Status on Concerns of UAW Local 892
Several more people have expressed their concerns about seniority at the Ford Saline plant.
A letter about this situation has been sent to UAW President Bob King and may be found on this site.
Following is more information I have learned about this situation. It is my understanding that;
1) employees known as dark blue shirts are the original Ford workers at this location with full seniority,
voting rights and the ability to hold office.
2) employees known as light blue shirts are Ford employees who transferred into this plant. No
matter how long they worked there they were assigned the starting date of 2006 for seniority
purposes. This group has been told that they can no longer vote or hold office in this local.
3) employees known as orange shirts were hired as "at will" employees. For 5 years they had no
insurance and no voting rights, health insurance and cannot hold office but paid union dues.
Within the last 2 years they have been given voting rights and health insurance but cannot
hold office.
4) contract employees working for Devon who are also paying dues to the UAW but have none
of the rights that Ford offers their employees.
I appreciate the courage of these UAW members in coming forward to bring to the public what is going on and the unfairness of it all. The public needs to know what is really happening to our workers. I encourage all workers to send you concerns, opinions and suggestions to us via our opinion box. We will forward them to President Bob King.
Saline workers, we feel your pain.