Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
Patricia Meyer, Director
([email protected])
P.O. Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
269-998-4609 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 269-998-4609 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
August 11, 2011
President Obama,
I am astonished and appalled that the new super committee has been set up as a 3rd branch of the government. The product of this committee's efforts can become legislation that will affect every person in our country without any action by the Congress where the laws of the country are made.
Mr. President, these twelve people do not represent all of the people of the United States, the Congress does. If this work needs to be done it is incumbent on you to call the Congress back to Washington to do it. Every member of both branches of the Congress has the responsibility to fulfill the job he/she was elected to do, not delegate it, and to be accountable to his/her constituents.
Another matter of concern, Mr. President, is the problem of the funding of Social Security/Medicare which some would laughingly call entitlements
forgetting that the retirees have paid into it since they began working. Several solutions have been suggested among them is the raising of the
FICA CAP. Senator Bernie Sanders has suggested raising the CAP to $250,000 a year. Move has suggested there be no CAP and all income be
Mr. President, you know and I know that this is the simplest solution to resolve the entitlement dilemma. All FICA revenue in excess of $250,000 should
be put in a "lock box" to be used only for Social Security, nothing else. This would generate enough revenue to finance this program with money
left over.
These above remarks have been made with all sincerity and common sense.
Respectfully submitted by,
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families
Patricia Meyer, Director
([email protected])
P.O. Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
269-998-4609 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 269-998-4609 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
August 11, 2011
President Obama,
I am astonished and appalled that the new super committee has been set up as a 3rd branch of the government. The product of this committee's efforts can become legislation that will affect every person in our country without any action by the Congress where the laws of the country are made.
Mr. President, these twelve people do not represent all of the people of the United States, the Congress does. If this work needs to be done it is incumbent on you to call the Congress back to Washington to do it. Every member of both branches of the Congress has the responsibility to fulfill the job he/she was elected to do, not delegate it, and to be accountable to his/her constituents.
Another matter of concern, Mr. President, is the problem of the funding of Social Security/Medicare which some would laughingly call entitlements
forgetting that the retirees have paid into it since they began working. Several solutions have been suggested among them is the raising of the
FICA CAP. Senator Bernie Sanders has suggested raising the CAP to $250,000 a year. Move has suggested there be no CAP and all income be
Mr. President, you know and I know that this is the simplest solution to resolve the entitlement dilemma. All FICA revenue in excess of $250,000 should
be put in a "lock box" to be used only for Social Security, nothing else. This would generate enough revenue to finance this program with money
left over.
These above remarks have been made with all sincerity and common sense.
Respectfully submitted by,
Patricia Meyer
Director of L.A.W.S., Inc.
Not for Profit Working for American Workers, Retirees, and Families P.O. Box 112 West Olive, MI 49460
Urgent Message
February 2, 2011
President Obama Congressman Christopher Lee
Timothy Geithner Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur
Neil Barofsky Congressman Silvestre Reyes
Elizabeth Warren Congressman Bob Huizenga
Senator George Grassley Floyd Williams, IRS Director of
Legislative Affairs
My name is Patricia Meyer, Director of L.A.W.S., Inc., and I have contacted you many times with information about the auto industry and offers to share what I know with you. I have information about the GMC/Delphi spin-off and other fraudulent activities. Some of the information might have helped prevent the GMC bankruptcy and the need for so much taxpayer bailout money.
One of the things I asked for was to bring GM CEO Rick Wagner before Congress to explain his actions. The closest I came was when he appeared at the Congressional Auto Hearings which I was privileged to attend and hear several of the questions my organization submitted to some of the committee members asked and answered.
When the Auto Task Force was formed I wrote to Timothy Geithner and, because of my knowledge about the auto industry, offered to help. I received a letter saying that I could be a member but I never was contacted again.Each of you have been asked to help bring to light the true facts about the auto industry, including the union's involvement. Following is just a small sample of some of the information we have to offer.
The So-called Spin-off of Delphi from GM.
1. The 1998 Delphi Prospectus clearly shows that after the spin-off of Delphi from General Motors, GM maintained 82.3% of the common stock thus still maintaining control over Delphi, its own parts division which was supposedly set free.
2. GM maintained control over the board.
3. GM still dictated policy which led to the "cooking" of both books which contained false information to appease Wall Street. Recently J.T. Battenberg, 111, former GM Vice Present who was sent to head Delphi, was tried in a civil court action brought by the SEC. He was found innocent of fraud charges but is being fined for other infractions.
4. GM dictated who Delphi could sell to and how much Delphi would charge. The parts were sold to GM at less than market price helping to cause the failure of the unit known as Delphi.
Would you have been interested in buying stock in this company?
Sale of GM Axle Division to Richard Dauch
Richard Dauch and partners purchased the Axle Division from General Motors and created a new company called American Axle. What is not widely known is that for every dollar Dauch put into the sale GM put in $2.00.
I call that a pretty good deal for the buyer who took wages down for the workers and is now building off shore.
Delphi Pension for White Collars
When it came time for the white collar workers who had worked for GM and then American Axle to retiree they were to receive 2 pensions, one from GM and one from American Axle. These same retired GM pension holders were informed that their pensions had been shifted over to Delphi because they had either worked for Delphi or worked at a plant that was later sold to Delphi.
However, there are about 1,500 to 2,000 retirees who neither worked for Delphi or worked at a plant that was sold to Delphi but had their pensions switched to Delphi and now are in the PBGC.
How fair is this?
Since no one stepped forward to help I made the decision to become a whistleblower to the IRS Whistleblower Office under the direction of Stephen Whitlock. I became concerned about the Ruling #6103 that would not allow me to work or have any input into my case other than to add new information that I thought was applicable. I also felt that because I had an informant who worked for GM and Chrysler and was a member of the due diligence team working on the future for GM on and off shore the IRS would be interested in contacting him. He was disturbed by the amount of corruption he found and is still willing to give evidence. I sought the advice of Floyd Williams, IRS Director of Legislative Affairs and Laura Baek, Tax Advocacy attorney and was advised to contact Senator Grassley and later Senator Baucus about getting this rule changed, to no avail.
I contact Congressman Reyes' office about presenting my information to the House Intelligence Committee. I met with two of the staff members who directed me to the SIGTARP office. After speaking with Neil Barofsky on the phone a meeting was set with up with some of his staff where information was left. I never heard from them.
In June I was shocked to find out from my bank that my Federal Postal Retirement from the Treasury Department was stopped. After a lot of investigation I was told that it was a clerical error, but in my heart I will always wonder it was really an accident.
After three years and three months of supplying information to the IRS I was abruptly told that my case had been dropped. I am concerned that after such a length of time and then being so abruptly dropped that there might be some type of cover-up.
I have not given up. My organization is still actively working to find justice for the American worker, retiree and their families. In the past few
months we have once again contacted several Federal departments; Hilda Solis at Labor, Timothy Geithner at Treasury, Eric Holder, Jr. at Justice, and Mary Schapiro at the SEC. We have also talked with some media people who have been interested but then were "shut down" by their producers. Possibly another cover-up caused by pressure from advertisers or owners.
I cannot help but express my disappointment that my government is not willing to right the wrongs that have been done to the workers and retirees of this wonderful nation. A decision has been made to go public through another media. I felt compelled to contact you to offer you another chance to do the right thing before I make this step. As we are going public very soon if you decide that you are willing to work with me please contact me at 269-998-4609
Patricia Meyer
One of the things I asked for was to bring GM CEO Rick Wagner before Congress to explain his actions. The closest I came was when he appeared at the Congressional Auto Hearings which I was privileged to attend and hear several of the questions my organization submitted to some of the committee members asked and answered.
When the Auto Task Force was formed I wrote to Timothy Geithner and, because of my knowledge about the auto industry, offered to help. I received a letter saying that I could be a member but I never was contacted again.Each of you have been asked to help bring to light the true facts about the auto industry, including the union's involvement. Following is just a small sample of some of the information we have to offer.
The So-called Spin-off of Delphi from GM.
1. The 1998 Delphi Prospectus clearly shows that after the spin-off of Delphi from General Motors, GM maintained 82.3% of the common stock thus still maintaining control over Delphi, its own parts division which was supposedly set free.
2. GM maintained control over the board.
3. GM still dictated policy which led to the "cooking" of both books which contained false information to appease Wall Street. Recently J.T. Battenberg, 111, former GM Vice Present who was sent to head Delphi, was tried in a civil court action brought by the SEC. He was found innocent of fraud charges but is being fined for other infractions.
4. GM dictated who Delphi could sell to and how much Delphi would charge. The parts were sold to GM at less than market price helping to cause the failure of the unit known as Delphi.
Would you have been interested in buying stock in this company?
Sale of GM Axle Division to Richard Dauch
Richard Dauch and partners purchased the Axle Division from General Motors and created a new company called American Axle. What is not widely known is that for every dollar Dauch put into the sale GM put in $2.00.
I call that a pretty good deal for the buyer who took wages down for the workers and is now building off shore.
Delphi Pension for White Collars
When it came time for the white collar workers who had worked for GM and then American Axle to retiree they were to receive 2 pensions, one from GM and one from American Axle. These same retired GM pension holders were informed that their pensions had been shifted over to Delphi because they had either worked for Delphi or worked at a plant that was later sold to Delphi.
However, there are about 1,500 to 2,000 retirees who neither worked for Delphi or worked at a plant that was sold to Delphi but had their pensions switched to Delphi and now are in the PBGC.
How fair is this?
Since no one stepped forward to help I made the decision to become a whistleblower to the IRS Whistleblower Office under the direction of Stephen Whitlock. I became concerned about the Ruling #6103 that would not allow me to work or have any input into my case other than to add new information that I thought was applicable. I also felt that because I had an informant who worked for GM and Chrysler and was a member of the due diligence team working on the future for GM on and off shore the IRS would be interested in contacting him. He was disturbed by the amount of corruption he found and is still willing to give evidence. I sought the advice of Floyd Williams, IRS Director of Legislative Affairs and Laura Baek, Tax Advocacy attorney and was advised to contact Senator Grassley and later Senator Baucus about getting this rule changed, to no avail.
I contact Congressman Reyes' office about presenting my information to the House Intelligence Committee. I met with two of the staff members who directed me to the SIGTARP office. After speaking with Neil Barofsky on the phone a meeting was set with up with some of his staff where information was left. I never heard from them.
In June I was shocked to find out from my bank that my Federal Postal Retirement from the Treasury Department was stopped. After a lot of investigation I was told that it was a clerical error, but in my heart I will always wonder it was really an accident.
After three years and three months of supplying information to the IRS I was abruptly told that my case had been dropped. I am concerned that after such a length of time and then being so abruptly dropped that there might be some type of cover-up.
I have not given up. My organization is still actively working to find justice for the American worker, retiree and their families. In the past few
months we have once again contacted several Federal departments; Hilda Solis at Labor, Timothy Geithner at Treasury, Eric Holder, Jr. at Justice, and Mary Schapiro at the SEC. We have also talked with some media people who have been interested but then were "shut down" by their producers. Possibly another cover-up caused by pressure from advertisers or owners.
I cannot help but express my disappointment that my government is not willing to right the wrongs that have been done to the workers and retirees of this wonderful nation. A decision has been made to go public through another media. I felt compelled to contact you to offer you another chance to do the right thing before I make this step. As we are going public very soon if you decide that you are willing to work with me please contact me at 269-998-4609
Patricia Meyer