Pat Speaks
America Wake Up!
It is time to become proactive!
The economy is bad. Manufacturing is at an all time low. Jobs that you can find are low paying without benefits.
How is the average American expected to make a living much less live out "the American dream" that has called people to our shores since our beginnings?
It is becoming more evident that fewer products we purchase daily are being manufactured in America. Diane Sawyer recently presented a great program where a family went though their home to see how many products including furniture and appliances were made in America. It turned out that they only had one such product. How sad! No wonder so many people are out of work.
The taxing of the rich has now become a political hot potato. We have heard many say, "Don't tax the rich or they won't invest in America." How do you think we got in this fix in the first place? I'm afraid that the truth of the matter is that most millionaires have
already invested money offshore in foreign markets. Instead of making the taxing of the rich an election issue our senators and representatives, many who are millionaires themselves, should work together to find a fair tax system for everyone.
Many aspects of our society are being hurt by what is happening with our economy. One of these is our educational systems and student funding. Our college students are graduating with massive student loans and are often unable to find the jobs they have been trained for. If Wall Street was required to pay 1 cent into a college education fund for every stock shared daily our students would be able to attend college debt free.
It is interesting to look at our universities admittance patterns. Often in-state students find that out-of-state students and foreign students have a better chance to be admitted even though the in-state students academic records are equal or better. To me this sounds like this could be all about money! As our economy is suffering wouldn't it make sense to educate our own students first?
These issues and many more that I have not mentioned but may be close to your heart are not going to cure themselves. Each one of us must do something to help. There are many ways you may get involved. Following are a few suggestions for you.
1. Write or call your representatives and senators often. Let them know what your concerns are.
2. Become active in your community.
3. Voice your opinion at meetings, letters to the editor, etc.
4. Join groups that are working toward what you believe in.
If you have any questions call me 269-998-4609
America Wake Up!
It is time to become proactive!
The economy is bad. Manufacturing is at an all time low. Jobs that you can find are low paying without benefits.
How is the average American expected to make a living much less live out "the American dream" that has called people to our shores since our beginnings?
It is becoming more evident that fewer products we purchase daily are being manufactured in America. Diane Sawyer recently presented a great program where a family went though their home to see how many products including furniture and appliances were made in America. It turned out that they only had one such product. How sad! No wonder so many people are out of work.
The taxing of the rich has now become a political hot potato. We have heard many say, "Don't tax the rich or they won't invest in America." How do you think we got in this fix in the first place? I'm afraid that the truth of the matter is that most millionaires have
already invested money offshore in foreign markets. Instead of making the taxing of the rich an election issue our senators and representatives, many who are millionaires themselves, should work together to find a fair tax system for everyone.
Many aspects of our society are being hurt by what is happening with our economy. One of these is our educational systems and student funding. Our college students are graduating with massive student loans and are often unable to find the jobs they have been trained for. If Wall Street was required to pay 1 cent into a college education fund for every stock shared daily our students would be able to attend college debt free.
It is interesting to look at our universities admittance patterns. Often in-state students find that out-of-state students and foreign students have a better chance to be admitted even though the in-state students academic records are equal or better. To me this sounds like this could be all about money! As our economy is suffering wouldn't it make sense to educate our own students first?
These issues and many more that I have not mentioned but may be close to your heart are not going to cure themselves. Each one of us must do something to help. There are many ways you may get involved. Following are a few suggestions for you.
1. Write or call your representatives and senators often. Let them know what your concerns are.
2. Become active in your community.
3. Voice your opinion at meetings, letters to the editor, etc.
4. Join groups that are working toward what you believe in.
If you have any questions call me 269-998-4609
Pat Speaks
UAW Concern/L.A.W.S. Inc. has been working tirelessly for our American workers, retirees and their families for almost 20 years.
Our country is now facing an economic crisis that, unless something is done soon will turn America into mainly a 2 level society, the poor and the wealthy. Many who once were able to live a good, middle class existence are now finding themselves and their families included with 95% of Americans, poor or the working poor.
Many retirees, who worked hard all of their lives to put away money for a comfortable retirement, are finding themselves hardly able to keep up with the necessities of life; food, clothing and shelter much less medicine and medical insurance.
During the past 5 years L.A.W.S., Inc. has advocated to Washington, D.C. the plight of the workers and retirees of our nation. Union or non-union, white or blue-color most workers have felt the sting of the loss of jobs and the greediness of many of our leading corporations, all done under the umbrella of "global expansion."
UAW Concern was formed in 1993 due to problems workers were experiencing at the GM Comstock, MI plant with both GM and the UAW leadership which lead to a lawsuit against General Motors Corporation which is still open. It has been shocking to us to see how GM has been able to cover-up its fraudulent actions all of these years. As a result of these actions we have seen massive job losses, local business closings and cities, such as Pontiac, MI, devastated while GM has been bailed out by taxpayer money, allowed to bankrupt only in North America and regroup once more to become a profitable global corporation know as General Motors Company.
We have continued to try to bring the fraudulent actions of General Motors Corporation to light through our local and national politicians, Federal, local and State agencies and Federal Departments to no avail. Some further steps we have taken are
(1) Whistle blowing to the IRS
(2) Claims against Liquidation Motors, the old GMC ( See Judge Gerber's letter)
(3) GM/Delphi spin-off discrepancies ( See Judge Drain letter)
The plight of the worker has not improved. Our jobs are paying less while the corporations with the help of many politicians are becoming richer. States such as Iowa, Indiana, Wisconsin, New Jersey and Michigan are being controlled by their governors. Union contract are being broken and workers have lost benefits. In some cases school systems and cities have been taken over by mangers while the elected city officials have been removed.
This year is an election year, a year that is important to each voter. It is vitally important that each voter become informed. Find out what each candidate truly believes. Don't be blinded by party lines. Don't depend on the media to supply you with all of the information about the candidates. The media is not asking the tough questions such as;
Why aren't the wealthy taxed?
Why are corporations such as GE allowed to not pay taxes while taking its work off-shore?
At this critical time we need all of your help! Pass this information on to all you know. Let you voice and opinions be heard. Remember, every vote counts. Encourage everyone to get out and vote.
We hope that you will want to communicate with us through our website or you may contact me personally at
Box 112
West Olive, MI 49460
with information, for more information or, if you choose, a donation.
January 24, 2012
This past week Governor Snyder gave his State of the State address. He spoke about his concerns that 4 of the top 10 violent cities in our nation are found in Michigan, namely Pontiac, Detroit, Flint and Saginaw. In light of this information I question his decision to reduce the number of Michigan State Police posts from 62 to 29. I was told by a State Police officer that those working in the areas where posts have been closed will have to take their cars home and work from them. The Governor is telling the public that coverage and communication will be the same. How can this possibly be so?
Further information about the Recall Snyder Committee is available for your review submitted by Monica Ross-Williams from ROJS News/ROJS Radio/ROJS Media, LLC Owner and Co-Host of Blog Talk Radio and Dr. Victoria Powell's rebuttal to an article written by Chris Savage and published on A2Politico.
Given all the changes that have taken place in our State since Governor Snyder has taken office how do feel our state is fairing? What should we, as citizens of Michigan, do to help our state survive these hard times?
Since my last article dealing with my concerns about what is happening to the United States Postal Service have been to Washington to meet with Phil Dyne of the National Association of Letter Carriers. I have also been in contact with the APWU. I have talked with Pat Carroll, Tom Minshall, Gary Smith and several other postal employees.
L.A.W.S. has also been looking into other issues. In February of 2011 I was asked by AARP to speak at a rally in Lansing at the Capitol concerning the taxing of Michigan retirees' pensions. While there I met Professor C. William Kauffman, retired U of M professor from the Department of Aerospace Engineering. He expressed to me concerns about China's threat to America's National Security and U of M's involvement in this threat. ( also article below.) Shortly after I met retired Professor of Pathology from the U of M Medial School Douglas Smith who is also concerned with the China issue and other activities within the University of Michigan.
Vince Wade, a reputable news reporter, also has grave concerns about what is happening with China and how China is being allowed to buy into our country's infrastructure by our politicians
in manufacturing, energy production, transportation and communication. (See his statement below.)
Recently we were approached by people concerned about what has happened to the Recall of Governor Snyder Campaign. The following three individuals, Dr. Victoria Powell, Gail P. Schmidt and Susan Masten, have been willing to give us what information they have about this issue. Susan Masten, Professor at MSU, has also informed me that she was with a group that had concerns about the Governor's insertion of money managers into our school districts and the cost to the taxpayers. Because of this issue a decision was made to begin the process of recalling Governor Snyder. Gail Schmidt was asked to be treasurer. See her account below.
As you know L.A.W.S. has been working to find justice for our manufacturing, auto workers and retirees for many years. It is important that all workers in every sector band together to help make our state government and employment opportunities better. It is my hope that all of you who read this will agree that we should all work together to make a difference. Won't you join us?
At the present time we are planning to sponsor a forum dealing with these issues in February at Western Michigan University. We need your support, your thoughts, and your suggestions. You may contact me at [email protected]. Please indicate in the subject re: Pat Meyer Speaks. We will let you know the date as soon as possible. I hope to see you all there.