taken from the 2 hours that go into this fund. That means that approximately 43% of a member's union dues go into the strike and defense fund.
Striking is not an option for all of our UAW members due to contract agreements and Right To Work laws. With grievances not being written and members not being represented properly who reaps the benefits of the defense fund? Is it the UAW officials, local and/or international, who find themselves in trouble such as the UAW local president in Michigan exceeded her income by $105,422.29? We have been told that the union will pay this money back. And now we have received word that Norwood Jewell's assistant Nancy Johnson has been relived of her position for alleged credit card fraud. Were any UAW credit cards used in this fraud? It is no wonder that many UAW members are considering withdrawing from the UAW.
L.A.W.S., Inc, Labor Advocacy Workers Solution, is a free agency which works for workers, retirees and their families. It has been in existence for over 20 years and has advocated for hundreds of workers and retirees. The agency advocates have made many trips to Washington, D.C. meeting with Senators, Congressmen, attended hearings including the Congressional Auto Hearings in 2008 most recently meeting with staff members of the congressional Education and Workforce Committee. It has contacted and worked with many government agencies including the NLRB, OLMS, USJD Racketeering and Fraud Division and MIOSHA.
We have been contacted by UAW members from all over the country including Ford, GM, Chrysler(FCA), John Deere and other professional workers. They are all crying for justice. Their complaints include
- workers concerns ignored
- grievances not being written, filed or followed through
- often poor working conditions exist
- harassment allowed to continue.
UAW Ford Vice President Jimmy Settles stated recently, ”There is no higher authority than the membership. Through a fair and democratic process UAW-Ford members have delivered job security and strong economic gains for their families.” If the UAW membership is the 'higher authority' why are we receiving complaints daily about the UAW leadership's actions?
We are being contacted almost daily by UAW workers and retirees asking for our help. Due to the seriousness of his case LAWS has agreed to work with Robbie Peppinger who received a death threat from his local UAW president who apparently has not suffered any consequences due to this action. Read his story.
My name is Robbie Pippenger. I was born and raised in Clinton County, Indiana. I have worked hard at Federal Mogul to produce high quality products for our customers for 9 years. Quality comes before production but safety comes before quality!
On 07/27/16, while communicating my concerns as a UAW Steward I was suddenly
sent a death text by UAW Local 1949 Chairman/President Mark Caldwell. He then
bypassed the will of the membership and the UAW Constitution by removing me from being
Steward and from being Chairman of the Education Committee. I reported the death text to
a Clinton County Sheriff’s Deputy that day. I was shocked and did not go to work the next day as I tried to work through UAW to stop this safety hazard among us.
On 07/28/16, I called UAW Solidarity House but they referred me to Region 2B. I called and told the Region 2B secretary about the text and she said she would leave a message about it with the Region 2B Director, Kenneth Lortz. He never responded! We have paid dues to be protected by the International and now they appeared to coddle Caldwell instead of stopping his dictatorial, thug like behavior that posed a safety hazard to the members.
By 07/29/16, I was forced to bring this to the attention of Dan Frey at Federal Mogul HR.
On 08/01/16 I showed him the entire text and he amazingly dismissed this as a union matter without giving any indication of any sort of punishment of Mark Caldwell that would
make our plant a safe non hostile work environment. It seemed that The Federal
Mogul HR head also coddled the out of control UAW Chairman/President Caldwell.
Out of concern for my safety and the safety of my UAW brothers and sisters I turned to
L.A.W.S. INC., a free agency working with workers who were not being heard about problems they had with their union leaders. I also turned to the UAW Constitution and
initiated a lawful petition to recall the out of control chairman/president Caldwell from office though the will of the membership. Our membership is less safe because if Caldwell did this to a UAW Steward without any apparent consequences there is no telling what he would do to a UAW member.
On 08/03/16 Dan Frey did respond by saying that I was doing union business on the floor.
This was not true since I was in the presence of 2 supervisors during the time in question.
On 08/04/16 Dan Frey was more concerned about the agencies that were contacting him
than the safety hazard posed by Caldwell. I told Frey that I did not feel safe. The only solution he had to offer me was the use of the salaried bathroom rather than the removal of
offender from the plant where the victim worked!
This is my statement to the press and I must refer any questions regarding these matters
to my advisers at L.A.W.S. INC., 269 998 4609.
We have been hearing horror stories about what went on at many of the plants. Mary Tipton, a Milan Inergy worker and former ACH Ford worker tells us that “We ACH workers at the Milan, MI plant were Ford workers with Ford World Employment numbers. We were promised by Ford that if they sold a portion of the Milan plant we would remain Ford employees and would be moved to another Ford facility as full time Ford employees if and when a vacancy prevailed.” When Ford sold the business to Inergy Ron Esch HR for the Milan plant and Jodey Dunn of the UAW International told the workers that they could not move to a Ford Facility as there were no vacancies. If they were offered a job by Inergy they had to take it or be unemployed with no unemployment benefits. Some of the workers went to the Michigan Unemployment Agency to verify this fact. They were told that if they were offered a job by Inergy and did not take it they would be ineligible to receive unemployment benefits. When they took the Inergy job they lost their Ford status.
It is interesting to note that some 'selected ACHers' were allowed to transfer to Ford facilities and maintain their Ford employment. Ford has since reopened part of the Milan plant as a Ford facility.
Helen Allen of the Chicago Assembly Plant has concerns about the grievance process. After waiting for years she stated in a letter to Bob King, Jimmy Settles and Darryl Nolen, “I know that it doesn't take 7 years to get a grievance resolved. Please let me know what is the status.”
She also states that at a different time “I was not given breaks of lunches, we were not compensated for working through. I filed a grievance for my lunches and breaks and the grievance is still on the table somewhere. Only a few skilled tradesmen are paid for their lunches and fewer more actually receive their lunches and breaks. We have not heard anything about the grievance I filed on behalf of me and the other tradesmen. It is always a battle that one can read and see the contract.”
The Dearborn Ford facilities reports concerning the National Ford Contract Ratification Voting are especially troubling. They reported intimidation, ballot fixing, improper ballots, workers being forced to vote at their job sites and UAW officials standing over them as they voted.
"Electrical tradesman Art Pedersen of Detroit Ford reported to us that he voted on "a printed White ballot with no number" by checking 'yes' or 'no' and placed it in a bucket as names were checked and crossed off membership lists without any signature or initials given by the voters.
Art's comment was not the only one we received. Reports keep coming in constantly. Art was interviewed by Rod Meloni at WDIV-TV. It may be viewed at His grievance was denied by the union. He has appealed this decision to the Public Review Board.
David McCuddin of Local 450 in Iowa who works at John Deere contacted us to say that many of his fellow workers are considering withdrawing from the UAW.
He also stated that there is concern about the raising of the union dues and where the extra half hour of dues is going. An official from Local 450 contacted Solidarity House to and was told by UAW auditor William E. Stephen that these funds would go to the strike and defense fund.
This is in addition to the 30% already being taken from the 2 hours that go into this fund. That means that approximately 43% of a member's union dues go into the strike and defense fund.
Striking is not an option for all of our UAW members due to contract agreements and Right To Work laws. With grievances not being written and members not being represented properly who reaps the benefits of the defense fund? Is it the UAW officials, local and/or international, who find themselves in trouble such as the UAW local president in Michigan exceeded her income by $105,422.29? We have been told that the union will pay this money back. And now we have received word that Norwood Jewell's assistant Nancy Johnson has been relived of her position for alleged credit card fraud. Were any UAW credit cards used in this fraud? It is no wonder that many UAW members are considering withdrawing from the UAW.
David McCuddin and group in Iowa are discouraged about paying dues for no representation.
Pat Speaks
Attention UAW Members and All American Workers!
On Monday, July 25, 2016 myself , a L.A.W.S., Inc. Board Member and several UAW members met with Rod Meloni of WDIV-TV Channel 4 Detroit, Michigan. He taped several interviews which, with lawyers' approval, we hope will be shown on TV soon.
Following you will find short report on these interviews.
July 25, 2016 Interview
Rod Meloni
WDIV – TV Channel 4
Detroit, Michigan
In Attendance:
Patricia Meyer
Larry Barker – Rawsonville
David McCuddin – Iowa
Ed Holmes – Faurecia, Retired
Jessie Quick – Former Employee Faurecia
Willie Bugs – Flint Truck and Bus – fired with no explanation
Susan Alexander – L.A.W.S., Inc. Board Member
Not Attending but information given about following workers:
Art Pedersen - Ford Local 600 - information given by Patricia Meyer
Bettina Hillier – Faurecia – information given by Patricia Meyer
Lisa Fuller – Faurecia – information given by Patricia Meyer
Lorrie Neddleton-Bedard – Flint Truck and Bus – unavailable
Candace Escot – Flatrock – information on website
Laurie Casillias – Louisville, Kentucky – ACH worker special deal
Rod Meloni stated that he would look into the information given about the International and Local UAW leadership.
Comments on Interview:
David McCuddin: After fighting two grievances for four years and being fraudulently represented by UAW International Rep. Bobby Garland in March of this year, UAW Vice-President Norwood Jewell told David McCuddin's Local 450 Committee Chairman that the UAW would not pursue these grievances any further. Norwood Jewell transfered Bobby Garland to CAT after David McCuddin started an appeal to remove Bobby Garland from office. David can't proceed with the appeal, because Bobby Garland is no longer in his region. In all of David McCuddin's dealings with this matter, it seems that the dishonest people are protected more than the honest people.
Patricia Meyer: I need people to know that I did sue the UAW International Union on behalf of the Ford ACHers now Faurecia workers in Saline, MI case# 2:13-cv-12485. I was told by Judge Nancy Edmonds that I could not pursue the lawsuit because I was not a worker. Larry Barker became the lead in a second lawsuit Case No. 14-cv-12997 along with approximately 191 plaintiffs. This lawsuit was allowed to stall past the time stricture and allowed to die.
Art Pedersens appeal to the UAW IEB concerning the Ford ratification vote was denied. He is now appealing to the Public Review Board.
It is now up to the lawyers whether this interview with Rod Meloni of WDIV-TV Channel 4 Detroit will be shown to the public. We wish to thank all of those who have come forward to share their information and especially Rod Meloni for being brave enough to try to bring to light what is really happening to the UAW members at the hands of their trusted UAW International and some Local leaders.
We will keep you informed as to possible viewing dates.
The cry of many UAW members is about the corruption
of the UAW International and some Locals.
We met with the Congressional Committee staff. They asked that they be kept informed of any
new information and of our future actions.
new information and of our future actions.
On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Patricia Meyer, Susan Alexander and Earl Wilk, Sr. of L.A.W.S., Inc. met with Congressman Bill Huizenga, Jon DeWitte and Zach Scott to bring them information from UAW workers and retirees concerning misrepresentation, misuse of funds and VEBA issues on the part of the UAW International Leadership. Huizenga's office has reached out to the Education and Workforce Committee with this information. We are looking forward to hearing from and working with the committee.
Please continue to keep us informed about your concerns and what is happening to you! We realize the fight for justice is hard and ongoing ! We will continue our fight for you!
Please continue to keep us informed about your concerns and what is happening to you! We realize the fight for justice is hard and ongoing ! We will continue our fight for you!
ACH Workers Lawsuit News Conference - Re-post from 2014
Candace Escot
Dear UAW Workers and Retirees,
On December 3, 2014 Judge Edmonds of the Federal Court asked for further information regarding the Barker ,at at VS. UAW International lawsuit. We will give you further information as soon as we have it.
The following video was taped Monday, December 8, 2014. It shows two workers, Lisa Fuller of the Saline Faurecia Plant and Lorrie Bedard-Nettleton. of the Flint Buick City Truck and Bus Plant. They are telling their stories about dealing with the UAW in their plants and how they have not been represented properly. We encourage everyone, whether you are working now or are retired, to take the time to watch these interviews and to respond to us at [email protected] you opinions and what action you think should be taken on our part.
Pat Meyer
On December 3, 2014 Judge Edmonds of the Federal Court asked for further information regarding the Barker ,at at VS. UAW International lawsuit. We will give you further information as soon as we have it.
The following video was taped Monday, December 8, 2014. It shows two workers, Lisa Fuller of the Saline Faurecia Plant and Lorrie Bedard-Nettleton. of the Flint Buick City Truck and Bus Plant. They are telling their stories about dealing with the UAW in their plants and how they have not been represented properly. We encourage everyone, whether you are working now or are retired, to take the time to watch these interviews and to respond to us at [email protected] you opinions and what action you think should be taken on our part.
Pat Meyer
Lisa Fuller & Laurie Neddleton-Bedard
Art Pedersen of UAW Local 600 Detroit challenged the Ford ratification vote. His challenge had been
denied. He was told that the UAW Constitution Article 19 Section3 states that informational meetings
be held and a free, fair and honest election be held. No other rules including those regarding local
official elections apply. I find it interesting that there are more rules regarding local official elections
than a national ratification vote that affects all Ford employees and suppliers. If you wish to review
the denial you may e-mail Art at [email protected].
We have heard from UAW members from Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Iowa, Kentucky and Missouri all
concerned about the actions of the UAW. Many are willing to come forward with their information.
Many loyal UAW members are telling us that they are ready to quit the UAW because of corruption
and misconduct. We are moving forward to bring your information and concerns to the public.
Now is the time for you step forward with your concerns and information. Contact us! Stand up for justice!
Pat Speaks
I attended Art Pedersen's May 24, 2016 hearing at UAW Local 600 concerning ballot tampering at the Ford Ratification Vote. This meeting was held six months after Art's original complaint.
Al Wilson, Administrative Assistant to Dennis Williams, Jr. acted as moderator.
Wilson asked Art if he was asking for a new ratification vote for the National Ford Contract. Art answered that he was. He said that he was there to protest the legality of the National Ford Ratification Vote. He brought two witnesses with him, Gary Walkowitz, Local 600 Shop Chairman and Nicholas Nickles.
Gary Walkowitz testified that he witnessed the ballots from the voting barrels being dumped onto the tables to be counted. He noticed votes bundled together into packets. When a packet was opened all of the votes were yes votes. He questioned why these votes were clustered together in a packet when individual voters would place each ballot in separately. These ballots were green and white but they were not numbered. He also stated that there was voting in the DEP Committee Room.
Nicholas Nickles told about how the election was extended two days after being posted for a shorter time. He stated that in 1978 he won a case concerning elections about how dates and times of elections could not be shifted.
Al Wilson acknowledged that the Recording Secretary of UAW Local 600 did not follow the correct procedure after receiving Art Pedersen's complaint. David Freeman never sent Art proof that his claim was investigated. Art was just sent a one line denial. Wilson asked that all the information from the 600 Local Board investigation on which the denial was based be given to Art and to him. Wilson also announced that his opinion might not be given for 60 days.
At the end of the meeting I made a statement and asked that the information and minutes from this meeting be given to UAW President Dennis Williams Jr. I also told him that he could contact Art or myself for more information. Wilson responded that he would not be contacting me.
UAW workers, especially those in Ford. We are aware that you have faced and are still facing election and other concerns about your International and Local UAW leadership. Please keep on contacting us. We need to be aware of what is happening at your workplace. We have heard from Chicago, Louisville, Detroit, Toledo, Saline and Missouri UAW members who are concerned about what is happening. Only by working together will these problems be corrected. Feel free to contact me at269-998-4609 or through [email protected]. Please put disputethis in the subject line.
Pat Speaks
After many years of trying to work with the UAW leadership to improve representation for UAW workers by both local and international leadership we are moving forward to bring our concerns to the public's attention.
We have been working with the following UAW members who wish to bring to light what has happened to them and others. These people have had the courage to come forward and are becoming discouraged that no one seems to care about justice anymore. Do you have the courage to back them and stand up with them?
Art Pedersen – Detroit Local 600 – Ford – National contract ratification voting fraud. He has followed all of the proper UAW procedures for filing a complaint. A complaint was also sent to Grant Thomas of the OLM.
Calvin Buckmaster – Toledo Jeep – FICA was srongly taken out of signing bonus. Ford and GM employees received their FICA money back. Chrysler employees did not. He tried to file a grievance but was ignored. He worked for two years to get this situation corrected. He finally gave up.
Ed Holmes – retired Ford – Faurecia – Union dues fraud
Mary Tipton – Ford – Miland – Inergy? - UAW Representative Jody Dunn failed to negotiate with Ford to save job status as Ford employees and the right to be moved to another Ford facility.
Candice Escott – Flatrock – Ford – Company and union working as a unit causing pay shortage. Failure on the part of UAW representatives to write and/or file grievances.
Bettina Hilliard – Ford – Faurecia – Local election fraud. She followed the correct procedure ;by contacting the local recording secretary with her complaint. She also sent her complaint to Grant Thomas at the OLM.
Lisa Fuller – Ford – Faurecia – Union representatives not filing grievances and telling UAW members that they had been filed leading to job loss.
Laurie Bedard-Nettleton – GM – Flint – Lack of representation on the part of the UAW representatives of the Tier 2 employees at the Flint Truck and Bus facility.
Laura Casillas – Ford – Lousiville, KY – A special deal was brokered by UAW Representative Jody Dunn to reinstate job seniority of two employees. They were told it has to be ;kept secret so other Tier 2 employees would not ask for it.
Art Pedersen has been summoned to a Hearing regarding his ;complaints about the legality of the UAW-Ford Collective Bargaining Agreement vote on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. at the UAW Local Union 600 10550 Dix, Dearborn, MI.
UAW Retiree Advocate LeRoy McKnight has provided us with a link to his radio program.
He has also provided us with a copy of his Retiree Update. Please take the time to read it. Important pension information is included. Just click HERE
I wish to thank Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI) and his staff for arranging for me to meet with the staff of the Congressional Workforce and Education Committee who have directed us to keep them informed of our actions.
As always I wish you all the best. Stay strong. Support each other. Fight for justice for all workers.
If you have information you feel I should have please contact me through [email protected].
Make sure you include the words dispute this on the subject line.
After many years of trying to work with the UAW leadership to improve representation for UAW workers by both local and international leadership we are moving forward to bring our concerns to the public's attention.
We have been working with the following UAW members who wish to bring to light what has happened to them and others. These people have had the courage to come forward and are becoming discouraged that no one seems to care about justice anymore. Do you have the courage to back them and stand up with them?
Art Pedersen – Detroit Local 600 – Ford – National contract ratification voting fraud. He has followed all of the proper UAW procedures for filing a complaint. A complaint was also sent to Grant Thomas of the OLM.
Calvin Buckmaster – Toledo Jeep – FICA was srongly taken out of signing bonus. Ford and GM employees received their FICA money back. Chrysler employees did not. He tried to file a grievance but was ignored. He worked for two years to get this situation corrected. He finally gave up.
Ed Holmes – retired Ford – Faurecia – Union dues fraud
Mary Tipton – Ford – Miland – Inergy? - UAW Representative Jody Dunn failed to negotiate with Ford to save job status as Ford employees and the right to be moved to another Ford facility.
Candice Escott – Flatrock – Ford – Company and union working as a unit causing pay shortage. Failure on the part of UAW representatives to write and/or file grievances.
Bettina Hilliard – Ford – Faurecia – Local election fraud. She followed the correct procedure ;by contacting the local recording secretary with her complaint. She also sent her complaint to Grant Thomas at the OLM.
Lisa Fuller – Ford – Faurecia – Union representatives not filing grievances and telling UAW members that they had been filed leading to job loss.
Laurie Bedard-Nettleton – GM – Flint – Lack of representation on the part of the UAW representatives of the Tier 2 employees at the Flint Truck and Bus facility.
Laura Casillas – Ford – Lousiville, KY – A special deal was brokered by UAW Representative Jody Dunn to reinstate job seniority of two employees. They were told it has to be ;kept secret so other Tier 2 employees would not ask for it.
Art Pedersen has been summoned to a Hearing regarding his ;complaints about the legality of the UAW-Ford Collective Bargaining Agreement vote on Tuesday, May 24, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. at the UAW Local Union 600 10550 Dix, Dearborn, MI.
UAW Retiree Advocate LeRoy McKnight has provided us with a link to his radio program.
He has also provided us with a copy of his Retiree Update. Please take the time to read it. Important pension information is included. Just click HERE
I wish to thank Congressman Bill Huizenga (MI) and his staff for arranging for me to meet with the staff of the Congressional Workforce and Education Committee who have directed us to keep them informed of our actions.
As always I wish you all the best. Stay strong. Support each other. Fight for justice for all workers.
If you have information you feel I should have please contact me through [email protected].
Make sure you include the words dispute this on the subject line.
Pat Speaks
All UAW Workers
At the present time we are working on getting the information we have about the actions and non-actions of the UAW International and Local Officials out to the public. Over several years we have tried to work with several Federal agencies concerning the actions of the UAW. They all tell us that our information is not in their jurisdiction or else they hide behind Washington's favorite, 'neither admit nor deny'. So they do nothing. The lack of checks and balances over the UAW International has allowed the UAW to do whatever they want including siding with the corporations. Unfortunately, you, the UAW workers are the victims.
Following is an update on Art Pederson's, of Ford Local 600, appeal of the Ford National Contract Vote. Please take the time to read it.
All UAW Workers
At the present time we are working on getting the information we have about the actions and non-actions of the UAW International and Local Officials out to the public. Over several years we have tried to work with several Federal agencies concerning the actions of the UAW. They all tell us that our information is not in their jurisdiction or else they hide behind Washington's favorite, 'neither admit nor deny'. So they do nothing. The lack of checks and balances over the UAW International has allowed the UAW to do whatever they want including siding with the corporations. Unfortunately, you, the UAW workers are the victims.
Following is an update on Art Pederson's, of Ford Local 600, appeal of the Ford National Contract Vote. Please take the time to read it.
Observe the amount of time that has elapsed. This is common practice. The UAW often is allowed to drag its heels until time stipulations run out.
As always our best to you. Keep on fighting. If you have any information you think we should know please contact me at 269-998-4609 or through [email protected].
As always our best to you. Keep on fighting. If you have any information you think we should know please contact me at 269-998-4609 or through [email protected].
Pat Speaks
Happy Easter
We are compiling our information and getting ready to go public!
We appreciate all of the information that has been coming in.!
If you know something we need to know please send it to us as soon as possible!
We will keep you informed of our actions!
Happy Easter
We are compiling our information and getting ready to go public!
We appreciate all of the information that has been coming in.!
If you know something we need to know please send it to us as soon as possible!
We will keep you informed of our actions!
Pat Speaks
Attention all auto and private sector UAW members!
As we have already reported following the final announcement of the passage of the Ford contract many workers came forward with evidence of ballot tampering that took place during the November, 2015 national contract vote. On March 7, 2016 at UAW Local 600 General Counci lArt Pedersen and Gary Wachowitz both presented evidence on ballot tampering and other improprieties that took place during the national contract voting process. Art and Gary cited specific instances of ballot tampering that members of Local 600 experienced. One example of ballot tampering was described by Art Pedersen when he told the story of an employee who received the ballots, filled them out, placed them in the bucket, and as he was walking away, the person handing out ballots asked what his last name was. Obviously he had not checked his ID. At the conclusion of this meeting the General Council Delegates voted to reject their claim stating that the vote was held according to the language in the Constitution. If in fact that was the case then why is it that no one can produce a copy of the “Applied for and Approved Procedures?”
Misrepresentation and corruption is still being reported daily by union workers throughout the country. In a case held in the Michigan Federal Court in Detroit in 2014 citing misrepresentation, loss of jobs and corruption within the international and local UAW, the plaintiffs were denied justice As you know from earlier Pat Speaks L.A.W.S. information concerning misrepresentation and corruption has been reported to the NLRB Office of Labor Management and most recently to the United States Justice Department's Office of Fraud and Racketeering.
It is important that starting Monday, March 14, 2016 all workers' petitions and proofs be sent to L.A.W.S. at P.O. Box 112, West Olive, MI, 49460 or our website,, where you may leave your comments.
Brothers and sisters of the UAW, remember that we believe in unionism. We hear your concerns and we are working on you behalf to help clean up the injustices in the International and Locals and once again become the UAW you all love.
Pat Speaks
Art Pedersen of UAW Local 600 came forward to challenge the ratification of the Ford contract, He was interviewed by Rod Meloni of WDIV-TV Channel 4 in Detroit. This interview aired yesterday.
Following is the link to the interview.
It is time for all workers to step forward to help clean up your beloved UAW at both the Local and International levels. If you have any information to share please contact Rod Meloni at WDIV-TV. [email protected]
Art Pedersen of UAW Local 600 came forward to challenge the ratification of the Ford contract, He was interviewed by Rod Meloni of WDIV-TV Channel 4 in Detroit. This interview aired yesterday.
Following is the link to the interview.
It is time for all workers to step forward to help clean up your beloved UAW at both the Local and International levels. If you have any information to share please contact Rod Meloni at WDIV-TV. [email protected]
Pat Speaks
Attention Ford Employees and All Workers
Are you aware of the Ford papers providing for movement to other plants?
Please read them carefully before you make any decisions.
Attention Ford Employees and All Workers
Are you aware of the Ford papers providing for movement to other plants?
Please read them carefully before you make any decisions.
with all the concern over the ratification vote we should always remember that
American workers count!
You deserve to be supported and protected by the union that you pay dues
and are loyal to.
Unfortunately, many UAW members do not feel this way.
They fell that instead of supporting and protecting them the International
and Local Representatives are supporting and protecting the companies' interests.
If you have not already viewed the testimonials of Lisa Fuller, Laurie Bedard-Nettleton
and Candi Escott and read the Art Pedersen papers on our site please do so.
If you have anything to report please contact me at [email protected].
Please put dispute this in the subject line.
To view original PDF version click below.
with all the concern over the ratification vote we should always remember that
American workers count!
You deserve to be supported and protected by the union that you pay dues
and are loyal to.
Unfortunately, many UAW members do not feel this way.
They fell that instead of supporting and protecting them the International
and Local Representatives are supporting and protecting the companies' interests.
If you have not already viewed the testimonials of Lisa Fuller, Laurie Bedard-Nettleton
and Candi Escott and read the Art Pedersen papers on our site please do so.
If you have anything to report please contact me at [email protected].
Please put dispute this in the subject line.
To view original PDF version click below.

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If you wish to make an appeal to the UAW you will find
help at the following website:
Pat Speaks
I wish to acknowledge Art Pedersen of UAW Local 600. He has had the courage to stand up and take action for what he believes. Art filed a complaint about the mishandling of the ballots during contract ratification. He followed the proper UAW procedures by filing his complaint with the Local 600 secretary. When it was denied he filed a complaint with UAW President Dennis Williams and the Public Review Board. This is the same board that has warned the UAW International Union about their practices in the past. Please click HERE to read Art's documents.
It is you, the workers and retirees, who have said that you have been fraudulently misrepresented over the years. You need to stand up and become involved. It is your future.
If you need help or have information to share with us contact us through [email protected]. Put dispute this in the subject line.
I wish to acknowledge Art Pedersen of UAW Local 600. He has had the courage to stand up and take action for what he believes. Art filed a complaint about the mishandling of the ballots during contract ratification. He followed the proper UAW procedures by filing his complaint with the Local 600 secretary. When it was denied he filed a complaint with UAW President Dennis Williams and the Public Review Board. This is the same board that has warned the UAW International Union about their practices in the past. Please click HERE to read Art's documents.
It is you, the workers and retirees, who have said that you have been fraudulently misrepresented over the years. You need to stand up and become involved. It is your future.
If you need help or have information to share with us contact us through [email protected]. Put dispute this in the subject line.
Pat Speaks
We keep hearing from workers saying that their national contract ratification vote was not legal.
If you wish to file a complaint about the ratification voting with the UAW it must be done before the end of January. Below you will the part of the UAW Constitution that you could site in your complaint. Also make sure you list what wrong doings you saw or experienced.
This protest is based on the UAW Constitution, specifically the section titled “UAW Ethical Practices Codes, Democratic Practices” found of page 135, paragraph #4. “Each local union shall maintain adequate safeguards so that all of its operations shall be conducted in a democratic and fair manner. No corruption, discrimination or anti-democratic procedure shall ever be permitted under any circumstances.” Paragraph #3 also cites, “All union rules and laws must be fairly and uniformly applied.”
Your complaint should be addressed to your local union recording secretary. If you receive a rejection please contact us al [email protected] and we will tell you the next step. Make sure you put disputethis on the subject line.
We keep hearing from workers saying that their national contract ratification vote was not legal.
If you wish to file a complaint about the ratification voting with the UAW it must be done before the end of January. Below you will the part of the UAW Constitution that you could site in your complaint. Also make sure you list what wrong doings you saw or experienced.
This protest is based on the UAW Constitution, specifically the section titled “UAW Ethical Practices Codes, Democratic Practices” found of page 135, paragraph #4. “Each local union shall maintain adequate safeguards so that all of its operations shall be conducted in a democratic and fair manner. No corruption, discrimination or anti-democratic procedure shall ever be permitted under any circumstances.” Paragraph #3 also cites, “All union rules and laws must be fairly and uniformly applied.”
Your complaint should be addressed to your local union recording secretary. If you receive a rejection please contact us al [email protected] and we will tell you the next step. Make sure you put disputethis on the subject line.
Pat Speaks
All UAW Members
and Other Interested Readers
Our investigations are progressing in our quest to bring to light the fraud and corruption in the UAW. Our goal is to bring your beloved union's operations back to was it was meant to be.
New contacts are being made.
Information we have recently received from workers has proven to be very important. If you have information about something that you think we need to know please contact us at [email protected] as soon as possible. Please enter dispute this information in the subject line.
All UAW Members
and Other Interested Readers
Our investigations are progressing in our quest to bring to light the fraud and corruption in the UAW. Our goal is to bring your beloved union's operations back to was it was meant to be.
New contacts are being made.
Information we have recently received from workers has proven to be very important. If you have information about something that you think we need to know please contact us at [email protected] as soon as possible. Please enter dispute this information in the subject line.
Happy New Year to you!
At the present we are going forward to correct the problems
with the UAW International and Local leadership.
If you have any questions or further information please
contact me at [email protected]. Make sure you put
disputethis in your message.
At the present we are going forward to correct the problems
with the UAW International and Local leadership.
If you have any questions or further information please
contact me at [email protected]. Make sure you put
disputethis in your message.
Pat Speaks
We were originally told by the UAW Retiree Office that the GM retirees received the only bonuses from the new contracts. I have since learned that this information may not be correct.
The other day I received an email from a retiree in Florida that the retirees were told at their UAW retiree meeting by the President of the Retiree Council that the Ford Motor retirees get $250 each year for (4) years of the new contract. If you are a surviving spouse of a retiree the amount is $250 each contract year.
Chrysler retirees receive a $1000 payment toward a new vehicle. This voucher may be sold for the monetary amount.
If you know anything about this please let us know if we are correct. Thank you!
Have a happy and safe New Year! May 2016 bring us all peace and joy!
I have just been informed by Becky from the Retirement Center of the UAW in Detroit that $500 checks will be issued for GM retirees on December 15, 2015. This was negotiated in the contract.
Pat Speaks
UAW Local 699 members were asked to go back to work because they would cripple other plants.
It is now out in the open that Nexteer is owned by China-based Pacific Century Motors.
Michael Wayland and Melisa Burden tell us in their December 8, 2015 Detroit News article “UAW, Nexteer reach new deal following 20-hour strike” how Nexteer wages have been reduced so radically that many of the employees have to be still public assistance. In 2010 the local union agreed to a reduction in starting pay from $27-$28 an hour to about $12, which still leaves them at the poverty level. The UAW Local 699 members have expressed their dissatisfaction with their UAW leadership by their 97% rejection of the first tentative agreement.
Nick Bunkley's Automotive News December 8, 2015 article “UAW members send another loud message to their leadership” states, “The union needs to bring its members together – even as their increasingly profitable employers play hard-ball - before they start to view their own leadership as the enemy, too.” Many of the UAW members have already reached this point. They want the UAW cleaned up and the corruption stopped. I highly recommend that you go to and read this article.
UAW Local 699 members were asked to go back to work because they would cripple other plants.
It is now out in the open that Nexteer is owned by China-based Pacific Century Motors.
Michael Wayland and Melisa Burden tell us in their December 8, 2015 Detroit News article “UAW, Nexteer reach new deal following 20-hour strike” how Nexteer wages have been reduced so radically that many of the employees have to be still public assistance. In 2010 the local union agreed to a reduction in starting pay from $27-$28 an hour to about $12, which still leaves them at the poverty level. The UAW Local 699 members have expressed their dissatisfaction with their UAW leadership by their 97% rejection of the first tentative agreement.
Nick Bunkley's Automotive News December 8, 2015 article “UAW members send another loud message to their leadership” states, “The union needs to bring its members together – even as their increasingly profitable employers play hard-ball - before they start to view their own leadership as the enemy, too.” Many of the UAW members have already reached this point. They want the UAW cleaned up and the corruption stopped. I highly recommend that you go to and read this article.
Pat Speaks
Congratulations to the Nexteer employees for standing up for what you believe.
For those of you who do not know Nexteer in Saginaw, MI is owned by a China subsidiary.
We encourage all UAW members to contact and support your brothers and sisters of
UAW Local 699.
On December 7, 2015 we met with a representative from Congressman Bill Huizenga's office again and presented him with your information concerning the voting and contract time and others concerns that you have about the UAW International and Local leadership. We are waiting for feedback from that office.
Remember – if you have concerns that need to be addressed you need to contact the NLRB and the OLM offices in your area. They need to hear from each of you. The more valid complaints they hear the more likely they are to pay attention to what you have to say.
Congratulations to the Nexteer employees for standing up for what you believe.
For those of you who do not know Nexteer in Saginaw, MI is owned by a China subsidiary.
We encourage all UAW members to contact and support your brothers and sisters of
UAW Local 699.
On December 7, 2015 we met with a representative from Congressman Bill Huizenga's office again and presented him with your information concerning the voting and contract time and others concerns that you have about the UAW International and Local leadership. We are waiting for feedback from that office.
Remember – if you have concerns that need to be addressed you need to contact the NLRB and the OLM offices in your area. They need to hear from each of you. The more valid complaints they hear the more likely they are to pay attention to what you have to say.
Pat Speaks
I'm glad to hear that you will be receiving your bonuses soon. You have earned them. Be prepared to pay a hefty amount in taxes. Cash them immediately.
This should be a happy time for you with the settling of new contracts and the receiving of bonuses, however, I am sorry to say that many of you are still stressed, worried about your jobs, the legality of the contract vote and how you will be treated by your UAW representatives in your workplace.
We are hearing daily from workers who are dissatisfied with their UAW International and local leadership. How your jobs were not protected. How the UAW allowed companies to remove the CAP which allows them to hire more temporaries, move jobs offshore and in some cases require more mandatory overtime.
We are hearing from workers who are working in “slave-like” or “sweat shop” conditions and are being lied to constantly. One example is the former Ford plant in Saline, MI which is now owned by a foreign company. Ford workers were forced to give up their Ford employment status in order to work since there were not enough Ford jobs available to transfer into. Conditions became so bad that MIOSHA was called in by workers and with our urging inspected the plant. If bad conditions exist in your workplace either physical or mistreatment you, the workers, need to contact MIOSHA, the NLRB or OLM yourselves with your complaints. Make sure that you can prove what you say. These agencies should protect your identity. The more complaints they receive the more attention they will pay to what you have to say.
Remember you pay dues to your union to act on your behalf. They are suppose to be working for you and not for the companies. Only you workers can stick together and stand up to the leadership and say, “This is not right. Changes need to be made.” Do not allow them to intimidate you.
Since workers asked LAWS to help we have been working tirelessly to bring knowledge of your plight as UAW members to the attention of Washington. We have been to many agencies, contacted Congressmen and Senators and worked with several members of the media on your behalf. Most recently we have contacted the Justice Department Office of Racketeering and Fraud. Your evidence of misrepresentation and fraud on the part of the UAW leadership is currently being reviewed by them. If you have information you are willing to share with us please contact us at [email protected].
My best suggestions to you at this time are
I'm glad to hear that you will be receiving your bonuses soon. You have earned them. Be prepared to pay a hefty amount in taxes. Cash them immediately.
This should be a happy time for you with the settling of new contracts and the receiving of bonuses, however, I am sorry to say that many of you are still stressed, worried about your jobs, the legality of the contract vote and how you will be treated by your UAW representatives in your workplace.
We are hearing daily from workers who are dissatisfied with their UAW International and local leadership. How your jobs were not protected. How the UAW allowed companies to remove the CAP which allows them to hire more temporaries, move jobs offshore and in some cases require more mandatory overtime.
We are hearing from workers who are working in “slave-like” or “sweat shop” conditions and are being lied to constantly. One example is the former Ford plant in Saline, MI which is now owned by a foreign company. Ford workers were forced to give up their Ford employment status in order to work since there were not enough Ford jobs available to transfer into. Conditions became so bad that MIOSHA was called in by workers and with our urging inspected the plant. If bad conditions exist in your workplace either physical or mistreatment you, the workers, need to contact MIOSHA, the NLRB or OLM yourselves with your complaints. Make sure that you can prove what you say. These agencies should protect your identity. The more complaints they receive the more attention they will pay to what you have to say.
Remember you pay dues to your union to act on your behalf. They are suppose to be working for you and not for the companies. Only you workers can stick together and stand up to the leadership and say, “This is not right. Changes need to be made.” Do not allow them to intimidate you.
Since workers asked LAWS to help we have been working tirelessly to bring knowledge of your plight as UAW members to the attention of Washington. We have been to many agencies, contacted Congressmen and Senators and worked with several members of the media on your behalf. Most recently we have contacted the Justice Department Office of Racketeering and Fraud. Your evidence of misrepresentation and fraud on the part of the UAW leadership is currently being reviewed by them. If you have information you are willing to share with us please contact us at [email protected].
My best suggestions to you at this time are
- Go to work everyday!
- Be on time!
- Do your job to the best of your ability!
- Keep your eyes and ears open and your mouths shut!
- Report to us what happens!
Pat Speaks
It was discovered that a mistake was accidentally made in yesterday's post. We want to apologize to Art Pedersen for our error. The mistake has been
fixed so please read yesterday's Pat Speaks again to find the correct story.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
It was discovered that a mistake was accidentally made in yesterday's post. We want to apologize to Art Pedersen for our error. The mistake has been
fixed so please read yesterday's Pat Speaks again to find the correct story.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
UAW Ford Vice President Jimmy Settles stated recently, ”There is no higher authority than the membership. Through a fair and democratic process UAW-Ford members have delivered job security and strong economic gains for their families.”
If the UAW membership is the 'higher authority' why are we receiving complaints daily about the UAW leadership's actions? We have been hearing horror stories about what went on at many of the plants. The Dearborn Ford facilities reports are especially troubling; intimidation, ballot fixing, improper ballots, workers being forced to vote at their gob sites and UAW officials standing over them as they vote.
Electrical tradesman Art Pedersen of Detroit Ford reported to us that he voted on "a printed White ballot with no number" by checking 'yes' or 'no' and placed it in a bucket as names were checked and crossed off membership lists without any signature or initials given by the voters.
Art's comment was not the only one we received. Reports keep coming in constantly. [email protected] commented, “I'm a hourly employee at Dearborn truck plant. I'm contacting you in regards to the voting process implemented for the 2015 Ford UAW contract. If I'm correct, our by-laws call for a “secret ballot” type of voting process. The ballots were cast in the middle of a hallway called the green mile, in the DTP assembly building. No voting booths, dozen of union officials watching while you casted your vote, all while these union officials telling everyone how important it is to ratify this contract. This seems to be a violation of the votin rights of all employees, whether secret ballot or not.”
It was reported to us that paper ballots with no numbers were seen at the bottoms of voting barrels in clusters rubber banded together all with “yes” written on them.
One employee in Detroit went to vote and was told she had already voted. We referred her to Dolores Boda of the Washington Office of the NLRB at 202-273-2887. If you have a voting complaint or other concerns call and report it.
Are you aware that the CAP has been lifted at Ford, GM and Chrysler? It is our understanding that they can move work offshore. It was stated by a local reporter that he was told by union bargainers that the lifting of the CAP was to protect the Tiers in the bargaining. REALLY! How does moving jobs and allowing companies to hire more temporaries help you workers?
Ed Springston of says, “Disturbing reports out of Dearborn, Michigan today folks. According to sources at UAW Local 600 in Dearborn, union reps have been ordered to take ballots for the contract vote directly to line employees, and force them to vote on the contract. If proven true, this is illegal, unethical, and prison time should be a direct result for anyone involved including UAW leadership, perhaps including Executive Vice President Jimmy Settles himself. Settles used coercion by stating that Ford may not follow through on their investments in U.S. That is a threat folks. The translation? Vote yes right now or lose your job. Harassment, intimidation, strong-arm, bullying, you name it. Never have I witnessed such a blatant disregard for the legalities of secret ballot voting during a contract vote. Let me rephrase that never have I seen it so openly on display.”
We are hearing you and are working on your behalf. Your IUAW President Dennis Williams is not doing his job. When he first became UAW President he was proud of the fact that he quietly visited plants and union locals and no one recognized him. What kind of a leader behaves in this manner? We have been told by workers that he is the reason there is a Tier 2 system in the first place. We have tried to work with him on several occasions and have been ignored.
Just today I once more talked with Washington about your situation. I was directed to contact the Department of Justice Racketeering Division by Attorney David Hatner who represents Howard Shapiro of the Department of Labor Fraud and Racketeering Office of Inspector General. We have been working with them for the last six months and they now tell us they can't help us.
Congressman Bill Huizenga of Michigan connected us to the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee representatives who have advised us to contact the OLM and the NLRB which we have once again. They instructed us to keep them informed of our actions.
We will continue to work on your behalf. What is happening to you is not ethical.
If you have complaints or wish to report what you have seen in order for us to help you, you have to be willing to come forward. Please keep us informed but also contact Dolores Boda at the NLRB in Washington (NOT MICHIGAN ) at 202-273-2887. If you do not reach her directly leave a message including your name and contact information. The more workers who are willing to step forward the more the NLRB will listen to you.
Flood them with information!
Make them listen to you!
This is America!
It is your future and your family's!
Fight for what is right!
GM, Ford and Chrysler Workers
We are proud of you for asking questions and standing
up for what you think is right!
It is critical for your future that you continue to do so!
Continue to keep us informed!
We are proud of you for asking questions and standing
up for what you think is right!
It is critical for your future that you continue to do so!
Continue to keep us informed!
We have received news that the Louisville Ford Plant is losing the Lincoln line.
What will happen to the workers?
Will all of their jobs be retained?
We are hearing from Ford Skilled tradesmen and hourly workers across the country exactly what we have heard from the GM and Chrysler (FCA) workers:
Mary Tipton, a Milan Inergy worker and former ACH Ford worker tells us that “We ACH workers at the Milan, MI plant were Ford workers with Ford World Employment numbers. We were promised by Ford that if they sold a portion of the Milan plant we would remain Ford employees and would be moved to another Ford facility as full time Ford employees if and when a vacancy prevailed.” When Ford sold the business to Inergy Ron Esch HR for the Milan plant and Jodey Dunn of the UAW International told the workers that they could not move to a Ford Facility as there were no vacancies. If they were offered a job by Inergy they had to take it or be unemployed with no unemployment benefits. Some of the workers went to the Michigan Unemployment Agency to verify this fact. They were told that if they were offered a job by Inergy and did not take it they would be ineligible to receive unemployment benefits. When they took the Inergy job they lost their Ford status.
It is interesting to note that some 'selected ACHers' were allowed to transfer to Ford facilities and maintain their Ford employment. Ford has since reopened part of the Milan plant as a Ford facility.
Helen Allen of the Chicago Assembly Plant has concerns about the grievance process. After waiting for years she stated in a letter to Bob King, Jimmy Settles and Darryl Nolen, “I know that it doesn't take 7 years to get a grievance resolved. Please let me know what is the status.”
She also states that at a different time “I was not given breaks of lunches, we were not compensated for working through. I filed a grievance for my lunches and breaks and the grievance is still on the table somewhere. Only a few skilled tradesmen are paid for their lunches and fewer more actually receive their lunches and breaks. We have not heard anything about the grievance I filed on behalf of me and the other tradesmen. It is always a battle that one can read and see the contract.”
Art Pedersen has appealed to UAW President Dennis Williams office the 2011 FORD CBA, specifically the Profit Sharing Language. He questions the interpretation and application of the Profit Sharing Formula. The CBA states that the Profit Sharing plan is not subject to the grievance procedure. A dispute can be submitted to a third party mediator for resolution. After going through the Appeal process to completion at the Office of the UAW President the end result was a response from Jimmy Settles and Al Wilson basically acknowledging his position but denying that anything was wrong with the formula and that is was purposely negotiated that way. Art figures the loss in compensation to the UAW members at Ford Motor Company totals roughly $300 million over the life of the 2011 Agreement. The numbers he laid out for the IUAW show almost 17 million hours in 2013 and almost 19 million hours in 2014 that the Ford Motor Company did not pay Profit Sharing on.
“As bad as that loss was, the IUAW, having responded to my appeal and calling the issue closed in the response dated June 22nd, 2015 right after Negotiations began they turned around and in September touted that very same flawed formula to the FCA membership. The FCA Profit Sharing Language uses margins to determine the Share Amount, rather than the defined $1.00 per million in profits that is used in determining the share amount for Ford Motor Co's Profit Sharing Plan. Once you get past the share amount, the 2 formulas are IDENTICAL. The FCA highlights touted it as an “improved” formula with “Payout based on Uncapped Compensated Hours.” What they are not telling anyone is that the company “Pay In” is CAPPED at what is termed as the “Maximum Compensated Hours” of 1850! By Capping the hours for the Company “PAY IN” and then “Uncapping the Pay Out” hours, they set up a situation where the “more you work the more you get Paid” but as your High hours checks go UP the Low Hour Checks go DOWN! Robbing Peter to Pay Paul! The Company “Pay In” is the same for the member that works 1850 hours as the member who works 3000 hours, however, because of all the people who work more than 1850 hours, the member who works 1850 hours receives a Gross considerably less than what the company put in on his behalf. Again I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul. It would seem the High hour member is the one shorting the Low hour member causing Division, when in reality it is the company shorting both, based on this “improved” formula.”
We have received news that the Louisville Ford Plant is losing the Lincoln line.
What will happen to the workers?
Will all of their jobs be retained?
We are hearing from Ford Skilled tradesmen and hourly workers across the country exactly what we have heard from the GM and Chrysler (FCA) workers:
- workers concerns ignored
- grievances not being written, filed or followed through
- often poor working conditions exist
- harassment allowed to continue
Mary Tipton, a Milan Inergy worker and former ACH Ford worker tells us that “We ACH workers at the Milan, MI plant were Ford workers with Ford World Employment numbers. We were promised by Ford that if they sold a portion of the Milan plant we would remain Ford employees and would be moved to another Ford facility as full time Ford employees if and when a vacancy prevailed.” When Ford sold the business to Inergy Ron Esch HR for the Milan plant and Jodey Dunn of the UAW International told the workers that they could not move to a Ford Facility as there were no vacancies. If they were offered a job by Inergy they had to take it or be unemployed with no unemployment benefits. Some of the workers went to the Michigan Unemployment Agency to verify this fact. They were told that if they were offered a job by Inergy and did not take it they would be ineligible to receive unemployment benefits. When they took the Inergy job they lost their Ford status.
It is interesting to note that some 'selected ACHers' were allowed to transfer to Ford facilities and maintain their Ford employment. Ford has since reopened part of the Milan plant as a Ford facility.
Helen Allen of the Chicago Assembly Plant has concerns about the grievance process. After waiting for years she stated in a letter to Bob King, Jimmy Settles and Darryl Nolen, “I know that it doesn't take 7 years to get a grievance resolved. Please let me know what is the status.”
She also states that at a different time “I was not given breaks of lunches, we were not compensated for working through. I filed a grievance for my lunches and breaks and the grievance is still on the table somewhere. Only a few skilled tradesmen are paid for their lunches and fewer more actually receive their lunches and breaks. We have not heard anything about the grievance I filed on behalf of me and the other tradesmen. It is always a battle that one can read and see the contract.”
Art Pedersen has appealed to UAW President Dennis Williams office the 2011 FORD CBA, specifically the Profit Sharing Language. He questions the interpretation and application of the Profit Sharing Formula. The CBA states that the Profit Sharing plan is not subject to the grievance procedure. A dispute can be submitted to a third party mediator for resolution. After going through the Appeal process to completion at the Office of the UAW President the end result was a response from Jimmy Settles and Al Wilson basically acknowledging his position but denying that anything was wrong with the formula and that is was purposely negotiated that way. Art figures the loss in compensation to the UAW members at Ford Motor Company totals roughly $300 million over the life of the 2011 Agreement. The numbers he laid out for the IUAW show almost 17 million hours in 2013 and almost 19 million hours in 2014 that the Ford Motor Company did not pay Profit Sharing on.
“As bad as that loss was, the IUAW, having responded to my appeal and calling the issue closed in the response dated June 22nd, 2015 right after Negotiations began they turned around and in September touted that very same flawed formula to the FCA membership. The FCA Profit Sharing Language uses margins to determine the Share Amount, rather than the defined $1.00 per million in profits that is used in determining the share amount for Ford Motor Co's Profit Sharing Plan. Once you get past the share amount, the 2 formulas are IDENTICAL. The FCA highlights touted it as an “improved” formula with “Payout based on Uncapped Compensated Hours.” What they are not telling anyone is that the company “Pay In” is CAPPED at what is termed as the “Maximum Compensated Hours” of 1850! By Capping the hours for the Company “PAY IN” and then “Uncapping the Pay Out” hours, they set up a situation where the “more you work the more you get Paid” but as your High hours checks go UP the Low Hour Checks go DOWN! Robbing Peter to Pay Paul! The Company “Pay In” is the same for the member that works 1850 hours as the member who works 3000 hours, however, because of all the people who work more than 1850 hours, the member who works 1850 hours receives a Gross considerably less than what the company put in on his behalf. Again I call this robbing Peter to pay Paul. It would seem the High hour member is the one shorting the Low hour member causing Division, when in reality it is the company shorting both, based on this “improved” formula.”
I recently read an article in the Detroit Free Press entitled “CEO: FCA-UAW conrtact to cost nearly $2 billion more.” It states 'The new four-year UAW contract could cost Fiat Chrysler Automobiles an additional $2 billion over the life of the contract and will force the automaker to cut costs or raise vehicle prices, CEO Sergio Marchionne said Wednesday during a call with investors about third-quarter earnings.' 1.
Could those be scare tactics from Chrysler intended to turn the American people against the Chrysler workers by further picturing the workers as money grubbers?
Why would FCA even have proposed the contract changes if they thought it would cause the company to fail? It only stands to reason that the UAW would not promote changes that would cause all the jobs they have pledged to save to disappear.
Hold your heads up high and do your jobs to the best of your ability!
Ford and the UAW have reached a tentative agreement. Ford workers make sure that you attend the informational meetings and ask the hard questions.
Be sure to vote!
Don't leave the decisions up to the next guy!
Pat Meyer
L.A.W.S. - Labor Advocate Worker Solutions
I recently read an article in the Detroit Free Press entitled “CEO: FCA-UAW conrtact to cost nearly $2 billion more.” It states 'The new four-year UAW contract could cost Fiat Chrysler Automobiles an additional $2 billion over the life of the contract and will force the automaker to cut costs or raise vehicle prices, CEO Sergio Marchionne said Wednesday during a call with investors about third-quarter earnings.' 1.
Could those be scare tactics from Chrysler intended to turn the American people against the Chrysler workers by further picturing the workers as money grubbers?
Why would FCA even have proposed the contract changes if they thought it would cause the company to fail? It only stands to reason that the UAW would not promote changes that would cause all the jobs they have pledged to save to disappear.
Hold your heads up high and do your jobs to the best of your ability!
Ford and the UAW have reached a tentative agreement. Ford workers make sure that you attend the informational meetings and ask the hard questions.
Be sure to vote!
Don't leave the decisions up to the next guy!
Pat Meyer
L.A.W.S. - Labor Advocate Worker Solutions
- CEO: FCA-UAW contract to cost nearly $2 billion more Brent Snavely October 28, 2015 Detroit Free Press
Police Your Contract Before Ratification
Here are some things to look for
WORKFORCE: The new Chrysler contract allows the temporary hiring cap to be removed. Temporary workers can work any day of the week. Temps will no longer receive profit sharing as they did in the past. As Tier I and Tier II workers retire they will be replaced by temps who will never become full time workers. The future work force may become a temporary workforce.
Watch out for this!
WAGES: The Chrysler contract allows the path to $29.00 for Tier II workers in eight years, however, this could end in four years with the next contract. The UAW is aware of this fact and still have allowed it to happen. With the addition of more temporary workers there will still be a disparity of wages for workers doing the same job. The temporary workers will never be allowed to reach $29.00. How will profit sharing work? How about signing bonuses?
Be Prepared to Ask the Hard Questions!
WORK SCHEDULES: Will the contract allow the company to demand mandatory consecutive 7 day 12 hour shifts? Could refusing excessive work shifts affect your employment? Will there be a family medical leave act? How about death benefits and leave time? What is the absence policy?
These Things Are Important!
HEALTH CARE: Will the Tier I and Tier II workers have to pay deductibles? Will Tier I and Tier II workers have the same health care coverage? Will the temporary workers receive any health care coverage? The Chrysler temporary workers will receive no health care coverage, no prescription, dental or vision in the new contract.
Health care coverage is vital for all employees!
Be aware that it is already being said that the new “rich” UAW contracts will help drive more work offshore. Keep this in mind. Ann Arbor based CAR estimates that UAW labor cost accounts for only 8 percent of Ford's total costs, 6 to 7 percent at GM and 4 percent at Chrysler. (1)
Be an Informed Voter! Attend Contract Information Meetings!
Speak Up and Ask the Hard Questions!
You Have A Right to Know!
Friends at
Police Your Contract Before Ratification
Here are some things to look for
WORKFORCE: The new Chrysler contract allows the temporary hiring cap to be removed. Temporary workers can work any day of the week. Temps will no longer receive profit sharing as they did in the past. As Tier I and Tier II workers retire they will be replaced by temps who will never become full time workers. The future work force may become a temporary workforce.
Watch out for this!
WAGES: The Chrysler contract allows the path to $29.00 for Tier II workers in eight years, however, this could end in four years with the next contract. The UAW is aware of this fact and still have allowed it to happen. With the addition of more temporary workers there will still be a disparity of wages for workers doing the same job. The temporary workers will never be allowed to reach $29.00. How will profit sharing work? How about signing bonuses?
Be Prepared to Ask the Hard Questions!
WORK SCHEDULES: Will the contract allow the company to demand mandatory consecutive 7 day 12 hour shifts? Could refusing excessive work shifts affect your employment? Will there be a family medical leave act? How about death benefits and leave time? What is the absence policy?
These Things Are Important!
HEALTH CARE: Will the Tier I and Tier II workers have to pay deductibles? Will Tier I and Tier II workers have the same health care coverage? Will the temporary workers receive any health care coverage? The Chrysler temporary workers will receive no health care coverage, no prescription, dental or vision in the new contract.
Health care coverage is vital for all employees!
Be aware that it is already being said that the new “rich” UAW contracts will help drive more work offshore. Keep this in mind. Ann Arbor based CAR estimates that UAW labor cost accounts for only 8 percent of Ford's total costs, 6 to 7 percent at GM and 4 percent at Chrysler. (1)
Be an Informed Voter! Attend Contract Information Meetings!
Speak Up and Ask the Hard Questions!
You Have A Right to Know!
- Howes: Rich UAW-FAC deal masks long – term risks. Daniel Howes, Detroit News. October 13, 2015
Friends at
It has been brought to our attention that a survey of complaints be placed under our "Contact Us" section by as many U.A.W. members as possible. If you have information concerning misrepresentation of the U.A.W., please comment immediately by clicking on the "Contact Us" tab in the top right corner of this website. We are informing government agencies of corruption and misrepresentation. Please pass this information and the name of our website on to the brothers and sisters of the U.A.W. It's time all of us STAND UP FOR JUSTICE! Thank you for your help!
Pat Meyer
Attention all U.A.W. Members: We have learned that the U.A.W. membership refused the Chrysler agreement. We have learned that the U.A.W. leadership agreed to a second agreement with Chrysler only after workers stood up and said no to a first agreement. Remember to thoroughly check out all the terms and conditions of the second agreement before you sign the agreement. Also remember you do not have to agree to a second agreement unless you agree with all of the terms and conditions.
U.A.W. Auto Workers: Did you know that private sector workers in areas such as health care, insurance agencies, casinos, small job shops and many others are asking the question: "What about us?" All U.A.W. members need to STAND UP and tell the U.A.W. leadership they deserve proper representation for their interests, not the company's.
For further information contact us via e-mail [email protected] or visit the website
Pat Meyer
L.A.W.S. - Labor Advocate Worker Solutions
U.A.W. Auto Workers: Did you know that private sector workers in areas such as health care, insurance agencies, casinos, small job shops and many others are asking the question: "What about us?" All U.A.W. members need to STAND UP and tell the U.A.W. leadership they deserve proper representation for their interests, not the company's.
For further information contact us via e-mail [email protected] or visit the website
Pat Meyer
L.A.W.S. - Labor Advocate Worker Solutions
Pat Speaks
The UAW International and Local Leadership has been getting away with misrepresentation in
all auto and suppliers' plants for years not just in Michigan but throughout the country.
Watch out for improvements and promises being made in your plant on the part of both the
company and the union during these negotiation times. These may be temporary to keep you
quiet. Remember these companies are still taking work offshore.
Attend your Local meetings, make comments and ask questions.
Take the time to read and listen to all of the articles and videos on this website. They will help
you understand that all UAW members, no matter where you work, auto, other industries or
health related, need to stick together and fight for your rights.
The UAW International and Local Leadership has been getting away with misrepresentation in
all auto and suppliers' plants for years not just in Michigan but throughout the country.
Watch out for improvements and promises being made in your plant on the part of both the
company and the union during these negotiation times. These may be temporary to keep you
quiet. Remember these companies are still taking work offshore.
Attend your Local meetings, make comments and ask questions.
Take the time to read and listen to all of the articles and videos on this website. They will help
you understand that all UAW members, no matter where you work, auto, other industries or
health related, need to stick together and fight for your rights.
Lori Nettleton of Flint Truck and Bus came to us seeking help in getting proper representation from the UAW. Her concerns include
1. failure of representation on the part of the UAW International Union and the Leadership
2. Violations of the National Contract and the UAW Constitution.
Watch the interview on the page linked . Please wait through a short pause near the beginning of the video.
Read her complete story located HERE
Following Lori's letters is new information just in from Kansas City, Missouri.
Click HERE for The Lori Nettleton Story
Attention Auto Workers!
Workers are calling us with concerns about negotiations and contracts.
We have been informed that UAW International and Local Officials including Jodey Dunn are suddenly appearing or planning to appear in Ford plants checking our conditions and talking to the workers promising the best contract ever for the next four years.
When they come on the floor of your plant be prepared to ask them the hard questions such as will grievances be written, filed and acted upon since this has not been happening . I am sure that there are other concerns that you need answers for. Given all your problems you need to stick together and support one another. If contacted by the media be prepared to talk with them.
We have learned that the workers at the Faurecia Saline, MI plant, previously Ford, are working in near sweatshop conditions. The workers voted down the first contract. They are now being told that they had better vote yes on the August 5, 2015 contract vote because that is the best the UAW were able to negotiate with the company.
We received word that Weston Fuller, who was unfairly fired three years ago was brought back yesterday and given his pay and seniority, however, he will receive no back pay. This did not occur because of support on the part of the UAW but because of continued effort on the part of his mother, Lisa Fuller and Patricia Meyer of LAWS, Inc. This case is just one example of misrepresentation and misuse of power on the part of the UAW International and Local Officials such as Jason Heath, former Shop Chairman who was responsible for the loss of many jobs and the lack of filing of grievances. When he was Shop Chairman we have learned that he received $100,000 to negotiate on the workers' behalf. We hear that he is now working as a journeyman but has not earned a journeyman's card
LAWS, Inc. is working with all areas of the auto industry. After making several attempts to work with UAW International President Dennis Williams, Jr. and International Representative Jodey Dunn we have taken information to the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee in Washington, D.C. and OSHA because of sweatshop like working conditions in some plants.
As always, keep us informed. E-mail [email protected] or call 269-998-4609.
Workers are calling us with concerns about negotiations and contracts.
We have been informed that UAW International and Local Officials including Jodey Dunn are suddenly appearing or planning to appear in Ford plants checking our conditions and talking to the workers promising the best contract ever for the next four years.
When they come on the floor of your plant be prepared to ask them the hard questions such as will grievances be written, filed and acted upon since this has not been happening . I am sure that there are other concerns that you need answers for. Given all your problems you need to stick together and support one another. If contacted by the media be prepared to talk with them.
We have learned that the workers at the Faurecia Saline, MI plant, previously Ford, are working in near sweatshop conditions. The workers voted down the first contract. They are now being told that they had better vote yes on the August 5, 2015 contract vote because that is the best the UAW were able to negotiate with the company.
We received word that Weston Fuller, who was unfairly fired three years ago was brought back yesterday and given his pay and seniority, however, he will receive no back pay. This did not occur because of support on the part of the UAW but because of continued effort on the part of his mother, Lisa Fuller and Patricia Meyer of LAWS, Inc. This case is just one example of misrepresentation and misuse of power on the part of the UAW International and Local Officials such as Jason Heath, former Shop Chairman who was responsible for the loss of many jobs and the lack of filing of grievances. When he was Shop Chairman we have learned that he received $100,000 to negotiate on the workers' behalf. We hear that he is now working as a journeyman but has not earned a journeyman's card
LAWS, Inc. is working with all areas of the auto industry. After making several attempts to work with UAW International President Dennis Williams, Jr. and International Representative Jodey Dunn we have taken information to the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee in Washington, D.C. and OSHA because of sweatshop like working conditions in some plants.
As always, keep us informed. E-mail [email protected] or call 269-998-4609.
Members of the LAWS, Inc. Board and I were in Washington, D.C. this week. Our mission was to meet with representatives of the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee to seek assistance for UAW workers who are not being properly represented, poor working conditions and other concerns leading some members to consider requesting their dues back. We also presented the UAW retirees' concerns about the loss of benefits and the fear of possible pension loss.
As we told you earlier we had already approached both Senator Stabenow and Senator Peters about these concerns. Unfortunately we were ignored. While we were in Washington we stopped by their offices to talk with their staffers and leave more information with them. We feel it is time that they do something for the working man.
With the contact negotiations in session If you are concerned about your working conditions, UAW representation, the loss of health benefits and possible loss of pensions it is important that you let your Congressman and both Senators know what your fears are. Also report any wrong doing on the part of your union or employer.
Senator Debbie Stabenow - 202-224-4822
Senator Gary Peters - 202-224-6221
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me through [email protected]
May 29, 2015
Official appeal of UAW Local 892 Triennial Election
Recording Secretary Local 892,
This is a letter to appeal the triennial election held May 20, 2015 at 601 Woodland Drive Saline Mi 48176.
Following is a list of misconduct during the election. Attached is proof (pictures) of some of the allegations.
To begin, the conduct of the election rule sheet violations
#3 Members must present valid ID to obtain a ballot for voting. There were members that did not present ID and were given ballots that were not entered as challenge ballots. Witnessed by Pam Zoltowski
#7 states that there will be a challengers meeting 45 minutes prior to the election and challengers will be issued challenger badges and rules. There were no such meetings held 45 minutes prior to elections and badges were not worn.
#8 states that any challenger unwilling or unable to observe the rules will be asked to leave. Challengers were not given the rules at this time because there was no meeting and were not asked to leave.
#9 Challengers must sign in and out each time they leave the voting area. The challengers never signed in and out when leaving or entering voting areas. Election committee to provide sing in/out sheet if it exists.
#10 Challengers will not be allowed to campaign in voting area. There were challengers wearing candidates T-shirts in the voting area. See attached pictures
Second are violations of the "Guide for local Union election committees"
1. Chapter 4 states who may run for office and eligibility requirements. Now that the election is over there were facts brought up about a candidate that was on the ballot that was in violation of (Sec U.S.C. 504) during the prior term that violated this section by signing the acceptance for the prior election knowing they had a felony. Section 504 8) states that there is a penalty for signing this form that states the nature of eligibility and validating that they meet the requirements and are eligible and this was signed by the candidate.
2. Campaign guidelines state that all candidates get treated equally. There were candidates that were allowed to speak at Union meeting for retirees and other candidates that were not notified.
3. There were numerous occasions that the ballot box was left unattended or with only one person with it. See attached pictures. Also there was campaign material lying right next to the ballot box. See attached pictures.
In closing I believe that under chapter 15 that there is a substantiated showing of fraud and loose practices in conducting the election. I am asking that the election be voided and redone.
In Solidarity,
Bettina Hillier
Official appeal of UAW Local 892 Triennial Election
Recording Secretary Local 892,
This is a letter to appeal the triennial election held May 20, 2015 at 601 Woodland Drive Saline Mi 48176.
Following is a list of misconduct during the election. Attached is proof (pictures) of some of the allegations.
To begin, the conduct of the election rule sheet violations
#3 Members must present valid ID to obtain a ballot for voting. There were members that did not present ID and were given ballots that were not entered as challenge ballots. Witnessed by Pam Zoltowski
#7 states that there will be a challengers meeting 45 minutes prior to the election and challengers will be issued challenger badges and rules. There were no such meetings held 45 minutes prior to elections and badges were not worn.
#8 states that any challenger unwilling or unable to observe the rules will be asked to leave. Challengers were not given the rules at this time because there was no meeting and were not asked to leave.
#9 Challengers must sign in and out each time they leave the voting area. The challengers never signed in and out when leaving or entering voting areas. Election committee to provide sing in/out sheet if it exists.
#10 Challengers will not be allowed to campaign in voting area. There were challengers wearing candidates T-shirts in the voting area. See attached pictures
Second are violations of the "Guide for local Union election committees"
1. Chapter 4 states who may run for office and eligibility requirements. Now that the election is over there were facts brought up about a candidate that was on the ballot that was in violation of (Sec U.S.C. 504) during the prior term that violated this section by signing the acceptance for the prior election knowing they had a felony. Section 504 8) states that there is a penalty for signing this form that states the nature of eligibility and validating that they meet the requirements and are eligible and this was signed by the candidate.
2. Campaign guidelines state that all candidates get treated equally. There were candidates that were allowed to speak at Union meeting for retirees and other candidates that were not notified.
3. There were numerous occasions that the ballot box was left unattended or with only one person with it. See attached pictures. Also there was campaign material lying right next to the ballot box. See attached pictures.
In closing I believe that under chapter 15 that there is a substantiated showing of fraud and loose practices in conducting the election. I am asking that the election be voided and redone.
In Solidarity,
Bettina Hillier
Update on Faurecia Plant, Saline, MI
To All Saline Workers:
You have been notified that the contract has been settled. I have received phone calls concerning the agreement.
1. 10 points from June 2015 to June 2016. Points last for a year to the date issued.
2. 50 cent raise per hour from 2015 to 2018. You will top out at $17.50 per hour.
3. New hires will be getting $12.50 per hour to start.
4. Health insurance will be cheaper per week but no longer Blue Cross Blue Shield.
The UAW Public Relations Department says that you will be getting a white book. It is a requirement of the UAW
that everyone at Faurecia receive a white book prior to voting put out by the UAW Public Relations Department
telling the points of the agreement. If you do not get a white book report it immediately to the Shop Chairman or
call 313-926-5000 and ask for Public Relations. Tell them you need the white book.
We have been advised by several callers that the recent UAW Local 892 election was not valid. Some of the
reasons mentioned are:
1. The election of Kendrik Osborn is not valid because he is a felon and illegally held an office in 2012 before
the 13 year restriction ran out. Ruling Section 504 states that a felon not allowed to run for election for 13 years.
He was sentenced in 2000.
2. The new hires hand wrote their ballots and put them in envelopes instead of using valid ballots.
3. The ballot boxes were taken home in the personal cars of the election officials which is against the rules.
4. Terry McHutchinson of Faurecia and Jason Heath were making deals under the table.
At the union meeting Bettina Hillier put in a letter asking to nullify the recent election and hold a new one. Tim
Peterson, a retiree, advised the membership not to hold a new election because of the cost of $30,000. She
was voted down.
A call of interest came from Lisa Fuller concerning negotiations dealing with her son's unjust firing. For 3 years he
has been promised a hearing. He was brought back into the building as an employee of America Sorters, an
independent company working with the Faurecia plant. Faurecia made the union tell the company to fire him
because he was not to be allowed in the building. She has attempted to straighten out failure and misrepresentation
on the part of the UAW under the direction of Shop Chairman Jason Heath to no avail. This past week she was
called in to help at the union hall to prepare for a strike.While she was at the union hall she was approached by Jimmy
Williams of Region 1A. He told her that during the agreement negotiations he spoke to Faurecia about bringing
Weston Fuller back giving him some back pay. I talked with Jimmy Williams today and he acknowledged
that this occured as stated above. Lisa Fuller worked as a union checker at the recent election. She agreed with
others that the election was invalid.
As employees and UAW members it is up to each one of you to decide your future. Make sure that you get a
white book and read it carefully. Get out and vote and stand up for what you believe.
To All Saline Workers:
You have been notified that the contract has been settled. I have received phone calls concerning the agreement.
1. 10 points from June 2015 to June 2016. Points last for a year to the date issued.
2. 50 cent raise per hour from 2015 to 2018. You will top out at $17.50 per hour.
3. New hires will be getting $12.50 per hour to start.
4. Health insurance will be cheaper per week but no longer Blue Cross Blue Shield.
The UAW Public Relations Department says that you will be getting a white book. It is a requirement of the UAW
that everyone at Faurecia receive a white book prior to voting put out by the UAW Public Relations Department
telling the points of the agreement. If you do not get a white book report it immediately to the Shop Chairman or
call 313-926-5000 and ask for Public Relations. Tell them you need the white book.
We have been advised by several callers that the recent UAW Local 892 election was not valid. Some of the
reasons mentioned are:
1. The election of Kendrik Osborn is not valid because he is a felon and illegally held an office in 2012 before
the 13 year restriction ran out. Ruling Section 504 states that a felon not allowed to run for election for 13 years.
He was sentenced in 2000.
2. The new hires hand wrote their ballots and put them in envelopes instead of using valid ballots.
3. The ballot boxes were taken home in the personal cars of the election officials which is against the rules.
4. Terry McHutchinson of Faurecia and Jason Heath were making deals under the table.
At the union meeting Bettina Hillier put in a letter asking to nullify the recent election and hold a new one. Tim
Peterson, a retiree, advised the membership not to hold a new election because of the cost of $30,000. She
was voted down.
A call of interest came from Lisa Fuller concerning negotiations dealing with her son's unjust firing. For 3 years he
has been promised a hearing. He was brought back into the building as an employee of America Sorters, an
independent company working with the Faurecia plant. Faurecia made the union tell the company to fire him
because he was not to be allowed in the building. She has attempted to straighten out failure and misrepresentation
on the part of the UAW under the direction of Shop Chairman Jason Heath to no avail. This past week she was
called in to help at the union hall to prepare for a strike.While she was at the union hall she was approached by Jimmy
Williams of Region 1A. He told her that during the agreement negotiations he spoke to Faurecia about bringing
Weston Fuller back giving him some back pay. I talked with Jimmy Williams today and he acknowledged
that this occured as stated above. Lisa Fuller worked as a union checker at the recent election. She agreed with
others that the election was invalid.
As employees and UAW members it is up to each one of you to decide your future. Make sure that you get a
white book and read it carefully. Get out and vote and stand up for what you believe.
Pat Speaks
Information on misrepresentation and fraud on the part of the UAW International and Local Leadership has been given to my Congressman Bill Huizenga. He has sent this information on to the Congressional Education and Workforce Committee headed by Congressman John Kline of Minnesota. This information is being studied by their lawyers at this time. We hope to hear from them soon.
On Monday, June 8 we met with Senator Gary Peter's Southwest Regional Director Don DeFoe and Kala Smith , the Constituent Services Director. Senator Peters was unable to attend the meeting. Information regarding misrepresentation, fraud and bad working conditions on the part of the UAW International and Local Leadership was presented to them. They were asked to present this material to Senator Peters and to encourage him to contact UAW President Dennis Williams, Jr. and ask him to look into these claims and to do what is needed to correct these situations.
We are still working with Melissa Gibbons and John Gilbert, Jr. 's information. Keep on working and your chin up high! Keep us informed as to what is happening.
ACH Workers Lawsuit News Conference
Dear UAW Workers and Retirees,
On December 3, 2014 Judge Edmonds of the Federal Court asked for further information regarding the Barker ,at at VS. UAW International lawsuit. We will give you further information as soon as we have it.
The following video was taped Monday, December 8, 2014. It shows two workers, Lisa Fuller of the Saline Faurecia Plant and Lorrie Bedard-Nettleton. of the Flint Buick City Truck and Bus Plant. They are telling their stories about dealing with the UAW in their plants and how they have not been represented properly. We encourage everyone, whether you are working now or are retired, to take the time to watch these interviews and to respond to us at [email protected] you opinions and what action you think should be taken on our part.
Pat Meyer
On December 3, 2014 Judge Edmonds of the Federal Court asked for further information regarding the Barker ,at at VS. UAW International lawsuit. We will give you further information as soon as we have it.
The following video was taped Monday, December 8, 2014. It shows two workers, Lisa Fuller of the Saline Faurecia Plant and Lorrie Bedard-Nettleton. of the Flint Buick City Truck and Bus Plant. They are telling their stories about dealing with the UAW in their plants and how they have not been represented properly. We encourage everyone, whether you are working now or are retired, to take the time to watch these interviews and to respond to us at [email protected] you opinions and what action you think should be taken on our part.
Pat Meyer
Pat Speaks
On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Patricia Meyer, Susan Alexander and Earl Wilk, Sr. of L.A.W.S., Inc. met with Congressman Bill Huizenga, Jon DeWitte and Zach Scott to bring them information from UAW workers and retirees concerning misrepresentation, misuse of funds and VEBA issues on the part of the UAW International Leadership. Huizenga's office has reached out to the Education and Workforce Committee with this information. We are looking forward to hearing from and working with the committee.
Please continue to keep us informed about your concerns and what is happening to you! We realize the fight for justice is hard and ongoing ! We will continue our fight for you!
On Wednesday, April 15, 2015 Patricia Meyer, Susan Alexander and Earl Wilk, Sr. of L.A.W.S., Inc. met with Congressman Bill Huizenga, Jon DeWitte and Zach Scott to bring them information from UAW workers and retirees concerning misrepresentation, misuse of funds and VEBA issues on the part of the UAW International Leadership. Huizenga's office has reached out to the Education and Workforce Committee with this information. We are looking forward to hearing from and working with the committee.
Please continue to keep us informed about your concerns and what is happening to you! We realize the fight for justice is hard and ongoing ! We will continue our fight for you!
UAW Members and Retirees,
The following letter and article along with members and retirees letter and other information was delivered on February 24, 2015 to Solidarity House to be delivered to UAW President Dennis Williams
We are awaiting an answer from him.
Please encourage your co-workers, family and friends to read the letter and article so they will be
informed about what is happening. Keep watching this site for further updates.
LABOR ADVOCATES WORKERS SOLUTIONNot for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and FamiliesPatricia Meyer, Director
([email protected])
P.O. Box 112West Olive, MI 49460
The following letter and article along with members and retirees letter and other information was delivered on February 24, 2015 to Solidarity House to be delivered to UAW President Dennis Williams
We are awaiting an answer from him.
Please encourage your co-workers, family and friends to read the letter and article so they will be
informed about what is happening. Keep watching this site for further updates.
LABOR ADVOCATES WORKERS SOLUTIONNot for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and FamiliesPatricia Meyer, Director
([email protected])
P.O. Box 112West Olive, MI 49460
President Dennis Williams
UAW International Union
February 19, 2015
President Dennis Williams,
My name is Patricia Meyer and I am Director of L.A.W.S., Inc. Over the last 20 years I have been contacted numerous times by private sector workers, auto workers and retirees who as UAW members are concerned about the actions and/or non-action of the UAW leadership.
On August 6, 2012 I wrote to then President Bob King about the workers' concerns and on October 10, 2012 I went to Solidarity House and spoke with lawyer Sharma Manessa to explain the problems the UAW workers were facing in several of the plants. Unfortunately I received no response from the UAW leadership either time.
As a new president unfamiliar with the workings of the auto industry I am sending you the following information to help make you aware of what has and still is happening to your UAW members. Many members are feeling a lack of representation, grievances not being taken or not being heard when they are taken, misinformation purposely being given to the workers, voting infractions and union dues being collected improperly, this can be proven, which are causing the workers to become demoralized and to accuse the UAW of becoming a "company union."
It concerns me that several UAW representatives have been mentioned over and over again as being the culprits of the actions listed above. The names mentioned most often are: Jodey Dunn, Jason Heath, John Moore, Tom Keanitz, Roy Gamble, Todd Dunn, Barry Ford, Joe Goddard, Cal Rapson, Jimmy Settles, Jr., Norwood Jewel and General Holliefield.
The UAW workers and retirees who have contacted me are true union members and are placing their faith and hopes in your hands to truly correct the ills of the UAW and to support its members like they have supported the UAW throughout their working careers. Many of these workers have become afraid to speak up because they fear losing their jobs. Problems in the plants seem to be escalating daily. Please read this information and the letters included from your UAW worker members and retirees. The attitudes and actions of your UAW representatives must be changed.
Immediate action needs to be taken. You have stated that the former UAW President failed to be present for his UAW auto member workers. We appreciate the fact that you are making visits to the locals, however, how can you be proud that when you go into an auto factory your UAW members don't know who you are? You cannot expect the average UAW member to support you during the auto negotiations if they do not know who you are and that you care about their situations and will fight for them. In our society today our young people have been encouraged to question and challenge leadership. You must gain their trust by being honest, straight forward and willing to correct what is wrong with this union.
If you want to gain the workers' trust and their desire to remain an UAW member you must promptly deal with the people mentioned above. Any corrupt or unfair actions on their part must be corrected immediately. Many of your UAW worker members are totally beaten down and feel the UAW does nothing for them. Their word of mouth may make the difference in your recruiting.
Do not forget your retirees! They are not allowed any say in what goes on, are expected to continue to pay their retiree dues, and are at the mercy of what the UAW leadership does at negotiations. Retirees from all 'the Big 3' companies fear for their health insurance and pensions. This union owes them its protection after all their years of loyalty.
UAW members continue to contact me daily. It is important that I know your feelings concerning the enclosed information and the actions you intend to take. A meeting with you and the above mentioned UAW representatives to discuss their actions and your decisions is imperative as soon as possible. My contact information can be found at the top of this letter. If you need any additional information please feel free to contact me. I have at least 181 more workers' concerns I can send you.
One week from the day of delivery of this packet this letter along with other information will be posted on our website and given to the media and federal agencies including the NLRB who has been working with us. I look forward to hearing from you within this week and working with you to help the UAW become whole once more.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
UAW International Union
February 19, 2015
President Dennis Williams,
My name is Patricia Meyer and I am Director of L.A.W.S., Inc. Over the last 20 years I have been contacted numerous times by private sector workers, auto workers and retirees who as UAW members are concerned about the actions and/or non-action of the UAW leadership.
On August 6, 2012 I wrote to then President Bob King about the workers' concerns and on October 10, 2012 I went to Solidarity House and spoke with lawyer Sharma Manessa to explain the problems the UAW workers were facing in several of the plants. Unfortunately I received no response from the UAW leadership either time.
As a new president unfamiliar with the workings of the auto industry I am sending you the following information to help make you aware of what has and still is happening to your UAW members. Many members are feeling a lack of representation, grievances not being taken or not being heard when they are taken, misinformation purposely being given to the workers, voting infractions and union dues being collected improperly, this can be proven, which are causing the workers to become demoralized and to accuse the UAW of becoming a "company union."
It concerns me that several UAW representatives have been mentioned over and over again as being the culprits of the actions listed above. The names mentioned most often are: Jodey Dunn, Jason Heath, John Moore, Tom Keanitz, Roy Gamble, Todd Dunn, Barry Ford, Joe Goddard, Cal Rapson, Jimmy Settles, Jr., Norwood Jewel and General Holliefield.
The UAW workers and retirees who have contacted me are true union members and are placing their faith and hopes in your hands to truly correct the ills of the UAW and to support its members like they have supported the UAW throughout their working careers. Many of these workers have become afraid to speak up because they fear losing their jobs. Problems in the plants seem to be escalating daily. Please read this information and the letters included from your UAW worker members and retirees. The attitudes and actions of your UAW representatives must be changed.
Immediate action needs to be taken. You have stated that the former UAW President failed to be present for his UAW auto member workers. We appreciate the fact that you are making visits to the locals, however, how can you be proud that when you go into an auto factory your UAW members don't know who you are? You cannot expect the average UAW member to support you during the auto negotiations if they do not know who you are and that you care about their situations and will fight for them. In our society today our young people have been encouraged to question and challenge leadership. You must gain their trust by being honest, straight forward and willing to correct what is wrong with this union.
If you want to gain the workers' trust and their desire to remain an UAW member you must promptly deal with the people mentioned above. Any corrupt or unfair actions on their part must be corrected immediately. Many of your UAW worker members are totally beaten down and feel the UAW does nothing for them. Their word of mouth may make the difference in your recruiting.
Do not forget your retirees! They are not allowed any say in what goes on, are expected to continue to pay their retiree dues, and are at the mercy of what the UAW leadership does at negotiations. Retirees from all 'the Big 3' companies fear for their health insurance and pensions. This union owes them its protection after all their years of loyalty.
UAW members continue to contact me daily. It is important that I know your feelings concerning the enclosed information and the actions you intend to take. A meeting with you and the above mentioned UAW representatives to discuss their actions and your decisions is imperative as soon as possible. My contact information can be found at the top of this letter. If you need any additional information please feel free to contact me. I have at least 181 more workers' concerns I can send you.
One week from the day of delivery of this packet this letter along with other information will be posted on our website and given to the media and federal agencies including the NLRB who has been working with us. I look forward to hearing from you within this week and working with you to help the UAW become whole once more.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
UAW president Q&A: ‘They are working my butt off’
David Shepardson, The Detroit News 12:13 a.m. EDT October 2, 2014
Here are edited excerpts of The Detroit News interview with UAW President Dennis Williams
On his first months on the job: “They are working my butt off. I don’t let a lot of grass grow under my feet. It’s been really healthy for all of us because we’re shaking it up a little bit. We’re actually restructuring internally as well as moving forward with an agenda. Everybody’s pitching in. They know that we have a lot to do but we don’t want to put so much on our plate that we can’t achieve nothing. It’s not about what we do this year or next year or the year after, but how we are able to transform to a long-term strategy. It has to be sustainable. It can’t be just a hit and miss.”
On restructuring: “We’re using technology and we’re using our ability to — as people retire — streamline operations. But we want to make sure when we do this we can do it in a way where we service our members in a way that they are accustomed to. And you can do that today a lot differently than when you could when I first started off. We have to just learn how to use technology to better service members and communicate. We have to be more thoughtful about how we approach organizing drives and political activity and communications and a whole lot of things. You can put a list together of things that we had potentially done that doesn’t necessarily make sense today. We’re evaluating everything as we go.”
On Republican criticism of the UAW: “You can’t have it both ways. You can’t ask us to be this union that’s more thoughtful about the companies, and then when we do that, attack us. When I used to service Iowa, they used to say, ‘That dog don’t hunt.’”
On new contract between Lear Corp. and UAW workers in Indiana that eliminated the two-tier pay system for some workers, but reclassified other workers at a lower rate of pay: “I was a little disappointed actually that we had to strike because it isn’t that we’re not communicating with the employers. It isn’t that we haven’t had this dialogue that it’s a different day today. Employees have made a lot of sacrifices and companies are doing very well today and it’s time to share. The members deserve better than what they’re getting.”
On contract talks with Detroit automakers next year: “We have to be focused on bridging that gap (between newer and older workers). The companies needs to recognize the fact that (the veteran workers) haven’t had a raise. But we have to also be mindful that we are in a global economy with real competition and we have to be mindful of that. This is not going to be any easy task, OK? The American people — both as a society and as corporations — have to recognize that in order to have a true healthy economy, you have to have people with good wages, good benefits that can sustain the buying power. The conversation we have to have with the United States is, ‘What kind of country do we want? Do we want one where we rebuild the middle class? Do we want where everybody has an opportunity to succeed? Or are we going to constantly hold people down in the name of being competitive?’ The United States better make up their mind about what kind of country we really want. You can’t keep adding more people to the list of poverty than we do in the middle class and succeed.”
On the possibility of a strike next year: “I think ultimately those members that say they want a strike really don’t. I think both the (automakers) and us have worked together long enough to be comfortable that we can be straightforward, honest with one another. We certainly don’t want to have a confrontation unnecessarily and I just think there’s too much at stake for any of us to pick a fight with one another. That’s unnecessary. We have big issues — there’s no doubt about it, but I think realistically companies have to know that (the industry) came out the bankruptcy pretty good. We’ve done some great things together, been very creative. Our members have sacrificed. I think that new people coming in want a higher standard of living. And I don’t think that’s unreasonable. And we’ll find out when we get to the bargaining table.”
On GM CEO Mary Barra’s handling of the ignition switch crisis: “I thought Mary Barra and the GM folks handled (the crisis) very well. They went right after it. They did an independent study, which I was very happy about. I think that she’s been very straightforward about it. We were happy to see some of the changes that’s occurring and we hope there’s some more in the works. In fact, (UAW Vice President) Cindy Estrada will be having dialogue with them about that. It’s a terrible situation. I mean people’s lives. I can’t think of anything worse.”
It's time the people know who you are and you help your members!
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
UAW president Q&A: ‘They are working my butt off’
David Shepardson, The Detroit News 12:13 a.m. EDT October 2, 2014
Here are edited excerpts of The Detroit News interview with UAW President Dennis Williams
On his first months on the job: “They are working my butt off. I don’t let a lot of grass grow under my feet. It’s been really healthy for all of us because we’re shaking it up a little bit. We’re actually restructuring internally as well as moving forward with an agenda. Everybody’s pitching in. They know that we have a lot to do but we don’t want to put so much on our plate that we can’t achieve nothing. It’s not about what we do this year or next year or the year after, but how we are able to transform to a long-term strategy. It has to be sustainable. It can’t be just a hit and miss.”
On restructuring: “We’re using technology and we’re using our ability to — as people retire — streamline operations. But we want to make sure when we do this we can do it in a way where we service our members in a way that they are accustomed to. And you can do that today a lot differently than when you could when I first started off. We have to just learn how to use technology to better service members and communicate. We have to be more thoughtful about how we approach organizing drives and political activity and communications and a whole lot of things. You can put a list together of things that we had potentially done that doesn’t necessarily make sense today. We’re evaluating everything as we go.”
On Republican criticism of the UAW: “You can’t have it both ways. You can’t ask us to be this union that’s more thoughtful about the companies, and then when we do that, attack us. When I used to service Iowa, they used to say, ‘That dog don’t hunt.’”
On new contract between Lear Corp. and UAW workers in Indiana that eliminated the two-tier pay system for some workers, but reclassified other workers at a lower rate of pay: “I was a little disappointed actually that we had to strike because it isn’t that we’re not communicating with the employers. It isn’t that we haven’t had this dialogue that it’s a different day today. Employees have made a lot of sacrifices and companies are doing very well today and it’s time to share. The members deserve better than what they’re getting.”
On contract talks with Detroit automakers next year: “We have to be focused on bridging that gap (between newer and older workers). The companies needs to recognize the fact that (the veteran workers) haven’t had a raise. But we have to also be mindful that we are in a global economy with real competition and we have to be mindful of that. This is not going to be any easy task, OK? The American people — both as a society and as corporations — have to recognize that in order to have a true healthy economy, you have to have people with good wages, good benefits that can sustain the buying power. The conversation we have to have with the United States is, ‘What kind of country do we want? Do we want one where we rebuild the middle class? Do we want where everybody has an opportunity to succeed? Or are we going to constantly hold people down in the name of being competitive?’ The United States better make up their mind about what kind of country we really want. You can’t keep adding more people to the list of poverty than we do in the middle class and succeed.”
On the possibility of a strike next year: “I think ultimately those members that say they want a strike really don’t. I think both the (automakers) and us have worked together long enough to be comfortable that we can be straightforward, honest with one another. We certainly don’t want to have a confrontation unnecessarily and I just think there’s too much at stake for any of us to pick a fight with one another. That’s unnecessary. We have big issues — there’s no doubt about it, but I think realistically companies have to know that (the industry) came out the bankruptcy pretty good. We’ve done some great things together, been very creative. Our members have sacrificed. I think that new people coming in want a higher standard of living. And I don’t think that’s unreasonable. And we’ll find out when we get to the bargaining table.”
On GM CEO Mary Barra’s handling of the ignition switch crisis: “I thought Mary Barra and the GM folks handled (the crisis) very well. They went right after it. They did an independent study, which I was very happy about. I think that she’s been very straightforward about it. We were happy to see some of the changes that’s occurring and we hope there’s some more in the works. In fact, (UAW Vice President) Cindy Estrada will be having dialogue with them about that. It’s a terrible situation. I mean people’s lives. I can’t think of anything worse.”
It's time the people know who you are and you help your members!
Without Prejudice - Able to re-file
With Prejudice - Can never file again, other than to appeal to a higher court
Without Prejudice - in Michigan State County Courts: Statue of limitations is stopped, because defendant
is thought to be "on notice"
- in Federal: Statue of limitations does not stop
Six month statue federal case law from 1985
With Prejudice - Can never file again, other than to appeal to a higher court
Without Prejudice - in Michigan State County Courts: Statue of limitations is stopped, because defendant
is thought to be "on notice"
- in Federal: Statue of limitations does not stop
Six month statue federal case law from 1985
The following letter and information gives an explanation of how the UAW
maneuvered so the ACHers lawsuit was not heard by the court.
maneuvered so the ACHers lawsuit was not heard by the court.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
Patricia Meyer, Director
([email protected])
P.O. Box 112 West Olive, MI 49460
December 30, 2014
Dear ACH Plaintiff,
I am sorry that the lawsuit was dismissed. The UAW who took away your vote, your right of representation and your seniority had the power and connections to help bring about this dismissal.
For your information Attorney Jonathan Browning only received $20,800.00 for a year's worth of hard work and two appearances in Federal Court. He was up against a very powerful organization who used your dues to help defeat you. It is also important the you understand that no one in my organization has received any salary for all of the work that has been done on your behalf.
This lawsuit dismissal should be looked at as a sign to keep on fighting. Now is not the time to stop! You will notice that in Jonathan's letter it is mentioned that I will be willing to request a meeting on behalf of you with UAW President Dennis Williams. If I contacted his office today to set up a meeting I would be automatically refused. In order to bring this meeting about I need the co-operation and participation of everyone who feels that the UAW has let them down, lawsuit member and otherwise. You ACHers should realize that it is not just you that are being treated badly. All workers are suffering to some degree. It is only by standing together as a group will enough pressure be applied to make the UAW leadership wake up and take notice. One or two people per plant will not be able to change anything!
Now is the time for you to become pro-active. I am asking that you take the time to write a letter addressed to President Dennis Williams telling him what has happened and is still happening to you and how the UAW has let you down. Encourage those around you to also participate. The more letters the better. Send your letter to Patricia Meyer, Box 112, West Olive, MI 49460 by January 10, 2015. These letters will be presented in one large group to UAW President Dennis Williams. The more plants and workers that participate the greater impact they will make. These letters will also be shared with reporters who have discovered the truth and are willing to let the public know the "real" situation.
If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to contact me at 269-998-4609. I want to remind you to keep checking for news and any developments. Make sure that you take the time to read Lisa Fuller and Lorrie Bedard-Nettleton's information.
Looking forward to receiving your letter,
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S.
Welcome to Dispute This!
This website is dedicated to workers and retirees who are union members across the nation.
We are not union busters but we are dedicated to cleaning up criminal activity along with
work floor situations due to lack of representation.
At the present time we are involved in helping workers bringing lawsuits against the UAW
leadership in Detroit, Michigan.
Take the time to view this information. It is vital that workers and retirees understand what is
happening to both. We need to stick together.
Let everyone know about this site and encourage them to learn what is really going on.
E-mail us your thoughts and situations. You may contact us through this site or e-mail
[email protected]. Please write dispute this in the message line.
This website is dedicated to workers and retirees who are union members across the nation.
We are not union busters but we are dedicated to cleaning up criminal activity along with
work floor situations due to lack of representation.
At the present time we are involved in helping workers bringing lawsuits against the UAW
leadership in Detroit, Michigan.
Take the time to view this information. It is vital that workers and retirees understand what is
happening to both. We need to stick together.
Let everyone know about this site and encourage them to learn what is really going on.
E-mail us your thoughts and situations. You may contact us through this site or e-mail
[email protected]. Please write dispute this in the message line.
Keep watching for current information on workplace
happenings and how workers are being effected.
happenings and how workers are being effected.
Thank you to the Flint Truck and Bus workers for working
with us on your UAW leadership concerns
Attention UAW Members Covered By The VEBA Health Care Trust
Following are the concerns about UAW Shop Chairman
Jason Heath of the Saline MI Faurecia Plant.
Jason Heath of the Saline MI Faurecia Plant.
If you have information or a story to share contact:
Patricia Meyer at 269-998-4609
or email at [email protected]
I want to thank all of the ACH lawsuit participants some several plants, other UAW members and members of the public who attended the meeting on Sunday, September 21, 2014 at Western Michigan University. The speakers who spoke about "Justice For All" opened our eyes as to what is happening in our country and around the world.
Leroy McKnight, a UAW retiree and advocate, pointed out to us the fact that we must continue fighting for our rights as changes that are not to the UAW members an d families benefits may be coming in the near future. He told us that we must be diligent and to insist upon justice for the workers and the retirees.
As you know I am continuing to keep the federal government and state officials aware of what is happening to all of the UAW members and retirees. Please feel free to contact me with any information you think that I should know or any questions you might have.
LAWS has been working closely with some of the workers at the Toledo, OH Jeep Plant.
Following is a letter I received from a worker who has been trying to right a wrong to the Chrysler workers.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
4:16 PM
Dear Pat Meyer,
After exhausting efforts for the last few years to recoup the FICA monies wrongfully taken out
of our upfront signing bonuses, I have had no success with the UAW or Chrysler to address this issue.
I feel I have spent hundreds of hours and my time and my money pursuing this matter to no avail. Unfortunately I am unable to proceed any further without cooperation from the UAW, Chrysler or even the Government Agency involved.
I feel it will take an army to win the rights of our UAW members, because we're not being represented fairly in this matter.
Thank you for your time and effort.
Calvin Buckmaster
UAW Local 12 Jeep Unit
Toledo, OH
Attention ACH Workers, Retirees and All Workers
The ACH lawsuit against the UAW Leadership has been re-filed and re-served (ACH plaintiffs vs. the UAW). This was necessary because Judge Nancy Edmonds of the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan ruled that I, Patricia Meyer, not being an ACHer myself, was not eligible to bring this suit on behalf of the ACHers.
Case History
I was approached by workers at the Saline, Michigan Ford Plant now known as Faurecia. The workers needed help and unfortunately the UAW Leadership would do nothing to help these workers. In fact it appeared that they were working on behalf of the company rather than on the side of the UAW members who were paying union dues to be fairly represented by their union and have their rights protected.
I took their concerns to the National Labor Relations Board in Washington, D.C. The case was investigated by the Grand Rapids office and then was assigned to the Detroit NLRB office. It was decided that they were unable to help these workers.
This case was also presented to the Labor Department who was unable to help but advised me to hire a lawyer.
In August of 2012 Jody Dunn, the UAW International Servicing Representative for Ford Department, advised me to contact the UAW International Headquarters to ask for help for these workers. On August 10, 2012 I met with a UAW lawyer at Solidarity House and on August 6, 2012 a letter to President Bob King and Jimmy Settles explaining what was happening. I received no response.
May 31, 2013 I filed a lawsuit on behalf of the ACH workers against the UAW Leadership in the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan.
On December 2, 2013 the UAW International Leadership was served with lawsuit papers.
Following you will find documents that will be of interest. Please feel free to read them.
After talking to workers in many plants who are working for several companies it has become apparent to me that the ACH workers are not the only ones who have found that the UAW International Leadership has not been representing them properly. It is time that all the UAW members who have been injured and betrayed by the very bargaining unit that is supposed to protect your rights stand up and work together. Join the movement to clean out the corruption.
The ACH lawsuit against the UAW Leadership has been re-filed and re-served (ACH plaintiffs vs. the UAW). This was necessary because Judge Nancy Edmonds of the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan ruled that I, Patricia Meyer, not being an ACHer myself, was not eligible to bring this suit on behalf of the ACHers.
Case History
I was approached by workers at the Saline, Michigan Ford Plant now known as Faurecia. The workers needed help and unfortunately the UAW Leadership would do nothing to help these workers. In fact it appeared that they were working on behalf of the company rather than on the side of the UAW members who were paying union dues to be fairly represented by their union and have their rights protected.
I took their concerns to the National Labor Relations Board in Washington, D.C. The case was investigated by the Grand Rapids office and then was assigned to the Detroit NLRB office. It was decided that they were unable to help these workers.
This case was also presented to the Labor Department who was unable to help but advised me to hire a lawyer.
In August of 2012 Jody Dunn, the UAW International Servicing Representative for Ford Department, advised me to contact the UAW International Headquarters to ask for help for these workers. On August 10, 2012 I met with a UAW lawyer at Solidarity House and on August 6, 2012 a letter to President Bob King and Jimmy Settles explaining what was happening. I received no response.
May 31, 2013 I filed a lawsuit on behalf of the ACH workers against the UAW Leadership in the U.S. District Court Eastern District of Michigan.
On December 2, 2013 the UAW International Leadership was served with lawsuit papers.
Following you will find documents that will be of interest. Please feel free to read them.
After talking to workers in many plants who are working for several companies it has become apparent to me that the ACH workers are not the only ones who have found that the UAW International Leadership has not been representing them properly. It is time that all the UAW members who have been injured and betrayed by the very bargaining unit that is supposed to protect your rights stand up and work together. Join the movement to clean out the corruption.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
Patricia Meyer, Director
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
President Bob King
Vice President Jimmy Settles, Jr.
UAW Solidarity House
8000 E. Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, MI 48214
August 6, 2012
Bob King/Jimmy Settles, Jr.,
My name is Patricia Meyer, Director of L.A.W.S., Inc., a not-for-profit organization working for our American workers, retirees and their families.
Mr. Settles, I called Solidarity House 2 weeks ago and left a message on your phone. I have received no response. I also left a message for you, President Bob King. I was told that I could not contact you.
In the past 8 weeks I have been contacted by Ford ACH workers about a situation in the previously owned Ford Saline, MI plant which, as of June 1, 2012, is now owned by Faurecia, a French company. It appears that many Ford ACH employees, temporaries for over 5 years, are devastated and feel that their union representatives have failed them. Many are asking for the return of their dues. Their situation has been presented to the NLRB. It screams of the lack of representation on the part of the UAW leadership.
Mr. Settles, I remember your behavior during the American Axle strike. You told the employees that, because of hard economic times, owner Richard Dauch would take his business elsewhere unless concessions were given by the employees. Now there is a three tier system in that plant.
Don't get the wrong impressions, I believe in unions. You need to keep in mind that I have been dealing with union representation for years. However, it is clear to me that at this time the UAW leadership is failing its members. First, President Gettelfinger allowed the crying corporations to rid themselves of healthcare. Then you, President King, shocked the UAW members further when, at the stroke of a pen, you signed away COLA for all of your auto members and retirees. When is enough, enough?
It is my obligation to work with the NLRB and the U.S. Labor Department to immediately investigate the wrong doings of the union leadership in the Ford plants.
I am requesting to meet with both of you as soon as possible to discuss this situation. Your workers need your help. I may be reached at 269-998-4609 or by email at [email protected].
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
Patricia Meyer, Director
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
President Bob King
Vice President Jimmy Settles, Jr.
UAW Solidarity House
8000 E. Jefferson Ave.
Detroit, MI 48214
August 6, 2012
Bob King/Jimmy Settles, Jr.,
My name is Patricia Meyer, Director of L.A.W.S., Inc., a not-for-profit organization working for our American workers, retirees and their families.
Mr. Settles, I called Solidarity House 2 weeks ago and left a message on your phone. I have received no response. I also left a message for you, President Bob King. I was told that I could not contact you.
In the past 8 weeks I have been contacted by Ford ACH workers about a situation in the previously owned Ford Saline, MI plant which, as of June 1, 2012, is now owned by Faurecia, a French company. It appears that many Ford ACH employees, temporaries for over 5 years, are devastated and feel that their union representatives have failed them. Many are asking for the return of their dues. Their situation has been presented to the NLRB. It screams of the lack of representation on the part of the UAW leadership.
Mr. Settles, I remember your behavior during the American Axle strike. You told the employees that, because of hard economic times, owner Richard Dauch would take his business elsewhere unless concessions were given by the employees. Now there is a three tier system in that plant.
Don't get the wrong impressions, I believe in unions. You need to keep in mind that I have been dealing with union representation for years. However, it is clear to me that at this time the UAW leadership is failing its members. First, President Gettelfinger allowed the crying corporations to rid themselves of healthcare. Then you, President King, shocked the UAW members further when, at the stroke of a pen, you signed away COLA for all of your auto members and retirees. When is enough, enough?
It is my obligation to work with the NLRB and the U.S. Labor Department to immediately investigate the wrong doings of the union leadership in the Ford plants.
I am requesting to meet with both of you as soon as possible to discuss this situation. Your workers need your help. I may be reached at 269-998-4609 or by email at [email protected].
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
Patricia Meyer, Director
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
Sharma Maneesa
Bob King
UAW Solidarity House
8000 Jefferson Ave
Detroit, MI
October 10, 2012
Sharma Maneesa and Bob King,
For many years the UAW leadership has failed to represent its union workers at many levels allowing corporations to dictate wage decreases, eliminate medical coverage, underpay into pension funds and reduce the work force while moving manufacturing and technology offshore.
It has now reached the point where workers are asking for their union dues back because they feel betrayed by the very people who are supposed to be fighting for them. Following are a few examples of this that have been brought to our attention.
1. Union representatives in the plants not being available and/or refusing to write grievances.
2. Ford Temporary workers, known as ACHers being denied Ford entry employment while the union stands by and allows non-union employment agencies to fill these jobs.
3. Temporary workers, who have been paying union dues and have been promised permanent employment after 90 days, have received no union representation when they have reached 90 days and are refused permanent employment.
4. Telling the workers one thing while really negotiating another. One example is the Ford 2011 contract agreement, pgs. 174C - 175C, that was negotiated by Vice President Jimmy Settles, Jr. The temp workers were told that if they voted for this contract they would be able to become Ford 1 and 2 level employees. The employees were not told that they could be moved to plants where ownership had changed hands and that they would be subject to the new owner's regulations. (Refer to page 100 in the booklet How Washington, D.C. helped allow corporations to get away with fraud.)
5. Allowing contracts to be reopened for renegotiation without the workers knowledge and agreement.
The disillusioned workers at the Faurecia Saline, MI plant, having experienced the aforementioned points, decided to fight. They contacted our organization, L.A.W.S., Inc., in early June of 2012 after trying to get help from their UAW representatives in the plant. Jason Heath, Shop Chairman for the Faurecia workers and Jason Shiffman, no knows his position, were nowhere to be found. It was decided that L.A.W.S., Inc. would picket the plant on June 15, 2012 to show support for their concerns. (See enclosed flyer.)
After meeting at the park and listening to their concerns it was decided to approach the UAW Local 892 leadership, the Labor Department and the NLRB. Then Local 892 President Mark Caruso and President Hug of the Ford Sheldon complex met with us in the Local 892 union hall. Hug stated that she was still negotiating for the temp workers and told Caruso that she did not feel he should picket the plant. He did decide to picket the plant in July. Consequently he was removed from the Saline plant and placed in the MAP plant before his date of transfer thus leaving the Saline plant in the hands of Malena Hubbard the new UAW Local 892 President.
We have in our possession seniority lists that clearly show nepotism and favoritism coming out of the Rawsonville and Sterling Heights Ford plants clearly affecting ACHers trying to move from the Faurecia Saline, MI plant to Ford facilities.
Also of major concern is UAW election fraud in the Saline plant where ACHers were not allowed to vote but temps and retirees were.
The workers have asked L.A.W.S., Inc. to meet with UAW President Bob King and Vice President Jimmy Settles, Jr., neither whom anyone has been able to contact up to this point, to explain this situation and request that the UAW help right the wrongs that have befallen these workers.
Another problem that has been brought to our attention is the recent FICA checks that Ford and GM have sent to active and retired workers who took signing bonuses in 1996, 1999 and/or 2003. Some of them have asked if they could write grievances against GM and Ford because they were only receiving 35%. Who is receiving the interest?
In investigating this problem we have been led to believe that certain UAW Region officials were given checks that amounted to more than 35% of the signing bonuses. Your UAW members are entitled to a clarification. Was the UAW leadership paid to step aside in this matter?
There are other vital issues that need to be addressed. One of your UAW representatives, Jody Dunn, encouraged me to contact the UAW Legal Department. Due to the magnitude of our concerns is would seem appropriate to me that a meeting be held including President Bob King and Vice President Jimmy Settles, Jr. within the next seven days. I may be reached at 269-998-4609 or by e-mail at [email protected] with the time, date and location of this meeting.
Looking forward to working with you.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
[email protected]
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
Patricia Meyer, Director
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
Sharma Maneesa
Bob King
UAW Solidarity House
8000 Jefferson Ave
Detroit, MI
October 10, 2012
Sharma Maneesa and Bob King,
For many years the UAW leadership has failed to represent its union workers at many levels allowing corporations to dictate wage decreases, eliminate medical coverage, underpay into pension funds and reduce the work force while moving manufacturing and technology offshore.
It has now reached the point where workers are asking for their union dues back because they feel betrayed by the very people who are supposed to be fighting for them. Following are a few examples of this that have been brought to our attention.
1. Union representatives in the plants not being available and/or refusing to write grievances.
2. Ford Temporary workers, known as ACHers being denied Ford entry employment while the union stands by and allows non-union employment agencies to fill these jobs.
3. Temporary workers, who have been paying union dues and have been promised permanent employment after 90 days, have received no union representation when they have reached 90 days and are refused permanent employment.
4. Telling the workers one thing while really negotiating another. One example is the Ford 2011 contract agreement, pgs. 174C - 175C, that was negotiated by Vice President Jimmy Settles, Jr. The temp workers were told that if they voted for this contract they would be able to become Ford 1 and 2 level employees. The employees were not told that they could be moved to plants where ownership had changed hands and that they would be subject to the new owner's regulations. (Refer to page 100 in the booklet How Washington, D.C. helped allow corporations to get away with fraud.)
5. Allowing contracts to be reopened for renegotiation without the workers knowledge and agreement.
The disillusioned workers at the Faurecia Saline, MI plant, having experienced the aforementioned points, decided to fight. They contacted our organization, L.A.W.S., Inc., in early June of 2012 after trying to get help from their UAW representatives in the plant. Jason Heath, Shop Chairman for the Faurecia workers and Jason Shiffman, no knows his position, were nowhere to be found. It was decided that L.A.W.S., Inc. would picket the plant on June 15, 2012 to show support for their concerns. (See enclosed flyer.)
After meeting at the park and listening to their concerns it was decided to approach the UAW Local 892 leadership, the Labor Department and the NLRB. Then Local 892 President Mark Caruso and President Hug of the Ford Sheldon complex met with us in the Local 892 union hall. Hug stated that she was still negotiating for the temp workers and told Caruso that she did not feel he should picket the plant. He did decide to picket the plant in July. Consequently he was removed from the Saline plant and placed in the MAP plant before his date of transfer thus leaving the Saline plant in the hands of Malena Hubbard the new UAW Local 892 President.
We have in our possession seniority lists that clearly show nepotism and favoritism coming out of the Rawsonville and Sterling Heights Ford plants clearly affecting ACHers trying to move from the Faurecia Saline, MI plant to Ford facilities.
Also of major concern is UAW election fraud in the Saline plant where ACHers were not allowed to vote but temps and retirees were.
The workers have asked L.A.W.S., Inc. to meet with UAW President Bob King and Vice President Jimmy Settles, Jr., neither whom anyone has been able to contact up to this point, to explain this situation and request that the UAW help right the wrongs that have befallen these workers.
Another problem that has been brought to our attention is the recent FICA checks that Ford and GM have sent to active and retired workers who took signing bonuses in 1996, 1999 and/or 2003. Some of them have asked if they could write grievances against GM and Ford because they were only receiving 35%. Who is receiving the interest?
In investigating this problem we have been led to believe that certain UAW Region officials were given checks that amounted to more than 35% of the signing bonuses. Your UAW members are entitled to a clarification. Was the UAW leadership paid to step aside in this matter?
There are other vital issues that need to be addressed. One of your UAW representatives, Jody Dunn, encouraged me to contact the UAW Legal Department. Due to the magnitude of our concerns is would seem appropriate to me that a meeting be held including President Bob King and Vice President Jimmy Settles, Jr. within the next seven days. I may be reached at 269-998-4609 or by e-mail at [email protected] with the time, date and location of this meeting.
Looking forward to working with you.
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
[email protected]
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
([email protected]) (
P.O. Box 112 West Olive, MI 49460
May 12, 2014
Dear ACH plaintiff,
I have received several messages lately and I can tell from your questions and comments that some of you have some confusion about what is happening with the ACH lawsuit. I hope that this letter will answer your questions and relieve your concerns.
I was first contacted by Debbie Muncy on behalf of the ACHers at the Saline, MI Faurecia plant. After meeting with them I went to Washington, D.C. where I met with staff members of both the National Labor Relations Board and the Labor Department with their concerns. The case was referred to the Detroit NLRB office where it was determined that they could offer no help. The Labor Department also informed me that they could offer no help but Ian Burg of that department suggested that we hire a private attorney. Debbie Muncy contacted an attorney in Cleveland, Ohio who stated that he would take the case if everyone paid $1,000. Not enough ACHers were able to join so he withdrew from the case.
Another attorney was contacted in Jackson, MI and it was decided that a lawsuit would be filed against the UAW. The attorney from Jackson was to accompany me on May 30, 2012 to file this lawsuit. He never appeared so it was decided that Debby Muncy and I decided that one person would bring the lawsuit against the UAW on behalf of the ACHers so I was chosen to do so.
A search was begun for a new attorney. The Dodge and Dodge law firm in Grand Rapids was contacted and agreed to take the case. David Dodge, Jr assigned the case to Jonathan Browning who co-counsels on many cases with Dodge & Dodge, particularly labor and employment cases. Dodge & Dodge eventually decided to let Mr. Browning handle the case on his own. Mr. Browning only asked for $100 from each plaintiff to begin the lawsuit. Because of expenses he has now had to ask for another $100. The monies for the case are being paid to Jonathan Browning or Earl Wilk, Sr., a member of the LAWS, Inc. board. This money is being put to good use. An accounting of all expenses will be made available at a future date.
On April 16, 2014 a press conference was held at the Barristers Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Channel 8 WOOD TV Investigative Reporter Henry Erb and a reporter from the Grand Rapids press attended. Attorney Browning and a few of the ACH plaintiffs spoke and answered questions from Mr. Erb. After the conference Mr. Erb told me that he was going to follow up on the information he learned and contact the UAW International Union for information from them. A DVD was made by us of the press conference. A few copies of them have been sent to some ACHers in several of the plants who are going to share them with the other plaintiffs. I hope that you will be able to view one. If you are unable to find one contact me at [email protected] and include your address as it will be mailed to you.
Apparently some of the ACHers have contacted Debbie Muncy to find out the status of the lawsuit. It is important that you understand that this lawsuit was filed solely by me, Patricia Meyer because Debbie Muncy stepped aside maybe because she is still part of Ford or because of the seriousness of her injuries. I have not been working with her nor have I heard from her.
As you have heard the UAW International is asking for a dues raise of 25% by all of its working members and 50% for the retirees. This includes all of the membership be they auto workers, small job shops or professionals such as nurses. A vote will be taken on June 2, 2014 in Detroit. I have been told by a worker who was elected to be a delegate to this vote that he will not be allowed to vote. It will be done only by a chosen few so that it will be sure to pass. I would recommend that you let everyone in your plant know about this and express your dissatisfaction on the dues increase. If you have any questions about this please feel free to contact me at 269-998-4609.
A meeting is being held on Sunday, May 18, 2014 in Saline, MI where ACH plaintiffs may meet and ask questions of Attorney Jonathan Browning. Hope to see you there.
Patricia Meyer
ACH Lawsuit News Conference
On Wednesday, April 16 2014 a news conference was held at the Barrister Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan regarding the Ford ACH workers lawsuit against the UAW International leadership. Attorney Jonathan Browning, Patricia Meyer and several plaintiffs spoke. Jonathan Browning explained the reasons for the lawsuit and commended the workers who have come forward to tell their stories.
In attendance were Henry Erb, Investigative Reporter for WOOD TV and John Agar, political reporter for the Grand Rapids Press along with several other interested parties. A report of this news conference may be found at
As a result of this news conference several auto workers throughout the country are commending the actions that you are taking. I have also heard from workers in other fields who are telling me that they have also experienced the same type of treatment. Some are UAW members and some belong to different unions. This shows me that the policing of all unions is needed.
Be aware that not every union member will agree with what we are doing and you may run into some negative responses . Some may already be circulating in your plants. One that we have already heard is that temporary workers have no right to union representation. Apparently they do not understand that you have been paying union dues for 5 1/2 years before this lawsuit came about.
Keep watching the site for more information and announcements. Be strong for one another.!
On Wednesday, April 16 2014 a news conference was held at the Barrister Building in Grand Rapids, Michigan regarding the Ford ACH workers lawsuit against the UAW International leadership. Attorney Jonathan Browning, Patricia Meyer and several plaintiffs spoke. Jonathan Browning explained the reasons for the lawsuit and commended the workers who have come forward to tell their stories.
In attendance were Henry Erb, Investigative Reporter for WOOD TV and John Agar, political reporter for the Grand Rapids Press along with several other interested parties. A report of this news conference may be found at
As a result of this news conference several auto workers throughout the country are commending the actions that you are taking. I have also heard from workers in other fields who are telling me that they have also experienced the same type of treatment. Some are UAW members and some belong to different unions. This shows me that the policing of all unions is needed.
Be aware that not every union member will agree with what we are doing and you may run into some negative responses . Some may already be circulating in your plants. One that we have already heard is that temporary workers have no right to union representation. Apparently they do not understand that you have been paying union dues for 5 1/2 years before this lawsuit came about.
Keep watching the site for more information and announcements. Be strong for one another.!
What? You want to raise my dues 25%?
Response to the UAW letter to the UAW letter dated February 2014:
”There are tremendous sacrifices made by members that concern us all"
* But the UAW can still afford a $22,992 cable/direct TV bill?
"These days the fight...(is with)...billionaire-funded groups"
* UAW leaders act like billionaires, subsidizing their golf resort over $5,000,000 a year.
"PRO-member has several elements, including improving communications... and cutting cost."
* Skype is free, so why did the UAW spend over 1.4 million in airfare, 3.7 million in
hotels, and 1/3 million in car rentals?
"A robust strike fund is the strongest deterrent to an employer..."
* Then why does the UAW keep drawing from it?
"dues increase will go only to this fund... and cannot be used for partisan political activity."
* But can, and will, be used for non-partisan political activities.
"15 million in annual spending cuts by the International"
* That's about 5% of UAW spending. They are asking for a 25% increase from us.
"UAW reduced staff by 38%... OPEIU has a 51% reduction"
* Yet payroll is still about 46 million, same as it's been since 2010. (meaning less
people getting more money - and you know who gets those post-committee jobs)
"Additional planned or proposed reductions include..."
* In 2010, Gettelfinger said that the UAW was exploring a sale of Black Lake but the
plan was shelved when Bob King became president six months later. We want
more than proposed changes.
Spending is for the year 2012.
Data obtained from reports filed by UAW with Department of Labor
Response to the UAW letter to the UAW letter dated February 2014:
”There are tremendous sacrifices made by members that concern us all"
* But the UAW can still afford a $22,992 cable/direct TV bill?
"These days the fight...(is with)...billionaire-funded groups"
* UAW leaders act like billionaires, subsidizing their golf resort over $5,000,000 a year.
"PRO-member has several elements, including improving communications... and cutting cost."
* Skype is free, so why did the UAW spend over 1.4 million in airfare, 3.7 million in
hotels, and 1/3 million in car rentals?
"A robust strike fund is the strongest deterrent to an employer..."
* Then why does the UAW keep drawing from it?
"dues increase will go only to this fund... and cannot be used for partisan political activity."
* But can, and will, be used for non-partisan political activities.
"15 million in annual spending cuts by the International"
* That's about 5% of UAW spending. They are asking for a 25% increase from us.
"UAW reduced staff by 38%... OPEIU has a 51% reduction"
* Yet payroll is still about 46 million, same as it's been since 2010. (meaning less
people getting more money - and you know who gets those post-committee jobs)
"Additional planned or proposed reductions include..."
* In 2010, Gettelfinger said that the UAW was exploring a sale of Black Lake but the
plan was shelved when Bob King became president six months later. We want
more than proposed changes.
Spending is for the year 2012.
Data obtained from reports filed by UAW with Department of Labor
For Immediate Release: ACH Lawsuit
March 17th, 2014
Grand Rapids, Michigan - The UAW is in more hot water following its recent failure to unionize the Volkswagen auto plant in Tennessee. Veteran Labor Activist Patricia Meyer and more than 150 auto workers have filed suit against the International UAW because of its failure and refusal to represent and advocate for their interests, despite demanding and collecting union dues from these workers.
Most of the workers in question had been employees hired-on as “ACH” workers. ACH stands for Automotive Component Holdings. These workers were denied seniority, health care benefits, vacation-time, bonuses, and were even paid at lower wages. The workers were, for all intents and purposes, Ford workers. These workers were also UAW dues-paying members. But, these ACH workers were lied-to by both their Union, and by Ford.
ACH workers have been exposed to a litany of abuses. Some workers were forced, by ACH, to sign-with with other companies that would never make them Ford workers. Almost all workers were denied the right to have their grievances heard and some workers, with excellent work-records, were fired at the whim of management [with the UAW's approval].
Additionally, the UAW allowed violations of closed-shop agreements to occur and also forbade ACH workers to hold Union management positions within the plants. The UAW also acquiesced when Ford made several demands that harmed the interests of workers.
Initially, ACH workers at an automotive plant in Saline, Michigan contacted Ms. Meyer for assistance. After the Saline ACH workers had exhausted their patience and administrative options with attempting to get the UAW to pay attention to their problems, the workers finally turned to Ms. Meyer because of her reputation and experience advocating for auto workers.
While Saline is no longer a Ford plant, many former ACH workers still remain working at the plant under the new corporate owners, French company Faurecia. However, the remaining ACH workers were informed, through the UAW, that they would not receive unemployment benefits if they resigned and refused to work for Faurecia, the new corporate owner of the plant. While Faurecia violated the Union workers’ rights, it is not a party to this lawsuit.
“We are not Union busters,” says Meyer. “We are fighting for the little guy, which is something the UAW cannot say.” Ms. Meyer has been an advocate on behalf of workers at all three major automakers – GM, Ford, and Chrysler, pertaining to abuses of the companies and the policing of unions. This is the first lawsuit against any Union filed with Ms. Pat Meyer’s help and the help of her advocacy firm, LAWS. L.A.W.S. stands for Labor Advocates Union Solutions.
Ms. Meyer has written multiple books on the subject of the damage done to America and the middle and working classes by corporate interests run amok. Ms. Meyer sees the United Auto Workers as the primary bad actor in the ACH’s workers woes. The ACH Workers who have joined the lawsuit are among those who have lost all faith that they will ever get what they were promised, or that the UAW would lift a finger to fulfill its legal obligations under the contracts.
Originally, the lawsuit involved Ford, as well as some of the sub-corporations that Ford established, such as Visteon and ACH. But, the ACH workers largely agreed that, more than anyone else, the UAW was responsible for what has happened because the ACH workers paid the UAW union dues specifically so that The UAW would look-out for the workers’ interests. But, the UAW made little to no attempt to do so.
While the ACH workers are not happy with Ford, they expected no better from a corporation than to see a corporation continually attempt to minimize labor costs and maximize labor output. The UAW, under the direction of Walter Reuther, would have combated these kinds of abuses, yet now does nothing about them. The UAW completely failed these loyal, hard-working, dues-paying members.
Critics of the UAW even contend that the UAW’s general conduct and reputation could have been a factor in Michigan becoming a right-to-work state, a major downgrade of employee rights throughout Michigan and in other places. In years past, Michigan would have been up in arms over the Governor signing such a bill. The Unions, most of all the UAW, have been doing so little on behalf of their membership that many people, rightly or wrongly, see the UAW as part of the problem. Some critics contend that the UAW’s failure in Tennessee could be traced, at least in part, to the workers’ skepticism that they would benefit from paying dues to the UAW.
The UAW Locals are not parties to this lawsuit, says Ms. Meyer. The aim of this action, beyond getting restitution for the ACH workers, is to reform the UAW and to stop its behavior of acting as a Company Union, and to return the UAW to advocating for its workers, and not for the Big Three Automakers.
In June 2014, UAW membership will be asked to ratify a 25% dues-increase across-the- board for all UAW members. This dues-increase would also include the ACH workers. Also affected by the increase in union dues, are the UAW retirees. These UAW retirees have no vote nor say on what happens to them, unfortunately, but are now being asked to raise their monthly dues. Many union members and union retirees do not want this rate increase because of the lack of fair and adequate representation by the UAW International.
A press conference is being scheduled and will be held in the near future.
To learn more about the case or other matters, please contact us at:
The Law Office of Jonathan D. Browning, P.L.L.C. at
(616) 458 – 4670.
March 17th, 2014
Grand Rapids, Michigan - The UAW is in more hot water following its recent failure to unionize the Volkswagen auto plant in Tennessee. Veteran Labor Activist Patricia Meyer and more than 150 auto workers have filed suit against the International UAW because of its failure and refusal to represent and advocate for their interests, despite demanding and collecting union dues from these workers.
Most of the workers in question had been employees hired-on as “ACH” workers. ACH stands for Automotive Component Holdings. These workers were denied seniority, health care benefits, vacation-time, bonuses, and were even paid at lower wages. The workers were, for all intents and purposes, Ford workers. These workers were also UAW dues-paying members. But, these ACH workers were lied-to by both their Union, and by Ford.
ACH workers have been exposed to a litany of abuses. Some workers were forced, by ACH, to sign-with with other companies that would never make them Ford workers. Almost all workers were denied the right to have their grievances heard and some workers, with excellent work-records, were fired at the whim of management [with the UAW's approval].
Additionally, the UAW allowed violations of closed-shop agreements to occur and also forbade ACH workers to hold Union management positions within the plants. The UAW also acquiesced when Ford made several demands that harmed the interests of workers.
Initially, ACH workers at an automotive plant in Saline, Michigan contacted Ms. Meyer for assistance. After the Saline ACH workers had exhausted their patience and administrative options with attempting to get the UAW to pay attention to their problems, the workers finally turned to Ms. Meyer because of her reputation and experience advocating for auto workers.
While Saline is no longer a Ford plant, many former ACH workers still remain working at the plant under the new corporate owners, French company Faurecia. However, the remaining ACH workers were informed, through the UAW, that they would not receive unemployment benefits if they resigned and refused to work for Faurecia, the new corporate owner of the plant. While Faurecia violated the Union workers’ rights, it is not a party to this lawsuit.
“We are not Union busters,” says Meyer. “We are fighting for the little guy, which is something the UAW cannot say.” Ms. Meyer has been an advocate on behalf of workers at all three major automakers – GM, Ford, and Chrysler, pertaining to abuses of the companies and the policing of unions. This is the first lawsuit against any Union filed with Ms. Pat Meyer’s help and the help of her advocacy firm, LAWS. L.A.W.S. stands for Labor Advocates Union Solutions.
Ms. Meyer has written multiple books on the subject of the damage done to America and the middle and working classes by corporate interests run amok. Ms. Meyer sees the United Auto Workers as the primary bad actor in the ACH’s workers woes. The ACH Workers who have joined the lawsuit are among those who have lost all faith that they will ever get what they were promised, or that the UAW would lift a finger to fulfill its legal obligations under the contracts.
Originally, the lawsuit involved Ford, as well as some of the sub-corporations that Ford established, such as Visteon and ACH. But, the ACH workers largely agreed that, more than anyone else, the UAW was responsible for what has happened because the ACH workers paid the UAW union dues specifically so that The UAW would look-out for the workers’ interests. But, the UAW made little to no attempt to do so.
While the ACH workers are not happy with Ford, they expected no better from a corporation than to see a corporation continually attempt to minimize labor costs and maximize labor output. The UAW, under the direction of Walter Reuther, would have combated these kinds of abuses, yet now does nothing about them. The UAW completely failed these loyal, hard-working, dues-paying members.
Critics of the UAW even contend that the UAW’s general conduct and reputation could have been a factor in Michigan becoming a right-to-work state, a major downgrade of employee rights throughout Michigan and in other places. In years past, Michigan would have been up in arms over the Governor signing such a bill. The Unions, most of all the UAW, have been doing so little on behalf of their membership that many people, rightly or wrongly, see the UAW as part of the problem. Some critics contend that the UAW’s failure in Tennessee could be traced, at least in part, to the workers’ skepticism that they would benefit from paying dues to the UAW.
The UAW Locals are not parties to this lawsuit, says Ms. Meyer. The aim of this action, beyond getting restitution for the ACH workers, is to reform the UAW and to stop its behavior of acting as a Company Union, and to return the UAW to advocating for its workers, and not for the Big Three Automakers.
In June 2014, UAW membership will be asked to ratify a 25% dues-increase across-the- board for all UAW members. This dues-increase would also include the ACH workers. Also affected by the increase in union dues, are the UAW retirees. These UAW retirees have no vote nor say on what happens to them, unfortunately, but are now being asked to raise their monthly dues. Many union members and union retirees do not want this rate increase because of the lack of fair and adequate representation by the UAW International.
A press conference is being scheduled and will be held in the near future.
To learn more about the case or other matters, please contact us at:
The Law Office of Jonathan D. Browning, P.L.L.C. at
(616) 458 – 4670.